Club Organisation for Goostrey

Superkids Limited
Club Mobile Number – 07743 314772
Hello and welcome to Goostrey After School Club run by Superkids Limited.
Mrs Craggs is the person running your club, along with, Mrs Cox, Mrs Keeling
and Mrs Wood. The club is situated in the Main Hall in the Junior Building.
How the club works
Admissions policy
If your child attends Goostrey Primary school they are automatically eligible to join the out
of school club if space permits. Admission is on a first come first served basis. Superkids
will endeavour to cater for children with particular needs.
Children in the club will be encouraged to choose freely from a range of activities,
role play
games console
board games
art and craft
group games
free play
organised games
imaginative play
Times of the club and costs
The after school club will operate from the end of school until 6p.m. The after school club
will operate from the end of school until 6p.m. Children may be collected at any time
within this period. It is important that all children are collected before 6p.m.with 5.45pm
as the latest recommended time as staff begin to pack away from 5.45pm to ensure that
everyone is out of the building on time. Charges will be made for late collection at £10.00
per ¼ hour or part thereof. The cost for each after school session, regardless of collection
time, is £10.00 per child (£9.50 for siblings). (Charges subject to change).
At the end of the school day your child will be collected from their class if they are in the
Infant Department. Junior children and above should go directly to the club in the Junior
Hall. Any change of venue will be announced on the day in each Junior classroom as a
reminder. In the afternoon a snack and a drink will be served when the children enter the
club. Children can then choose from the range of play activities available to them Drinks
are made available throughout the session. When it is time for your child to leave after
school club they must be collected by a named adult indicated on the registration form
unless an alternative arrangement has been made in writing to the club co-ordinator or
school. Children will be encouraged where possible to help tidy away the activities.
Behaviour Statement
As a club we aim to encourage and promote acceptable behaviour and respect for others.
We appreciate parental support in achieving and reinforcing this. We use a consistent and
positive approach, based on mutual respect between adults and children. High
expectations of behaviour and leading by example help us to achieve this aim. Club staff
will help children to talk about and sort out their differences in positive ways.
Praise and rewards are integral to this approach.
Cases of bullying in the club setting are taken very seriously as this threatens the safe
and happy atmosphere which the club fosters. Club staff will investigate any allegations of
bullying and parents of all involved would be informed. Although support and advice
would be given to a perpetrator of bullying, persistent bullying would result in exclusion
from the club.
Special Needs Statement
Children with special needs have the right to be included and for their needs to be met
wherever possible. This may involve the adaptation of activities and/or the environment.
Staff and parents of children with special needs, along with any other relevant parties, will
work together to try to ensure, access to premises, facilities and activities of the club. All
information relating to children with special needs will be treated as strictly confidential.
Policies Available to Parents on Request
Health and safety
Equal opportunities
Medication administration
Sick Children
No Smoking
Safeguarding – please note that any concerns about the welfare of children at the club
will be reported to the relevant authorities.
Booking and Payment
All booking and payment information is available on our website at
Our preferred method of payment is by BACS transfer. If you wish to guarantee regular
places for the year you can set up a standing order. Other payment methods are
available. Full details are on the ‘Payments’ page on the website.
Vizilogger sign in/out system
We have a secure, online signing in/out system, based on photo recognition. We will send
a separate email to you describing how to register yourself and anyone else likely to drop
off or collect your child on the system.
I know that there is a lot to read but please take a minute or two to read through the terms
and conditions (on the reverse of the registration form or on the website). To register just
fill in the registration form and return to Superkids, 127 Wellington Road South, SK1 3TS
We also encourage you to read our policies as they contribute to the successful operation
of the club. A policy pack is available at the club at all times. Please see any staff member
if you wish to read them.
We hope that you and your child will be happy with the service that we run should you
wish to use it, whether for regular care, occasional use or just for fun! We always
welcome any suggestions to make the service better.
Most of the time we prefer to communicate with you via email, as parents tell us this is
more flexible for them. However, if you wish to contact us by telephone you can call us on
0161 4747743.
Complaints Procedure
If there is cause for complaint your grievance should be directed in the first instance to the
club co-ordinator. If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with
you should contact
Superkids Limited at 127 Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3TS
Tel. 0845 00 66 776.
Should you wish to take your complaint further you should contact
Early Years OFSTED, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD. Tel: 0300 123
Superkids 2015