INFORMATION ABOUT BREAKFAST AND LUNCH All students have an account in the cafeteria. If you would like for your child to purchase breakfast meals, lunches, or milk, please pay in the cafeteria before school OR send cash or a check to school in a sealed envelope. On the front of the envelope, please print: Child’s name Teacher’s name and “lunch money” I suggest sending money MONTHLY or WEEKLY (not daily) please. When your child turns the envelope in to me in the classroom, I will take it to the cafeteria sometime that day. Cafeteria money will be placed in your child’s account. Each time your child purchases breakfast, lunch, or just a milk, the appropriate charges will be deducted from his/her account. It is important to discuss the breakfast program with your student even if you do not want them to eat breakfast. Kindergarten children often see kids going into the cafeteria to eat breakfast and think that they should, too. The lunch supervisors do not turn kids down from eating. Sometimes parents do not know their Kindergarten student is eating breakfast until they get billed. Yikes. A simple discussion with your child should prevent this problem, but if you would like to give me a note stating that your student should not be allowed to eat breakfast, I can certainly pass that on to the lunchroom. Breakfast is available to your child from 8:20-8:55 a.m. if you so desire. The cost for breakfast is $1.25. The breakfast line closes at 8:45 a.m. unless a bus is late. Children cannot get to class on time if they enter the breakfast line after 8:45 a.m. Please get the breakfast kids to school by around 8:20 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. so they do not go without breakfast. Thank you. For lunch, Kindergarten students will be offered ONLY the featured entré printed on the monthly menu at the beginning of the year. Additional lunch choices will be available to them once they become comfortable with the lunch routines. Kindergarten lunch is served at 11:50 a.m. and the children will have approximately 20-25 minutes to eat their lunch before going outside for recess. The cost for a student lunch is $1.60. Milk alone can be purchased for .50c. Your student can also bring a lunch from home instead of purchasing a lunch. If he/she brings lunch from home, a drink can also be brought from home or milk can be purchased in the cafeteria. All the children will sit together in the cafeteria whether they bring a lunch from home or eat hot lunch. You are welcome and encouraged to come and have lunch with your child in the cafeteria anytime after the first two weeks of school. Please call the office by 9:30 a.m. on the day you plan to come so that the secretaries can order a school lunch for you. An adult lunch is $2.50. If you have any questions about lunch that I have not covered here, please call the school at 663-2351. If the secretary cannot answer your question, she will pass your question on to me and I will call you as soon as I can.