University of Louisiana at Monroe TRiO Programs-Educational Talent Search ELIGIBILITY FORM STUDENT INFORMATION Please Print Student Name: School: Grade: SSN: Date of birth: Age: Gender: Male Female Do you participate in the free or reduced lunch program? Are you a U.S. Citizen? If no, are you a Permanent Resident? Yes Yes Free Reduced Pay full price No No Alien Registration Number: Are you Hispanic? Yes No What is your ethnic/racial background? Asian American Indian/Alaska Native Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Two or more races Black/African American White Name of parent/guardian: If NOT your parent, indicate relationship to you (aunt; grandmother, etc.): How many family members live How many parents in your home, including yourself? are in the home? Did your mother graduate from a 4 year college? Yes No If yes, name of college: Mother’s occupation: Did your father graduate from a 4 year college? Yes No If yes, name of college: Father’s occupation: NEEDS ASSESSMENT Check the following services you think would be helpful to you. Selecting a career Tutoring Developing study skills Selecting high school courses Preparing for the ACT Gaining admission to college Obtaining money for college Selecting a college major Personal Counseling Signature: TRiO Programs-Educational Talent Search-ULM OFFICIAL USE ONLY This is to certify the student’s participation in the National School Lunch program (free/reduced lunch), as well as the parental education level. The student is identified as being in need of, and has the ability to benefit from, TRiO Programs-Educational Talent Search services and should be selected for participation in the program. A.I. (reduced only): Family size (reduced only): School official signature: This is to certify the student does not participate in the National School Lunch Program (free/reduced lunch); however, confirms the parental education level. The student is identified as being in need of, and has the ability to benefit from, TRiO ProgramsEducational Talent Search services, and should be selected for participation in the program. School official signature: TRiO PROGRAMS-EDUCATIONAL TALENT SEARCH USE ONLY U.S.D.E. acceptable A.I. for a family of this size (reduced only): Eligibility: FG LI N ETS Staff Signature: Date: Executive Director Approval: TRiO Programs-Educational Talent Search-ULM