Treatment of patients with Endometriosis Guidance for local General Practitioners on services at RCHT V1.0 April 2013 Introduction This document is to inform local General Practitioners (GP’s) of local services for women with endometriosis. Patients with severe endometriosis present with chronic lower abdomino-pelvic pain. They may have any, or all, of the following: Chronic severe pelvic pain heavy painful periods deep dyspareunia pain on voiding +/- haematuria pain when opening their bowels +/- rectal bleeding. Symptoms tend to be cycle related initially, but become persistent as scarring and teathering develops around the active endometriosis. Often patients are on multiple analgesics and their lives are blighted by pain. They are usually young; 18-40 years, and may have associated subfertility. Typically patients will have had many hospital referrals and may have had multiple attempts at treatment, or cycle control. The chronic nature of the pain and lack of solution often results in low mood and depression. Bowel symptoms may be attributed to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and referral to a medical gastroenterologist may further delay reaching the diagnosis. Mild pelvic pain which is cyclical may be due to mild endometriosis and can be managed by medical control of the ovarian cycle (COCP) without the need for further investigation. Similarly painful periods may be due to adenomyosis and be adequately controlled by a Mirena without need for further investigation. These interventions can be initiated and managed in Primary care. However persistent and severe symptoms require investigation and treatment in hospital. Severe endometriosis, especially in young women who want to conceive, is particularly challenging for general gynaecologists to treat and is best managed by gynaecologists who specialise in endometriosis. National guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Green top guideline GT24 RCOG 2006) has established that severe disease should be treated by endometriosis specialist teams. It also advises that when endometriosis is identified, all endometriotic lesions should be removed. This is independent of whether a hysterectomy and/or oophorectomy is undertaken. Such excisional surgery is best undertaken by laparoscopic surgery as it provides detailed views of areas hard to access at open surgery. As a consequence of these requirements, a dedicated endometriosis service was set up in 2009: the Cornwall Endometriosis Centre. The Cornwall Endometriosis Centre Complex laparoscopic surgery for severe endometriosis requires considerable expertise to limit the risks of this surgery. In addition a quality service needs a multidisciplinary team to provide all aspects of care needed and should audit the outcome of treatment. The standards for such a service have now been established by The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy ; BSGE ( Only a service which carries out this work to the required standard will be registered as a BSGE centre. In November 2009 the Endometriosis service at RCH achieved these standards and was accredited as a BSGE Endometriosis Centre ( We are very proud to be able to offer local patients a nationally accredited service. The service is run by two consultant gynaecologists, an endometriosis specialist nurse and a laparoscopic training fellow; working in conjunction with a colorectal surgeon, two urologists, the pain team and the fertility team. Outpatient services There is a consultant lead endometriosis clinic each week on a Thursday morning, as well as nurse specialist clinics on each Tuesday morning and Tuesday afternoon. Patient pathway New referrals are seen by the endometriosis specialist nurse at the first appointment and the following are carried out: 1. Patient symptom questionnaire 2. A pelvic and renal scan where appropriate 3. The patient is given a detailed information sheet about endometriosis surgery to take away, read and sign. If the specialist nurse believes the patient is unlikely to have endometriosis she will discuss the case with one of the consultants and adjust the management accordingly. At the next appointment the consultant will examine the patient and agree management. If surgery is planned, informed consent is taken and the procedure booked. Surgery is carried out in one, or two stages and the patient is followed up: 1. at 3 months by consultant clinic 2. at 6 months by nurse clinic and symptom questionnaire completed 3. at 1 year by telephone and symptom questionnaire completed 4. at 2 years by telephone and symptom questionnaire completed All pre and post-operative symptom questionnaires are entered on the national BSGE secure database along with detailed information on surgery. Advice to referring GP’s If you think a patient may have endometriosis, or they already have a diagnosis of endometriosis confirmed please refer to the Endometriosis Centre. They will be triaged by Cathy Dean, the Endometriosis Specialist Nurse and their further management arranged. If at laparoscopy minor disease is identified, this can be excised at the same laparoscopy, providing appropriate consent has been obtained. Some cases may also benefit from Mirena insertion. However if the laparoscopy shows severe Endometriosis, then staging of the disease will be undertaken plus drainage and stripping of any endometriomas, if present. After explanation and further counselling these patients will be offered definitive surgery. The surgical treatment for major endometriosis is laparoscopic excision of all endometriotic deposits. This will involve extensive pelvic dissection and sometimes requires surgery on the rectum, bladder and/or ureters. Patients need 12 weeks down regulation with Decapeptyl 11.25mg and bowel preparation prior to surgery. It is not usually necessary to remove the uterus, tubes or ovaries; hysterectomy is only needed where there is primary uterine pathology. Management regimes differ for patients with recurrent disease. We hope this information is helpful we would welcome guidance on how to improve it and make it more relevant for GP’s. If you would value a visit to your practice to hear more about the service and have your questions answered please contact Cathy Dean who will arrange for one, or two of us, to come out and meet you at a mutually convenient time. In addition another useful resource is the NHS choices website Map of Medicine pathway for endometriosis ( The RCHT pathway follows this model. Governance Information Document Title Treatment of patients with Endometriosis. Guidance for local General Practitioners on services at RCHT Date Issued: April 2013 Date Valid From: April 2013 Date Valid To: March 2016 Directorate / Department responsible (author/owner): Dominic Byrne, Gynaecology. Contact details: 01872 252730 Brief summary of contents The documents give GP’s guidance on RCHT services available for patients with endometriosis Suggested Keywords: Endometriosis GP’s Target Audience PCT CFT Date revised: April 2013 Version Control Table Date Version Summary of Changes No April 2013 1.0 Initial Issue Changes Made by Dominic Byrne