Chair of the general surgery, children's surgery of medical faculty and surgical illnesses of mediko-preventive faculty The Tashkent Medical Academy Lecture for students of a 3-course of mediko-preventive faculty on a theme: Crises of bones and dislocations of joints The lecturer: д.м.н., professor Ergashev U.J. Composers: д.м.н., professor Ergashev U.J. TASHKENT 2007 Crisis name full or partial infringement of integrity of a bone as a result of mechanical force. At crises большей or smaller degree suffer and surrounding soft fabrics. Classification of crises 1. By origin: • Congenital • Got 2. For the reason occurrence crises happen: The Traumatic The Pathological 4. In a direction of influencing force n The Straight line n Indirect By the form influencing force crises happen: n At bending n At twisting (rotation) n At сдавлении (compressions) n From blow n Otryvnoj crisis 5. In зависомости the relation external among crises shares on: - Open crises of bones - The closed crises of bones On localisation a crisis place: n Epifizarnye crises n Metafizarnye crises n Diafizarnye crises After infringement of integrity of a bone crises share on: n Full n Incomplete (трешина) In a direction of a line of crisis: n Cross-section n Longitudinal n Slanting n Spiral n Shattered 9. After number a place of crises: Individual crises Multiple fractures 10. Simple crises n The Complicated crises n Sochetannye crises (политравма) n Difficult crises Mixture bone отломков The reasons mixture: n Excessive force of injuring effort n Draught спастически the reduced muscles n Gravity дистальной extremity parts Kinds displacement bone отломков n Displacement at an angle n Lateral displacement n Rotational displacement n Displacement on length Differ also primary and secondary mixture bone отломков Primary mixture occurs at the moment of a trauma. The reasons secondary mixture bone отломков is: n 1. Wrong репозиция bone отломков n 2. A wrong immobilisation of the compared bones n 3. Early removal of plaster bandages n 4. Premature removal skeletal extension or devices n 5. Poor-quality imposing of plaster bandages n 6. Early loadings on the damaged extremity Pathological change at crises and in consolidation. Pathological change at crises are divided into three stages: n Damages caused by a trauma n Formations of a bone callosity n Changes occurring in архитектонике bones During a trauma in the field of crisis are observed: 1. Hemorrhages 2. destruction of cages of a connecting fabric 3. A hypostasis and an aseptic inflammation 4. Migration of leukocytes 5. Инфильтрация and экссудация 6. Slow рассасывание the damaged cages and fabrics 7. Reproduction of founders of a bone callosity - остеобластов 8. Formation of a primary bone callosity within the first 3 weeks Sources of a bone callosity: n Periostalnyj a layer n Endostalnyj a layer n Intermediarnyj a layer n Paraossalnyj a layer Primary bone make callous - 3-6-нед Secondary bone make callous - 5-6-нед Clinic of crisis of bones: 1) The Pain 2) Deformation 3) Infringement of function of extremities 4) Pathological mobility 5) Shortening of extremities 6) The Hypostasis and a hemorrhage 7) Krepitatsija Treatment of crises 1) Repozitsija 2) Fixing and an immobilisation 3) Funktsionalnoe treatment 4) Stimulation of formation of a bone callosity Indications for operative treatment of crises: The absolute: Damages of large blood vessels, nerves, head and a spinal cord and an internal. The relative: 1) Open crises 2) The Shattered crises 3) Otryvnye crises 4) Interpozitsija of soft fabrics 5) Crisis of a neck of a hip 6) Inveterate crises 7) In the absence of effect of conservative treatment 8) Not Grown together crises (псевдоартрозы) 9) Incorrectly accrete crises Contra-indications to the operative To treatment: n The Heavy general conditions of patients: shock, sharp кровопотеря n The General or local surgical infection n Heavy, accompanying diseases (the Tuberculosis, a cancer) Dislocations Proof pathological mixture of articulate surfaces of bones under the relation to each other is called as a dislocation. Classification of dislocations: 1. Congenital 2. Got (traumatic, pathological) On degree mixture: n Full n Incomplete (incomplete dislocation) On dislocation localisation: 1. A dislocation of a humeral bone. 2. A femur dislocation. Clinical display: 1) The Pain. 2) The Compelled position of an extremity. 3) Restriction of movements in a joint. 4) Extremity Shortening. 5) A joint Swelling. 6) Joint Deformation. 7) Hypodermic hemorrhages (sometimes).