THE MEDICALLY COMPROMISED PATIENT & COMMONLY USED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Entire textbooks have been written describing the topic of this short discussion. Obviously, the entire area can hardly be covered in such a short time. What we would like to do, however, is to touch upon a few important issues and to place the entire area into a more easily understood context. Strategic Reserve: Normal, healthy people have built in levels of strategic physiologic reserve as it relates to the functioning of the various organ systems. This fact is taken advantage of in organ transplantation in that a close relative of a kidney patient may be an organ donor, giving up a kidney and yet function essentially normally for the rest of his or her life. The amount of reserve varies, but in general, nature has built a surplus into each system. As a rule, nature generally does not do things wastefully and this strategic reserve handles the "overload" or increase in need as the individual is challenged by various stresses. These stresses may take many forms, such as physical privation during periods of starvation, injury following a motor vehicle accident, or the flight or fright response when faced with anxiety provoking situations such as dental treatment. In the last example, both pulse and blood pressure are raised, the pupils dilated, the skin cool and clammy and the patient is ready to bolt at the slightest provocation. Nature has built into the autonomic nervous system and the cardiovascular system, the ability to "rise to the occasion" of impending threat with a temporary tapping of that latent reserve in order to meet this threat. Systemic Illness and Loss of Strategic Reserve: When viewed in this context, each system has such a reserve, but this reserve is finite. The system can only tap its reserves so much in the face of threat and when this reserve is exhausted, failure of the system in imminent. In the medically compromised patient, this reserve is diminished as a function of chronic disease such that the patient’s ability to "rise to the occasion" is diminished. The patient is less capable of dealing with stress and prone to medical crisis. In the office setting this is not a practice builder. For clarity, we have elected to discuss loss of strategic reserve, or illness, on a scale of 1 to 4. For example, angina may be classified as follows: Class 1: Class 2: Class 3: Class 4: angina on extreme exertion (climbing 10 flights of stairs) angina on moderate exertion (climbing 2 flight of stairs) angina with normal activity (walking down the street) angina at rest (sitting watching TV) As this example illustrated, the patient's strategic reserve diminishes as disease progresses and the stress needed to induce angina decreases. This simple classification system can be used for a number of other diseases as well. We have selected the following as some of the more common. Table I: Disease Classification by Symptoms or Description Disease Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Myocardial Ischemic Disease angina with extreme exertion or MI > 2 yrs angina with moderate exertion or MI < 2 yrs angina with minimal exertion or MI < 1 yr angina at rest Congestive Heart Failure SOB with extreme exertion SOB with moderate exertion SOB with minimal exertion SOB at rest Hypertension diastolic >90 <95 or no symptoms diastolic >95 <100 or minimal symptoms (headache) diastolic >100 <110 or moderate symptoms (CHF) diastolic >110 Asthma cannot find puffer uses puffer monthly uses puffer weekly uses puffer daily COPD SOB with extreme exertion SOB moderate exertion SOB minimal exertion SOB at rest Diabetes diet controlled or no symptoms oral hypoglycemics or minimal symptoms (neuropathy) controlled with insulin or moderate symptoms (blurry vision) brittle diabetic or severe symptoms (amputations or MI or blind) Bleeding on ASA on Coumadin with good control on Coumadin with poor control or no symptoms or minor bruising or moderate bruising or bleeding hemophiliac poorly controlled or severe bleeding or haemarthrosis or MI<6mths or severe symptoms (stroke) A very useful way to assess a patient's disease state is to determine what medication they are taking. With most diseases, physicians use a staged or stair-stepped approach to pharmacological management. As the disease state worsens, The strength and number of drugs used tends to increase. Careful analysis of the patient's list of drugs usually indicates their medical diagnosis and further analysis will indicate how advanced this disease is. This is indicated for the above diseases with the following table: Table II: Disease Classification by Pharmacology 1. Myocardial Ischemic Disease Class 1 vasodilator PRN vasodilator PRN vasodilator PRN Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 vasodilator PRN examples nitroglycerine + + + vasodilator prophylactically vasodilator + prophylactically vasodilator + prophylactically Isordil nitropaste B blocker B blocker + Timolol Labetolol Propranolol calcium channel blocker Nifedipine Diltiazem Verpamil 2. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Class 1 Class 2 diuretic diuretic + Class 3 diuretic + Class 4 diuretic + examples Diazide second diuretic second diuretic second diuretic + inotrope + inotrope Lasix + Digoxin home oxygen oxygen 3. Hypertension Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 examples B blocker B blocker B blocker diuretic Timolol Labetolol Propranolol + + + diuretic diuretic diuretic Diazide Lasix + + ACE inhibitor ACE inhibitor Captopril Enalapril +Ca channel blocker Nifedipine Diltiazem Verapamil 4. Asthma Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 bronco- dilator bronco- dilator + proph steroids bronco- dilator + proph steroids + proph bronco-dilator bronco- dilator + proph steroids + proph bronco-dilator + histamine vesicle stabilizer examples Ventolin Beclovent Theophylline Chromolyn 5. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Class 1 broncodilator PRN Class 2 bronco+ proph steroids dilator PRN Class 3 bronco+ proph steroids + proph broncodilator PRN dilator Class 4 bronco+ proph steroids + proph broncodilator PRN dilator examples Ventolin Beclovent + Theophylline (Theodur) antibiotics & home oxygen Ceclor Oxygen 6. Diabetes Class 1 diet Class 2 diet + oral hypoglycemic Class 3 diet + oral hypoglycemic + insulin (minimal dose change) Class 4 diet + oral hypoglycemic + insulin (minimal hospital) examples CHO restriction Glyburide Diabinase Humulin NPH / Lente + insulin (multiple hospital) Humulin NPH / Lente 7. Bleeding problems (Bleeding diatheses / coagulopathies) Class 1 ASA Class 2 Coumadin INR < 1.5 Class 3 Coumadin INR > 1.5 Class 4 examples Haemophilia post MI Proph for atrial fibrillation previous DVT or prosthetic valve (multiple hospitalizations) Procedural Stress: From a systemic point of view, each procedure we do carries with it a certain level of stress to the patient. Simple procedures such as denture adjustments, examinations or radiographs carry minimal stress. More complex procedures such as scaling or root planing, simple restorations or impressions carry increased levels of demand on the system. Still more complex procedures such as lengthy crown and bridge appointments or extractions are increasingly stressful. Finally, complicated surgery such as difficult impactions or orthognathic surgery carry even greater levels of threat to the patient. The threat any given procedure presents to a patient may be magnified as a function of patient anxiety and this factor must also be taken into the equation. In general, a simple categorization of stress levels may be applied to given procedures: Level 1: denture adjustments, examinations or radiographs Level 2: scaling or root planing, simple restorations or impressions Level 3: lengthy crown and bridge appointments or extractions Level 4: difficult impaction or orthognathic surgery Our job as clinicians is to assess this reserve, to assess the threat to the system that our procedure represents and to make sure that we stay within the limits of the systems's ability to handle the threat. When procedural "threat", "stress" or "complexity" exceeds the patient's ability to handle the situation, we are faced with the potential for medical crisis. Careful assessment of risk allows us to avoid precipitating medical emergencies. For each system…fill in the blanks as you progress through the course: System Anatomy Physiology Disease Pathophysiology Symptoms Signs Therapy Pharmacology Failure