Curriculum Mapping: - Oswego City School District

Curriculum Mapper®: The Essential Elements
Table of Contents
Curriculum Mapper®: The Essential Elements ................................... 2
A G E N D A ............................................................................ 3
Curriculum Map Guidelines ............................................................ 4
My Account: Logging In ................................................................ 5
Creating, Editing, and Viewing Maps ............................................... 6
Creating a Map .......................................................................... 6
Editing a Map ............................................................................ 6
Viewing Colleagues’ Maps ........................................................... 6
Printing Maps ............................................................................ 7
Standards ................................................................................... 8
Inserting Standards ................................................................... 8
Editing Standards ...................................................................... 9
View and Print Standards............................................................ 9
Documents and Links ...................................................................10
Documents ..............................................................................10
Uploading Files to the Document Library ......................................10
Attaching a File to a Curriculum Map ...........................................11
School and District Libraries .......................................................12
Adding a Link ...........................................................................12
Keyword Search .......................................................................12
View Search Results ..................................................................12
Global Search .............................................................................13
Advanced Features ......................................................................14
Comparing Courses ...................................................................14
Search and Compare .................................................................15
Reports ......................................................................................16
Standards/Reports ....................................................................16
Resources and General Information ...............................................19
Forgot your password? ..............................................................19
Help and Customer Service Information ......................................19
Add/Edit Screen ..........................................................................20
The Essential Elements
Curriculum Mapper®: The Essential Elements
This session develops a strong understanding of the important features of the software
that are necessary to begin entering information into Curriculum Mapper®. Time is
allocated so that teachers can begin mapping the curriculum, placing the learning within
the context of the mapping process to avoid the common “point-and-click” workshop.
 Understand the essential features of the software to begin mapping
 Have the confidence to use Curriculum Mapper® independently
 Use navigation tools to move through the software
 Create and edit a curriculum map
 View colleagues’ maps
 Know where to get help
 Attach standards, hyperlinks, and documents
 Print and save maps
 Use the month action feature
Curriculum Mapper® Features
 Attach Standards
 Print
 Search
 Document Library
 Bring Mapping Plan, timeline, and the guidelines
 Have a map for at least one month
 Make sure each teacher has a Website address and access to a file (e.g., Excel, Word) that
is used for instructional purposes (e.g., test, quiz, rubric)
 Every person attending the session must have an ID and password for Curriculum Mapper®
 All technical requirements should be in place
 Courses must be imported into the system
 This should be a one-to-one ratio of participants to computers
Follow-up Activities
 Continue mapping on a regular basis
 The Mapping Council should monitor the progress of the mapping effort and
determine specific needs (e.g., technical, conceptual, practical)
 The Mapping Council should continue to meet on a regular basis
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The Essential Elements
Curriculum Mapper®: The Essential Elements
Structure of the Day
Curriculum Mapping Plan – A Review
 Timelines
 Style Guide
My Account: Logging in
Creating, Editing, and Viewing Maps
Inserting Standards
Documents and Links
 Keyword Search
 Global Search
Calibrating Maps
Advanced Features
 Comparing Courses
 Search and Compare
 Reports
 Standards/Reports
Resources and General Information
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The Essential Elements
Curriculum Map Guidelines
Expressed as descriptive nouns
Written in phrases rather than sentences
Does not contain acronyms or abbreviations
Avoids the use of chapter headings, chapter
numbers, and page numbers
Has enough detail to inform others about the
subject area, yet limited to two outline levels
Expressed as seeable and measurable verbs
(Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Focused on the skills students learn rather
than activities teachers do to teach the skills
Written as skills (Bloom’s or other taxonomies)
not activities students do to acquire the skills
Expressed as defined nouns that
clearly describe the assessment
tool: product or performance
Assessments should be measurable
and recordable
Contains tools that assess student
learning, not things used for practice
or review
Organizational Structure
Contains an obvious outline form that allows others to easily read down
and across the map
Standards are attached in the same column and in the same manner
Text format is consistent without unnecessary formatting or
Text does not contain acronyms or abbreviations in other
- Idioms
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Persuasive letter
- Ideas and Content
- Organization
- identify and explain author’s use of idiom,
simile, and metaphor in novel
- explain an unfamiliar idiom
- construct personal idioms, similes, and
- generate and record ideas
- support ideas with descriptions and statistics
- draft, edit, and revise letter
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- Reading Journal entries
- Oral presentation
- Writing Journal entries
- Letter to the Editor
- (6 Traits rubric)
- Peer conferences (completed
The Essential Elements
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The Essential Elements
My Account: Logging In
Your First Time Logging In
You have received an account on Curriculum Mapper®. The information shown
on your Quick Start sheet is necessary for you to log on to the secure database.
It also contains a convenient information card to cut out and keep in a safe place.
1. Use your Internet Browser to go to the Curriculum Mapper home page Move your mouse to LOG IN then click on
Curriculum Mapper® Login. You will be directed to the logon page.
Use the information at the top of the Quick Start sheet to enter your
user ID and password. Click Enter.
Note: Passwords are case sensitive.
2. You should be directed to the “Welcome” page. Please be sure to
enter this information. The primary e-mail address should be your email address at school. The alternate e-mail address is optional and
should be a personal e-mail address that you use at home. If you
choose, only the primary e-mail address will be displayed with your
curriculum maps. It is important to enter an e-mail address so that you
may recover a lost or forgotten password. Your e-mail addresses will
not be given or sold to any other agency or used for solicitation
purposes in any way. Click Update the Home to return to the
“Welcome” page.
3. It is a good idea to change your password right away. On the menu
bar at the left, let your mouse hover on My Account; choose Change
Password. Your password must be between 6-10 characters long.
You may use numbers as well as upper and lower-case letters, but you
may not use symbols (such as ‘#’ or ‘?’). Your password is case
sensitive. Please keep your password safe and do not give your
password to anyone else. If anyone else logs in with your ID and
password, he or she can create and edit maps under your name,
causing much confusion. For this reason, please do not share your
password with anyone. No one from Curriculum Mapper will ever ask
you for your password.
4. To change your information at any time, let your mouse hover on My
Account on the menu bar, then choose Update My Info. Make any
changes you wish; click Update.
NOTE: For security reasons, if there is no activity for 40 minutes while you are
logged onto Curriculum Mapper, you will automatically be logged out (and any
information since your last save will be lost). This helps to prevent unauthorized
use of your account.
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The Essential Elements
Creating, Editing, and Viewing Maps
Creating a Map
1. After you have logged on, choose Click Here to Enter Curriculum
2. In the blue navigation bar at the left of the screen, put the cursor on Maps
from the sub-menu that appears; click My Maps.
3. The “My Maps - Summary” page will appear, which shows any maps
already created for the selected year.
4. Click Add New Map at the top of the page. The “Add/Edit” screen will
appear in a new window. Use the pull-down menus to select the course,
year, and the month to be created. If there is an existing map for the month
selected, Curriculum Mapper will display the existing map. If no map has
been created, the map will be blank.
5. You must click your mouse in one of the columns to activate the tool bars.
If you happen to click outside of the columns, simply click back in one of
the columns and the tool bar will reappear.
6. Complete your work, check your spelling, and be sure to save your work.
In the bottom left corner of the screen there is a Save Map button.
Editing a Map
When you click My Maps under “Maps” in the blue navigation bar, the menu will
appear. From there you can Edit, View, Copy, and/or Delete your maps through
the pull-down menu on the right side of the screen under “Month Action.”
1. Click on the triangle under “Month Action” and make sure “Edit” is
2. Click on the month that you want to edit.
3. This will take you to the “Add/Edit” page.
Viewing Colleagues’ Maps
The “School Overview” page allows you to view every curriculum map from any
course and teacher in your school or district. To access this page, put the cursor
on Maps in the blue navigation menu at the left of the screen. In the sub-menu
that appears, click School Overview.
1. To view the curriculum map for a particular course and teacher,
choose the name of the course.
2. You may sort the maps on this page by simply clicking once on a
column heading. The screen will reload.
3. You may switch between schools in your district by choosing the
desired school in the drop-down list at the top of the page.
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Printing Maps
There are several ways to print your maps. You may want to print all of your
maps for the year or just for one particular month. You can choose to print the
Web Page view or export your map to Microsoft Word.
Printing a Complete Map – Microsoft Word View
1. Follow the steps to view your complete map or a particular month.
2. Click the icon.
3. A message will appear informing you that your map is being converted.
4. Where the file is downloaded depends on the web browser being used.
Print the document as you would any other Word document on your
Printing one month of a map
2. In the “My Maps - Summary” page, click on the triangle in the
“Month Action” column and select View.
3. Select the month you wish to view.
4. As in the example above, maximize the window; click Fit to Screen.
5. If you want to print the text of the standards in your map, select Show
6. Click the icon.
7. Select Print.
Printing a Complete Map – Web View
1. On the “My Maps – Summary” page, choose the course title (blue
underlined) in the Course column. Your map will appear in a popup
window; maximize the window.
2. At the top of the screen, click Fit to Screen to format the map so that
the entire map is printed. If you don’t select Fit to Screen, the printer
may cut off the right side of your map. This will not be the case if your
printer is fitted with legal size paper.
3. To print the text of the standards in your map, click Show Standards.
4. Select Print.
NOTE: If the vertical lines separating columns do not print, a browser setting
needs to be changed. In Internet Explorer, select Tools, Internet Options, and
click the Advanced tab. Scroll to locate the Printing choice and click the box
next to Print Background Colors and Images. Many schools have security set,
and this feature in Internet Explorer may be disabled.
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The Essential Elements
Inserting Standards
Standards are inserted directly into your curriculum maps through the
“Add/Edit” screen. In your maps, you can indicate if a standard has been
introduced, developed, or reinforced in your curriculum.
Note: The following assumes that you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
1. On the “Add/Edit” screen, put the cursor in your map where you want
to indicate a connection with a state standard. Click the Insert
Standards button . Use the pull-down menus to choose the
standards, subject area, and grade. Your state’s standards will
appear in a new window. Click the + sign next to the standard to see
the goals and sub-goals that accompany that particular standard.
2. In the listing of standards, find the standard to attach to your map.
Click in the checkbox next to that standard. From the pull-down
menu next to the checkbox, choose introduced, developed, or
reinforced, depending on how the standard is connected with your
3. Click Attach Standards. The “Standards” icon will appear in your
map where your cursor was flashing; you may attach as many
standards into your map as many times as you wish. When another
teacher views your curriculum map and puts the cursor on a
“Standards” icon, he or she will see an overview of how many items
you checked and from which categories. If he or she clicks on the
“Standards” icon, a window will appear that lists the details of each
item you checked.
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Editing Standards
After you have inserted standards into a map, you may discover that there are
standards that you did not include, or standards that you may not want attached
to your map. To edit the standard:
1. Click the Standards icon to highlight it.
2. Click on the Insert Standards button
3. Locate the standards you wish to add or delete by clicking in the box
to the left of the standards.
4. Click the Attach Standards button.
5. Save your map.
View and Print Standards
This option allows you to preview the expanded view of standards. The initial
view in the “Add/Edit” window begins with a collapsed view.
1. In the blue navigation bar at the left of the screen, put the cursor on
Resources. From the sub-menu that appears, click View/Print
2. Select the Standard set (if your state or school has more than one).
3. Select the Subject Area and Grade Level.
4. The expanded view of all levels of the selected standards set will
appear, as if all “key” icons have been clicked to reveal all sub-levels.
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Documents and Links
Curriculum Mapper allows you to attach files, documents, spreadsheets, pictures,
etc. to your curriculum maps just as you would attach a file to an e-mail. It allows
other users (with your permission) to view your attachments. This feature is
perfect for attaching lesson plans, grading rubrics, writing prompts, etc. You can
specify who is allowed to view each attachment. You can attach a quiz or test for
collaboration among other teachers only, while a rubric may be designated for
anyone to view.
Uploading Files to the Document Library
Your Document Library is the area where you store files that you want to attach
to your curriculum maps. Your Document Library is only seen by you.
To upload files from your computer into your Document Library, open your map
as if you are going to edit it.
1. Click the Attach File button .. You will see any files that you have
uploaded to your Document Library (if there are any).
2. Click the Upload button.
3. The “File Upload – Terms of Use” window will appear. Read the
agreement; scroll to the bottom of the window and click I Agree.
4. The “File Upload” screen will appear.
5. Click the Browse button to locate the file on your computer that you
want to upload.
6. When you find the file, double-click it. You will return to the “File
Upload” screen.
7. Choose who will be able to view this attachment from the pull-down
8. Give the attachment a title and a description.
9. Choose a category and file type from the pull-down menus.
10. Click the Upload File button. A progress bar will appear while your file
is uploaded. When the “Upload Successful” window appears, you
can click Close Window/Return to Map Edit.
11. When you return to your Document Library, click the Refresh button
and you will see that this file has been added to your library.
NOTE: You may access your Document Library directly by putting the cursor
on Resources on the sidebar; choose Document Library.
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Attaching a File to a Curriculum Map
In order to attach a file to a map, the document must have first been uploaded
into your Document Library (see previous instructions). Once this is done, any
file in your Document Library may be attached to any number of your curriculum
maps, in any number of places.
If you have followed the instructions above, the open window should show the
map to which you will be attaching your document (if not, follow Steps 1 and 2
To attach a file to your curriculum map:
1. While you are in the “Add/Edit” screen, place your mouse where you want
your document attached; click the Attach File button.
2. Select the document you wish to attach to your map by clicking once
anywhere on the line where the document is listed. This will highlight the
document in blue.
3. Click the Attach button. A small icon
will appear to indicate that you
have successfully attached the document.
School and District Libraries
In addition to your personal Document Library, your school or district may keep
a common library that is accessible to all teachers. In this way, all teachers have
access to a common set of documents to download or attach to their maps. Only
a School or District Coordinator may add or remove documents from the School
or District Document Library.
Adding a Link
Insert your cursor in the spot where you want a link to appear. Type For example, if you wanted to link to the CNN Website,
type Save your map. When you go to the magnifying glass
icon to view your map, you will see that the link is now “hot” or “live.” When you
click on the link, you should go to that Webpage.
Note: You must include the http:// when adding the link.
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Keyword Search
1. Select “Maps > Search” from the blue navigation menu.
2. From the “Search Curriculum Maps” page that appears, choose the year(s)
you would like to search from the box in the upper right of the screen. To select
more than one year, hold down the CTRL key (or the APPLE key on a
Macintosh); click once on each year you want to view.
3. Enter a word or phrase into the Search field. Curriculum Mapper supports the
Boolean operators AND and OR (Shakespeare OR Hamlet). You also can
search for exact phrases by using quotation marks (“The Merchant of Venice”).
4. To limit your search based on additional criteria, click the “+” next to “Show
Additional Criteria.”
5. Choose the school you want to search or check the box labeled, “All Schools
in My District.”
6. If you want to limit your search to only maps of a particular category (such as
math, world languages, etc.), choose a category from the pull-down menu.
7. If you want to search only particular grade levels, click the one(s) you want. Hold
down the CTRL key (or the APPLE key on a Macintosh) to select multiple grade
8. Once you have made all of your selections, click Go Search. The “Search
Results” page will appear. This screen contains all courses that match your
search. Maps that have been designated as Master Maps will appear in red.
View Search Results
All maps in your school or district with the term you searched will be displayed
in column format. You will see the School, Course, Grade, Months, Name,
and School Year. In the “months” column, Curriculum Mapper displays the
months in which the searched term can be found, underlined in blue. Click on
a month and the map will be displayed. The searched term will be in red.
By clicking Chart These Results! you can view the data in four different
 Chart by Category: pie chart indicating the categories (by percent) in
which the search term(s) appear
 Chart by School: bar chart indicating the number of occurrences by
 Chart by Month: bar chart indicating the number of occurrences by month
 Chart by Grade: bar chart indicating the number of occurrences by grade
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Global Search
The “Global Search” function allows you to search all subscribing schools of
Curriculum Mapper according to particular criteria. There are many demographics
to refine your search, including number of faculty, number of students, studentto-teacher ratio, geographic area, and more. This page works in the same
manner as the basic search page after you have entered your criteria.
To access this feature, go to the blue sidebar menu at the left of the screen; put
your cursor on Maps. In the sub-menu that appears, click Global Search.
Choose the criteria for your search and click Search.
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Advanced Features
Comparing Courses
The Compare Courses feature of Curriculum Mapper allows you to choose two
or more courses from your school and merge them into one document for easy
comparison. Typical uses for this feature include:
Comparing identical courses taught by different teachers to ensure
Isolating strands (reading, math, etc.) to monitor the progression of skills
from one grade level to the next
Focusing on a single subject area (science, social studies, etc.) to
determine how various learning standards are met
1. Choose “Adv. Features > Compare Courses” from the blue navigation
menu to display the “Compare Courses” page.
2. “Compare Courses” defaults to the current school year.
Note: To change the displayed school year to a different year, use the box
at the top right of the screen to select the school year(s) you want to view.
3. The school display defaults to your assigned school.
Note: To change it to a different school, use the “Choose a School” pulldown menu near the top left. Once you change the school selection, the
page will reload to display the courses for the newly selected school.
4. You can also choose the category and/or grade level with which you want
to work. Note: If you make selections in either category and/or grade
level, you will need to click Get Courses just to the right of the grade level
box to refresh the course display.
5. The default order for the information displayed in the table is by Course. If
you would like to sort the data any other way, click the desired column
heading (Name, Course, etc.). The page will reload displaying the newly
sorted data.
6. In the “Analyze” column, check the box for each course you would like to
compare. Click the navigation links found at the top and bottom of the
page to see more courses from the selected school.
7. To analyze information from multiple schools at a one time, follow steps 3
through 6 from above to add additional courses from other schools.
8. When you have checked all of the courses you would like to compare from
the selected school(s), click Go to Analysis at the top or bottom of the
page. The “Analysis Worksheet Selections” page will appear. There
you can finalize your selections for your comparison report.
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Search and Compare
The Search/Compare advanced feature allows you to compare individual
months of different curriculum maps. For example, if you search your school on
the keyword “Shakespeare,” you may receive many different results. This page
allows you to choose certain months from your search results and combine them
into one document for easy comparison.
To use this feature follow these steps:
1. Choose “Adv. Features > Search/Compare” from the blue navigation
menu to display the “Search and Compare” page.
2. Use the box at the top right of the screen to choose the school years
you want to view.
3. Select your search criteria in the same way you did on the “Search
Note: To select all schools in the district, click the checkbox next to
“All Schools in My District.”
4. Click Search. The “Analysis – Search Results” page will appear.
5. Use your mouse to check the box of any course(s) you would like to
compare. You may click Next or Previous (at the top or bottom of the
page) to see more courses from your school.
Note: To conduct a new search, click New Search at the top.
6. Once you have selected the courses, click Go to Analysis. The
“Analysis-Worksheet Selections” page will appear where you can
finalize your selections.
7. At this point, you may remove any courses that you do not want to be
part of the analysis. Click the checkbox once to remove the
checkmark. If you change your selection of courses on this page, you
must click Revise List at the top or bottom of the page.
Note: You can also click Add More Search Results at the top to
check other courses you may not have chosen the first time.
8. Choose how you would like the maps sorted and grouped. In Steps 3
and 4, choose which information to display on the report.
9. Click Create Report. A new screen will open displaying the analysis
document you created.
Click Show Standards at the top to show standards on the report.
Click Print at the top of the page to print the report.
Convert the report to a Word document by clicking .
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The Three Month Zoom feature gives you a quick way to choose a curriculum
map and focus on only three months. To generate a Three Month Zoom report:
1. Choose “Adv. Features > Reports” from the blue navigation menu.
On the screen that appears, choose Three Month Zoom.
2. The screen that appears looks much like the “School Overview”
screen. Choose the first month of the three you want to zoom, and
click on the course name.
The “School Snapshot” feature provides an easy way to look at one month
from every map in the school, department, etc. This report is a great way to
monitor the mapping process as well as answer questions like, “What is the
science department doing this month?” or “What do 4th graders do in February?”
To generate a School Snapshot:
1. Choose “Adv. Features > Reports” from the blue navigation menu.
On the screen that appears, choose School Snapshot.
2. On the screen that appears, choose the month to view.
3. Choose any other limiting criteria desired.
4. Click Get Snapshot.
Creating a customized standards report is done in three steps. First, decide on
the type of report you want to generate. Second, select the standards you want
to track. Third, choose the target classes to match against the selected
standards. Standards reports are available to all teachers.
Note: Generating a complex report (e.g. matching many standards against many
classes) may take anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. Cancel
the report at any time by closing the window; however, do not navigate anywhere
else with your web browser as the report is being generated.
1. Choose “Adv. Features > Standards/Reports” from the blue
navigation menu.
2. A message may appear in the window: “Click here to launch the
Standards Search/Report Screen.” If so, please click the link.
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3. The “Standards/Reports” screen will load. This may take up to a
minute to appear, as all your state and local standards as well as class
information is loaded.
To create a Standards Report, select the report type to generate. Use the
“Select Report” pull-down menu at the bottom of the screen to select the
desired report.
Note: Click Explain for any selected report to see an example and short
explanation. The Explain button is very useful when deciding which report is
most appropriate.
The choices for “Standards Reports” are:
Standards vs. Courses (Totals Only). Displays the total number of times
the selected standards have been addressed in each target class.
Standards vs. Courses (Coverage Breakdown). Displays the depth that
each selected standard has been addressed in each target class, as
teachers have indicated (introduced, developed, or reinforced).
Search for Missing Standards. Compares the standards selected
and your target classes, displaying which standards have not been
addressed for each class.
What am I Missing? Compares the standards selected with your classes
only, displaying missing standards from each class.
Where are Standards Taught? Compares the standards selected with
your target classes, displaying which classes address each standard –
and to what depth.
With the Select Standards tab selected, check the boxes of any standards you
want to track in the report. Just as in the “Add/Edit” screen, click the
Expand/Collapse icon
to drill deeper into a goal, strand, etc.
Note: Each “Standards Report” is limited to one Subject/Grade combination.
For example, you may check any standards from Language Arts (Grade 5) and
generate a report, but you may not mix Mathematics (Grade 5) into the same
The Check All and Check Lowest Level buttons are shortcuts to check many
standards at once.
If no standards are checked when the Check Lowest Level button is
clicked, every standard in the Subject/Grade combination at the lowest
level (i.e. where you can not drill any deeper) will become marked.
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If you have one or more standards checked when the Check Lowest
Level button is clicked, only the deepest level of the checked standards
will become marked.
When you have checked all the standards you want to target, click the Next Step
button or click the Additional Criteria tab.
Report results are usually represented in a grid for easier viewing.
Copy/paste a grid to another document or Microsoft Excel. This makes it
easy to save report results, e-mail reports to others, etc.
Click on any class to view the complete curriculum map for that course.
Any targeted standards will appear as red icons on the maps.
Some reports include a Graph feature. If the rightmost column contains a
link labeled Get Graph, click to see the information more visually as a bar
graph. Any charts may be copied/pasted into other programs (e.g.
PowerPoint) to share with others.
The Additional Criteria tab allows you to target only particular classes (or
categories) in the report. For example, you may want to target only math classes
against the mathematics standards selected.
1. If you know the particular classes you want to target, highlight them in
the course list. Hold the CTRL key as you highlight multiple courses.
2. If you want to target the courses by grade level and category, first
select All Courses in the course pull-down menu. Next, select a
Grade Level (use the CTRL key to select multiple grades) and/or a
Category. Only a single category may be selected.
3. Choose the year(s) (use the CTRL key to select multiple years), map
type, and field to search. (Selecting a particular month is not an option
here and will always be dimmed.)
4. To see only the standard number on the report (as opposed to the
explanatory text for each standard), select Yes.
5. When finished targeting classes, click Generate Report.
Note: Generating a complex report (e.g. matching many standards against many
classes) may take anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. Cancel
the report at any time by closing the window; however, do not navigate anywhere
else with your web browser as the report is being generated.
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Resources and General Information
Forgot your password?
Although your School Coordinator cannot see your current password, he or she
can change it to something new. Contact your School Coordinator to change
your password to a known value. Changes take effect instantly.
You may also receive your ID and password via e-mail. Simply supply your name
and e-mail address as you originally entered it in Curriculum Mapper; your
password will be e-mailed to you within minutes.
Help and Customer Service Information
Customer service and technical support are offered free to all registered users.
You may receive help in many ways:
1. Download a user manual free from Curriculum Mapper website. Once you
log on to the system, select Resources in the blue navigation bar and click
User Manual. The manual is in MS Word format (Mac or PC) or PDF
format (viewable on any Mac or PC with Adobe Acrobat).
2. Use the online help offered on each screen of Curriculum Mapper.
3. Click on the ? on any page after you are logged onto the system to view
help pertaining to that page.
4. When logged into Curriculum Mapper use the “Feedback/Technical
Support” link found at the bottom of the “Welcome” page. This opens a
new window in which you can send a question or comment, make a
suggestion, or describe a problem.
5. If you cannot log in to Curriculum Mapper, e-mail your question to Please include your name and Teacher ID. Also
include what type of computer you are using (Mac or PC) and the browser
you are using (e.g. Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 6.0, etc.).
6. Call technical support between 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM CST at 800-4557060. Technical support will never ask you for your password over the
phone and they cannot give you a password over the phone. You may use
the “Forgot Your Password?” feature, found on the logon page. Simply
supply your name and e-mail address as you originally entered it in
Curriculum Mapper; your password will be e-mailed to you within minutes.
As an alternative, contact your School or District Coordinator. This person
cannot see your password, but can change it to something generic and
notify you. You may then use this password to log on, but remember to
change it to something personally meaningful to you.
© Professional Learning Associates
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The Essential Elements
Add/Edit Screen
© Professional Learning Associates
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