September 16 2015 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools

St. Edward School
Tel.: (306) 659-7300
Fax: (306) 659-2095
Principal: Mrs. R. Cratty
Vice Principal: Mrs. L. Janssens
Office Coordinator: Mrs. K. Beuker
Trustees: L. Lambert, W. Stus and T. Hawkins
Catholic School Community Council (CSCC): D. Brakefield
Pastor: Father Iheanyi
September 16, 2015
September 10, 2014
Tuesday, September 15
CSCC AGM, Meet the Staff, and family BBQ – 6 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday, September 16
Walking Wednesday – 9 a.m.
Care Partner Activity for Welcome Week
Thursday, September 17
School Wide Bingo – 2:45 p.m.
Friday, September 18
Guest Reader and Classroom Activities
Wednesday, September 23
Walking Wednesday/Terry Fox Run – 9 a.m.
Friday, September 25
Hot Lunch (for those who paid)
Tuesday, September 29
STEM Festival – Grade 7/8 and 4/5 classrooms
CSCC – 6:30 p.m. in the staffroom
Wednesday, September 30
Opening Mass – 9:30 a.m. at St. Michael’s Church
Walking Wednesday – 11:30 a.m.
Cross Country Practice Meet - Diefenbaker Park - 4:00 p.m.
Next Newsletter Wednesday September 30th
WELCOME back to another exciting school year! I would like to extend a special welcome to all of the new students and their
families. I’m certain that you will settle in quickly and feel part of our St. Edward School community. I would also like to welcome our
new staff including Mrs. Janssens, our Vice Principal, Mme. Anonson, our French and release teacher, Miss Young, our Grade 1/2
teacher, Mrs. Flamand, our PK and K teacher, Mrs. Thompson, our teacher librarian, Susan Reschny, our ELO teacher and Ms.
Bellegarde, our EAL teacher. We also have two interns, Miss Pilkey and Miss Sylvester, who will be working in Grade 3/4 and 7/8
St. Edward School has a team of dedicated staff that works hard to provide the best possible faith-filled education for our students.
We value the partnership that must exist between the parents/guardians and school to form our children and youth. Please do not
hesitate to contact the classroom teacher or myself if you require assistance or have any questions regarding your child(ren)’s school
experience. We make every effort to be attentive and supportive of each child’s needs. I am looking forward to working with all of
you to make this year a success as we continue to work together to provide an excellent Catholic Education for our children.
Student Information Sheets
We are still collecting student information forms. Please take a few minutes to fill in the green anti-bullying/lunch form, the yellow
acceptable use policy sheet, the red parent volunteer form and the white child health form you received at registration or that
were brought home by your child. Also, please go through the Student Data Verification Form and make any changes necessary. If
there are no changes required, please sign and return to the school. All of these forms are essential for office and classroom use.
Morning Arrivals
The students are asked to arrive at school no earlier than 8:45 a.m. Students who are attending the Before and After School
program may enter the school through the doors close to the parking lot. Students who need to arrive prior to 8:45 a.m. are asked to
register with the Before and After School program. Teachers are involved in meetings or are preparing for the instructional day;
therefore supervision is not available prior to 8:45 a.m.
Student Absences
Parents are required to notify the school if their son/daughter will be late or absent. Our message manager is on 24 hours a day,
so please call at any time and leave a message. Please include your child’s name, classroom teacher and the reason your child will be
late or absent. If we have not received any word for an absent student, Mrs. Beuker will be calling you after 9:15 a.m. to establish
your child’s whereabouts. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to assure the safety of our students.
Terry Fox Run
St. Edward staff and students will be participating in the Terry Fox walk/run on Wednesday, September 23 from 9 – 9:30 a.m. Please
encourage your child to bring in a toonie for Terry. It is the 35th anniversary of the terry Fox run and we are so grateful for all of the
parent support to help in the fight against cancer. All Toonies can be handed into the classroom teacher on the day of the run.
Our CSCC (Catholic School Community Council/Parent Council) would like to thank everyone who came out to the AGM and Meet
the Staff evening. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the School Staffroom.
If you are able to come and would like childcare, please call the school so that we can have it arranged. We look forward to seeing
St Edward has reviewed its allergy awareness plan and in order to best reduce the risk of food-related allergic reactions staff and students will:
Practice a "no sharing food" policy for all children.
Keep peanut butter and other peanut/tree nut products out of the school.
Keep specific classrooms "allergy-safe" from foods that children are known to be anaphylactic to by following proper handwashing and
clean up. (Please note that there is an egg and egg product restriction for the grade 6/7 classroom)
Strategies to reduce the risk for food allergens causing anaphylaxis (e.g., nuts, eggs) will be followed during hot lunches and in specific
School Zones
Please be reminded of the reduced speed (30 km/h maximum) in school zones on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Also, please
remember that there are no U-turns allowed in School zones. Saskatoon City Police will be ticketing anyone who is caught doing a UTurn or speeding in a school zone. The few extra seconds it takes you can save a child from serious injury.
Bus Loading Zone
Please respect the bus loading zones in front of the school especially in the mornings, at 12 noon and at the end of the day. We are
fortunate to have busing at our school this year and appreciate you following the designated areas for parking.
Crosswalks at Avenue P and 31st Street
For our students’ safety, please ensure students and families are crossing Avenue P in the designated crosswalks. Vehicles are not
expecting students to run out across the street at any other location. Our yellow signs have helped with signalling vehicles to slow
down in the school zone, but it is important to model and teach students to be safe and aware of oncoming traffic.
Fire drills
We have been practicing our procedures for fire drills and lockdowns. Constable Schwartz will conduct a practice lockdown with our
school later in September.
Milk is available for the students at noon. There will be both white and chocolate milk for sale. The charge will be $.75 per milk. Milk
cards can be purchased from Mrs. Beuker at the office for $15.00 for 20 milks.
Band News
Welcome back to another year of band! I’m excited to work with my returning students, as well as meet the new musicians in grade
Your child should have received a band note, or will soon. Please take a look at it and hand it back in as soon as possible.
Grade 7 and 8 students are invited to join Westside Winds, the after school band program on the west side of Saskatoon.
Please discuss this opportunity with your band student.
If your student was in band last year but they no longer wish to be in band this year, I require some form of parent contact
(note, email, etc.) to confirm this decision.
Band is a truly unique opportunity that lets students learn music in a community environment. They acquire not only important
musical skills that will serve them well in whatever musical avenue they choose to take (even if it’s just that of the informed listener!),
but also a number of important life and academic skills, too. I sincerely hope your child joins us in the band program this year!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Meaghan Haughian, band director
Grade 6 Band Workshops
Gr 6 Band Students will need their band instruments by September 15. The Beginner Band Workshop is scheduled for Saturday,
Sept 19 from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. at Bishop James Mahoney School. Please clear your calendar for this exciting and extremely
important morning.
I am really looking forward to meeting and making music with all my new band students!
Miss Haughian – Band Director
Westside Winds News
Westside Winds is the longest running after school Band program in the Catholic School system. This program is open to all Catholic
Grade 7 & 8 Band students on the west side of Saskatoon. Registration forms will be handed out in Band classes
School Newsletter
Our school newsletter will be published every second Wednesday during the school year. A calendar of school events will be
sent out at the end of each month for the following month. Classroom teachers will also be communicating with families through
classroom letters.
Thank you to all the families that gave us their email address so that we can send out the newsletter this way. Emailing the
newsletter is a great way to save trees and cut down on the amount of photocopying that is done at the school. It is also a way to make
sure you are getting the newsletter the day it comes out whether your child is at or away from school. If you have not already done so
and would like to receive the school newsletter by email, please send your address to the office or email it to Mrs. Beuker at Our school newsletter will also be posted on our new website at
Please take a moment to read each entire newsletter as they are very informative and keep you up to date on the activities
occurring in the school.
St. Edward School’s 2015-2016 Staff
Vice Principal
Renée Cratty
Lisa Janssens
Grade 1/2
Grade 2/3
Grade 3/4
Grade 4/5
Grade 6/7
Grade 7/8
Lori Flamand
Rachelle Young
Jen Molnar
Wynona Cenaiko
Greg Meier
Rob Herrick
Jayne Kimberley
Dustin Kasun
Mel Sysing
Learning Assistance
Hilary Anonson
Lisa Janssens
Jaylene Miller
Anna Thompson
Meaghan Haughian
Marie Baumann
Belle Bellegarde
Susan Reschny
Kennedy Pilkey
Angela Sylvester
Teacher Assistants
Ilsa Arnesen
Theresa Arsenie
Jaclyn Bathgate
Lizette Strautman
Norlyn Cruz
Heather Gammage
Bessie Pino
Office Coordinator
Kate Beuker
School Counselor
Luciene Poole
Community School Coordinator
Lauralee Sutherland
Tamas Tahn
Brayden Miskolzie
HPS/School Nurse
Candace Bloomquist
Nutrition Worker
Rita Stalker