October Newsletter 2014 - Ecclesall Infant School

Ecclesall Infant School
High Storrs Road, Sheffield, S11 7LG
0114 266 3137
0114 267 8743
Website: www.ecclesall-infants.co.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Emma Hardy, BEd (Hons), NPQH
Head of School: Mrs Ramsey, BA (Hons), PGCE
23rd October 2014
Dear Parents/Carers,
New Reception
Well done to all our new Reception children who have been in school with us eight weeks now. They are
learning lots of new things and finding their way around school. A big thank you to all our Reception staff
for looking after them and ensuring they feel happy and safe. Also thank you to all our Y1 and Y2 children
and staff who have been very kind and understanding to our new children. If you have any worries, please
do not hesitate to come and see your class teacher or myself, Mrs Hardy.
Harvest Festival
Thank you to all parents/carers/families who attended our Harvest Festivals. We were very proud of all our
Y1/Y2 children who performed many poems and songs. Thank you also to everyone who contributed to all the
food/cosmetics for the Cathedral Archer project. The children developed a very good awareness of what
homelessness is and how fortunate they are to be loved and cared for by their own family.
Welcome Wednesday
We are introducing a “Welcome Wednesday” session where parents/carers can have an informal chat with
Mrs Hardy and Mrs Ramsey after drop off. This will start on Wednesday 12th November at 9:00am in
the dining room and we will aim to do this once each half term. Why not come along for a cup of tea or
coffee and a really nice biscuit or two!!
How you can help your child at home: BUG CLUB ONLINE
We are having an information evening for parents/carers on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at 7pm at
Ecclesall CE Junior School to explain about the new Bug Club Online reading resource. Each Infant child will
shortly be receiving a username and password to access Bug Club online at home as well as at school. This
will be for both Ecclesall Infant and Ecclesall CE Junior School parents/carers.
Assessment in the New National Curriculum
We hope the Assessment booklet/letter have helped to explain the new changes by the Government. We
will be having an evening Parents meeting during the spring term to give you more information about the new
Assessments in the new National Curriculum. More information to follow later.
Car park
Reminder: Please do not drive your car into the car park during the day as there are limited places for
the staff. Please park outside of school wherever possible.
Parents who need to collect their children from Kids Club may do so after 4.30pm. Please remember that
the school grounds have a 5 mile an hour speed limit. Also please do not park your car on the footpath at
the side of the driveway or at the bottom of the drive unless you have permission. We appreciate that it is
difficult to park on High Storrs Road but we always put the safety of our children first. Thanks.
Please also do not allow your child to ride their scooter or their bike on the school drive at all. They
may use their scooter on the tracks on the bank in the playground and then walk with their scooter to put it
in the cycle park. We have had an accident this week which resulted in a Grandparent fracturing their
wrist. We appreciate your understanding with all this. Thank you.
Christmas Pantomime
We are delighted that we have managed to book for the whole school to go to see “Dick Whittington” at
The Lyceum in Sheffield on Wednesday 17th December at the 10.15am performance. We will be taking all
our Ecclesall Infant school staff to ensure we have enough adults for safeguarding reasons. Unfortunately
there won’t be any spare tickets for parent helpers for this trip as we have only been able to book 200
To keep the costs down as much as possible, we are asking parents to pay £10 for the cost of the
pantomime ticket only. (The normal price is £16). School are paying half the costs of the coach transport
and we are asking the EPTFA to fund the other half of the costs as this is benefiting all the children in the
We will return during lunchtime and school will provide packed lunches from the school kitchen. Please
return the permission slip at the bottom of the letter and cheques/cash for the exact amount (£10) for
the cost of the ticket by Friday 7th November. Thanks.
All Trips
The following trips have been arranged for each year group during the academic year Sept 2014-July 2015:
We will inform parents/carers if there are any changes to these trips in advance. Thanks.
Reception: Whirlow Farm (Summer term) (approximately £8.50)
Reception Hike to Forge Dam (free)
Year One: Ecclesall Saw Mill (£3.30)
Yorkshire Wildlife Sculpture Park (approximately £15.50)
Ecclesall Parish Church (free)
Y1 Hike to Forge Dam (Free)
Year Two: Castleton: Treak Cliff Cavern and Cave Dale Fossil Hunting (approximately £12.35)
Mosque in Sheffield (approximately £5.70)
Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet (approximately £5)
Y2 Hike to Forge Dam (free)
Whole School trips include: Pantomime trip to The Lyceum Theatre December 2014 (£10).
Clothing for School trips: We ask our children to wear school uniform on all our school trips please. This is
unless your class teacher has asked you to wear more suitable clothing. Obviously depending on weather and
the location of the trip, children may prefer to wear jeans instead of school trousers/skirt and suitable
footwear such as walking boots/trainers but wearing their school jumper/cardigan is very helpful. Thanks.
We also have 60 high visible yellow vests for our children to wear on trips, whether local or further afield.
Packed lunches:
SCHOOL. THANKS VERY MUCH. Please could you also provide a plastic/metal spoon if your child needs
one with their packed lunch as we only have enough spoons for children having school dinners.
Reminders: Prams: Please leave your prams outside in the buggy park by the disabled parking bays. It gets
very crowded in the mornings on the corridors. There are a few exceptions to this rule where there has
been agreement for personal reasons between the parent and Mrs Hardy. Thanks.
No Dogs and No smoking on our school site at all times of the day please. Thanks for your co-operation.
If your child has an appointment that cannot be avoided taking place during school time i.e. important
medical appointment, then please could you ensure that you tell both the office and class teacher. A
written note is always very useful too.
Golden Awards
Each week two children from each class receive a golden award for a variety of reasons including
“outstanding” behaviour, being kind, sharing, being sensible around school, helping in the classroom or for
trying particularly hard with some class work. Their names are written in their class golden book and then
the golden awards are given out during our Celebration Assembly each Friday. We have been putting the
golden awards on a display in the entrance area for all to see so our children can shine. They then have
lunch with Mrs Hardy on Monday lunchtime to celebrate their achievements. We also have “Class of the
Week” with a silver trophy for the class. For those parents who do not always get into school, we are also
putting this information of the golden award achievers onto our school website.
The EPTFA Toy Fair is on Saturday 8th November 2014 from 10.30am-12pm. If you would like to sell some
of your toys, please collect a letter next to the EPTFA board. Thanks for all your support.
Ecclesall Kid’s Club AGM
You are cordially invited to the AGM of Ecclesall Kid’s Club for children at both Ecclesall Infant School and
Ecclesall CE Junior School to be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 4 November 2014 in the Infant After School
Club mobile, Ecclesall Infant School.
Childcare will be available in the adjoining room. Please notify a member of staff if you require this facility
in order that we provide adequate staffing. Thanks
International Week
This will take place during the week commencing Monday 3rd November-Friday 7th November. The children
will learn about a great variety of different cultures and religions to develop an awareness for others. Any
parents who are available to discuss their faith or culture during this week, please see Mrs Hardy. Thanks.
Friendship Week/ Anti-bullying week
Friendship week/ Anti-bullying week is from Monday 17th November to Friday 21st November 2014: Theme:
“Creatively dealing with bullying”. Our school assemblies and circle time in the classrooms will concentrate
on being kind to each other and to look at the good points in everyone. We will be using puppets to show how
important friendships are. We always look for the positive so we reinforce “Friendship week” rather than
“Anti-bullying” week to the children.
We break up today on Thursday 23rd October for the half term break and return on Monday 3rd
November 2014. We hope you have a lovely holiday and the children get to play and relax as it has been a
long 8 week term for them. Thanks.
Kind Regards
Emma Hardy
Executive Head Teacher
Ecclesall Infant School
Fri 24th Oct
Mon 3rd Nov
INSET DAY (Maths in the New Curriculum training for all staff)
Children return to school
Mon 3rd Nov-Fri
Sat 8th Nov
INTERNATIONAL WEEK (more information to follow)
EPTFA Joint Toy Sale at Ecclesall Infants School 10am-12pm
Tues 11 Nov
Wed 12th Nov
Parents Consultations 2.30-5pm (All classes)- more info to follow
Welcome Wednesday Parents/Carers session 9am in the dining room: A
chance to chat with Mrs Hardy and Mrs Ramsey
Thurs 13th Nov
Tues 18th Nov
Parents Consultations 3.30-7.45pm (All classes)- more info to follow
“How you can help your child at home” BUG CLUB ONLINE Parents/Carers
Information Evening at Ecclesall CE Junior School 7pm
Tues 2nd Dec
Y1 Christmas workshop (in hall 9-10am) for Y1 Parents and Carers and Y1
Reception Christmas workshop (in hall 9-10am) for Reception Parents and
Carers and Reception children
Y2 Christmas workshop (in hall 9-10am) for Y2 Parents and Carers and Y2
Wed 3rd Dec
Thurs 4th Dec
Sun 7th Dec
Mon 8th Dec
EPTFA Joint Christmas Fair at Ecclesall CE Junior School 12pm-3pm
Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Concert for Ecclesall Juniors children/staff
Tues 9th Dec
Wed 10th Dec
Christmas Concert 2p.m
Christmas Concert 2p.m
Thurs 11th Dec
Tues 16th Dec
Christmas Concert 2p.m
Christmas Christingle carol service at Ecclesall Parish Church 2pm (All
parents/carers welcome)
Wed 17th Dec
Thurs 18th Dec
Whole school PANTOMIME “Dick Whittington” at The Lyceum
Christmas Party and Father Christmas visiting on his sleigh
Fri 19th Dec
Mon 5th Jan 2015
Tues 6th Jan
EPTFA Dress as you please day Break up for holidays
INSET DAY for teachers
Children return to school