2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline This template is provided to assist districts as they work to fully implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts for Grades K-12, Mathematics for Grades K-12, and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for Grades 6-12 by the 2014-2015 school year. Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Attend the Assessment Institute August 3-5th for up-todate content & team planning Conduct CCSS awareness sessions for all staff Winter 2011-12 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Winter 2012-13 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2013-14 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Awareness and Ongoing Communication CCSS Use leadership & staff meeting times for updates & Create a ongoing district CCSS communicati implementati on & hot on team topics Attend the Summer Assessment Institute for up-to-date content & team planning Submit CCSS plan to ODE & ESD to allow for coordinated follow-up and support Attend the Summer Assessment Institute for up-to-date content & team planning Draft a communicati on plan for all stakeholders Use or modify PPTs available on the ODE CCSS website Schedule & conduct general awareness sessions with parents, students and community Oregon Department of Education 1 Summer 2011 2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Winter 2011-12 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Winter 2012-13 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2013-14 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Teaching and Learning English Language Arts Use standards crosswalks with teachers to begin alignment work of curriculum, grade-level units, lessons, etc. Analyze the crosswalk at each grade level-content comparisons to determine what content will remain the same, be added or deleted Instruction delivered in K-2 is aligned to CCSS Assess current instructional delivery for academic vocabulary K-12; identify gaps; and strengthen systematic delivery Oregon Department of Education K-12 conduct across grade level sessions to increase teachers understandi ng of the progression of skills and concepts across grade levels Grades 3-12 identify which CCSS are ah-has and OMG! Train teachers on reading across the content – support provided thru DATA & K-12 Reading Framework Conduct grade level and across grade meetings to determine which content should be accelerated & which less emphasized Train teachers on writing across the curr.-support provided thru DATA & K-12 Writing Framework Instructional materials adoption for ELA Examine current instructional materials for alignment Determine what curriculum materials are needed to implement CCSS Share and interpret crosswalk & Grade level content comparison s Grades 3-12 phase in CCSS that are Good to go! Tighten Core instruction & conduct fidelity checksToolkit for Accountability Review district implementat ion plan w/parents & students 2 Summer 2011 2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline across all subject areas Grades 312Determine which CCSS (Good to go) can be phased in prior to full Adopt or modify State implementat ion plan implementati on Create a K12 framework for reading and writing(asse ss for a mix of 50% information al and 50% narrative text and assess how teachers provide instruction on information al text) Review, modify or Oregon Department of Education 3 Summer 2011 2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline Mathemati cs Use standards crosswalks with teachers to begin alignment work of curriculum, grade-level units, lessons, etc. complete CCSS Curriculum Maps www.clackes d.k12.or.us/c ie/ccsshtml & support thru ESDs Instruction delivered in K-2 aligned to CCSS Review and align supplementa l to core instructional materials Literacy in History/Soc ial Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Oregon Department of Education 4 Summer 2011 2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Winter 2011-12 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Winter 2012-13 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2013-14 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 ASSESSMENTS English Language Arts Examine district formative assessments to determine alignment with CCSS Redesign formative assessments as needed Mathemati cs Examine district formative assessments to determine alignment with CCSS Redesign formative assessments as needed Literacy in History/So cial Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Oregon Department of Education 5 Summer 2011 2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Winter 2011-12 Spring 2012 Summer Fall 2012 Winter Spring Summer 2012 2012-13 2013 2013 PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE, GROWTH, and DEVELOPMENT English Language Arts Begin professional developmen t to develop understandi ng of the standards Intensive PD to continue developing understandi ng PD focused on instructional strategies Mathemati cs Begin professional developmen t to develop understandi ng of the standards Intensive PD to continue developing understandi ng PD focused on instructional strategies Literacy in History/So cial Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Oregon Department of Education Fall 2013 Winter 2013-14 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 PD focused on instructional strategies 6 Summer 2011 2011-14 Common Core State Standards District Transition Timeline Summer 2011 Fall 2011 English Language Arts Identify district leaders responsible for ensuring the transition plan is implemented with fidelity Identify stakeholders and their roles and responsibiliti es in implementin g the transition plan Develop communicat ion plan to inform parents about transition to CCSS Begin awareness campaign for transition from OAKS to SMARTER Mathemati cs Identify district leaders responsible for ensuring the transition plan is implemented with fidelity Identify stakeholders and their roles and responsibiliti es in implementin g the transition plan Develop communicat ion plan to inform parents about transition to CCSS Begin awareness campaign for transition from OAKS to SMARTER Literacy in History/So cial Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Identify district leaders responsible for ensuring the transition plan is implemented with fidelity Identify stakeholders and their roles and responsibiliti es in implementin g the transition plan Develop communicat ion plan to inform parents about transition to CCSS Oregon Department of Education Winter 2011-12 Spring 2012 Summer Fall 2012 Winter Spring 2012 2012-13 2013 COMMUNICATION/STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 7 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2013-14 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Summer 2011