THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT IN MATHEMATICS Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my Thesis Chair. This thesis does not include proprietary or classified information. Lynda Leigh Bingham Certificate of Approval: _____________________________ Donald R. Livingston, Ed.D. Thesis Co-Chair Education Department _____________________________ Sharon M. Livingston, Ph.D. Thesis Co-Chair Education Department ii THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT A thesis submitted by Lynda Leigh Bingham to LaGrange College in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF EDUCATION in Curriculum and Instruction Lagrange, Georgia May 12, 2011 iii Abstract This action research study examined how school structure (self-contained v. departmentalized) and teacher strengths play a role in student achievement in mathematics. The study compared 3rd grade CRCT data from two similar Title I schools, School B (departmentalized) and School A (non-departmentalized). Participants implemented a mathematics instructional plan at School A (non-departmentalized). Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through the use of rubrics, interviews, pre and post tests, and reflective journals. The quantitative data collected from the pre-post test was calculated using dependent t-test and an ANOVA. The results showed that teacher strengths do play a role in student achievement. The CRCT data comparison showed a higher meets and exceeds percentage for the non-departmentalized School A. iv Table of Contents Abstract……………………….……………………………………………………….….iii Table of Contents……………………….…………………………………………..…….iv List of Tables..………………………………………………………………………...…..v Chapter One: Introduction….……………………………………………………………..1 Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………….……1 Significance of the Problem……………………………………………………….1 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks..………………………………………..2 Focus Questions…………………………………………………………………...3 Overview of Methodology………………………………………………………...4 Human as Researcher……………………………………………………………...5 Chapter Two: Review of the Literature…………………………………………………...6 School Structure and the Meaningful Learning Environment……………….……6 Teacher Knowledge and Strengths Affect on Student Outcome…………….……9 Teacher Instructional Efficacy……………………………………………….…. 12 Chapter Three: Methodology…………………………………………………………….14 Research Design………………………………………………………………….14 Setting……………………………………………………………………………15 Subjects and Participants………………………………………………………..15 Procedures and Data Collection Methods………………………………………..16 Validity, Reliability, Dependability, and Bias …………………………………..19 Analysis of Data………………………………………………………………….21 Chapter Four: Results……………………………………………………………………24 Chapter Five: Analysis and Discussion of Results………………………………………33 Analysis………………………………………………………………………….33 Discussion………………………………………………………………………..38 Implications………………………………………………………………………39 Impact on Student Learning……………………………………………………...40 Recommendations for Future Research………………………………………….41 References………………………………………………………………………………42 Appendixes………………………………………………………………………………46 v List of Tables Tables Table 3.1 Data Shell………………………………………………………………17 Table 4.1 t-Test No Treatment-Z..………………………………………..………26 Table 4.2 t-Test Treatment-X…...…………………………………………………27 Table 4.3 t-Test Treatment-Y…...…………………………………………………28 Table 4.4 ANOVA-Pre-Test………………………………………………………29 Table 4.5 ANOVA-Post-Test……………………………………………………..30 THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem A common issue in schools is the lack of instructional time allotted for elementary teachers to implement in-depth, high quality lessons when teaching all content areas on a daily basis. According to Morton and Dalton (2007), “There has long been an interest in the use of school time as a means of increasing student achievement. Prior research has focused on the amount of time allocated to instruction and how that time is used” (p.1). Elementary teachers who plan and teach all content areas have only enough time to skim the surface of concepts taught. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of how elementary teachers, departmentalizing by content area, can improve student learning in mathematics. Significance of the Problem Due to a lack of in-depth, high quality lesson implementation, students are only able to get the right answer on standardized testing, rather than internalizing and building concrete knowledge. The No Child Left Behind [NCLB] legislation pressures states to show massive gains and growth in standardized test performance each year. This legislation directly affects each classroom across the nation. As a result, students are rushed to learn new concepts. Then, whether students have had enough meaningful learning time or not, the teacher must move on to the numerous other state standards, resulting in students lacking the foundations of basic knowledge learned in elementary school. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 2 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks How do humans learn and acquire knowledge? A philosophy known as constructivism theorizes about how humans develop knowledge. The constructivist learning theory, as defined by Cannella and Reiff, is how “individuals create or construct their own new understandings or knowledge through the interaction of what they already know and believe and the ideas, events, and activities with which they come in contact”(as cited by Abdal-Haqq, 1998, p.2). The belief under the constructivist learning theory is that humans construct and develop their own knowledge through action. This study directly relates to constructivism, in that it seeks to answer how school structure influences students learning. This research is also framed around the notion of enthusiastic engagement in learning, which is Tenet One of the Lagrange College of Education Department’s (2010) Conceptual Framework. The third cluster of Tenet One, along with Domain 2 of the Georgia Framework for Teaching, demands that teachers have a superior knowledge of how students learn and construct knowledge. This study intended to find the best school structure method for allowing students to construct their learning and develop a deeper understanding that is meaningful to the individual student. This study is also related to Proposition 1 of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards [NBPTS], which emphasizes the importance of teachers’ commitment to students and learning. This study directly relates to Proposition 1, in that, it was designed to investigate the different school organizations and to procure which school structure is the most successful in attaining the highest level of student achievement. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 3 Furthermore, this thesis is linked with creating successful learning environments to encourage high student achievement and meaningful learning, which correlates to Tenet Three of the Lagrange College of Education Department’s (2010) Conceptual Framework, as well as Domain Three of the Georgia Framework for Teaching. Tenet Three also requires collaboration amongst educators. In this study, educators will work together to gather and analyze data collected from the two types of schools structure, as well as use previous research as a guide to find which school structure enables higher student achievement. Proposition Four in the NBPTS emphasizes the importance of teachers thinking and reflecting on the practice of teaching and learning from experience. The study will not only provide meaningful experience for those involved, it will demand teachers to reflect on their current practices. As demonstrated, this study fully aligns with standards at the college, state, and national level. The purpose and goal of the study was to find effective teaching structures that improve the achievement levels in the students, which closely aligns with the goals and missions of the college, the state, and the national teaching association. Focus Questions There are a number of factors that affect student achievement. This thesis explores the affects of departmentalization as a factor in student achievement in mathematics. This study was designed and led by several critical questions. 1. Will an instructional plan designed to teach math content determine teacher strengths and deficiencies along with the most effective school structure? 2. How do a teacher’s strengths and knowledge affect student outcome? THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 4 3. What are the opinions and attitudes of administrators and third grade teachers involved in this study, on the effectiveness of departmentalization? Overview of Methodology This action research study was designed to explore student achievement in third grade at two comparable schools. When evaluating the two school populations, the following factors were deemed closely similar: student enrollment, socio-economic status, racial make-up, and number of Special Education and Early Intervention Program students. The variable for this study was the type of school structure implemented and the teacher teaching in their area of strength. School A used a more traditional school structure, with self-contained classrooms, where children received all content area instruction within the one classroom and the teachers do not have a choice on what subjects they teach. School B used a more unconventional school structure for lower elementary grades. Students at School B changed classrooms to receive each content area instruction, where teachers were allowed to choose which subjects they teach based on their preference and teaching strengths. Participants in the study include three third grade teachers at School A. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from this study. Archival CRCT data, as well as, pre and post test data from the mathematics instructional plan were collected and analyzed using various statistical methods. Qualitative data were collected using interviews with the third grade teachers at School A, regarding the teacher’s opinions and attitudes of their teaching ability, in addition to the reflective journal kept by the researcher. Using these data collected, the two school structures were compared and analyzed regarding the effectiveness of student achievement. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 5 Human as the Researcher I have taught several years in a self-contained classroom where the students stay with the teacher for all content areas. I am fully aware of the lack of time for students to fully understand a concept before it is time to move on to the next state standard. I have seen many students that have been able to answer the question correctly on a test, but do not truly have a deep understanding of the concept. I hope to find that departmentalizing each grade level is the answer to this predicament. I am hoping that departmentalizing would allow teachers to have a maximum of two content areas to specialize in, which would in turn allow them to develop lessons that are more meaningful and be able to nurture a deeper student learning with the appropriate amount of time available. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW With the start of each new school year, schools begin to form new plans of action to make improvement in weak areas. Often times these plans for improvement are centered around creating a high quality learning environment with high quality teachers along with improved standards based instruction (Beecher & Sweeney, 2008). The school structure or school organization for each grade level is also frequently considered when planning ways to improve student achievement. Over the past few decades, many schools across the country have begun to try various school structures, in the search to find the one that has the best student outcome. Mainly upper grade levels have traditionally been departmentalized by subject, however, now grade levels as low as third grade have begun to try less traditional teaching structures. School Structure and the Meaningful Learning Environment School structure has been largely debated since the beginning of the twentieth century (McGrath & Rust, 2002). The debate centers around the advantages of departmentalized and self-contained school structures and their effects on student achievement, as well as other social implications. Prior research indicates the need for the ongoing effort to find the most effective school structure since student achievement may directly be affected by the type of school structure implemented. Both departmentalized school structures and self-contained school structures may be found at the elementary level. Yet, few of the studies have provided enough concrete evidence to prove one school structure better than the other. Several benefits of departmentalization include: increased student flexibility and adaptability, teacher specialization, teacher retention, and easier transition to middle and THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 7 high school (Chan & Jarman, 2004). When teachers specialize in one or two subject areas, there is more of an opportunity for increased subject and curricular knowledge. Teachers must have adequate understanding of the subject matter they are responsible for teaching (Flick & Lederman 2003). With the vast amount of knowledge now available, the major disadvantage for the self-contained classroom is that one teacher cannot know enough to operate effectively in all subject areas. Departmentalization allows teachers to maximize planning time and resources in addition to being proficient in one or two content areas. According to McPartland (1987), the intentions behind the creation of departmentalization is to allow teachers to be experts in a subject area, and produce higher quality instruction, since they would only have to concentrate on preparing a limited number of outstanding lessons each day that are offered to several different classes. McPartland (1990) suggests that school structure can affect teachers’ efforts to provide high-quality instruction and create positive teacher/student relations. Departmentalization increases the opportunity for teachers to interact with more students, which increases the opportunity for students to improve interpersonal skills through adapting to different teaching styles. More students receive the added advantage of having a teacher more qualified to teach a particular subject area. Furthermore, adapting to this flexible school structure of changing classrooms and teachers, is crucial in easing the transition to the middle and high school settings, where the need for the selfcontained school structure is minimized. Not only does departmentalizing allow teachers to specialize their knowledge and improve student interpersonal skills, it also provides each subject area with an equal amount of time. In many schools, science and social studies are being pushed out of the THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 8 daily schedule, as a result of these subjects not counting towards Annual Yearly Progress [AYP]. By implementing a departmentalized school structure, each subject is allotted the same amount of time, thus allowing students to receive a well-rounded education, rather than solely tested content. Besides the advantages to departmentalizing, there were a few disadvantages or pitfalls to the less traditional school structure. Opponents to the less traditional idea of school structure suggest that by departmentalizing, students lose the safe, secure feeling of the self-contained classroom. Departmentalizing makes it difficult for teachers to get to know students well, develop positive student-teacher relationships, create a caring and supportive environment, and make curriculum connections through integration (Bryk, Lee, & Smith, 1990; Legters, McDill, & McPartland 1993). Robert Canady and Michael Rettig have conducted numerous studies and written multiple publications on aspects of school structure, specifically block scheduling which closely relates to departmentalization. Canady and Rettig (1995) suggest that by departmentalizing, schooling becomes similar to an assembly line, depersonalizing the time spent with students. Self-contained classrooms allow the teacher to really get to know the students’ strengths, weaknesses, and personalities, as they are with the group of students for almost the entirety of the day; which may allow self-contained teachers to be better prepared to create instructional time for their students (Irmsher, 1996; McGrath & Rust, 2002). Another disadvantage to departmentalizing is the amount of time spent in transition, as students move from classroom to classroom. McGrath and Rust (2002) felt that self-contained students would perform higher academically because of more instructional time with one teacher. Through their research, they discovered that the THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 9 instructional minutes did not differ greatly, and the self-contained students did perform higher in two academic areas. Supporters of departmentalizing suggest that students are able to move more frequently during the day in a departmentalized setting, which helps increase attention. A connection between physical activity and academic performance has been explored through several studies conducted by researcher Terrence Dwyer, suggesting that movement supports success in school. His research found that movement improves classroom behavior and academic performance (Dwyer, Sallis, Blizzard, Lazarus, & Dean, 2001). Teacher Strengths and Knowledge Affect on Student Outcome If teaching were as simple as using the “one best way” to teach everything, it would be considered more of a science. However, there isn't just “one best way” to teach everything and that is why teaching is considered an art. If teaching meant simply following a text book and using the “same size fits all” approach, then anyone could teach. Long ago, teachers knew that individual needs, strengths and weaknesses must drive instructional and assessment practice. When Howard Gardner created the Multiple Intelligences theory, he shaped the awareness of the fact that children come in their own individual packages and that no two children learn the same way even though the curriculum may be the same (Gardner, 1991). This same knowledge applies to the teacher too. Various research points to the remarkable fact that while teaching styles and approaches may differ, all great teachers make the most of their natural strengths and talents. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 10 Research consistently shows that teachers have the greatest potential to influence children's education. "The major research finding is that student achievement is related to teacher competence in teaching," noted by Kemp and Hall (1992, p. 4). Proof from teacher-effectiveness studies indicates that student engagement in learning is to be valued above curriculum plans and materials. Research on teacher effectiveness has yielded a wealth of understanding about the impact that teacher ability has on student growth. According to Michael Schiro (2008), a researcher of teacher’s beliefs and philosophies, under the scholar academic ideology, teachers should be knowledgeable people. Schiro found that learning best occurs when the teacher clearly and accurately presents knowledge which the student is to acquire. Teachers should have a thorough understanding of the discipline they teach. Schiro also suggests that in order to promote the highest academic achievement in students, teachers should earn academic degrees in the subjects they teach. In order to implement standards and curriculum effectively, school systems depend upon the work of expert teachers who understand the subject matter they teach and have an organized body of knowledge readily available. For example, how well teachers know mathematics is directly related to their ability: to use instructional materials wisely, to continuously assess students’ progress, and to create and implement meaningful lessons. The teacher’s aptitude and interest in a subject can influence how the students will perform (Ackerlund, 1959). Tak Cheung Chan and Delbert Jarman, two professors at Kennesaw State University wrote an article that appeared in the September 2004 issue of Principal magazine. Through their findings in literature, they concluded that elementary teachers are expected to be a “jack-of-all-trades” who are masters of all content areas of the THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 11 curriculum (Chan & Jarman, 2004). Richard Anderson conducted research in the East Bruinswick public schools concerning teacher specialization in one or two subject areas. Anderson found that the most commonly used elementary organization of self-contained classes did not take into account that it is rare for a teacher to have extensive competence in more than one or two subjects (Anderson, 1962). Ackerlund (1959) also felt that although the self-contained school structure maintains a better student-teacher relationship, it is difficult for the teacher to be knowledgeable and prepared to teach all subjects. Ackerlund suggests that when a teacher is teaching in a content area they are the most knowledgeable in, they are more able to focus on other aspects of teaching, like applying creative insight to problems that arise, as well as planning, evaluating, and monitoring their students. To investigate his theory Ackerlund (1959) surveyed a large school district in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Teachers were asked about training in the areas of “knowledge of subject” and “methods of teaching”. Responses showed that 109 teachers felt self-contained was the best classroom organization and 122 felt that was it not. In grades K-2, many teachers favored self-contained classroom, but in 3-5 grades teachers opposed self-contained classes because of the higher demand of content knowledge. In Ackerlund’s (1959) study is was revealed that out of 260 teachers surveyed, only four teacher considered themselves well prepared to teach all subjects. The results show that there is an increased need for departmentalization with the increase of content knowledge that a higher grade level requires. Ackerlund’s study also displays a need for further exploration as to why only four teachers felt prepared enough to teach all subjects. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 12 Teacher Instructional Efficacy Since a teacher’s beliefs can have a significant influence on what teachers do in their classroom, this action research study will explore how teachers feel about the quality and success of their instruction in the classroom. A well-known education theorist, Albert Bandura (1986), suggests that teacher instructional efficacy has to do with a teacher’s perception of his or her own capabilities and effectiveness in a classroom, as well as their perception of their ability to implement instruction that leads to the desired outcomes of student engagement and learning. Teacher instructional efficacy plays a significant role in knowledge development, and has been suggested by many researchers to be strongly related to student achievement on standardized tests (Henson, 2001). Robin Henson conducted a year long study in a large school district in the southwestern United States to find out how collaboration in research affected teacher’s instructional efficacy. Henson found that teachers who see themselves as capable of teaching certain subjects challenge themselves and persist in their efforts to succeed, which, in turn, influences their students. Teacher instructional efficacy can assist a teacher in many meaningful educational outcomes. When teachers have high instructional efficacy, they can directly influence student achievement. Research reviewed by Muijs and Reynolds (2002), suggests that students who have teachers with high efficacy, attain better scores on achievement tests than students who are taught by teachers with low efficacy. Muijs and Reynolds (2002) also suggest that low teacher efficacy has also been linked to low expectations of student achievement. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 13 The purpose of this review of literature was to provide background information that is essential for understanding this action research study. The focus questions provided the structure for the basis of the literature review. The review of literature examined school structure, teacher knowledge, and teacher instructional efficacy. While there is a growing amount of research on school structure and teacher specialization, this action research study seeks to fill in the research gaps and further our understanding of teacher specialization. As noted in the literature review, there were several advantages and disadvantages related to departmentalizing that were discovered in prior research studies, however many studies mentioned the lack of data to support departmentalization. Although selfcontained and departmentalized school organizations have been debated for many years, research has still not proven that departmentalization will significantly improve academic achievement in elementary schools. Findings in the literature provided a framework for this action research study in examining school organization’s affect on student achievement. As reviewed in the literature, some changes are in progress in order to meet the needs of all students. There is a continued need for exploration between student achievement and its relationship to the different organizational structures for the elementary school students with an insight into teacher instructional efficacy. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 14 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY The purpose of this chapter is to explain the methods used to complete the action research study. As previously mentioned this study examined which organizational structure, traditional (self-contained, one teacher for all academic subjects) or departmentalized (each subject taught by a different teacher), had the greatest affect on general third-grade students’ math achievement as measured by the Georgia CRCT. Research Design This was an action research study that encompassed the use of a variety of data collection methods. According to Cher Hendricks (2009), the author of Improving Schools Through Action Research, the purpose of action research is to allow inquiry, discussion, and collaboration as components in the research process. Action research searches to find answers/solutions to problems experienced in education (Hendricks, 2009). The authors of the article, Sustaining Teachers' Growth and Renewal through Action Research, suggest that action research begins with a question or inquiry, then data is gathered, next the data is analyzed with the goal of improving a component of the educational practice (Gilles, Wilson, & Elias, 2010). This action research study began with the inquiry of whether or not the type of school structure can affect student achievement in mathematics. Next, an intricate mathematics instructional plan was designed and data was collected and meticulously analyzed in order to promote growth and awareness on the educational topic of departmentalization. The researcher examined the archival data of two different classroom organizational instruction techniques—traditional (self-contained, one teacher) and departmentalized formats (each subject taught by a different teacher). For School B, a THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 15 portion of this study was accomplished by analyzing the 2009 and 2010 CRCT mathematical achievement data of the third-grade students to investigate the cause-andeffect relationships of the two different types of instructional techniques, as measured by the Georgia CRCT. The second portion of this study involved three teachers from School A, using the traditional self-contained school structure, implementing a mathematics instructional plan and collecting data from a summative common assessment. Other variables involving teachers’ experiences, perceptions, and opinions about the classroom organization were also researched. These variables were addressed using data collection through an interview. The goal of this design was to discover whether or not teacher strengths play a role in student achievement Setting This action research study took place in a Title I school in west Georgia; this school was coded as school A. School B, is a rural Title I school also in west Georgia, located in close proximity to School A. The schools were selected based on a set criteria. The study required a school that implemented the traditional self-contained school structure—School A. The study also required a school that implemented a less traditional school structure, departmentalization—School B. Permission and approval from the county and principal at School A, where the mathematics instructional plan would be implemented, along with the Lagrange College IRB were granted in order to proceed with the study. Subjects and Participants School A had approximately 460 students enrolled, with 87 of those students being in three third grade classes. School B had a total school enrollment of 621 and THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 16 approximately 93 of those students are third graders. Both schools were Title I schools and had distinction (meeting Annual Yearly Progress for three or more consecutive years). School A had 56 % White population, while School B had 75% White population. Both School A and B served 64% economically disadvantaged students who qualify for free and reduced lunches. The subjects in this study were the third grade students at school A, who were administered the mathematics instructional plan. Active participants in this study were the third grade teachers at School A who implemented the mathematics instructional plan and participated in interviews conducted by the researcher. Teacher Z had twenty-three years of teaching experience. Teacher Y had one year of teaching experience. Teacher X had three years of teaching experience. Procedures and Data Collection Prior to institutional review board (IRB) application, the researcher requested permission from School A’s principal to conduct the action research study, through the implementation of the mathematics instructional plan. After approval from the institutional review board (IRB) and School A’s principal, the researcher sought approval of the third grade teachers at School A as participants in implementing the mathematics instructional plan. After all approvals were granted, the following data shell in Table 3.1 was used to guide the action research study. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 17 Table 3.1 Data Shell Focus Question Literature sources Will an Canady & instructional plan Rettig designed to teach (1995) math content determine teacher McPartland strengths and (1990) deficiencies along with the most McGrath & effective school Rust (2002) structure? How does teacher strength and knowledge affect student outcome? Ackerlund (1959) Gardner (1991) Chan & Jarman (2004) Type: Method, Data , Validity Type of Method: Instructional Plan rubric and interview Type of Data: Qualitative Type of Validity: Content How are data analyzed Coded for themes Recurring Dominant Emerging Rationale Type of Method: Teacher made – pre /post test & Standardized CRCT Type of data: Interval Type of Validity: Content Dependent T Independent T ANOVA Type of Method: Reflective Journal and interviews Type of Data: Qualitative Type of Validity: Construct Coded for themes Recurring Dominant Emerging To determine if there are significant differences: -between means from one group tested twice -between means from two independent groups -among the means from three or more independent groups Looking for categorical and repeating data that form patterns of behaviors Kemp & Hall (1992) What are the opinions and attitudes of third grade teachers involved in this study, on the effectiveness of teaching in capital strength areas? Muijs & Reynolds (2002) Bandura (1986) Henson (2001) Looking for categorical and repeating data that form patterns of behaviors THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 18 The mathematics instructional plan (see Appendix A) was created and used as a data source for focus question one. The instructional plan consisted of ten mathematics lessons which were aligned to the third grade Georgia Performance Standards concerning the concepts of area and perimeter. During the creation of the ten lessons, the diverse student population was kept in mind through the consideration of Howard Gardner’s (1991) multiple intelligence theory. The lessons and activities were the constant, while the teachers teaching in their strengths areas were the variable. Two teachers, Teacher X and Y, felt their teaching abilities were strong in the area of mathematics, while Teacher Z did not express a feeling of strength in teaching ability in this content area. Throughout the implementation of the ten lesson Instructional Plan, the researcher and colleague participants kept meticulous notes on various aspects concerning the Instructional Plan and implementation process, this was documented in a reflective journal using the reflective journal prompts found in Appendix C. Feedback regarding the Instructional Plan’s integrity and quality was sought from experienced colleagues through the use of a rubric and interview. From the rubric and interview, suggestions were made to include a pre and post test to show each teacher’s student sample growth. Experienced colleague reviewers also thought the instructional plan included a variety of lessons that would meet all students learning needs. According to James Popham (2010), the author of Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know, multiple choice assessments measure a student’s knowledge and can allow students to employ higher order thinking skills. In an effort to answer focus question two, a multiple choice pre assessment was administered prior to implementation. After implementation of the mathematics instructional plan, a post assessment was THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 19 administered in an effort to measure whether teaching in strength areas affects student achievement. In addition, all of the third grade students who served as subjects in this action research study, where administered the Georgia Criterion Referenced Competency Test [CRCT]. In order to compare the two different school structures, the researcher obtained archival test data from the Georgia Report Card from the GaDOE website for both School A, and School B. School A and B archival test data was compared to prove that school structure along with teachers teaching in strength areas affect student achievement. The data collection instruments used in this action research study to measure focus question three, concerning student achievement and teacher experiences, perceptions, and opinions were the interviews conducted with the three third grade teachers who implemented the instructional plan along with the reflective journal kept by the researcher. The interview was conducted to gain a better understanding of how teacher strengths affect student outcome, see Appendix B for questions used during the interviews. Validity, Reliability, Dependability, and Bias Qualitative data were gathered for focus question one through the instructional plan rubric and interviews. The instructional plan provides content validity. The researcher sought construct validity by conducting interviews and collecting feedback from experienced colleagues concerning the instructional plan. Hendricks (2009) refers to this process as “peer debriefing”, which is employed to increase validity. In order to increase dependability of these data the following actions took place: interviewees checked transcripts for accuracy, data were accurately recorded with the use of protocols, THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 20 audio and/or videotaping, and data collection and treatment were kept consistent. In an effort to eliminate bias, all instruments: the instructional plan, pre and post assessments and interview questions—have all been checked for unfairness, offensiveness, and disparate impact. Quantitative, interval data were collected for focus question two through the pre and post assessment in order to achieve test-retest reliability. In addition, archival CRCT mathematics data were collected. Content validity refers to how well an assessment matches the curriculum taught (Popham, 2010). Through the collection of the post test data, content validity was achieved. Variance will be measured, to ensure reliability of the ANOVA. In an effort to eliminate bias, all instruments: the instructional plan, pre and post assessments and interview questions—have all been checked for unfairness, offensiveness, and disparate impact. Qualitative data were collected for focus question three using the reflective journal and interviews conducted with the third grade teachers. Hendricks (2009) suggests that through the use of the reflective process and journaling, educators can identify issues and seek resolutions to such issues, which is a crucial aspect of improving an educator’s professional development. Construct validity was achieved through the collection of feedback from experienced colleagues on their beliefs and attitudes. In order to increase dependability of these data, the following actions took place: interviewees checked transcripts for accuracy, data were accurately recorded with the use of protocols, audio and/or videotaping, and data collection and treatment were kept consistent. In an effort to eliminate bias, all instruments: the instructional plan, pre and THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 21 post assessments and interview questions—have all been checked for unfairness, offensiveness, and disparate impact. Analysis of Data Qualitative data were collected for focus question one. These data were analyzed and coded for reoccurring, emergent, and dominant themes. The rationale for this type of analysis was to detect categorical and repeating data that form patterns for behavior. Quantitative data were collected for focus question two, and then analyzed using various statistical tests. The hypothesis being, that there is a significant difference between the pre and post test scores or amongst the three classes implementing the instructional plan. The pre and post data collected from each of the three classes implementing the instructional plan, were also analyzed in three dependent t-tests. These results addressed focus question two. Effect size, r test, was also used to calculate the magnitude for the pre and post test data for each teacher. Effect size is categorized as small, medium, or large. Reliability was also calculated from the 3 dependent t-tests, using the Pearson’s coefficient correlation, to calculate the relationship between the pre and post test results. An analysis of variance-ANOVA test was used to compare the mean scale scores differences between the three classes that were administered the pre test prior to implementing the instructional plan, with the null hypothesis being that there is no significant difference among the three classes. Another ANOVA test was used to analyze the mean scale scores difference between the three classes post assessment after the instructional plan was implemented, with the research hypothesis that there would be a significant difference between the groups. These results also addressed focus question two. This test was used to determine if there were significant differences among the THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 22 means from three groups of students who were administered the post test. The null hypothesis being that there is a no significant difference between the groups. The decision to reject the null hypothesis has been set at p < .05. Qualitative data were collected for focus question three. These data were analyzed and coded for reoccurring, emergent, and dominant themes. The rationale for this type of analysis was to detect categorical and repeating data that form patterns for behavior. The entirety of the study was analyzed holistically. The study was approved by the faculty, as a result, the study obtained consensual validity. Through the incorporation of prior research through the literature review this study attained epistemological validation. As a result of presenting opposing opinions in the literature review in addition to selecting participants who have opposing views, this study achieved fairness. By including a variety of data sources, as seen in Table 3.1, structural corroboration and triangulation have been achieved. Eisner (1991) calls this process ‘structural corroboration,’ where all evidence comes together to form a compelling whole. Immense consideration has been taken to ensure accuracy in reporting research findings, data collection, and data analysis. A coherent and logical case has been made through presenting strong evidence which has been collected and presented through a variety of methods in order to assert judgments, thus achieving rightness of fit. According to Eisner (1991), a tight argument, coherent case, and strong evidence to assert judgments are all necessary components of research precision, also referred to as ‘rightness of fit’. To ensure the ease of transferability to future similar studies, referential adequacy has been achieved through the details and precise instruction of the procedures and methods of the THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 23 complete study. As this is an action research study seeking to find whether school structure can affect student achievement, it seeks to answer and improve the education realm, therefore exuding catalytic validity. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 24 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS The focus questions guided this action research process. The results for this action research study are organized by focus question. Embedded data tables will be used to display quantitative data results, while qualitative data results were coded for themes. Focus question one was, will an instructional plan designed to teach math content determine teacher strengths and deficiencies along with the most effective school structure? Qualitative data were gathered through an instructional plan rubric along with interviews regarding the design of the instructional plan. These data were analyzed and coded for reoccurring, dominant, and emerging themes. Prior to the implementation of the mathematics instructional plan, through interviews, feedback was sought from collaborating colleagues regarding the design of the instructional plan. The following factors as related to the design of the area and perimeter mathematics instructional plan emerged from the interviewees’ responses in the interviews and on the rubric. The first interviewee, Teacher 1, a ten year veteran teacher, reported after reviewing the ten day mathematics plan on the concept of area and perimeter, “the plans included a wide variety of activities that would help accommodate a wide variety of learning styles”. Teacher 1 also reported that entirety of the instructional plan was “clear, concise, and easy to follow”. Teacher 1 suggested offering the students more choices throughout the instructional plan through the use of choice boards and choice menus, as a means of differentiating. After much thought and consideration of the suggestion, the researcher wanted to keep each teacher and their students as controlled as allowable by minimizing the activity choices each day. The second interviewee, Teacher THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 25 2 with less than five years experience, suggested the use of a pre and post assessment, rather than only testing the students at the end of the instructional plan. Teacher 2 stated, “The use of a pre and post test would help track classroom progress.” Teacher 2 also liked the incorporation of technology throughout the instructional plan. Teacher 2 commented, “Week one is hands-on learning tasks, and week 2 is more application and extension tasks.” Both teachers interviewed reported that the instructional plan was closely aligned with Georgia Performance Standards, essential questions were clearly stated along with lesson expectations and learning goals. The instructional plan was revised and aligned to the feedback and suggests given by the interviewees and collected from the instructional plan rubric. The second focus question guiding this action research study was, how does teacher strength and knowledge affect student outcome? The data gathered to answer this focus question were the scores from the three classrooms implementing the mathematics instructional plan, both pre and post test data. Three dependent t-tests were used to calculate the pre and post test data. In Table 4.1,for the no treatment group-Z, the obtained value of 8.81 is greater than the critical value of 1.73, t(18)=8.81, p<.05, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. There is a significant difference between the pre and post test results of the no treatment group. There is a statistically significant relationship between the pre and post test. Reliability, reported as Pearson Correlation, was .51, r (17) = .51. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 26 Table 4.1 T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means No treatment-Teacher Z Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference Df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail Pre-test 50.47368 320.8187 19 0.51914 0 18 -8.81119 3.02E-08 1.734064 6.03E-08 t Critical two-tail 2.100922 Post-test 81.42105 89.70175 19 In Table 4.2 the treatment group-Teacher X, shows that the obtained value of 10.52 is greater than the critical value of 1.71, t(22)=10.52, p<.05, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. There is a significant difference between the pre and post test results of the no treatment group. Therefore accepting the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the pre and post test. Reliability, reported as Pearson Correlation (r), was .33, r(21)= .33. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 27 Table 4.2 T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means Treatment-Teacher X Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference Df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail Pre-Test 54.65217 213.2372 23 0.334505 0 22 -10.5284 2.35E-10 1.717144 4.69E-10 t Critical two-tail 2.073873 Post-test 86.82609 98.51383 23 In Table 4.3, the treatment group-Teacher Y, shows that the obtained value of 7.68 is greater than the critical value of 1.72, t(20)=7.68, p<.05, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. There is a significant difference between the pre and post test results of the no treatment group. There is a statistically significant relationship between the pre and post test. Reliability, reported as Pearson Correlation (r), was .78, r(19)= .78. Therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 28 Table 4.3 T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means Treatment-Teacher Y Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference Df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail Pre-test 61.85714 476.8286 21 0.78367 0 20 -7.68184 1.08E-07 1.724718 2.17E-07 t Critical two-tail 2.085963 Post-test 86.42857 133.5571 21 The effect size was calculated for all three groups. All three groups are categorized as having a large effect size: no treatment-Teacher Z- 0.79, treatmentTeacher X-0.82, and treatment-Teacher Y-0.62. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 29 An Analysis of Variance was also used to calculate the results amongst the three groups. Table 4.4 shows the results of the ANOVA using the pre test data from all groups. The obtained value of 4.63 is greater than the critical value of 3.14, F(2,62)=4.63, P<.05, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. There is a significant difference between the pre tests of the three groups. Table 4.4 ANOVA: Single Factor Pre-Test SUMMARY Groups Count Teacher X 23 Teacher Y 21 Teacher Z 21 ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups SS 3208.522868 21471.59834 Total 24680.12121 Sum Average Variance 1257 54.65217 213.2372 1299 61.85714 476.8286 1003 47.7619 362.1905 df MS F P-value F crit 2 1604.261 4.632362 0.013336 3.145258 62 346.3161 64 THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 30 Another Analysis of Variance was used to calculate the results of the post-test data from all three groups. Table 4.5 shows the obtained value of 1.68 is less than the critical value of 3.15, F(2,60)=1.68, P>.05, therefore accepting the null hypothesis. There is no significant difference among the results of the post test data from the three groups. Table 4.5 ANOVA: Single Factor Post-Test SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Teacher X 23 1997 86.82609 98.51383 Teacher Y 21 1815 86.42857 133.5571 Teacher Z 19 1547 81.42105 89.70175 ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups SS 362.6672 6453.079 Total 6815.746 Df MS 2 181.3336 60 107.5513 F P-value F crit 1.68602 0.193913 3.150411 62 The archival CRCT data collected from Georgia Report Card portion of the Georgia Department of Education website showed School A as having 85 total students tested with 21 students not meeting standards (DNM), 42 students meet the standard, and 36 students exceed the standards for the mathematics portion of the 2010 CRCT. Of the 99 students tested at School B, 29 students did not meet the standards, 42 students meet the standards, and 28 students exceeded the standards for the 2010 CRCT mathematics test. The percentage of meets and exceeds for School A (not departmentalized) was 92%, while 71% meet and exceed at School B (departmentalized). The third focus question used to guide the study was concerned with the opinions and attitudes of third grade teachers involved in this study about the effectiveness of THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 31 teaching in capital strength areas. Data were gathered through reflective journals and interviews. These data were analyzed and coded for reoccurring, dominant, and emerging themes. Over the course of the instructional plan implementation, a few reoccurring themes were noted in the reflective journals kept by the teachers participating in this action research study. One reoccurring theme was the availability of time allotted to teach the instructional plan. It was noted several times throughout all three journals, each participant struggled with the time allotted for teaching the instructional plan. An emergent theme that all teachers noted in their journals was the successfulness of the hand-on activities throughout the instructional plan. An emergent theme in Teacher Z’s journal was difficulty managing the various grouping situations and ensuring that all students were constructing the appropriate knowledge and understanding of area and perimeter. In the fifth journal entry for the fifth lesson in the instructional plan, Teacher Y noted, “working with a small group was a huge success.”, while Teacher Z noted the importance of differentiating for all levels, Teacher Z experienced difficulty setting aside time to hold such small group sessions. Thus, making the dominant theme found in all journals the difficulty with appropriate time allotment to the subject. During the interview held with the participating teachers multiple differences in prior experience and training were discussed, however a few dominant themes were presented. The participants expressed similar opinions of departmentalizing. The participants felt positive about the idea of a teacher being an expert in one or two subject areas, rather than trying to master the art of successfully implementing all subjects. The participants also expressed feelings of low efficacy when discussing how prepared they felt to successfully teach all subjects. Teacher Y expressed that the best training she THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 32 received in college occurred during fieldwork at participating elementary schools. Teacher Z described how her years of teaching experience better prepared her than her undergraduate program. Teacher Z and Teacher Y both agreed that a teacher teaching the subject they had specialized training in, could better serve their students. The participants suggested that students taught by teachers with special training, would have a more successful learning experience. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 33 CHAPTER FIVE: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Analysis This action research study was designed to further investigate teacher strengths and school structure, and their affects on student achievement in mathematics. The study was guided by a few leading research questions. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed statistically and coded for themes. In order to achieve epistemological validity, the results of this action research study were compared with the current published literature and research findings. Will an instructional plan designed to teach math content determine teacher strengths and deficiencies along with the most effective school structure? In order to collect data for focus question one, an instructional plan rubric was used in addition to an interview with experienced colleagues in regards to the integrity of the ten day mathematics instructional plan. Qualitative data were collected and coded for themes. The feedback from experienced colleagues reported in chapter four, was used to modify the instructional plan. After reviewing the qualitative data collected, it could be argued that any teacher could easily implement the instructional plan. While any teacher could implement the plan, the plan may yield different results based on teacher strengths and deficiencies. The data collected from the rubric and interview directly relates to Howard Gardner’s (1991) theory of multiple intelligences, as cited in the literature review. Teachers, like students, have multiple intelligences. It is nearly impossible to be an expert in all subject areas. According to Flick and Lederman (2003) , it is necessary for teachers to have an adequate understanding of the subject matter they are responsible for teaching. Through collecting feedback to improve the quality and integrity of the THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 34 instructional plan, along with the uniform implementation and analysis of student results, it could be argued that the instructional plan was successful in identifying teacher strengths and weaknesses. Through careful analysis of the class post test means, in addition to the reflective journals, it could be argued that Teacher X exhibited a strength in mathematics instruction. Through the uniform implementation of the ten day area and perimeter instructional plan, a few themes were uncovered. One theme uncovered was that Teacher Z, who had no specialization or preference for teaching mathematics, struggled with setting aside time to give small group instruction in order to differentiate for all ability levels. Could this be a result of a lack of confidence, subject-matter knowledge, or motivation towards teaching mathematics? Kemp and Hall (1992). noted, “…student achievement is related to teacher competence in teaching” (p. 4). As noted in the reflective journals, Teacher Y and Teacher X consistently reported feeling confident and prepared throughout the instructional plan implementation, while Teacher Z reported on various occasions throughout the journal, feeling “unprepared” and “unsure” of herself. From the qualitative data collected for focus question one and the coinciding review of literature, it can be concluded that this portion of the study reinforces the current literature findings related to teacher strengths and abilities playing a role in the implementation of the ten day instructional plan. The second focus question guiding this action research study was, how does teacher strength and knowledge affect student outcome? The methods used to gather data were the pre and post test for the ten day area and perimeter instructional plan, and the archival CRCT math results from School A (non departmentalized structure) and School THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 35 B (departmentalized structure). The data were analyzed through three dependent t-tests using pre and post test data collected from the three third grade classes that implemented the ten day instructional plan. Through administering the same pre and post assessment at two different times throughout the implementation process, this portion of the study achieved test-retest reliability. The reliability was calculated for all three t-tests. The results showed no significant (weak ) relationship between the pre and post test results for Teacher X, while Teacher Y and Teacher Z’s results showed a (strong and moderate) significant relationship between the pre and post test results. The three dependent t-test results showed a significant difference between the pre-test results and the post-test results for all three classes. This type of outcome was expected, as a result of student knowledge before the unit was taught and an expected growth in knowledge constructed after the unit was taught. In addition, the effect size was also expected to be medium to large, and when calculated was considered large for all three classes, due to the increase in student knowledge. The pre and post assessment tool used, proved to be a valid assessment of student knowledge and understanding of area and perimeter. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test used to calculate the results among the three classes pre tests. A significant difference was found amongst the three groups of pre-test scores. By looking at the averages of the three classes pre test data listed in Table 4.4, it could be argued that Teacher Z’s students started out with less knowledge about area and perimeter than Teacher X and D’s students. Teacher Z’s pre-test average was 47.7%, while Teacher X’s class average was 54.6%, and Teacher Y’s class average was 61.8%. A second ANOVA test was run to calculate the post test results among the three classes. The results from the second ANOVA showed no significant difference among the three THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 36 groups. The three classes post-test results range from 81% to 86%: Teacher X- 86.8%, Teacher Y-86.4%, and Teacher Z-81.4%. From such results, it could be argued that teacher strengths do affect student achievement. Teacher X and Teacher Y both expressed high instructional efficacy when teaching mathematics, feeling that this subject area was a strength for them. While Teacher Z, reported mathematics as a weak area of her teaching ability. Teacher X and Teacher Y’s students achieved a higher class average on the post test, than Teacher Z’s students. Muijs and Reynolds (2002) suggest that students who are taught by teachers with high efficacy, attain better scores on tests than students who are taught by teachers with low efficacy. In addition, the 2010 archival mathematics CRCT data collected for focus question two, show that 92% meet and exceed at School A (not departmentalized), while 71% meet and exceed at School B (departmentalized). Much of the prior literature that was reviewed for this study coincides with these results. While research was found to support departmentalization, more research was found that did not support departmentalizing in the lower grades. Those who advocate for the self-contained school structure, claim that it promotes instruction that is more child centered than subject centered (McGrath & Rust, 2002). Research suggests that this type of setting is the most effective in allowing teachers to truly know their students’ abilities. According to Canady and Rettig (1995), self-contained school structure allows teachers to not only know their students’ personalities, but also their strengths and weaknesses, allowing those teachers to be better prepared when planning instruction for their students. The CRCT data collected for this study supports previous research findings comparing departmentalized and self-contained school structures. While there is still a lack in proof THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 37 for which school structure is more effective than another, this study showed that the school the is not departmentalized (School A) did have higher CRCT mathematics scores than the departmentalized school (School B). The final research question guiding the study was, what are the opinions and attitudes of third grade teachers involved in this study, on the effectiveness of teaching in capital strength areas? Qualitative data were collected through the reflective journals kept by the study participants and the interview conducted with the study participants. Data were coded and analyzed for themes. The dominant theme from the interview was the positive attitude the teachers shared about departmentalizing. While the teachers reported that they had never actually taught in a departmentalized setting, they both felt that each subject would be given the fair amount of time and emphasis. They also felt that teachers would observe more student success, due to the teacher being able to share his/her specialized knowledge of the subject. Such results align with previous research conducted by Michael Schiro (2008), who found that learning best occurs when the teacher clearly and accurately presents knowledge. Through the reflective journaling process a few themes were uncovered. Teacher Z expressed feelings of low efficacy and difficulty meeting with all students. While Teacher Y reported feeling well prepared and organized each day. These results directly related to the research found on self-efficacy and how it relates to effective teaching. Teacher instructional efficacy plays a significant role in knowledge development, and has been suggested by many researchers to be strongly related to student achievement on standardized tests (Henson, 2001). Robin Henson (2001) found that teachers who see themselves as capable of teaching certain THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 38 subjects challenge themselves and persist in their efforts to succeed, which, in turn, influences their students. Discussion The findings in this study may be limited due to the short amount of time to implement the action research instructional plan (10 days). The study yielded results that coincide with previous research studies. This study produced results that could be argued to prove teacher strengths to be beneficial in improving student learning, numerous studies in the past also proved teacher strengths to be beneficial. Such studies were much more extensive and longitudinal than this study. Similar studies centered mainly around school structure also aligned with this action research study. It could be argued from the CRCT data comparison, that school structure does play an important role in student achievement and success on standardized testing. Much of the previous research proved to be true for this study. Prior studies conducted by Canady and Rettig (1995), as well as McGrath and Rust (2002), have yielded results that support self-contained school structure and prove departmentalizing to entail many less desirable side effects than the usage of self-contained organization in the younger grade levels. Through the incorporation of various data collection sources and prior research, credibility for this study has been established and maintained throughout its entirety. In an attempt to attain fairness, this study has incorporated both supporting and opposing research whenever possible. Through the use of careful organization and effective research questions, this study has maintained rightness of fit. While the results from this THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 39 study and previous studies do not yield a simple right or wrong answer, it does help build interest and amplify the need for further in depth research in this area of education. Implications This study was based on the participation of three third grade teachers implementing the ten day mathematics instructional plan. The seventy-five third grade students at School A served as the subjects. This action research study was minuscule in comparison to previous published studies, for instance in Ackerlund’s 1959 study, he surveyed a total of 260 teachers on their prior training and knowledge of subject. Would the results of this study remain the same had more teachers been able to participate? Considering the methods of collecting quantitative data, the probability that the results would remain the same is very likely regardless of the population size. This study brought effective school structure to the forefront of the research location. Participants became interested in further investigation of the most effective school structure. Participants were considering using current research to construct a proposal for departmentalizing at their school. The teachers who participated in this study felt departmentalizing is an effective way to ensure meaningful learning, which is significantly different from ensuring successful standardized test takers. Through the reflective journaling process “referential adequacy” was ensured in this study. Through the journaling process several themes were identified and can be transferred to other areas in education. The reflective journal kept by the researcher and other participants in the study, was used as a method for gathering qualitative data. A theme uncovered in the reflective journal was elementary school teachers’ struggle with time constraints. This is a common conversation amongst many teachers, there seems to THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 40 never be enough time in the day to fit in everything that needs to be taught. Another theme that could be applied to various teaching situations was the feeling of instructional efficacy. Often, teachers may not experience high efficacy in everything they do each day. It can be beneficial in improving to identify times of low instructional efficacy, and make an effort to improve in such areas. It can also be beneficial to identify times of high instructional efficacy and use these times to highlight natural teacher strengths to benefit student learning. Due to the reflective nature of the study, catalytic validity was ensured. The researcher began the study as a supporter of departmentalizing in elementary school, through this research process the researcher’s views have been modified as a result of the study. After completing the literature review and implementation of the instructional plan, the researcher believed teacher strengths can be beneficial to students, however, the researcher is not convinced that departmentalizing is the answer to improving student learning at the elementary level. Impact on Student Learning The purpose of this action research study was to find out which school structure produces the highest levels of student achievement. While the participating teachers’ strengths and efficacy were different, after reviewing the results collected from focus question two, , the end results showed no significant difference in student achievement amongst the three classes. From these results, it could be argued that teacher strengths did not greatly affect student achievement in this action research study. The CRCT data collected also yielded a larger meets and exceed percentage of the student population for the traditional self-contained third grade at School A. Such results suggest that THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 41 departmentalizing may not increase student achievement on standardized tests. From the results of this study, it may also be argued that the traditional self-contained school structure may yield better outcomes for student achievement on standardized tests. Recommendations for Future Research A suggestion for similar future research would be to examine archival CRCT data for an extended period of time for the two different school settings. Perhaps comparing several years of data may result in more accurate analysis of school structure. It may also be interesting to have both schools-one departmentalized and one traditional- implement the exact same instructional plan, then calculate and analyze those data. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 42 References Abdal-Haqq, I., & ERIC. (1998).Constructivism in teacher education: Considerations for those who would link practice to theory. ERIC Digest. Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. Retrieved from ERIC database.(ED426986) Ackerlund, G. (1959). Some teacher views on the self-contained classroom. 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(ED497041) Muijs, D. & Reynolds, D. (2002). Teachers’ beliefs and behaviors: What really matters?, Journal of Classroom Interaction, 37(2), 3-15 Retrieved November 1, 2010 from ERIC database. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 45 Popham, W. J. (2010). Classroom assessment: What teachers need to know. Boston, MA: Pearson College Div. Schiro, M. (2008). Curriculum theory: Conflicting visions and enduring concerns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 46 Appendix A Instructional Plan MONDAY(Week 1) SUBJECT Math TOPIC Measurement: Area & Perimeter STANDARDS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS VOCABULARY M3M3. Students will understand and measure the perimeter of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles). M3M4. Students will understand and measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles). How are the perimeter and area of a shape related? area: a measurement of the region enclosed by the sides of a polygon Area is always expressed in squared units. perimeter: the distance around the outside of a shape *Watch the BrainPopJr. Perimeter and Area cartoons *The teacher will have the students feel the difference between perimeter and area by having the students close their eyes and use their touch to examine two cardboard polygons, one of which has pompons glued around the edge (perimeter) and the other which has pompons glued all over its surface (area). The teacher will say, “We can measure perimeter using many different things. We can use pompons, toy cars, inches, centimeters, even our hands.” • Practice: Have the students work in pairs and measure the perimeter of 4 or 5 different objects around the room using different units: hands, feet, pencils, in, ft, etc. • Monitor the students' progress. • Have a couple of students share their examples. • Discuss why it might be necessary to have a standard unit like: inches, feet, or meters. • Discuss why someone might need to know the perimeter of something. (Example: fencing a yard) Use the Area/Perimeter Explorer to practice (I always emphasize RIM in peRIMeter. I say that we are measuring the outside RIM of our shape.) TUESDAY Review what perimeter means and real-world situations that may use perimeter measurements. Pass out the 1 centimeter square paper to each student along with one red fraction bar, two green fraction bars, and one purple fraction bar. The students are to arrange the fraction bars into a shape on the centimeter paper. It is necessary that when the student traces around their shape, they draw only on the black lines and their shape must remain in one piece if it were to be cut out. (In other words, corners touching are not THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 47 allowed.) The students must find a way to arrange the fraction bars in order to make the smallest and largest possible perimeter. Have them trace their shapes and count the perimeter of each before making the next one. *To add an extra challenge, increase the number of fraction bars. You may also want to ask students if they can find a given perimeter ("Can you make a perimeter of 20?"). *Students can work in groups or individually. WEDNESDAY Whole group--Review perimeter and area concept by using painters tape to tape off the tiles on the floor—making various size rectangles and squares. Have students come stand on each side to show the perimeter. Note-there must be a student standing on each of the line segments that make up the whole side of each rectangle/square. If you tape the outside of 3 tiles to make a rectangle, there will be 3 students, 1 student, 3 students, 1 student—that will stand on the outside to model perimeter. The area for the 3 tile rectangle could be modeled with 3 students. Partners/small groups (before the activity- using index cards, write a specific perimeter or area on at least 20 cards) Students will be given a flashcard programmed with either area or perimeter. Using painter’s tape, they will tape off the figure on their flashcard. Assessment After all figures have been taped and checked, the students will complete the Perimeter/Area scavenger hunt sheet. THURSDAY How big is a desk? (GPS Framework) Choose from the units available to measure the area of the top of your desk. • Estimate how many of the units it will take to cover your desktop with no pieces overlapping. • Measure the desk using your chosen unit of measure and record your measurements accurately. • Explain how you arrived at your answer using numbers, pictures, and words. • Choose a different measurement unit. • Estimate how many of the 2nd unit it will take to cover your desk. Will you need more or less of the 2nd unit than of the 1st unit? • Measure the area of your desk with this 2nd unit and record your measurements accurately. • Compare the two measurements. • Explain your observations and whether or not your predictions were or were not correct. FRIDAY Rectangles Rule (GPS Framework) On your dot paper, draw all the rectangles you can with a perimeter of 24. Determine the area of each rectangle and record it inside the rectangle. Now, count to check the perimeter of each rectangle. Write a paragraph that explains how the shape of the rectangle and its area are related. Discussion, Suggestions, Possible Solutions All students should have had prior experience in determining area and perimeter. They will need dot paper or may prefer using 10 x 10 geoboards if available. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 48 There are 6 possible rectangles: a 1 x 11, 2 x 10, 3 x 9, 4 x 8, 5 x 7, and 6 x 6. All should be drawn and labeled accurately. Students should note that the more narrow the rectangle, the smaller the area. Exemplary work will note that the sum of the length and width must equal twelve. Extension: Given a rectangle with a perimeter of 36 units, what is the smallest possible area it could have? The largest? The smallest area of a rectangle with a perimeter of 36 units would be 17 square units. The largest area would be 81 square units. MONDAY (Week 2) Area and Perimeter Quiz Quiz Trade Pass out a cup of 1-inch foam squares to each student along with a pre-programmed index card that has a set area or perimeter. The students may want to place the flashcard in the cup with the foam pieces. All students will stand up, put their hand up, and find a partner to high-five and pair up. One partner will read their flashcard, while the other partner will make the figure with the foam squares. Then, the partner that read the card will check the figure that the other partner made. Next, the partners will switch jobs. Once the pair finishes quizzing each other. They must trade cards. They will then raise their hand to find a new partner to quiz. Assessment: Given ten random shapes on a grid, the students will be able to calculate the area and perimeter. Rubric for scoring: • 9–10 correct: 5 points • 7–8 correct: 3 points • 6 correct: 1 point less than 6 correct: 0 points TUESDAY Small Group day—work with students who scored a 0 or 1 on the assessment from yesterday. Rest of the class—students will complete the area and perimeter cut and paste activity from the mailbox magazine. WEDNESDAY Whole group- student will use the interactive whiteboard to manipulate the shapes to find the area and perimeter, using the following website -ues area and perimeter workbook page to assess students THURSDAY Perimeter Mall (GPS Framework) Use pentomino pieces to create a map of a new shopping mall. Design the mall by tracing the pieces onto white paper to make a map of the mall. Label the stores that are in your shopping mall. Add details to your map such as a parking lot, trees, and benches. Determine the number of units in the area and perimeter (in each building if your mall has separate buildings) of your mall. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 49 Record that data on your map. Write a few sentences that describe the choices you made as you designed your mall. Explain how you found the perimeter and area of your mall. You may want to bring in an actual map of a shopping mall. Discuss how maps help us to find our way around and how we can look at a mall map directory to see how far we would have to walk. Each student needs to have access to pentominos.(Pieces are included in the appendix at the end of this unit framework.) Student work should reflect student preferences for stores and should be varied. . All work should have perimeters and areas that are accurately figured. Work should be neat and legible. Extension: Pretend each unit on the pentomino is 10 yards. What is the perimeter of your mall? FRIDAY: finish Perimeter Mall (GPS Framework) culminating activity and give area/perimeter multiple choice test in order to collect data. THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 50 Appendix B Interview Questions How many years of experience do you have? How long have you taught third grade? What is the highest degree you’ve earned? Do you have any endorsements? Have you had any specific college level training in the area of math? What subjects do you prefer to teach? What subjects do you prefer not to teach? What subject do you feel most qualified to teach? What subject do you feel least qualified to teach? What is your preference for the classroom organizational structure for third-grade students? _____TRADITIONAL (one teacher who teaches all core subjects to a group of students for an entire school year) _____DEPARTMENTALIZATION (more than one teacher for core subjects where students change classes among teachers) Do you feel that your initial college training adequately trained you to teach all subjects at the third- grade level? Do you believe teachers who have specialized training in a specific subject area can better serve students through some type of departmentalization at the 3rd grade level? THE AFFECT OF SCHOOL STRUCTURE 51 Appendix C Reflective Journal Prompts Did you feel confident and prepared in your ability to successfully implement this lesson? Were additional skills or information needed to successfully implement this lesson? What outcomes did you hope you or your students would achieve through this lesson? What were the actual outcomes you or your students achieved through this lesson? What worked well? What would you do differently next time? What do I need to do to improve the quality of what I do? What is the most important thing I have learned about student learning? What is the most important thing I have learned about my teaching? What is the most important thing I have learned about my students? How can I use my learning to improve student learning in my classes? What professional development activities should I be seeking?