CONTRA-INDICATIONS FOR COLON HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT ABSOLUTE CONTRA-INDICATIONS Severe heart disease (uncontrolled) Congestive heart disease Severe hypertension (uncontrolled) Severe haemorrhoids, or even badly inflamed. Severe anaemia (may faint). Diuretics (water absorbed during treatment could raise blood pressure). Carcinoma of the colon or rectum (if passing stool, an experienced therapist may treat cautiously) Any active inflammatory bowel condition – Diverticulitis, Colitis, Crohn’s, etc. Severe abdominal or inguinal hernia which cannot easily be reduced. Severe liver disease (Cirrhosis) Recent surgery of colon or rectum (less than 12 weeks) Recent abdominal surgery e.g. hysterectomy (less than 12 weeks) Recent bowel biopsy (3 weeks for partial, 6 weeks for full thickness) Recent Laparoscopy (less than 3 weeks) Ileus (paralytic). Hirschsprung’s disease (megacolon) Autonomic dysreflexia (occurs in spinal injuries at or above T6) Renal insufficiency, using dialysis. Severe haemorrhaging Chronic long-term oral or rectal steroid usage (weakens bowel wall). Fissure(s) Fistula(s) Complicated pregnancy or history of unstable pregnancies. First 20 weeks of pregnancy (n.b. then afterwards, never with patient on back – always prop up hip to avoid foetal pressure on the aorta) Children under 16 years without a GP’s/medical specialist written referral. Within 6 months of hip joint/knee joint surgery, then with patient lying on operated side. Anyone who is beyond your experience, ability or training who you can decline to treat on these grounds. RELATIVE CONTRA-INDICATIONS Pregnancy after 20 weeks. Controlled hypertension Diuretic use linked to hypertension. Mild to moderate haemorrhoids Fissures if healed Fistulas if healed Renal disease – depending upon degree of renal function. Uncontrolled diabetes. Tight sphincter (detected on digital, use child spec. if suitable or not treat) Moderate hernias Bowel re-section after 12 weeks Inflammatory bowel diseases in remission Eating disorders Highly anxious, stressed or emotional.