Stamford Park Junior School

Stamford Park Junior School
PSHE and Citizenship Policy
At Stamford Park Junior School we consider PSHE and Citizenship to be essential
elements in the development of the ‘whole child’ and one of the means through which
pupils will approach and begin to understand their role in the school, the community
and the wider world.
PSHE and citizenship is an essential part of the KS2 curriculum, as it covers all aspects
of the Every Child Matters framework. Therefore as well as appearing in aspects of
other curriculum subjects, it is taught in its own right and has a timetabled, weekly
lesson for all year groups.
As a cross-curricular element of the National Curriculum, PSHE AND Citizenship will
draw on knowledge and understanding from a wide variety of other subjects. It will also
provide an opportunity for pupils to learn skills, which can be utilised in other
curriculum areas.
At Stamford Park Junior School Junior School our aim for PSHE and Citizenship is to
provide our pupils with the essential knowledge, skills and understanding to enable
them to:
 Develop their confidence and self-esteem to the full
 Make the most of their abilities
 Prepare to play an active role as citizens
 Develop a healthy, safer lifestyle
 Develop good relationships, respecting the differences between people
 Identify children with particular social or emotional needs and provide support
through one to one or small group sessions or through referral to TaMHS
(Targeted Mental Health in Schools) team
It is our intention to realise these aims through the following objectives:
 The teaching of PSHE and Citizenship through other curriculum areas
 The provision of discrete curriculum time
 The use of school activities and special events as a conduit for teaching and
 The use of Southampton Assessment to identify children with social or
emotional needs
 The provision of one to one and small group support using SEAL material
Planning for the teaching of PSHE and Citizenship
There is no expectation in the guidelines that PSHE and Citizenship will be taught
sequentially and they may therefore be combined, reordered and revisited as is
considered appropriate and approached in ways which will reflect the values and ethos
of our school.
Teaching PSHE and Citizenship through other curriculum areas
There are many opportunities for links with the PSHE and Citizenship framework to be
made with all the other curriculum areas. At Stamford Park Junior School we plan to
utilise these to the best effect according to the needs of each year group as identified in
our medium term planning.
Discrete teaching time for PSHE and Citizenship
There are some aspects of the guidelines where the needs of our pupils may best be
served by allocating a specific time period within the curriculum. These might, for
example include drugs and sex and relationship education.
School activities and special events
We will also develop our teaching and learning of PSHE and Citizenship through a
variety of school activities and special events.
For Example:
 The School Council
 Collective Worship
 Class Assemblies
 End of Year Production
 Collections for, and links with, various charities
 External visitors and speakers
 Home-School agreement
 Schools visits
 Open Days
Roles and Responsibilities
Head Teacher and Governors:
Responsible for the delivery of the National Curriculum framework for PSHE and
Citizenship, within the school.
Subject Leader:
Responsible for supporting whole school coverage of the framework; supporting
teachers’ planning; monitoring the implementation of the framework; ordering and
maintaining resources.
Class Teachers:
Responsible for planning lessons, which are appropriate in content and delivery for
pupils in their charge.
In PSHE and Citizenship there are two possible strands, which can provide
opportunities for assessment:
 Knowledge and understanding (eg understanding of rules)
 The use of that knowledge and understanding (eg making decisions about their
However, assessment in PSHE should not involve any judgement on the worth,
personality or value of an individual.
Assessment is an opportunity for pupils to know how they are progressing and, through
target setting, to direct their efforts towards further development. For the teacher, if
offers the opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of the teaching and learning and to
plan future learning, to identify standards of achievement and to give feedback to
parents about progress.
Equal Opportunities
All pupils at Stamford Park junior School will be given access to the PSHE and
Citizenship curriculum through work, which is challenging but achievable.
Individual tasks may need to be structured so that all children can achieve success
whatever their level of ability or personal circumstances. Additional support by
teachers, classroom assistants or adults, may be necessary for particular children.
Monitoring and Review
The curriculum committee of the governing body will monitor the PSHE and
Citizenship education policy, on a regular basis. This committee will report their
findings and recommendations to the full governing body as necessary. The curriculum
committee takes into serious consideration any representation from parents about the
PSHE and Citizenship education programme and comments will be recorded.
Resources for PSHE/Citizenship
Teacher Resources
LCP files A and B (Worksheets on all the units in the guidelines.)
Trafford Personal and Social Development file
QCA Citizenship file
Whole School Approach to Healthy eating file
For Every Child – Rights of the Child
Self-Esteem: a classroom affair Vols. 1 and 2
QCA Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education Guidance: KS 1-4
Healthy Education KS2 Teachers Resource Book
Photocopiable Resource Book
Health for Life 1 and 2
Happy Heart 2Towards a Smoke free Generation
Just Like Us – Disability issues
Childline Teachers’ Pack
Alcohol Education and Primary Schools
Primary Schools Drugs Pack
First Aid Handbook and CD Rom for teachers
PSHE Classroom Activity Handbook
Facilitator’s Kit File
ASSERTIVE discipline – Elementary Workbook- Lee Cantor
Cancer Talk – Macmillan Cancer
Pupil Resources (some with teacher information)
Belair Resources
PSHE and Citizenship Y3/4/5/6
Online Citizenship and PSHE
Citizenship and PSHE Writing Frames
Safety Games
Tooth Care Booklets
Learning to Grow up Safely Booklets
Skills for the Primary School Child – Personal Safety
Come and Tell Me – Personal Safety
RSPCA Take Care – Personal Safety
DTI Fireworks Safety Pack
Fire Safety Booklet
Taking Control with Will Power – Introduction to Drugs Education for 7-11 Year Olds
Safety Matters – Road Safety books for Children
Good Health Guide to Drugs 9-11
Home Safe – Suzy Lamplugh Trust (also Resource Manual)
The Human Body – sequences from BBC1 series
Road Safety
Accident on Park Road
Adventures of Woosh
Fire Safety
Matches Never Touch
A Cause for Alarm
Electrical Safety
Powerful Stuff
CD 2010