Judson College Grade Change Request

Judson University Grade Change Request
***Please read the Grade Change Policy below this form before beginning this process***
Student: ________________________________________________________________ ID#: ______________________________
Course #: ___________________ Title: _________________________________________________________________________
Please check the appropriate box:
Student Initiated Grade Appeal
□ Instructor Initiated Grade Appeal
Reason for Grade Change Request (to be filled out by student or instructor): (Attach additional sheet of paper if necessary).
Student’s Signature_______________________________________________ Date:_________________ , 20______
Instructor’s Signature _____________________________________________ Date:_________________, 20 _____
 The grade is correct.
 Change the grade from __________to__________
 Fall
 Spring
 Sum
_________________________________________________________________ Date:_________________ , 20______
Instructor’s Signature
_________________________________________________________________ Date:_________________ , 20______
Program Director’s Signature: If Program Director is the instructor then the Dean’s Signature is required.
For office use only:
Received:_______ By:_______
Date________, _____
Office of Registration and Records
Date________, _____
Received:_______ By:_______
Grade change approvals are processed within one week of receipt to the Director of Faculty Services. Students are responsible to check student web system for
grade change approvals.
Grade Change Policy
Effective 1/22/2005 supercedes all previous policies
In order to maintain ethical practices and consistency campus-wide, grade changes are only allowed under extreme circumstances. Below
are the guidelines for instructors to use if considering a grade change for a student.
Valid Reasons:
 Instructor-initiated: Instructor miscalculates the grade or submits Incomplete grade change.
 Student-initiated: Student follows the published Grade Appeal Process (shown below) during which time the determination is
made that the student’s grade should be changed.
Invalid Reasons:
 Student asks the instructor to change the grade.
 Student turns in work late after final grades are submitted (or retakes final).
 Student misunderstanding.
 Instructor leniency.
 Student submits extra credit work after final grades are issued.
CAPS or SoLaB Student:
A procedure has been established for resolving those occasions when students actively disagree with the grade received in a course:
No later than the end of the third week of the subsequent course, students will confer with the instructor. If a grade
inaccuracy is determined, the instructor will process a grade-change request.
If agreement cannot be reached, students may appeal to the program director, in writing, within ten working days after
meeting with the instructor. If the program director can mediate an agreement between the student and instructor, a gradechange request may be processed. If the instructor is also the program director, then the appeal must be made to the Provost.
If no agreement can be reached, the next step is applicable.
Students may appeal the decision to the Provost in writing, again within ten working days. The Provost shall investigate and
render a decision. A decision by the Provost that the grade is not able to be appealed is final. A decision by the Provost to
assign a new grade is also final.