I, Mr/Mrs/Miss have read the (Name of School)
Transport Policy and agree to comply with all conditions.
Signed ..................................................................
Date .....................................................................
This School transport policy includes the Standard for Drivers Using Vehicles at Work, the
County Councils Drivers Guide and Minibus Guidelines as standard and good practice for all drivers.
All staff / volunteers wishing to drive the school minibus or a hired minibus must undergo MiDAS training through the County Council. This has to be renewed every two years.
All staff / volunteers who obtain their drivers licence after 1st January 1997 must obtain a Full Passenger Carrying Vehicle Licence (PCV) before being allowed to drive a minibus and also undergo the MiDAS training..
All staff / volunteers minibus drivers must follow the procedures detailed in the
Mr/Mrs/Miss is the Transport Co-ordinator for the school minibus. Staff wishing to receive advice or training should contact him/her.
Arrangements and procedures for the organisation of visits or trips are detailed in the Staff
Handbook. Staff should refer to this prior to organising their visit or trip. In addition an annual Residential Programme is published each September, this provides further details concerning the planning of residential visits.
The organiser is responsible for recording the names of all pupils and staff on the
Educational Visit Information Sheet (EVIS) or Residential Education Trip
Information Sheet (RETIS). Copies of these forms must be left with the Mr/Mrs/Miss
If using more than one vehicle, car or bus your lists must indicate which pupils and staff are travelling in which vehicle. The teacher in each vehicle, or adults other than teachers must be supplied with a copy of the EVIS or RETIS of all the pupils on all vehicles.
Teacher in charge must mark clearly any absences prior to commencement of the journey.
The teacher on each vehicle will be responsible for ensuring that the pupils travelling with them on their form return in the same vehicle. Only in exceptional circumstances should a pupil change vehicles. Where possible the school should be notified of such a change.
Only those coach companies who comply with the schools safety standards and are named on the list provided by the school and attached to this policy should be hired by the trip organiser.
Use of private vehicles - see separate section in this policy.
Members of staff who transport a student(s) in their own vehicle must complete and sign the
Private Vehicles Registration form and provide a copy of their driving licence and insurance certificate before using their vehicle to carry students. The Registration form is available from Mr Mrs Miss to whom it should be returned with a copy of the licence and insurance certificate.
Written permission from the parent/guardian of pupils travelling in staff vehicles must be obtained by the member of staff.
The governors will consider only those staff whose licence is free of serious offences.
All vehicles should have breakdown/recovery AA/RAC etc in case of accident and/or breakdown.
Vehicle (Make/Model) Registration No.
I am aware of and agree to abide by the Schools Transport Policy and have read the
NCC Drivers Guide.
2. My vehicle is covered by a current Road Fund Licence and, if necessary, a current
MOT certificate.
3. My insurance documents are fully comprehensive and cover my vehicle for business use.
4. My vehicle has been maintained and repaired in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
My vehicle is fully AA, RAC etc covered for breakdown and recovery.
I accept that I am responsible for checking that my vehicle is in good order, as described in the NCC Drivers Guide.
7. My vehicle is fitted with front and rear seat belts
8. I accept responsibility for ensuring that the guidelines relating to seat belts in the
Drivers Guide are implemented.
I agree to notify the School Governors of any endorsements to my licence that may occur in the future.
Signed ............................................................................
Date ................................................................................
Approved ........................................................................
Parents or other adults who are qualified drivers acting on request by a member of staff or as a volunteer must complete the Private Vehicles Registration Form available from Mr/
Mrs/Miss before using their vehicle to transport students on school business. A copy of their drivers licence must be provided and kept with the completed registration form.
Sixth Form students who are qualified drivers and who use their own cars to carry fellow students on school business/or activities must also comply with these requirements.
Written permission from the parent/guardian of pupils travelling in vehicles driven by Adults other than Teachers or a student must be obtained.
Qualified drivers whose licence is free of serious driving offences will be accepted by the
School Governors.
Staff who are arranging coach transport for pupils must use only those companies that meet the standards set by the School Governors. This list can be found in the School Handbook.
Pro forma letter for coach companies:-
The Governors of (Name of School) are requesting that all coach firms who wish to be considered for business with the school meet recommended safety standards.
Should you wish to be included would you kindly complete the following form and return it to the school.
Yours faithfully
Please confirm the following details:-
(Coach Company) has a current Operators Licence YES/NO
(Coach Company) has fully Comprehensive Insurance and full Passenger Liability (Please supply copies) YES/NO
3. All (coach Company) coaches have received a Certificate of Initial Fitness, YES/NO
All Coaches used by (Coach Company) have a current MOT. YES/NO
All drivers employed by (Coach Company) have the appropriate
Level PCV licence and adhere to the regulations governing drivers
hours. YES/NO
6. All coaches used by (Coach Company) have the appropriate
Vehicle Licence.
All coaches used by (Coach Company) are fitted with seatbelts.
That (Coach Company) will ensure that all buses are in a clean state and maintained in the condition of fitness required by statute.
9. (Coach Company) will ensure that prior to school use the First
Aid box is complete and fire extinguisher is full.
10. That a mobile phone will be fitted to each coach supplied to the school.
Signed ....................................................................