Behaviour Policy - Shobdon Primary School





This behaviour policy has been written for teachers, pupils, parents and governors of Shobdon

School. The document reflects our current practice in promoting high standards and the importance valuing one another. .


We believe that teaching pupils the skills of self-discipline, co-operation, respect and tolerance are an important part of the curriculum. Without these skills our academic objectives cannot be achieved, furthermore we believe that these are skills, which can be learnt, particularly if we work together with parents to achieve our goals.

At Shobdon School we believe that everyone in school has the right to be treated as an individual and with respect. Good relationships are vital to the successful working of a school. We value achievements of every kind - academic and non-academic, and we believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to achieve their potential. We believe that young people will respond to high expectations. In our school we expect everyone to work hard and give of their best.

In Shobdon School we recognise that problems occur where young people are learning and testing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Our success as a school is tested not by the absence of problems but by the way we deal with them.


We believe that school rules are most effective if they are phrased as positive expectations for the behaviour of everyone in the school. We prefer to have a few well-chosen rules rather than a long list of prohibitions.

At Shobdon School all children know and say the mantra;

’ We have Shobdon School written through us like a stick of rock!

In Shobdon School we want everyone to be happy. In order for this to be possible we deemed the following necessary: -


Are considerate to one another

Are fair in all we do

Always try our very best

Are friendly to everyone around us

Are always polite and courteous

Take care of our own belongings

Are respectful of other people’s belongings

Take pleasure in celebrating one another’s achievements

At Shobdon School we want everyone to 'Stay Safe'.

Therefore the following is in place:-


Know our school grounds are safe and we always stay inside them

Walk inside school to avoid accidents

Understand fighting, kicking and pushing are unacceptable

Always ask an adult for First Aid

Keep the cloakroom/toilets tidy

Remember to use indoor voices

Respect our uniform and wear it neatly, tidily and with pride

Shobdon School Behaviour Policy 1


Staff at Shobdon School are committed to the view that many behaviour problems can be prevented, or at least minimised by, good organisational measures.

Staff are aware of the need to keep organisational issues under regular review.

The school is well cared for, with litter free grounds and attractive displays of work inside classrooms and corridors. Minor repairs to the school and apparatus are dealt with as quickly as possible. Pupils are encouraged to share in the responsibility for the school environment by garden maintenance, bulb planting, bringing in play equipment, litter-picks etc.


Staff are well aware of the links between low academic success and poor standards of behaviour as stated in the Elton report. We work hard to alleviate such problems. Pupils are grouped flexibly for a variety of reasons including age, ability, social etc.

Limited withdrawal for short periods of intensive help with literacy/numeracy skills are provided for pupils when deemed necessary. Our curriculum reflects the importance of good behaviour in all areas and as such we celebrate good role models. Our emphasis on learning behaviours instils the importance of general behaviour in and around the school.


Parental involvement in all aspects of school life is valued. It is considered to be particularly important in promoting good behaviour. Staff believe that if parents and other adults reflect good role models and support the school behaviour policy it is more likely to be effective.

Parents and community members are often to be seen around the school helping in many different activities e.g. with reading/number games, P.E., art and music activities, library, transportation etc. If difficulties arise with individual pupils, parents are contacted as soon as possible.


1. Classroom strategy rewards/sanctions system

2. Discipline procedure.

3. Consult Headteacher and informal chat with parents,

4. Inform other staff - non-teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors.

6. Meeting with parents on more formal basis.

7. Informal chat with Educational Psychologist.

8. Referral to outside agencies - inform/placement.

9. Exclusion or alternative temporary placement.

AVAILABLE SUPPORT AGENCIES: LA Behavioural Support Service

Educational Psychology



It is recognised that dealing with behaviour difficulties can be very stressful for staff and it is not always easy to ask for help. Dealing with difficult behaviour is the collective responsibility of all members of staff in the school not just the teacher concerned with a particular pupil. Staff are generally very willing to acknowledge when they have difficulties with pupils and to support each other.


1. For safety's sake parents and carers are asked to use the correct entrance into and out of the

school building.

3 Children do not use the Trim Trail before school and after school use is discouraged.

4. In the interests of safety children will be discouraged from wearing jewellery.

5. Correct footwear - pumps or trainers are e worn for PE and Games.

Children may change into trainers for playtimes. Flat black shoes are worn in line with our

uniform expectations.

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6. Pupils are discouraged from bringing toys or personal effects into school except on indicated days or when requested by the teacher..

7. Children are allowed into school during lunch/playtimes with permission and for wet weather play with supervision.


The staff of Shobdon School felt it would encourage children to follow the rules if a system of

'Rewards' is adopted by ALL staff in the school. The following points are useful if rewards are to be used effectively.


1. Rewards are more effective if they are given immediately.

2. It is imperative to check that the child actually finds the reward you have chosen to be rewarding.

3. You should try to reward the behaviour every time it occurs, particularly initially.

4. Rewards need to be appraised once the behaviour has become established. Tangible

rewards can be replaced with social ones, rewards can be given less frequently or for a

higher standard of work or behaviour.


1. Verbal praise

2. Approval by other staff - children love to go to other teachers for praise.

3. Approval by Headteacher either by individual praise and stickers or by requesting the

Headteacher to come to the classroom for whole class praise.

4. Individual teacher reward systems i.e. stars, smiley faces, stickers etc.

5. Weekly 'Commendation Assemblies'

6. Certificates of Achievement.

7. Annual trophies for each Key stage - awarded at Leavers Service.


1. Whenever possible sanctions should be applied calmly rather than in anger.

2. Private reprimands are more effective than public ones.

3. Sanctions should be applied consistently.,

4. Whenever a sanction is used the focus should be on misdeed and not the child.

5. If possible a telling-off should include a message about what the child should do in the


6. Sanctions are generally more effective if given immediately after the misdemeanour.

7. Whenever possible sanctions should 'fit the crime.'

‘At Shobdon School we do…’


1. Verbal reprimands

2. Sad faces, written commands

3. Moving seats if appropriate.

4. Loss of privileges e.g. Golden Time

5. Unacceptable behaviour on the playground will necessitate the child to accompany a

teacher or Lunchtime Supervisor during playtime.

N.B. Wherever possible when a child has been sanctioned, the teacher should endeavour to react in a positive manner e.g. look for ways to praise however small it may be.

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'Misbehaviour' is usually defined as behaviour which causes concern to teachers. There are also some serious forms of bad behaviour which only or mainly affects pupils 'bullying and harassment' are cases in point. At Shobdon School we feel bullying not only causes considerable suffering to individual pupils, but also has a damaging effect on school atmosphere.

Staff at Shobdon School are:

1. Alert to signs of bullying and harassment

2. Deal firmly with such behaviour

3. Take action based on our rules which are backed by sanctions

Pupils are encouraged to tell staff about serious cases of bullying and harassment of which they are aware. In order to encourage, promote and demand equal opportunities at our school the staff and children have agreed the philosophy that "everybody has the right to be who they are" at Shobdon School. Gender, racial and ability equality is promoted throughout the school in a variety of medium: Assemblies, literature, games, visual aids, toys, drama and outside speakers


Where a pupil is deemed by staff to display low self-esteem, action is taken to develop this.

Strategies might include;

- discussion with child highlighting their strengths, either on a one to one basis or

anonymously in-group discussion.

- the awarding of responsibility tasks

- the regular use of rewards system in place in the school e.g.

stickers and certificates including non-academic strengths i.e. human qualities such

as kindness, helpfulness, listening etc. instilling VALUES

Refer to Anti-Bullying Policy

Refer to Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy

Policy Review September 2015

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