District Self Study Guide Each school district and accredited non-public school in Iowa is required to develop a written plan to describe their implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. The first phase of the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum is the completion of a comprehensive district self study of current practices, actions taken in the past, work already completed, and work that must be completed. This document provides broad guidance on the use of the Scoring Rubric and related documents, organized across the following areas: Purpose and Use Content Future Directions Steps to Complete Scoring Rubric Consensus Rating form Feedback form Appendices – PowerPoint Overview, Outcome 2 documents, Profile of Iowa Professional Development Model Components Purpose and Use The purposes of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study are to: (1) Obtain baseline information for districts to use to develop their implementation plan, (2) Provide progress monitoring information for continuous improvement of Iowa Core Curriculum implementation, (3) Help districts prioritize their needs in preparation for the development of their Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan, (4) Provide the state a way to evaluate the rollout and progress of Iowa Core Curriculum implementation. Districts need to complete the self study as baseline prior to the development of any part of their implementation plan; district self study results should be used to develop an initial implementation plan. It is not anticipated that districts will score at the highest levels on this rubric during the baseline phase; rather it is more likely that districts will score low-to-medium and use results to identify priorities and actions that will result in growth that will be reflected on future administrations of the rubric. Further, the ultimate and most important outcome for districts is the discussion that surrounds the self study; the score on the rubric is a reflection of this facilitated discussion. The district self study is to be used as an individual district baseline and progress monitoring tool embedded into a continuous improvement process. Results should not and will not be used as comparison scores across districts. It is most important that districts experience growth across Outcomes/Actions and years. The Scoring Rubric and Consensus Rating form have been developed by outcome and released for use subsequent to established Iowa Core Curriculum vetting procedures. Therefore, it is expected that districts will complete the self study by outcome, as subsequent rubrics become available and develop initial implementation plans over time using results from these self studies. The following are recommended practices for completing the Scoring Rubric: (1) Diverse Stakeholder Input - The full Iowa Core Curriculum District Leadership Team should be engaged to complete the Scoring Rubric for baseline and subsequent progress monitoring administrations. Processes should be used that elicit not only input, but ownership in self study results and subsequent initial implementation plan; (2) Facilitator- Self study facilitators should review the entire contents of this document prior to leading any group to complete the Scoring Rubric. The facilitator could be district personnel or personnel from the AEA Iowa Core Curriculum Network. 1 (3) Data Collection and Reporting - The Scoring Rubric and the Consensus Rating form should be completed prior to the development of the implementation plan 1 for baseline and annually for progress monitoring. The self study may be completed as often as the district deems necessary; at a minimum, annually. (4) AEA as Partners – Districts should partner with their AEA Iowa Core Curriculum Network personnel to complete the Scoring Rubric. Each AEA will have someone who is able to provide technical assistance in how to collect, report and use the self study data/results. Content The content of the self study is based on the six major outcomes of the Iowa Core Curriculum: Outcome 1 – Leadership: School leaders build and sustain system capacity to implement the Iowa Core Curriculum. Outcome 2 – Community: Community members and other supporting agencies work together to support the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. Outcome 3 – Schools: A continuous improvement process to improve teaching and learning is used at the district and school level. Content -- Instruction -- Assessment Outcome 4 – Content Alignment: District leaders and other educators monitor and use data to increase the degree of alignment of each and every student’s enacted curriculum and other relevant educational opportunities to the Iowa Core Curriculum. Outcome 5 – Professional Development: Educators engage in professional development focused on implementing Characteristics of Effective Instruction and demonstrate understanding of Essential Concepts and Skill Sets. Outcome 6 – Instruction and Assessment: Educators implement effective instructional practices to ensure high levels of learning for each and every student. Each outcome has one or more targets; each target has one or more district actions that are necessary to meet the target and therefore each major outcome of the Iowa Core Curriculum. In order for districts to evaluate current practices, actions taken in the past, work already completed, and work that must be considered. A Scoring Rubric has been developed for districts to complete. The rubric is tied to the district actions, and based on a five-point Likert scale.2 Future Directions For the first year, the Scoring Rubric will be completed as a paper document until an online data management system can be developed for statewide use. The online system will be developed by 2010. It is anticipated that the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and Implementation Plan will be embedded into the school improvement process (IAC Chapter 12 requirements) within the next five years. At the current time, these processes need to be separate as we work as a state to refine how we can realize the Iowa Core Curriculum in each Iowa classroom. Providing feedback on the process of completing the Scoring Rubric will be essential to help the state refine this work. To this end, there are built-in feedback procedures for the Scoring Rubric for each outcome; it is expected that districts will provide important and salient feedback to the Network and to the Department of Education using these procedures. This feedback will be used to further refine the self study process(es). It is anticipated that the full District Self Study Guide will be in final form in conjunction with the release of the online data management system for the Iowa Core Curriculum. 1 Districts may complete the self study by Outcome and therefore use results to develop an implementation plan by Outcome over time. 2 Five point Likert scale is from 0=Emerging Practice to 4=Established Practice. 2 Steps to Complete the Scoring Guide, Consensus Rating Form, and Feedback Form. Total time depends on the Outcome: Outcome 1 approximately 160 minutes; all other Outcomes approximately 120 minutes. 1. Identify the members of the District Leadership Team who will complete the self study. All members of your District Leadership Team should complete the self study. Review Leadership Action 1 on page 5 regarding who should be members of this team. 2. Present overview of the self study to all members of the team. An overview of the self study is available for facilitator use; hardcopy of the powerpoint is included in Appendix A of this document. [Activity length – 5-10 minutes] 3. Review, individually, the content of the Scoring Rubric. Each member of the team should review the content of the documents for the specific outcome the group is rating (e.g., Leadership, Community, School, and so on) [Activity length – 30 minutes for Outcome 1; 15 minutes for all other Outcomes] 4. Discuss as a group any questions as a result of the review Questions should be answered by the facilitator after the overview and document review. [Activity length – 10 minutes] 5. Rate the full Scoring Rubric, individually. Each member of the team should rate each Action independently; this is an opportunity for each person’s voice to be heard. If a member does not know how to rate a specific Action, they may abstain from doing so. [Activity length – 20 minutes for Outcome 1; 10 minutes for all other Outcomes] 6. Vote as a group using the fist of 4 to reach a consensus - There are several steps to consensus voting: [Activity length – 60 minutes for Outcome 1; 30 minutes for all other Outcomes] a. Vote: Begin with Action 1 – ask for each member to vote using the Fist of 4 (fist=0, Index finger=1, 2 fingers=2 and so on) b. Modal Number Identification: Identify the number that is most frequent – the Modal Number (if three members vote 2, five vote 1 and two vote zero, the most frequent number that members voted is 1 – this is the Modal Number) c. Discuss Rationale of the Modal Number: Ask a representative of the Modal Number voting to talk about why he/she voted in this way d. Discuss Rationale of Non-Modal Number(s): Round robin and have other members talk about why they voted in a particular way. e. Vote: Use the Fist of 4 a second time – members may change their votes based on the discussion. f. Record Rating: If there is a Modal Number – this is the consensus rating that is recorded on the Consensus Rating form. ---If consensus is not reached (there is no Modal Number) then continue discussing/voting on the Action until consensus is reached. g. Continue across all Actions: Repeat this process for each Action. 7. Prioritize the Actions and identify 2-3 top priorities for action planning; informally discuss possible next steps/activities. [Activity length – 10-20 minutes] 8. Record the consensus score, priorities, and informal next steps/activities on the Consensus Rating form. [Activity length – 10 minutes] 9. Evaluate the Scoring Rubric, District Self Study Guide, Consensus Rating form and process using the Feedback form [Activity length – 10-15 minutes] 10. Submit 1 of each form to your AEA Network representative: Consensus Rating and Feedback. 3 Scoring Rubric The Scoring Rubric has been developed by outcome and released for use subsequent to established Iowa Core Curriculum vetting procedures. Therefore, it is expected that districts will complete the self study by outcome as subsequent self study rubrics become available, and develop initial implementation plans over time using results from these self studies. Outcome 3: School Outcome 3 is primarily focused on data and the continuous improvement process. Districts need to strive to streamline and align across as many improvement processes as possible (e.g., CSIP, SPP, specific projects and so on). It is important to note that OUTCOME 3, ACTION 1 will sunset subsequent to obtaining baseline data – baseline data is the FIRST time a district completes the Scoring Rubric, which should be completed in 2009. Further, OUTCOME 3, ACTION 2 reflects all subsequent Scoring Rubric administrations; districts should start annual self study administrations in 2010, and annually thereafter. Outcome 3 – Schools. A continuous improvement process to improve teaching and learning is used at the district and school level. If the Iowa Core Curriculum and related school improvement processes function as ongoing continuous improvement processes based on data, then all elements of the system will constantly adjust and improve to yield positive outcomes for all students. There are two targets and 3 LEA Actions related to Outcome 3 – Schools. Below is a brief overview of the TARGETS and LEA Actions for Leadership. TARGETS (What are we trying to accomplish?) and LEA Actions ((What are districts going to do to reach the target?) Target: Data are used to develop, and monitor the implementation of, the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan. Action 1: District Leadership Team uses self study baseline results to write implementation plan. Action 2: District Leadership Team uses self study annual results to monitor progress of Iowa Core Curriculum implementation over time. Target: Processes and procedures are used to engage stakeholders, develop school improvement plans, and integrate various district/school plans. Action 3: District Leadership Team develops a cycle for document/district continuous improvement plan review to incorporate the Iowa Core Curriculum and integrate various planning processes. Please remember the steps to complete this rubric as this provides all participants a voice in the process and results. Steps to completing this rubric: 1. Rate each Action independently; 2. Vote as a group using the fist of 4; 3. Discuss the voting differences; 4. Vote a final time to come to a consensus; 5. Record the consensus on Consensus Rating form and submit to the AEA Network representative for your area. 4 Outcome 3: A continuous improvement process to improve teaching and learning is used at the district and school level. Target: Data are used to develop, and monitor the implementation of, the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan. Action 1 - District Leadership Team uses self study baseline results to write the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan. Practice in Place 0 Data are reviewed prior to developing the implementation plan. [NOTE: It is not the purpose to review all data a district has available, but to be strategic and targeted in data selection. The Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study provides an opportunity for global self-reflection and guidance; these results are not the only data a district would or should use in the development or review of the status of Iowa Core Curriculum implementation] OUTCOME 3, ACTION 1 will sunset subsequent to obtaining baseline data – baseline data is the FIRST time a district completes the Scoring Rubric, which should be completed in 2009. 3 1 2 3 Established Practice 4 One component is in place: Two components are in place: Three components are in place: All components are in place: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools: 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4)3 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 – see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 - see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are identified to review to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are identified to review to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. C. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan is clearly and specifically based on the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and additional data. C. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan is clearly and specifically based on the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and additional data. 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 – see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 - see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are identified to review to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. C. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan is clearly and specifically based on the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and additional data. 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 – see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 - see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are identified to review to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. C. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan is clearly and specifically based on the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and additional data. Possible Evidence ACompletion of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and completion of all related reviews. BDocumentation of additional data identified that are used to develop and annually review progress of the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. C- D Data review plan ETurnover/new enrollment plan [NOTE: it is not the purpose to have extensive data review or turnover/new enrollment plans or to develop separate plans from other processes – rather it is important to align/embed as much as possible, and streamline processes] Reviews for Outcomes 4 and 6 will be ready in concert with the District Self Study for Outcomes 4 and 6. Anticipated rollout is Summer 2009. 5 D. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan describes how data will be reviewed at least annually as well as how these data are aligned/embedded with the district continuous improvement schedule. D. E. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan addresses staff turnover/new enrollment so that new personnel, families/students understand the school’s implementation plan and the Iowa Core Curriculum. E. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan describes how data will be reviewed at least annually as well as how these data are aligned/embedded with the district continuous improvement schedule. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan addresses staff turnover/new enrollment so that new personnel, families/students understand the school’s implementation plan and the Iowa Core Curriculum. D. E. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan describes how data will be reviewed at least annually as well as how these data are aligned/embedded with the district continuous improvement schedule. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan addresses staff turnover/new enrollment so that new personnel, families/students understand the school’s implementation plan and the Iowa Core Curriculum. D. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan describes how data will be reviewed at least annually as well as how these data are aligned/embedded with the district continuous improvement schedule. E. The Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan addresses staff turnover/new enrollment so that new personnel, families/students understand the school’s implementation plan and the Iowa Core Curriculum. Guiding Questions What defines our district’s continuous improvement process? What additional data will the district collect? What are the specific sources of data for student outcomes and teacher behaviors? How will information gained from the continuous improvement process facilitate teacher and administrator professional growth (evaluation and professional development)? What considerations need to be taken to address staff and administrator turnover? How will these data keep efforts focused on priorities? Does your district have an Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan? Is your district’s Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan based on data and the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study results? Does your Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan include a plan to inform new personnel, families and students about the plan? 6 Action 2 - District Leadership Team uses self study annual results to monitor progress of Iowa Core Curriculum implementation over time. Practice in Place 0 1 2 3 Established Practice 4 Data are reviewed annually. One component is in place: Two components are in place: Three components are in place: All components are in place: OUTCOME 3, ACTION 2 reflects all subsequent Scoring Rubric administrations; districts should start annual self study administrations in 2010, and annually thereafter. A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools annually: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools annually: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools annually: A. Conduct and analyze results of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools annually: 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 – see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 – see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are reviewed at least annually and more frequently when appropriate to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are reviewed at least annually and more frequently when appropriate to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. C. Use results of components A and B to review and revise implementation plan. D. The information and training needs of new staff and new families are addressed as needed. C. Use results of components A and B to review and revise implementation plan. D. The information and training needs of new staff and new families are addressed as needed. 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 – see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are reviewed at least annually and more frequently when appropriate to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. C. Use results of components A and B to review and revise implementation plan. D. The information and training needs of new staff and new families are addressed as needed. 1. Learning Supports review (Outcome 2 - see Appendix B) 2. Curriculum Alignment review (Outcome 4) 3. Professional Development review (Outcome 5 – see Appendix C) 4. Instruction/ Assessment review (Outcome 6) B. Additional personnel, stakeholder and/or student-level data are reviewed at least annually and more frequently when appropriate to assess progress on the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. Possible Evidence AAnnual completion of the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and completion of all related reviews. BDocumentation data reviewed. CDocumentation that results of A and B are used to inform revision of the implementation plan. DTurnover/new enrollment plan used when necessary. C. Use results of components A and B to review and revise implementation plan. D. The information and training needs of new staff and new families are addressed as needed. 7 Guiding Questions What is the schedule for reviewing and analyzing data to inform next steps? How will the district ensure that the process for reviewing local alignment is continuous? What are the procedures and routines that will sustain implementation? How will information gained from the continuous improvement process facilitate teacher and administrator professional growth (evaluation and professional development)? What considerations need to be taken to address staff and administrator turnover? How will the Leadership Team examine implications of student achievement results and the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study? How will data about the effectiveness of instruction in a classroom be used to identify areas of improvement on an ongoing basis? How will these data keep efforts focused on priorities? 8 Target: Processes and procedures are used to engage stakeholders, develop school improvement plans, and integrate various district/school plans. Action 3 - District Leadership Team develops a cycle for document/district continuous improvement plan review to incorporate the Iowa Core Curriculum and integrate various planning processes Practice in Place 0 None of the components are in place. [NOTE: Data referred to in Action 3 includes the full Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study and related tools] 1 2 3 Established Practice 4 One component is in place: Two components are in place: Three components are in place: All components are in place: A. The district leadership team integrates data collected for Iowa Core Curriculum action planning into the needs assessment process for developing the District’s CSIP required by IAC Chapter 12. A. The district leadership team integrates data collected for Iowa Core Curriculum action planning into the needs assessment process for developing the District’s CSIP required by IAC Chapter 12. A. The district leadership team integrates data collected for Iowa Core Curriculum action planning into the needs assessment process for developing the District’s CSIP required by IAC Chapter 12. A. The district leadership team integrates data collected for Iowa Core Curriculum action planning into the needs assessment process for developing the District’s CSIP required by IAC Chapter 12. B. The district leadership team integrates actions from the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan into the District’s CSIP action plan. B. The district leadership team integrates actions from the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan into the District’s CSIP action plan. B. The district leadership team integrates actions from the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan into the District’s CSIP action plan. B. The district leadership team integrates actions from the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan into the District’s CSIP action plan. C. The district leadership team uses Iowa Core Curriculum implementation data and student achievement data to assist in monitoring implementation of the CSIP. C. The district leadership team uses Iowa Core Curriculum implementation data and student achievement data to assist in monitoring implementation of the CSIP. C. The district leadership team uses Iowa Core Curriculum implementation data and student achievement data to assist in monitoring implementation of the CSIP. C. The district leadership team uses Iowa Core Curriculum implementation data and student achievement data to assist in monitoring implementation of the CSIP. D. The district leadership team uses progress data on Iowa Core Curriculum implementation as one source of information for their Annual Progress Report. D. The district leadership team uses progress data on Iowa Core Curriculum implementation as one source of information for their Annual Progress Report. D. The district leadership team uses progress data on Iowa Core Curriculum implementation as one source of information for their Annual Progress Report. D. The district leadership team uses progress data on Iowa Core Curriculum implementation as one source of information for their Annual Progress Report. Possible Evidence A-D Documentation of streamlined, integrated processes between CSIP and implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum. 9 Guiding Questions What procedures and/or routines are already in place to assist in this work? How does this work connect to SINA/DINA, CSIP, SPP, AYP, and APR? Are the findings related to the continuous improvement of teaching and learning being widely communicated to stakeholders? 10 Consensus Rating DISTRICT______________________________ Outcome 3: A continuous improvement process to improve teaching and learning is used at the district and school level. Complete this form by recording the results of consensus rating and discussion in regards to baseline self study results, priorities for action, and initial ideas for next steps/activities Send a copy of this completed form, along with a completed Feedback form, to your AEA Iowa Core Curriculum Network representative. Item Baseline Action 1 - District Leadership Team uses self study baseline results to write the Iowa Core Curriculum Implementation Plan. 0 1 2 3 4 Action 2 - District Leadership Team uses self study annual results to monitor progress of Iowa Core Curriculum implementation over time. Action 3 - District Leadership Team develops a cycle for document/district continuous improvement plan review to incorporate the Iowa Core Curriculum and integrate various planning processes. Priorities Initial Ideas for Next Steps/Activities 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 11 Feedback Form DISTRICT______________________________ Providing feedback on the process of completing the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study is essential to help the state refine this work. To this end, there are built-in feedback procedures for the Iowa Core Curriculum District Self Study for each outcome; it is expected that districts will provide important and salient feedback to the Network and to the Department of Education using these procedures. This feedback will be used to further refine the self study, rubric, process(es), and guidance document. Please submit only ONE self study Feedback Form per district as a consensus discussion. Process (the fist of four process) Products (Scoring Rubric, Consensus Rating Form) What worked? What didn’t? What recommendations do you have? 12