MAS School Curriculum Plan

Maniototo Area School
Curriculum Plan
Mission Statement
Maniototo Area School (MAS), with the help of its community, will work to meet the individual
learning needs of its students so they will recognise and achieve their potentials, develop skills,
attitudes and ambitions for life-long learning, and be responsible and actively involved
productive members of society.
Our Vision for students
Through our influence, example and efforts we aim to help our children to;
- care about themselves and others
- enjoy school and learning
- be supported and encouraged
- have regular success
- be confident risk takers
- show qualities & behaviours of good citizens
- become independent learners
The school’s Board of Trustees, staff and interested parents have worked together in the
preparation of this Curriculum Plan. The purpose of the plan is to give clear guidance on the
schools curriculum, and to give a statement of expectations that will form the basis for
reviewing quality and effectiveness.
The Board is required to ensure that the school’s curriculum is consistent with its Charter, the
National Education Guidelines, and the National Curriculum Framework. The schools
curriculum also reflects the needs, priorities and resources of the local community.
“Curriculum” is defined as all of the programmes, activities, events and experiences that take
place in the school, including the interactions, materials and environment through which
students learn. It is to be expected that there will be times when there is discrepancy between
the planned or “intended” curriculum and the “actual” curriculum, depending on opportunities
and circumstances that arise from time to time.
This curriculum sets out how our school implements the following six sections of the national
Key Competencies
Curriculum Structure
Mission Statement
Curriculum Vision
Achievement Statements
Key Competencies
Learning Area Plans 1-8
Learning Area Plans 9-13
Long Term Plans
Lesson Plans
Curriculum Content Objectives
School and classroom plans and programmes are balanced across and within the eight essential learning areas: English, mathematics,
science, technology, social sciences, the arts, health and physical well-being and languages.
Each year all students have planned learning experiences drawn from the appropriate levels in all of the strands in each national curriculum
statement. When different learning strands are interwoven and integrated within units of learning, the achievement objectives from each
learning area or strand are identified in planning statements. The National Curriculum Achievement Objectives and the goals and priorities
from our Charter and Action Plan are deemed to be part of this Curriculum Plan.
Units of learning use resources available within the school and the wider community to full advantage, and opportunities are taken to
broaden and enrich students’ learning through educational experiences outside the classroom.
a) School Plans
The Principal and staff plan and co-ordinate yearly programme outlines setting out the content or contexts for units of learning to be
covered each term and for each class level.
The school plans are part of this Curriculum Plan.
b) Classroom Plans
Teachers plan units of learning as individually or as a team. Plans show intended learning outcomes in relation to particular groups of
students. Classroom plans are based on the school’s plans and national curriculum achievement objectives.
Classroom plans are part of this Curriculum Plan.
The Curriculum Plan prescribes priority learning outcomes for each learning area. These targets apply to all levels of the school according to
each student’s stage of progress, and are a major focus for the school’s self-review of its curriculum performance and include the goals from
our charter and action plan
Our Curriculum Framework is consistent with the following NZ Curriculum Principle statements. These underpin school decision making and
put the learner at the centre of teaching and learning.
MAS Principles
Link to NZ Curriculum
Making a Difference
We have high expectations of our students as the
curriculum supports and empowers all students to
learn and achieve personal excellence, regardless
of their individual circumstances by aiming high and
by persevering in the face of difficulties.
We will inspire and lead others with our
special point of difference
Respecting Others
We will respect our cultural and personal
We aim to teach our children to respect
themselves, others and human rights. We want
students to have a sense of equity through fairness
and social justice.
Seen in practice by…
The school will develop its
programmes, mentoring and
Personalised Learning Plans
Sharing of learning steps with
students and setting
aspirational goals
Celebrating success e.g. Class
Act, Citizenship Awards
Identify Gifted and Talented
and Special Needs students
and offer them relevant and
challenging learning
Our school pastoral and
discipline systems together with
our Health programme will
empower students to respect
themselves and others
Setting class treaties or
negotiated sets of ground rules
Our curriculum is non-sexist,
non-racist and nondiscriminatory.
Embracing Diversity
We will recognise differences and embrace
The curriculum embraces cultural diversity as
found in our different cultures, languages and
The school will develop our
cultural programme by working
with the whanau on Te Aratika
O Te Whanau O Maniototo,
(Annex A).
The curriculum acknowledges
the principles of the Treaty of
Waitangi and the bicultural
foundations of Aotearoa New
The school will engage our
Maori community and give
opportunities for tikanga Maori
to become part of the
Adding Value
We will always ask ourselves if there is a better
The curriculum aims to develop innovation,
inquiry and curiosity by thinking critically,
creatively and reflectively.
Assessment Data will be collected
and analysed so teachers can
make an informative decision on
what the “next step” is in a child’s
Having Integrity
We will seek to be open and honest.
Learning from the past
We will learn from past experiences with future
generations in mind.
We aim to develop integrity which involves
being honest, responsible, accountable and
acting ethically.
Our curriculum will offer students the
opportunities to reflect on the successes and
errors of our forbears with a view to making
good choices.
The school will be innovative in its
approach and is prepared to grasp
and develop new initiatives. We
will be prepared to try new
learning strategies (esp. in Literacy
and Numeracy)
We encourage all students to learn to
learn and to reflect on their own learning
At all times we will teach and role model
integrity and honest ethical behaviour.
Our curriculum aims to have a
‘location’ in subjects celebrating
manaakitanga with students as
culturally located human beings.
We aim to offer a coherent
education providing transitions
from the past to the future in a
way that opens up learning
We will encourage students to have a
future focus by exploring issues such as
sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and
Making a Sustainable Difference
We will make decisions with the community in
mind and in harmony with the natural
Protecting our Rich heritage
We will protect and celebrate our rich heritage
in landscapes, architecture, flora, fauna and
different cultural origins.
Meeting Obligations
We will meet our obligations within the class,
school and community.
The curriculum offers all students a broad
education that includes ecological
sustainability and care for the environment.
Our curriculum will aim to develop an
awareness of ecological sustainability in
Social Studies and Geography.
Through their learning experiences the students We will celebrate and learn about the
will learn about the values on which New
values and uniqueness of Central Otago
Zealand’s cultural and institutional traditions
are based.
We plan to encourage our students to meet
their obligations to society through community
and participation for the common good.
As a school we will continue to be
the hub of our local community.
This includes participating in
several community events e.g. Art
Deco, A & P Show
The curriculum connects to the wider
lives of the students and has community
engagement as it engages the support of
families, whanau and communities.
Key Competencies
The school will support students to develop the key competencies.
Possible descriptors – what person
looks like
Developed through
Managing Self
Self motivated
Makes good choices in a range of contexts- acts
Able to reflect on choices made.- self peer
Goal sets- behavior and learning
Sets high standards
Is resourceful
Is reliable
Follows the lead of others only when appropriate
Takes part in activities
taking a leadership role when given opportunity
Class rooms which use lead management
Participation in class rule setting (class treaties)
Self reflective basis to discipline system- planning
Regular opportunities for aspirational goal setting
Modeling and display of quality work
Self/ peer evaluation opportunities
Opportunities to participate in programmes outside the
Participating and
Behaves appropriately when part of a group
Include others in group activities
Participates in local, national and global
Class related activities,
”Wow” days
Junior syndicate music, visual art, drama and dance
presentations, speech competitions, BP challenge
Use of class leaders/helpers
PAL’s, Responsibility for road patrol, PALs, lunches.
Welcoming and thanking visitors, speakers
Class buddying- within and between classes
Parent helpers in the classroom
Open Days
Participation in teams/ mixed groupings
Community involvement
Outcomes of inquiry units
Support of aid projects
Relating to others
Interacts positively with a range of people in
diverse settings
Listens well to others
Knows how to behave in competitive and cooperative situations
Shares ideas
Appreciates different points of view
Able to express feelings and ideas
Respects other people
Shows tolerance towards others
Using Language,
Symbols and Texts
Uses symbols appropriate to curriculum areas
uses texts features to help access a variety of text
Able to interpret signs and symbols
Understands and uses maths symbols to
communicate ideas.
Developing confidence in the use of ICT tools
Has a can do-it/ give it a go attitude
Questions- asking questions of self and others
Curious, plays with ideas
Delves beneath the surface- wants to know more
Relates new knowledge to existing ideas
Reasons- constructs ideas
Uses resources to find answers to questions
Enjoys problem solving
Co-operative work in classrooms
Group/ peer activities
Parent involvement in classrooms
Open days
Participation in games
Class/ group/ peer discussions
Health Programmes
Life Education Van visits
Police education programmes
Inclusive classroom practice
Stimulating visual language, maths, social science
Use of scope and sequence focus through language
Use of ICT tools in the classroom- computers, videos,
digital cameras, video cameras
Inclusive classroom practice encouraging risk taking.
Exciting classroom environments- wonder and awe
Inquiry learning
Student questions driving learning
Opportunities for problem solving and independent
research in a range of contexts
Our Values
Our values are the important qualities that we try to live by and show in the ways we ourselves go about our work and relationships with others in the school;
We will try hard in everything we do. We will
aim high, overcome obstacles and strive to
become the best we possibly can.
We will learn and discover in a
variety of ways. We will be curious
and seek an understanding of things
we don’t know
We will be responsible for our own learning
and behaviour. We will be trustworthy and
true to ourselves and others.
Area School
We will respect ourselves, others, their
property and the environment. We will
celebrate originality, uniqueness and
people’s differences.
We will have fun and enjoy the company of
others. We will be compassionate and
willingly contribute to the community.
Effective Pedagogy
The school will support teachers to develop effective pedagogy
Developed through
Creating a supportive learning environment
Students learn best when the feel accepted, when they enjoy positive relationships
with their fellow students and teachers, and when they are able to be active, visible
members of the learning community
Setting negotiated ground rules
All students participating
Zero tolerance of bullying
Positive Role Modeling
Ongoing positive reinforcement
Rewarding achievement
Display of students work
Sharing of achievement objectives
Goal setting / Mentoring / Monthly Reports
Understanding of the learning process
Self / Peer Assessment
Practical and personally relevant application of knowledge
Use of topics / enquiry learning
Use of local resources
Students taking ownership of their own learning
Teacher role models learning
Group classroom activities
Connecting with home /whanau
Use of local resources (esp. people)
Other students role model learning
Scaffolding of learning
Connected curriculum
Diagnostic assessment
Integrated Curriculum
Effective behavioural management
Understanding current levels of students abilities
Effective and well timed learning progressions
Catering for different learning styles
Action Research
Self Review
Professional development
Encouraging reflective thought and action
Students learn most effectively when they develop the ability to stand back from
the information and ideas they have engaged with and think about these
Enhancing the relevance of new learning
Students learn most effectively when they understand what they are learning, why
they are learning it, and how they will be able to use their new learning
Facilitating shared learning
Students learn as they engage in shared activities and conversations with other
people , including family members and people in the wider community
Making connections to prior learning and experience
Students learn most effectively when they have time and opportunity to engage
with, practice and transfer new learning.
Providing sufficient opportunities to learn
Students learn most effectively when they have time and opportunity to engage
with, practice, and transfer new learning
Teaching as enquiry
Effective teaching practice requires that teachers inquire into the impact of their
teaching on their students.
Curriculum Content Objectives
Priorities for Students Learning
According to their Individual Capabilities
Students Learn to :
English will be at the heart of all learning.
To become increasingly skilled at reading, writing, listening,
speaking, presenting and viewing.
Students will be supported to develop a love of reading, writing and
 Understand and learn the basic facts essential for all mathematical
 Apply mathematic strategies to real life situations
 Undertake mathematical tasks and investigations that will be
purposeful and meaningful
 Have a positive attitude towards their achievement in maths
 Foster curiosity in the world around them.
 Have opportunities and learn the skills required to investigate the
world around them.
 Approach investigations with an open mind
 Develop and share their understandings of the world around them.
 use every day tools for a range of purposes.
 create solutions to problems and meet needs.
 be aware of the impact that technology has on people’s lives and
the environment.
learn skills which enable them to contribute to the community.
develop knowledge of local,
national and global locations
Interpret maps, graphs and diagrams accurately
know about and understand current events
To develop physical skills that will enable them to participate in a
wide range of physical activities – with an emphasis on water skills
and safety.
To understand and practice healthy living.
To promote students’ well-being in the four key areas of hauora – social,
physical, mental and emotional.
To enable students to develop skills and confidence in all
disciplines- dance, drama, visual arts and music
To encourage all students to actively participate in and develop an
enjoyment and lifelong involvement in the arts
Strengthen and broaden an understanding of the arts in
learn to respect and be tolerant of others, particularly those who hold
different ideas and values to themselves.
NZ and also in the wider global community.
 Develop knowledge of issues relating to life beyond school.
 Set and keep under review realistic yet ambitious vocational
 Investigate and explore opportunities and options for like beyond
 Develop self-management skills, initiative and personal confidence.
 Develop skills of communicating in a second language.
- listening, speaking, reading, writing.
 Develop a greater understanding of one’s own language and
languages in general as a result of learning other languages.
 Develop an appreciation and understanding of Maori culture
through participation in enjoyable experiences covering protocols,
traditions, arts and crafts, legends, music and commonly used
 Know about events in the past that have influenced and effected
Maori life today.
Our vision
Children will be numerate and able
to explore and use patterns and
NZ Curriculum
Figure Out Series in R5
Additional resources in the
Junior resource room
National Curriculum books
Information Technology
Relevant maths equipment
Pearson Maths books/cards
Effective Maths Teaching
Teachers will Create supportive learning
 Encourage reflective
thought and action
 Facilitate shared learning
 Make connections with prior
 Provide sufficient
opportunities to learn
 Enhance the relevance of
new learning
 Teach as inquiry
The New Zealand Curriculum and “Maths and
Statistics in the NZ Curriculum” is the basis
for this plan.
Through the Mathematics programme, the
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Health and PE in the NZ
Curriculum” is the basis for this
school’s values of respect, initiative,
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
Maniototo Area School
Maths & Statistics Learning Area Plan
NE- Year 10
The Essence of Mathematics
Mathematics is the exploration and use
of patterns and relationships in
quantities, space and time.
Statistics is the exploration and use of
patterns and relationships in data.
School and Community Goals
Understand and learn the basic
facts essential for all
mathematical operations
Apply mathematic strategies to
real life situations
Undertake mathematical tasks
and investigations that will be
purposeful and meaningful
Have a positive attitude towards
their achievement in maths
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop
the following competencies;
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and
texts as they relate to the
students’ needs in Mathematics
and Statistics
Our Vision
To have literate students
The Essence of English
English is the study, use and
enjoyment of the English language
and its literature, communicated
orally, visually, and in writing, for a
range of purposes and audiences and
in a variety of text forms.
Through the Literacy programme, the
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“English in the NZ Curriculum” is
school’s values of respect, initiative,
the basis for this plan.
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
Maniototo Area School
English Learning Area Plan
NE- Year 8
Effective English Teaching
We believe that success in English is
fundamental to success across the
English is the same across all classes
with tasks becoming increasingly
It will involve making meaning and
creating meaning using oral, written
and visual language.
Assessment in English Assessment
will focus on improving students’
learning and teachers’ teaching as
both student and teacher respond
to the information it gives.
School and Community Goals
 English will be at the heart of
all learning.
 To become increasingly
skilled at reading, writing,
listening, speaking, presenting
and viewing.
 Students will be supported to
develop a love of reading ,
writing and communicating.
Key Competencies
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop
the following competencies;
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and
as they relate to the students’ needs
in English.
NZ Curriculum
Literacy Progressions
English on line
National standards
Ministry Handbooks
Additional resources in the Junior
resource room
Reading books/journals
Students will develop awe and
wonder as they experience,
question and investigate the world
around them
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Science in the NZ Curriculum” is the
basis for this plan.
Through the junior science programme
The Essence of Science
Science is a way of investigating,
understanding, and explaining our
the school’s values of respect, initiative,
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
natural, physical world and the
wider universe.
Effective Science Teaching
Teachers will Create supportive learning
 Encourage reflective thought
and action
 Facilitate shared learning
 Make connections with prior
 Provide sufficient
opportunities to learn
 Enhance the relevance of new
 Teach as inquiry
Maniototo Area School
Learning Area Plan
Year 1-8 Syndicate
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies:
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and texts
with reference to the student’s needs in
School and Community Goals
 Foster curiosity in the world
around them.
 Have opportunities and learn
the skills required to
investigate the world around
 Approach investigations with
an open mind
 Develop and share their
understandings of the world
around them.
Main resources used Ministry of Education
booklets and supplements
 Making Sense of the . . .
 TKI and science postcards
 Resources stored in Junior
resource room
Assessment in Science
Assessment will focus on improving
students’ learning and teachers’
teaching as both student and
teacher respond to the
information it gives.
To be interested and learn about
people, people, people
Effective Social Science Teaching
will involve a range of
will focus on people
will use a Social Inquiry
Ask questions, gather
information and examine
relevant current issues
Explore and analyse people’s
values and perspectives
Consider then ways in which
people make decisions and
participate in social action.
Reflect and evaluate the
understandings that have been
developed & the responses that
may be required.
Assessment in Social Sciences
Assessment will focus on improving
students’ learning and teachers’
teaching as both student and
teacher respond to the
information it gives.
The Essence of Social Sciences
Social Sciences is about how societies work
and how people can participate as critical,
active, informed, and responsible citizens.
Through the social inquiry process, the
school’s values of respect, honesty,
perseverance, initiative and friendship will
be explored, modelled and explored.
Maniototo Area School
Social Sciences
Learning Plan- Year 8
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies:
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and texts
with reference to the student’s needs in
social sciences.
School and Community Goals
Through the Social Sciences
students will
 develop knowledge of local,
national and global locations
 Interpret maps, graphs and
diagrams accurately
 know about and understand
current events
 learn to respect and be
tolerant of others,
particularly those who hold
different ideas and values
to themselves.
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Social Studies in the NZ
Curriculum” are the basis for this
NZ Curriculum
Additional Resources are
stored in the Junior
Resource Room
People / Community
Photographs, DVD’s Videos
Our vision
To have healthy, happy and active
NZ Curriculum
Ministry Handbooks
Additional resources in the
Junior resource room
SPARC Resources
Health Resources
NZ Swimming/ Athletics
Police / Life Ed
Effective Health and PE Teaching
Teachers will Create supportive learning
 Encourage reflective
thought and action
 Facilitate shared learning
 Make connections with prior
 Provide sufficient
opportunities to learn
 Enhance the relevance of
new learning
 Teach as inquiry
Assessment in HPE
Assessment will focus on improving
students’ learning and teachers’ teaching as
both student and teacher respond to the
information it gives.
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Health and PE in the NZ
Curriculum” is the basis for this
School and Community Goals
 To understand and practice
healthy living.
 To develop physical skills that
will enable them to participate in
a wide range of physical
activities – with an emphasis on
water skills and safety.
 To promote students’ well-being
in the four key areas of hauora –
social, physical, mental and
Maniototo Area School
Health & PE Learning Area Plan
NE- Year 10
Through the Heath and PE programme the
school’s values of respect, initiative,
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
The Essence of HPE
A focus on the well-being of the
students, of other people and of society,
through learning in health related and
movement contexts.
The underlying concepts are;
hauora, attitudes and values
socio ecological perspective, health
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop
the following competencies;
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and
as they relate to the students’ needs
in Health and Physical Education
Our Vision
Confident students who
communicate artistically
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“The Arts in the NZ Curriculum” is
the basis for this plan.
The Essence of the Arts
Through movement, sound, and
image, the arts transform people’s
creative ideas into expressive works
Through the Arts programme, the
school’s values of respect, initiative,
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
that communicate layered meanings.
Maniototo Area School
School and Community Goals
 To enable students to
develop skills and confidence
in all disciplines- dance,
drama, visual arts and music
 To encourage all students to
actively participate in and
develop an enjoyment and
lifelong involvement in the
 Strengthen and broaden an
understanding of the arts in
NZ and also in the wider
global community.
The Arts Learning Area Plan
Effective Arts Teaching
Teachers will Create supportive learning
 Encourage reflective thought
and action
 Facilitate shared learning
 Make connections with prior
 Provide sufficient
opportunities to learn
 Enhance the relevance of new
 Teach as inquiry
Year 1-8 Syndicate
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies:
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and texts
with reference to the student’s needs in
Main resources used Ministry of Education
 Resources stored in Junior
resource room
Assessment in The Arts
Assessment will focus on improving
student’s learning and teachers’
teaching as both student and
teacher respond to the
information it gives.
The Essence of Technology
Through technological experiences
the students will learn to;
 Identify needs.
 Design, analyse, discuss and
trial possible solutions.
 Use their initiative.
 Demonstrate creativity.
 Find a compromise if
 Evaluate the effectiveness of
their solution.
 Consider the impact of their
practice on others and their
 Understand the language of
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies:
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and texts
with reference to the student’s needs in
Vision for our students
Creative, innovative problem solvers
Effective Technology Teaching
will involve:
the use of authentic contexts
the planning, creation, development
and analysis of solutions.
the involvement of people in the
Maniototo Area School
Learning Area
NE- Year 6
Through the technology programme, the
school’s values of respect, responsibility,
positive relationships and personal
excellence will be encouraged, modelled
and explored.
Assessment in Technology
Assessment will focus on improving
students’ learning and teachers’ teaching
as both student and teacher respond to
the information it gives.
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Technology in the NZ Curriculum” is
the basis for this plan
School and Community Goals
Through studying technology’
students will;
 use every day tools for a
range of purposes.
 create solutions to problems
and meet needs.
 be aware of the impact that
technology has on people’s
lives and the environment.
 learn skills which enable them
to contribute to the
NZ Curriculum
TKI- Techlink
Additional Resources are stored
in the Junior Resource Room
Available technology
Community/ Environment
The Essence of Social Sciences
Through the Social Sciences
students will learn to
 ask questions, gather
information and examine
relevant current issues.
 explore and analyse people’s
values and perspectives.
 consider the ways in which
people make decisions and
participate in social action.
 reflect and evaluate the
understandings that have
been developed and the
responses that may be
Effective Social Science Teaching
 will involve a range of approaches
 will focus on people
 will use a Social Inquiry approach.
Through the Social Science programme,
the school’s values of respect, initiative,
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
Maniototo Area School
Social Sciences
Yr 9-13 Curriculum Plan
NZ Curriculum
Additional Resources are
stored in the Junior
Resource Room
Photographs, DVD’s Videos
School and Community Goals
Through the Social Sciences
students will
 develop knowledge of local,
national and global locations
 Interpret maps, graphs and
diagrams accurately
 know about and understand
current events
 learn to respect and be
tolerant of others,
particularly those who hold
different ideas and values
to themselves.
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies
Contribute confidently to discussions
Take responsibility for their learning
Set own learning targets
Work co-operatively with peers
Work independently
Show evidence of learning reflection and
Think creatively
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Social Studies in the NZ
Curriculum’ are the basis for this
Assessment in Social Sciences
 Assessment will include
teacher observation,
self assessment, work
samples, and personal
 The focus of assessments
will be the ability to use the
skills inherent in the social
inquiry approach.
The Essence of English
Through the English curriculum
students will engage with text
based activities to become
increasingly skilled at reading,
writing, listening, speaking,
presenting and viewing.
Students will use a variety of text
forms to present to a range of
audiences for a variety of purposes.
Students need to learn to analyse
and critically evaluate text.
Through New Zealand and world
literature, students develop a sense
of identity and awareness of New
Zealand’s bicultural heritage.
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies:
Exploring, analysing and evaluating texts
using creative, critical and reflective
Listening, actively sharing ideas and
recognising other viewpoints
Interpreting language and symbols,
recognising how these choices affect
people’s understanding
Resourcefulness and personal responsibility
for their own learning
Responding appropriately as a group member
and balancing their rights and
Effective English Teaching
We believe that success in English is
fundamental to success across the curriculum.
English is the same across all classes with tasks
becoming increasingly complex.
It will involve making meaning and creating
meaning using oral, written and visual language
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“English in the NZ Curriculum” is the
basis for this plan.
School and Community Goals
Maniototo Area School
English Curriculum Plan
Through the entire English
Programme the school values of
respect, initiative, perseverance,
friendship and honesty will be
encouraged, modelled and explored.
NZ Curriculum
Literacy Progressions
Exemplars +NZQA
English on line
National standards
Ministry Handbooks
Resources in English resource
areas (senior and junior)
Literacy is at the heart of all
Reading, writing and speaking
skills are developed to enable
students to access learning
pathways and their future with
Students will be supported
through personalised learning
to develop a love of reading and
competence in communicating
Assessment in English
Assessment will include
teacher observation/assessment,
self assessment, work samples,
and personal responses.
Benchmarking of writing from
Benchmarking of static images
from portfolios
Scope and Sequence
Self assessment
Students will develop awe and
wonder as they experience,
question and investigate the world
around them
The New Zealand Curriculum and
“Science in the NZ Curriculum” is the
basis for this plan.
Through the science programme, the
The Essence of Science
Science is a way of investigating,
understanding, and explaining our
school’s values of respect, initiative,
perseverance, friendship and honesty will
be encouraged, modelled and explored.
natural, physical world and the
wider universe.
Effective Science Teaching
Teachers will Create supportive learning
 Encourage reflective thought
and action
 Facilitate shared learning
 Make connections with prior
 Provide sufficient
opportunities to learn
 Enhance the relevance of new
 Teach as inquiry
Maniototo Area School
Learning Area Plan
Year 9-13
Key Competencies
Students will be supported to develop the
following competencies:
 Managing self
 Relating to others
 Participating and contributing
 Thinking
 Using language symbols and texts
with reference to the student’s needs in
School and Community Goals
 Foster curiosity in the world
around them.
 Apply scientific
understanding and reasoning
to everyday situations.
 Show open mindedness
developing and carryout
scientific investigations.
 Communicate findings using
accepted vocabulary,
symbols and conventions.
 Explore socio-scientific
issues and suggest possible
Main resources used Ministry of Education
booklets and supplements
 NCEA website
 TKI, LEARNZ, NZ Science
Learning Hub & variety of
website resources.
Assessment in Science
Assessment will focus on improving
students’ learning and teachers’
teaching as both student and
teacher respond to the
information it gives.