HAZLEHEAD ACADEMY PTA Minutes of AGM Meeting held on Wednesday 27th August 2014 Hazlehead Academy Staffroom, 7.00pm Present: Carol Milne (Depute Head Teacher), Graham Thomson (staff), Nicola Bews (staff), Amy Nicolson (staff), Susan Frost, Lynne Charleton, Caroline MacLean, Lynne Huckle, Iona Newlands, Tracey Catto, Dawn Mitchell Item of Business Apologies: Sue Walker, Morag Willox Members Sadly Joyce Cormack has left Hazlehead Academy to take up a new post and so is no longer with us. We thank her for all her hard work especially with our regular quiz nights. We will carry on with the Easyfundraising scheme that she set up. Action by/when Update contact list and circulate to all members – Lynne C Morag Willox has also had to give up her PTA role due to other commitments. Mo was a very active member of the group and will be missed by all and we would like to thank her very much for all her help over the years. We welcomed 3 new members: Nicola Bews and Amy Nicolson joined our meeting as staff members and Dawn Mitchell is a new parent member. Thank you all for coming and contributing so much. All other members present are happy to continue their involvement and this year no new office bearers needed elected. 1. PTA Funds Mrs Milne reported that the PTA funds were fairly healthy and there was one request for funding. The SFL department wish to purchase a new higher spec scanner to help children with dyslexia, visual impairments etc. to access the curriculum using text-to-speech technology. No price for this item was available at the meeting but members gave provisional approval to the purchase. Lynne Huckle updated us on progress setting up PTA Bank Account. Members agreed to proceed with a Treasurer’s account with RBS Chair – Caroline MacLean Secretary – Lynne Charleton & Tracey Catto Treasurer – Lynne Huckle Carol Milne to find price and advise committee members also will ask staff for further funding requests before next meeting date. Lynne H to set up account with Caroline as additional signatory at the moment. 2. Chairperson’s Report Caroline outlined the events of the previous year and thanked members for their hard work particularly in organising and running the BBQ for the P7 transistion evening. A big thank you to Graham and the Janitor for doing a great job with the cooking. The raffle and the event were both successful. We were particularly grateful to Morrison’s who donated the burgers and buns for this event. 3. Christmas Fair It has been decided to try one of our ideas from last meeting. A Christmas fair is to be held on Thursday 20th November from 6.00 – 8.00pm tickets £2 adults, £1 children. Ticket will be for tea/coffee/soft drink and mince pie/biscuit. This event will be held in the drama theatre and staffroom. The plan is to combine paying stall-holders and pupil stalls – Young Enterprise or other fundraising activities. Other ideas include a raffle, present wrapping service, seasonal cakes & biscuits and a bottle & chocolate stall. A luxury hamper will be the star raffle prize and PTA and PC members are to be asked to donate a maximum of £5 towards the cost of this. A weather-proof, multipurpose banner is to be purchased for publicising this and future events. The rooms being used will be decorated festively and the event will be advertised through school (DIS & Groupcall?) and by PTA posters and members at parents evenings etc. on 30/09 & 05/11. (Tickets can also be sold at these events.) 4. Teas/coffees at Parents’ Evenings and other events Mrs Milne provided a list of dates for forthcoming events at which the PTA usually provide refreshments for a small donation to funds. Two PTA members needed from about 5.00 -7.00pm on parent’s evenings and various times for other events. Please volunteer now if you can - at least for the first few dates. Tuesday 30th September Showcase Event – 3 volunteers at least from about 6.30 – 9.00pm (or an hour anywhere in that time) Wednesday 5th November S4 parent’s evening - 2 volunteers Carol Milne to apply for let for this event 5.00- 9.00pm to allow setting up / clearing up time. Caroline to contact several potential stall-holders initially. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in a stall get in touch with Caroline. Dawn Mitchell has kindly agreed to buy items for the hamper and make it up. She will also get a price for banner from her contact and advise Caroline. LC / TC to contact PTA/PC members for donations. Carol Milne to arrange school publicity and group call. PTA to arrange tickets and posters (LC/TC) All PTA see if they have decoration ideas etc. 30/09 – Lynne C, Lynne H, Caroline Anyone else free? 05/11 – Susan, ? Thursday 13th November S5/S6 parent’s evening – 2 volunteers Monday 1st December S1 parent’s evening – 2 volunteers Christmas Concert 18th December – venue to be decided Wednesday 14th January 2015 S2 parent’s evening – 2 volunteers Tuesday 10th February 2015 S3 parent’s evening – 2 volunteers Wednesday 1st April YPI presentation Evening - time not confirmed Tue./Wed. 12th/13th May Drama production “Night at the Musicals”– probably 3 volunteers – interval time Thursday 25th June P7 transition BBQ 5. Fundraising Ideas Bag packing was a suggestion at a previous meeting and will be pursued with a view to trying it out at Tesco, Lang Stracht perhaps, even in a small way, at some time in the future that they can accommodate us. Cinema evening may also be a possibility at some future date. 13/11 - Caroline and Dawn 01/12 – Iona and Tracey 14/01 - ? 10/02 - ? 01/04 - ? 12&13/05 - ? All available members!! Lynne H to contact Tesco. (Carol to print letter on school headed paper). Lynne c to get some more info on this. Next Meeting Tuesday 4th November 2014, 7.00pm in staffroom, Hazlehead Academy For your diary – provisional future meeting dates Wednesday 21st January 2015 Tuesday 17th March 2015 Tuesday 5th May 2015 All due to be at 7.00pm in Staffroom