EUROPEAN CURRICULUM VITAE FORMAT PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail(s), Web address(s) Nationality(-ies) Date of birth Identification number from Records of Scientific Workers Davidović Lazar 46 Vojvodjanska street, Surčin 11271. SERBIA. ++381 11 844 0061 (Home); ++381 65 844 0061 (mob); ++381 11 3065 176 (at work) ++381 11 3065 177 davidovic. lazar@gmail.cocm, Serbien 06.03.1958. WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to) 1985-88 Institute for Surgery of the Serbian Clinical Centre. Belgrade 1988-. Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Serbian Clinical Centre. Belgrade;. Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Clinical Center of Serbia, 8 K. Todorovica st., Belgrade 11000, Republic of Serbia. Specialist in General Surgery, Subspecialist in Vascular Surgery 1993-2001: Chief of the Department 2001: Chief of the Center for Vascular Surgery 2002: Head of the Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; 2008: Head of the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases 1993: Associated Professor at the Belgrade Medical School 1999: Professor at the Belgrade Medical School Vascular Surgeon EDUCATION Date Place of education Name and type of organisation providing education Title or qualification awarded August 1983. graduated Belgrade School of Medicine, University of Belgrade MD; General surgeon; Vascular surgeon; Ph.D. 1990- Specialzation for General Surgery (Institute for Surgery of the Belgrade Medical School); 1992- Masters of Arts. Group: Vascular Surgery and Angiology. Theme: “Intraarterial perfusion of PGE1 in the treatment of critical leg ischemia”. (Medical School, University of Belgrade); 1994- Subspecialization for Vascular Surgery (Serbian Clinical Centre Belgrade, Medical School, University of Belgrade); 1995 - Ph. D., Thesis: “Dacron Versus PTFE Bifurcated Grafts in Aorto-bifemoral Position for 1 Treatment of the Occlusive Diseases”. (University of Belgrade Belgrade Medical School). 1994: Associated Professor at the Belgrade Medical School. 1999: Professor at the Belgrade Medical School. TRAINING Year 2000-Surgical Service (Edouard Kieffer) 2002-Fellow European Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. Place of training Name and type of organisation providing training Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Paris France; Pitie Sal Petriere Hospital Vascular Surgery; Surgery of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Mother tongue(s) Serbien Other language(s) Language English, Russian Speaking Writing Yes Understanding (listening and reading) Yes Yes SURGICAL SCILLS AND Experience in complete vascular and endovascular surgery, especialy in surgery of thoracic COMPETENCIES aorta, supraaortic branches, with 900 abdomianl aortic aneurysm treated and 160 rutpured abdominal aortic aneurysm (what is probably one of the biggest personal series in the world). Routin surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms with series of 120. During civil war performed more than 70 reconstructions of blood vessel. MEMBERSHIP Serbian Surgical Society (Member of Board); Serbian Society for Angiology and Vascular Surgery (Secretary); Serbian Society for Cardio Vascular Surgery; Serbian Society for Vascular Medicine (Preseident of the Scientific Commity); Serbian Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Serbian Ssociety for Flebology, Medical Academy of the Serbian Medical Associations, European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; International Union of Angiology (National Delegate 2008-): American Diabetes Associations; European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (National Delegate 2003-5; Advisor of the Executive Commity 2008-); Academia Europensis Scientarum Artium Litterarumque; International Society for Vascular Surgery; European Asociation for Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2 ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES 1985. Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Serbian Clinical Centre. Belgrade); 1993-2001: Chief of the Department; 2001: Chief of the Center for Vascular Surgery 2002: Head of the Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; 2008-09: Head of the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases; INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Main contribution in development of cooperation beetween Belgrade Medical school (BMS) and some great names in vascular surgery, who are now visiting professors of BMS: Е. Kieffer (France) ex-prsident of European society for cardiovascular surgery (ЕSCVS); C. Dzinich (Hungary), ex-president of ESCVS; А. Neveelsteen (Belgium) ex-president of European society for vascular and endovascular surgery (ESVES); F. Моll (Netherland) ex-president ESVES, N. Rich (USA) ex-president of World society for cardiovascular surgery, G. Deriu (Itlay) president ESCVS, D. Palombo (Italy) General Secretary of ESCVS. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Invited Leictures in Annual meeting of European society for cardiovascular surgery: „Vascular War Trauma“-Athenes 2005; “Abdominal Aorta Emergencies-S. Petersbrug 2006; Lower Limbs Vascular Trauma“-Barcelona 2008; Invited Leicture in Mayo Clinic International Vascular Symposium. Budapest 2009: „Vascular Injuries of the Balkan War”; NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Director of research project: „Aneurysmatic disease of thoracoabdominal aorta “, sponsored by Ministery of science. Serbian national coordinator, and executive of ACST-2 (Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial-2). PUBLICATIONS Papers published in journals indexed in Current Contents from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LB. Davidović, MR. Vraneš, SI. Lotina, et al. Intraarterial perfusion of prostaglandin E1 after lumbar symphatectomy or reconstruction on femoropopliteal segment. Inter Angio 1991, 10(3):178-81. Davidović L, Lotina S, Ercegovac M, et al. Unusual forms of peripheral arterial embolization. Inter Angio 1993, 13(2):173-6. I. Černak, J. Savić, Z. Malicević, G. Zunic, P. Radosevic, I. Ivanovic, L. Davidovic. Involvement of the central nervous system in the general response to pulmonary blast injury. Journal of trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care 1996, 40(3):100-5. L. Davidovic, S. Lotina, D. Kostic, et al. D. Popliteal artery war injuries. Cardiovascular Surgery 1997, 5(1):3741. L. Davidovic, S. Lotina, B. Vojnovic, et al. Post-traumatic AV fistulas and pseudoaneurysms. J Cardiovasc Surg 1997, 38: 645-51. LB. Davidovic, SI. Lotina, DM. Kostic, et al. Popliteal Artery Aneurysms. World J Surg 1998, 22: 812-17. 3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. MM. Velinovic, BL Davidovic, I.S. Lotina, et al. Complications of operative treatment of injuries of peripheral arteries. Cardiovascular Surgery 2000, 8(40): 256-64. LB. Davidović, DM. Marković, BR. Vojnović, et al. Femoro-popliteal reconstructions: “in situ” versus “reversed” technique. Cardiovascular Surgery 2001, 9(4): 356-61. L.B. Davidovic, D.M. Kostic, S.D. Cvetkovic, et al. Aorto-Caval Fistulas. Cardiovascular Surgery 2002, 10(6): 555-60. A. Fingerhut, AK. Lappaniemi, GA. Androulakis, F. Archodovassilis, B. Bouillon, E. Cavina, E. Chaloner, M. Chiarugi, L. Davidovic, et al. The European Experience with Vascular Injuries. In Juan A. Asensio, D. Demetriades, D. V. Feliciano, D. P. Hoyt (eds). The Surgical Clinics of North America, Vascular Trauma; Complex and Challenging Injuries, W. B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydeny, Tokyo. Part II, February 2002, 82 (1):175-188. LB. Davidovic, DM. Kostic, NS. Jakovljevic, et al. Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. World J Surg 2003, 27: 545-50. M. Marković, L. Davidović, Ž. Maksimović, D. Kostić, et al. Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aeneurysm. Predictors of Survival in 229 Consecutive Surgical Patients. HERZ 2004, 29(1): 123-9. L. Davidovic, D. Vasic, R. Makismovic, et al. Aortobifemoral grafting: factors influencing long-term results. Vascular 2004, 12(3): 171-178. L. Davidovic, D. Kostic, Z. Maksimovic, et al. Carotid Artery Aneurysms. Vascular 2004, 12(3): 166-170. L. B. Davidović, D.M. Kostić, N.S. Jakovljević, et al. Abdominal Aortic Surgery and Horseshoe Kidney. Ann Vasc Surg 2004, 18(6): 725-8. L. Davidović, M. Marković, D. Kostić, et al. Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Factors Influencing Early Survival. Ann Vasc Surg 2005, 19(1): 29-3. L. B. Davidovic, V. B. Djukic, D. M. Vasic, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of carotid body paraganglioma: 21 years of experience at a clinical center of Serbia. World J Surg Onc 2005, 3 (10):1-7. P. Stojanov, M. Vranes, D. Velimirovic, M. Zivkovic, M. Kocica, L. Davidovic, et al. Prevalence of Venous Obstruction in Permanent Pacing in Newborns and Infants: Follow up Study. PACE 2005, 28:361-5. D. M. Kostic, L. B. Davidovic, D.D. Milutinovic, et al. Ex vivo repair of renal artery aneurysm associated with repairing of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Case report. Inter Angio 2005, 24: 102-4. L. B. Davidovic, I. S. Činara, T. Ille, et al. Civil and War Peripheral Arterial Trauma: Review of Risk Factors Associated with Limb Loss. Vascular 2005, 13(3): 141-7. Marković M., Davidović L, Mikić Al., et al. Rare Forms of Peripheral Arterial Embolism: Review of 11 Cases. Vascular 2005, 13(4): 222-9. I. S. Cinara, L.B. Davidovic, D.M. Kostic, et al. Aorto-Caval Fistulas: a Review of Eighteen Years Experience. Acta Chir Belg 2005, 105 (6):616-20. R. Sinđelić, L. Davdidović, G. Vlajković, et al. Pain Associated with Carotid Artery Surgery Performed under Carotid Plexus Block: Preemptive Analgesic Effect of Ketoralac. Vascular 2006, 14(2): 75-80. D. V. Kalimanovska-Ostric, S. P. Simic-Ogriyovic, B.M. Bonaci-Nikolic, V. D. Bozic, V. Z. Ostric, L.B. Davidovic. Heart nd renal failure in renovascular hypertension caused by giant cell arteritis-case report. Clinical Nephrology 2007, 67(1):58-60. L.B. Davidovic, D. M. Vasić, D.M. Marković, et al. Carotid artery false aneurysm caused by blunt trauma. Int Angiol 2007, 26:72-4. DM. Marković, LB. Davidović, DM. Kostić, et al. False anastomotic aneurysms. Vascular 2007, 15 (3):1418. Đ. Radak, L. Davidović, V. Vukobratov, et al. Carotid Artery Aneurysms: Serbian Multicentric Study. Ann Vasc Surg 2007, 21 (1):23-9. P. Popov, S. Bosković, D. Sagić, B. Radević, N. Ilijevski, D. Nenezić, N. Tasić, L. Davidović, Đ. Radak. Treatment of visceral artery aneurysms: Retrospective study of 35 cases. VASA 2007, 36:191-8. LB. Davidovic, MD. Markovic, NS. Jakovljevic, et al. Unusual forms of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. Vascular 2008, 16 (1): 17-24. L. Davidovic, M. Dragas, V. Bozic, Đ.Takac. Aneurysm of the inferior vena cava: case report and review of the literature. Phlebology 2008; 23:184-188. D.M. Markovic, L.B. Davidovic, D.D. Cvetkovic, et al. Single-center prospective, randomozed analysis of conventional and eversion carotid endarterectomy. J Cardiovasc Surg 2008, 49:619-25. Davidovic L, Ilic N, Dimitrijevic M, et al. Surgical management of cervical paragangliomas. Am Surg 2008, 74 (12):1171-6. M. Dragas, L. Davidovic, D. Kostic, et al. Upper extremity arterial injuries: Factors influencing treatment 4 outcome. Injury Int J Care Injured 2008. 34. Davidovic L, Pejkic S, Kuzmanovic I, Koncar I. Arterial complications of thoracic outlet syndrome. Am Surg 2009, 75(3):235-41. 35. M. Markovic, L. Davidovic, N. Savic, et al. Intraoperative Cell Salvage versus Allogeneic Transfusion during Abdominal Aortic Surgery: Clinical and Financial Outcomes. Vascular 2009 17(2): 83-92. 36. T. Đuričić, M. Umićević, I. Končar, M. Živković, D. Vasić, L. Davidović, et al. Lack of association between eNOS Glu298Asp gene polymorphism and carotid atherosclerosis in a Serbian poplulation. Clin Chem Lab Med 2009, 47(12): 1573-5. 37. M. Marković, L. Davidović, I. Kuzmanović, et al. Giant postraumatic pseudoaneurysm of the peroneal artery with arteriovenous fistula and fibular notch. Am Surg 2009, 75(7):627-9. 38. DJ. Radak, S. Tanaskovic, NS. Ilijevski, L. Davidovic, et al. .Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy Versus Best Medical Treatment in Symptomatic Patients with Near Total Internal Carotid Occlusion: A Prospective Nonrandomized Trial. Ann Vasc Surg 2009, 24(2):185-9. 39. L. Davidović, N. Jakovljevic, D. Radak, et al. Dacron or ePTFE graft for above-knee femoropopliteal bypass reconstruction. A bi-centre randomised study. VASA 2010, 39(1):77-84. 40. RP. Sinđelić, GP. Vlajković, LB. Davdidović et al. The Addition of Fentanyl to Local Anesthetics Affects the Quality and Duration of Cervical Plexus Block: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Anesth Analg 2010, 111(1): 234-7. 41. Ilic N; Davidovic L B; Koncar I, et al. Delayed paraplegia in transition countries: are we missing something? J Thor Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 140(3):729-30; author reply 730-1. 42. Koncar I B; Colic M; Davidovic L, et al. Ruptured thoracoabdominal aneurysm with aortocaval fistula, aortic dissection type III, and bilateral femoral aneurysms in patient with Marfan syndrome. Am Surg 2010; 76(6):657-9. 43. Davidović L, Ilić N, Vukanić D, et al. Axillary artery thrombosis in a newborn: recovery with surgical therapy. Am Surg 2010, 76(7):784-5. 44. Ilic NS, Cinara I, Koncar I, Dragas M, Markovic M, Davidovic L. Aortoiliac aneurysmal disease associated with a bilateral ectopic kidney. Am Surg. 2010, 76(5):550-1. 45. Ilic NS, Davidovic L, Koncar I, et al. Penetrating aortic ulcer associated with juxtarenal aortic occlusion. Am Surg. 2010; 76(8):909-11. 46. Dragas M, Davidovic L, Pejkic S, et al. Aorto-left retroaortic renal vein fistula is a rare complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm with unique clinical presentation. J Vasc Surg 2010, doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2010.07.018 47. Ilic N, Davidovic L, Koncar I, et al. The benefits of internal thoracic artery catheterization in patients with chronic abdominal aortic occlusion. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2010, DOI 10.1007/s00270-010-9907-x – Online firstTM 48. Vasic D, Radmili O, Dragas M, Davidovic L, Vranes M. Three Cases of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Superficial Temporal Artery. Am Surg 2010;76:67-8 49. Ilic N, Koncar I, Dragas M, Cvetkovic S, Pejkic S, Kostic D, Milacic V, Davidovic L. Technical Considerations for Transabdominal Aortic Reconstruction with Renal Fusion and Ectopia: Case Series. Vascular 2010;18 doi:10.2310/6670.2010.00048 50. Savic ZN, Davidovic LB, Sagic DZ, et al. Correlation of Color Doppler with Multidetector CT Angiography Findings in Carotid Artery Stenosis. ScientificWorld Journal 2010, 10:1818-25. CITATION INDEX 214 R COEFFICIENT 503. 4. MONOGRAPHS Three monographs: „Popliteal Artery Aneurysms“-1995; „Popliteal Artery Diseases“2004; „Vascular Grafts“-2006. BOOK CHAPTERS 24 chapters in books. 5