Warren Road Primary School Warren Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 6JF Telephone: (01689) 853798 Fax: (01689) 858837 School Link: 07824 557637 www.warrenroadprimary.co.uk email: office@warrenroad.bromley.sch.uk Dear Parents/Guardians Email: office@warrenroad.bromley.sch.uk Flu Vaccination for children in Years 1 and 2 In the beginning of September we sent home a letter about the Flu Immunisation. Thank you if you have already returned the Consent form. Please note if the consent form is not returned by Tuesday 20th October your child may not be able to have the vaccine. The Immunisation Team will be administering the flu vaccination on Thursday 12 th November. Please remember it is essential that we are informed of any changes to your child’s health (e.g. taking any medication for an acute illness) between completing the consent form and the date of vaccination. If your child becomes wheezy or has their asthma medication increased just before or on the day of the vaccination session, please inform the immunisation team in writing via the school. Thank you