Having a nerve block for Upper Limb Surgery

Having a nerve block for hand or arm
Specialist Support
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Having a nerve block for hand or arm surgery
(Also known as peripheral nerve blocks or regional nerve blocks)
What is a nerve block?
Pain messages are carried to the brain by nerves. A nerve block is the injection of a local anaesthetic
numbing solution around a nerve to stop pain messages reaching the brain.
Why do I need a nerve block?
Nerve blocks are used by anaesthetic doctors to make your arm numb so you can have your operation
without having to have a general anaesthetic. They also help to reduce pain after an operation.
What are the benefits to me of having a nerve block?
You will be awake after the operation and you may experience less pain. If your health is poor it may be
safer for you to have your operation under a nerve block rather than having a general anaesthetic.
What does it involve?
Your anaesthetist will tell you what he/she is going to do. You may also need a sedative to make you feel
relaxed and sleepy while the block is done.
Are there any risks to me?
You should discuss these with your anaesthetist. Some of the risks with a nerve block are: 
Nerve damage. This is usually last a few weeks and is uncommon. Occasionally it may last
months or more (rare)
Bruising or bleeding around the injection site (common)
A small lung puncture (common)
The nerve block may not completely remove pain and you may still need some other pain killing
drugs (common)
Local anaesthetic drugs can cause heart problems or loss of consciousness if accidentally
injected into a blood vessel (uncommon)
Source www.youranaesthetic.info
Are there any reasons I may not have a nerve block?
Yes, sometimes a nerve block may be dangerous or undesirable, and your anaesthetist will ask you
about any medical conditions you may have.
What will happen after my operation?
After your operation the nerve block will continue to make your arm/hand numb for a certain amount of
time. During this time you should be aware that you could damage your arm/hand without being aware of
the damage because it is numb, for example, you may not feel a hot coffee cup burning your hand. You
should keep your arm in the sling provided until the feeling returns to normal. This is usually between 6
and 24 hours. If your block lasts longer than 48 hours you should contact the hospital for advice.
How can I get more information?
Your anaesthetist will be able to answer any questions you have. You should have been given a copy of
our general leaflet ‘Information About Your Anaesthetic’. Other information can be accessed via the
Internet at www.youranaesthetic.info
Consent- What does this mean?
It is important before giving permission that you understand what you are agreeing to. If you do not
understand – ask. More detailed information is available on request.
Information about you- The Data Protection Act 1998
Confidential records are kept about your health and the care you receive from the NHS. These records
are important, helping to make sure you receive the best possible care from us. The information may also
be used to plan NHS services and assist in the teaching and training of health professionals. To make
sure that patient confidentiality is maintained a policy has been written informing all staff of their
How to comment on your treatment
We aim to provide the best possible service and staff will be happy to answer any questions that you
have. However, if you have any concerns you can also contact the Patient Advice & Liaison Service
(PALS) on 0800 917 6039 or E-mail PALS@porthosp.nhs.uk, who will be happy to talk to you