WP PTO TEACHER SURVEY The WP PTO is looking for ways to improve and expand the level of communication and the services we can provide to our teachers and the families of our students. We need your help to accomplish this task. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your feedback will help us in our quest to determine the best ways to communicate with you as well as increase parental participation in classroom/school activities and events. Please take a moment to fill out this survey and return it to the PTO box located at your school. Your input provides us with valuable insights that illuminate our areas of strength as well as areas for continued growth. All answers are confidential, but if you would like to discuss this survey with a PTO Officer, please contact one of us. 1. What the PTO Offers: As our West Point family grows and changes, parents may wish to change the focus of the PTO. Given this, we want to know what areas of focus you value most. Please rate the following using the following scale 1-5 with 1 meaning not important at all and 5 representing very important – any item that should be a priority: Scale of Importance Question Not at all Not very No Opinion Somewhat Extremely Collect/Raise monetary donations to increase media/library collections/technology resources 1 2 3 4 5 Family-focused social events (Spring & Fall Family Nights, Santa Shop, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 Hold monthly PTO General Meetings where YOU would attend. 1 2 3 4 5 Playground maintenance (includes purchasing new equipment, maintaining the grounds, spreading mulch and repairing equipment) 1 2 3 4 5 Provide funds for supplemental classroom materials 1 2 3 4 5 Provide Staff appreciation (Teacher Luncheons, Teacher Appreciation Week, Supply funds, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 Provide support for teachers through copy pool, class volunteers, parent education, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 Sponsor Community Education Programs (Internet safety, dealing with bullying, ESD, drug education, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 Sponsor Enrichment programs such as special presentations and guest speakers that enhance curriculum, art enrichment, character education, featured authors 1 2 3 4 5 Sponsor parent-teacher-administration activities: Paws off the floor; student/teacher basketball game; monthly movies; MS dances 1 2 3 4 5 Sponsor/Support off-campus activities (McDonald’s night; Pizza Hut night; Inflation Nation) 1 2 3 4 5 WEST POINT POINTERS PTO TEACHER SURVEY Please fill out this anonymous survey and place it in the survey box in the office. Please be open and honest with your answers. The PTO is very interested in your opinion. We can only improve and help you all with your support and honesty! THANK YOU. 1. What do you like about the PTO? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you dislike about the PTO? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you feel the PTO can improve upon? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you feel there is enough communication between the PTO and teachers/staff? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What would you like to see more of/less of? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Knowing that you are likely to have friends who are teachers at other schools, what would you like to see within the WP school district that we currently do not have? (Programs or Items…) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you feel appreciated by the PTO? YES or NO 8. Please list all items that you would like added to the Long Range list? (This list can include items as small as a pencil sharpener for your room or as large as a new teacher lounge…) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY. WE WILL BE LOOKING AT THE SURVEYS TO CONTINUE, EXPAND, AND IMPROVE ON WHAT THE WPPTO OFFERS TO STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND STAFF. Take a moment to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas about the questions and topics on the back of this page. You can share as little or as much information as you would like. If you would like to speak to a PTO officer about a subject in this survey, please email me at dlobosco@cox.net and someone will contact you. 1. What activities or events would you like to see the West Point PTO conduct that would be beneficial for teachers and staff? 2. What do you feel should be parents' goals in supporting you as a teacher? 3. PTO Communications – Indicate your preferred mode of communication on PTO updates/events. You may choose more than one Bulletin Board Email Flyer PTO Newsletter Website Other (Please specify): 4. What PTO Information is of most value to you as a teacher? 5. Which aspects of the PTO most satisfy you? 6. What improvements would you like to see in the PTO? 7. How could / would you use parents within your classroom / resource area? Copying / cutting / filing Instruction (small group) Classroom parties Items needed (pencils, glue, etc.) Other (Please specify): 8. Comments and/or suggestions for additional ways the PTO can enhance the experience of our students, families, and teachers: 9. What improvements would you like to see in the PTO, to improve the relationship between teachers, parents, and the community?