Curriculum Vitae - North

Curriculum Vitae
1. General information
Title, name and surname:
ID nr:
Date of birth:
Marital status:
Professional registrations:
Contact details
Organisation where based:
Faculty or School:
Work telephone number:
Work fax number:
Cell phone number:
E-mail address:
Website address:
Work postal address:
Work physical address:
Dr Shan Simmonds
16 November 1983
South African
 Member of the Gender Forum Board of Interdisciplinary
Gender Studies at the University of Johannesburg
 Member of SAERA (South African Education Research
 HREiD: Human Rights Education in Diverse Religious,
Cultural and Gender Contexts (
 Member of the Association for Religious Studies in South
Africa (ASRSA)
 Associate member of International Seminar on Religious
Education and Values (ISREV). (Membership by invitation
 RPI – Swedish Network for Religious Education
North-West University, Potchefstroom campus
School of Education, Faculty of Education Sciences
+27 18 299 4764
+27 18 299 4712
082 5653440 /
Internal box 539, Private Bag X 6001, Potchefstroom, 2520
Room 129, Building C6, President Street, Potchefstroom, 2531
3. Qualifications (start with highest qualification)
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
Curriculum Studies / teaching-Learning
NWU (Potchefstroom campus)
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
Curriculum Studies / teaching-Learning
NWU (Potchefstroom campus)
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
Curriculum Studies
Stellenbosch University
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
Intermediate and Senior Phase
Stellenbosch University
4. Employment history (start with current position)
Senior Lecturer
NWU, Potchefstroom campus
NWU, Potchefstroom campus
Assistant lecturer for North- NWU, Potchefstroom campus
West University
(Potchefstroom Campus) for
Research Methodology and
Curriculum Modules
SANPAD Project Manager
NWU, Potchefstroom campus
Assistant lecturer for
Stellenbosch University for
Research Methodology,
Curriculum Modules and
Multicultural Education
Research assistant to Prof
Cornelia Roux at
Stellenbosch University
5. Research expertise
Scientific domain:
Main research field:
Fields of specialization:
NRF rating and year rated:
Appointed from – to:
January 2014 January 2011- December 2013
January 2010- December 2010
January 2009 – December
January 2008 – December
January 2007 – December
Curriculum Studies
Human Rights Education; Curriculum Studies; Multicultural
Studies; and Gender Studies
Human Rights Education; Curriculum Studies; Multicultural
Studies; and Gender Studies
6. Publications (list publications of the last 3 years)
International publications:
2012 Embracing diverse narratives for a postmodernist human
rights education curriculum. In: Roux, C. (ed). Safe Spaces.
Human rights education in diverse contexts. Amsterdam: Sense
Publications. p. 164-176.
2012 Girls’ and boys’ reasoning on cultural and religious
practices: A Human Rights Education perspective. (Co-authors
CD Roux, I ter Avest and A de Wet). Gender and Education
DOI:10.1080/09540253.2012.712096 (on-line)
2013 Trafficking as a human rights violation: Is South Africa’s
curriculum stuck in a traffick jam? (Co-author P du Preez).
Journal for Curriculum and Teaching 2(2):102-111.
National publications:
2011 Understanding how we understand girls’ voices on cultural
and religious practices: toward a curriculum for justice. (Coauthor P du Preez) South African Journal of Education 31(3):
2012 Teaching-and-learning and curriculum development for
human rights education: two sides of the same coin. (Co-authors
P du Preez & CD Roux) Journal of Education. (Accepted for
2012 Intersections of gender, religion and culture in adolescent
girls’ narratives: Curriculum considerations for Religion
Education (RE). Journal for Gender and Religion in Africa
2013 Engaging with human rights and gender in curriculum
spaces: A Religion and Education (RaE) perspective. (Co-author
CD Roux). Alternations 10:76-99.
2014 Curriculum, curriculum development, curriculum studies?
Problematising theoretical ambiguities in doctoral theses in the
education field. (Co-author P du Preez). South African Journal of
Education 34(2) (In press).
7. Papers delivered (of the last 3 years?)
International papers:
2010 Challenges of human rights in teaching-and-learning and
curriculum development: two perspectives. Őrebro-UNISA
International Conference: Democracy, human rights and social
justice in a new global dispensation – challenges and
transformations. Pretoria, South Africa. (1-3 February). (coauthored by Petro du Preez)
2010 Learners’ perceptions of human rights in shaping their
understanding of freedom of religion and belief. International
Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV). Ottowa,
Canada. (25-30 July).
2011 Human rights education toward a postmodernist
perspective of human rights: A narrative inquiry. International
Conference on Human Rights Education in Diversity: Challenges
and Proposals. North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus),
Potchefstroom. (18-20 April).
2012 The now generation of girls: (Re)respecting gender equity
in religion and culture? International Seminar on Religious
Education and Values (ISREV). Turku, Finland. (29 July – 3
2012 The intersection of gender, religion and culture: Adolescent
girls’ narratives yesterday and today. International conference:
Gender Studies at the interface of the humaniora. University of
Johannesburg, Johannesburg. (15-17 August).
2013 Parity or polarity? Gender equality and women
empowerment in South Africa’s National Curriculum Statement.
G20 Youth Forum. St Petersburg, Russia. (17-21 April).
National papers:
2013 Picturing it: Adolescent schoolgirls perceptions of gender
equity. AARE (Australian Association for Research in Education).
Adelaide, Australia. (1-5 December). (Abstract accepted).
2010 Divergent value systems meet convergent moral dilemmas:
Implications for teaching-and-learning in religion in education.
WISER. In the presence of faith: An interdisciplinary symposium
on Southern African studies of religion. University of
Johannesburg. (24-26 February).
2010 Giving girls a voice: Contradicting viewpoints of girls’
cultural and religious practices in their communities. 3rd
Research Colloquium: Education for Social Justice. University of
the Free State, Bloemfontein. (29-30 September).
2010 Fostering a disposition for critical inquiry: Reflections on
the perceptions and interpretations of education research
students. 3rd Annual Teaching Practice Symposium: Teaching for
Transformation. North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus),
Vanderbijlpark. (1-2 November).
2011 Gender equity: Girls from multicultural contexts
perceptions and experiences. Annual Conference of Association
of Religion in South Africa (ASRSA). University of KwaZulu-Natal,
2012 The intersection of gender, religion and culture: Adolescent
girls’ narratives yesterday and today. Gender Studies at the
interface of the humaniora. University of Johannesburg,
Johannesburg. (15-17 August).
2013 Doing research in Religion Education: Emerging trends for
gender research perspectives. Annual Conference of Association
of Religion in South Africa (ASRSA). University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein. (28-30 August).