
Introduction to Diagnostic Medicine
Fall 2004
M-W-F 9:00 –9:50 Enderis 103
Susan Stalewski, MBA, MT(ASCP)
Enderis 465. Office hours: M/W, 10-12, or by appointment
Teaching assistant: Kimber Gerber
Enderis B-41
Office hours: Immediately following this class, Tues. 1:45-2:45
Course Description
This course is a survey of the mechanisms of diagnosis of disease. As a general
education course in natural science, students will learn the foundations of clinical
diagnostic methods in basic chemistry, biology and physics. Students will also gain a
basic understanding of the use of clinical data, the interpretation of diagnostic
information, the limits of using clinical data for diagnosis and using clinical data to
problem solve.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. describe briefly the purpose of and the structures examined by each diagnostic test procedure
2. discuss the indications for each diagnostic test
3. organize tests by diagnosis, disorder or disease
4. explain how laboratory and diagnostic tests are performed
5. compare the benefits and risks of diagnostic procedures
6. use the results of diagnostic tests in problem solving case studies
Course Materials:
Required -A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, Fischbach, 2004
Required- Turning Point Student Response device (only one of these is needed for all courses using
SRS at UWM. Do not purchase multiple “clickers”.
Optional: Medical Dictionary. Mosby’s 6th edition is available in the bookstore.
Student responsibilities:
Subject matter given in the lecture will be taken from the text, lectures and adjunct materials.
Very Important: This course utilizes the SRS “clickers” in each class. Bring this clicker to every
class. Clickers are intended to increase the participation and satisfaction of students. Clickers are
purchased in the bookstore along with textbooks and need to be registered at Clickers that malfunction are replaced free of charge. Clickers that are
lost must be replaced by the owner.
Students are encouraged to contact the instructor with questions, either in person or by email.
Every attempt will be made to answer email within 24 hours.
Students are expected to read the assigned chapters or handouts prior to class.
Students are responsible for technical vocabulary covered in this course. It is recommended that
students have access to a medical dictionary.
This course utilizes guided notes. Guided notes are a learning technique designed to assist
students with note making but is optional and will not be collected or graded.
Guided note outlines, adjunct materials and additional reading assignments are available in D2L.
All students are expected to demonstrate the ability to access and utilize D2Lcourse materials.
Power point presentations are not routinely available, but will be posted two days prior to exams.
Be on time and ready for instruction/learning to begin at 9 am. Students who arrive late will not
be allowed to make up exercises that are conducted at 9 am.
Please don’t plan to leave early.
Students may ask questions or address problems prior to or immediately after class. Please keep
in mind that class will start on time and that the room must be available for classes that follow.
Please make an appointment with the graduate teaching assistant regarding missed classes and
class materials.
Please do not use the paging feature in D2L. Pages through D2L will not be answered.
Please silence cell phones. The use of earphones or ear buds during class is not allowed.
The University discourages eating and drinking in lecture halls. Students who eat /drink in this
lecture hall are expected clean up after themselves.
Please show respect for fellow students.
Come to class. You will have a better class experience. Students are expected to be present for
all lectures.
Course Evaluation Criteria
Quizzes (10%)
A weekly quiz, based on the reading material for the current topic will be posted to D2L. Quizzes
are available in D2L on Fridays.. Quizzes are taken on-line and must be completed by midnight
on Thursday of each week when a quiz is due. There is no time limit for on-line quizzes. Students
are allowed 2 attempts at each quiz. The final grade is the average of both attempts. It is not
necessary to take both quiz attempts.
Quizzes are open notes and open book, however, students are expected to do their own work.
Copying or distribution of quiz answers will be investigated and handled through the academic
honesty policy.
The lowest two quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the semester
There are no exceptions or extensions to the quiz deadline.
Assignments and course participation (20%)
Case study exercises are assigned on a regular basis. These assignments are designed to help
summarize and clarify the information presented on areas of clinical diagnosis. Students are
expected to retrieve the problem case from the D2L and to complete the case study using text
book and lecture information. Completed problem cases will be evaluated in class using the SRS
Learning exercises will be conducted routinely using the SRS system. These exercises are
ungraded, but are evaluated for participation. Although no single participation exercise will have a
significant effect on a grade, regularly missing class and not participating will be detrimental.
Exams (70%)
There are four semester exams and one final exam.
The lowest score of the four semester assessments will be dropped at the end of the semester.
The final exam is cumulative with emphasis on material covered since the last semester
The final exam may not be exchanged with any of the semester exams.
The final exam must be taken on the scheduled day. This is University policy.
Assessment/Exam Rules
Be on time for exams. Please fill in the seats from front to back as you arrive on exam days.
Make-up assessments/exams are not allowed.
No caps may be worn in class during assessments/exams.
No electronic devices, water bottles, drink cups or food are allowed on desk tops during
Earphones, ear buds or other listening devices are not allowed during assessments/exams
Students may not leave the room and return during assessments/exams
Back packs, book bags, etc. must be stowed out of site, under desk chairs during
Grade Appeals: A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based on a capricious or arbitrary
decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall follow the established procedures adapted by the
department, college, or school in which the course resides. These procedures are available in writing
from the respective department chairperson or the Academic Dean of the College/School.
Participation by Students with Disabilities: If anyone has a need for note taking, test taking or other
accommodations please make an appointment to discuss these needs early in the semester.
Accommodation for Religious Observances: Students will be allowed to complete examinations or other
requirements that are missed because of a religious observance.
Incomplete: A notation of incomplete may be given in lieu of a final grade to a student who has carried a
subject successfully until the end of a semester but who, because of illness or other unusual and
substantiated cause beyond the student’s control, has been unable to take or complete the final
examination or to complete some limited amount of term work. An incomplete is not given unless you
prove to the instructor that you were prevented from completing course requirements for just cause as
indicated above.
Academic Misconduct: The University has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and
to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. This policy is strictly
enforced in this class. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their
work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of other’s academic endeavors. University
policy prohibits and punishes misconduct, including any act by which a student seeks to claim credit for
the work or efforts of another without authorization or citation (plagiarism), forges or falsifies documents,
falsely represents his or her academic performance (cheating), or assists other students in any of these
acts. Students who engage in academic misconduct are subject to a range of sanctions including but not
limited to: a failing grade on an assignment or test, a failing grade in the course, and expulsion from the
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It
subverts the mission of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well being
of students, faculty, and staff. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of
the University community, which creates an unacceptable or working environment .
Fri. 9/9
History of Diagnostic
Text Ch. 1
Practice quiz due Thursday 9/15
Lecture schedule. Topics subject to change. Changes will be announced
Week 2
M 9/12
Mechanisms of Diagnosis and Disease
Composition of blood, blood collection
procedures, blood cell development
White blood cells
Red blood cells, hemoglobin/hematocrit,
platelets, Other hematology tests
Review Case Study 1
Urinalysis, kidney function, chemical tests,
occult blood
Exam 1
Blood Chemistry – Overview, glucose
Text Ch. 2 pg 39-45
Week 5
M 10/3
W 10/5
F 10/7
Blood chemistry- enzymes, tests for cardiac
muscle injury
Blood chemistry -lipids
W 9/14
Week 3
M 9/19
W 9/21
F 9/23
Week 4
M 9/26
W 9/28
F 9/30
Week 6
M 10/10
W 10/14
F 10/15
Text Ch. 2 pg.-46-64
Text Ch. 2 pg. 69-77,
83-86, 88-89, 99-109
Text Ch. 2 pg. 123-135
Quiz 2 due Thursday 9/15
midnight “
Case Study 1 due
Text Ch. 3 pp 164-221,
Text Ch. 4, pp 274-277
Quiz due Thursday 9/22 midnight
Text Ch. 6 pp 317-339
No Quiz
Blood chemistry – metabolic tests
Text Ch. 6, pp 339-358
Case Study 2 due
Blood chemistry – hormones
Text Ch. 5 pp 358 -383
Text Ch. 6 pp 437 - 454
Text Ch. 383-474
Quiz due Thursday midnight
Case Study 3 due
Genetic testing
Text Ch. 11 pp 799-817
Text p 180-1091
Week 7
M 10/17
W 10/19
F 10/21
Week 8
M 10/24
W 10/26
F 10/28
Text Ch. 11 pp 761- 799
Test 2
Ch. 7 pp 457 -535
Week 9
M 10/31
W 11/2
F 11/4
Week 10
M 11/7
W 11/9
F 11/11
Week 11
M 11/14
W 11/16
F 11/18
Week 12
M 11/21
W 11/23
Endoscopic studies
F 11/25
Week 13
M 11/29
W 11/30
Medical Imaging - Sonography
Infectious disease
Immune disorders
Quiz due Thursday midnight
No Quiz
Text Ch. 8 pp 535 – 566
Text Ch. 8 pp 572 – 602
Quiz due Thursday midnight
Text Ch. 8 pp 629 – 650
Case Study 4 due
Immunohematology cont.
Arterial Blood Gasses/electrolytes
Test 3
Endoscopic studies
Medical Imaging - Radiography
Medical Imaging – Radiography
Medical Imaging - Radiography
Medical Imaging CT
Medical Imaging MRI
Text Ch. 14 pp 928 –
Text Ch. 12 pp 820-852
Text Ch. 10 pp 706 –
Quiz due Thursday midnight
No quiz
Case study 5 due
Quiz due Thursday midnight
Text Ch. 10 pp 753 757
Text Ch. 16, pp 1058 1065
Case study 6 due
Medical Imaging cont..
F 12/2
Week 14
M 12/5
W 12/7
F 12/9
Week 15
M 12/12
W 12/14
Fri. 12/16
Test 4
Special organ studies – Heart
Special organ studies – Pulmonary function
Nuclear Medicine
Special organ studies - Brain
No Quiz
Text Ch. 14 pp 901 928
Text Ch. 653 - 704
Text Ch. 1035- 1061
Quiz due Thursday midnight
Case study 7 due
Final exam – 10-12
Exam is cumulative with emphasis on
material covered since the last lecture