State Council Application 2015 - Oklahoma State 4-H

State 4-H Leadership Council
Filing Process
The Purpose for a State 4-H Leadership Council:
Serve as a role model for youth and representative and spokesperson for the 4-H Youth Development program at
the two Land-Grant Universities.
Uphold the high ideals, values and moral standards of the Oklahoma 4-H program.
Actively travel within the district and state to fulfill responsibilities.
Serve as a “Youth Advisory committee” to the State 4-H Program.
Serve as an active and contributing member of state committees.
Plan, conduct and evaluate Council led state events and activities.
Seek opportunities to expand and diversify audiences and programs of the Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development
4-H members age 15 and older to serve in a leadership position on the State 4-H State Leadership Council. “Serve” is the key
word. If you are an individual who considers yourself selfless - putting other people's needs, interests, or wishes before your
own -- then this is a leadership position which will provide you an opportunity for personal growth and an opportunity to be of
service to the county, district and state 4-H program.
Below are all the details outlined on eligibility to run for an Administrative Team positions (President, Vice President,
Secretary, Reporter, Recreation Leader) or District Representative (2 reps per District).
Orientation for new Council members will be the weekend of August 22 - 23, 2015.
Lock-in from 3 pm Saturday night until Noon on Sunday
Participation is mandatory and you must be present for the entire time.
All applicants must attend a web based prior to application.
Qualifications for State Council Members:
A. Individual has demonstrated the life skills of self-responsibility, organization, time management, and
B. Enrolled in 4-H, held or holding a local and/or county 4-H office, has served as an active and contributing
member of committees at the local/county/district level, certified 4-H volunteer and completed a county
report form/medal form or record book. (Certified volunteer status is required because Council Members
often work directly with youth without adult supervision.)
C. Candidates for President must be 16 by Roundup the year they run for office. Candidates for all other
positions (other officers and District Representatives) must be 15 by Roundup the year they run for office.
D. Must complete State 4-H Leadership Council application packet.
E. Must participate in web based training with their parent/guardian (educators are encouraged to attend as
well). Certificate of completion is due with application. Log on to and
search for “Oklahoma 4-H State Council Orientation.”
F. Must have Oklahoma residency and be available within the state during the term elected to carry out duties
of the position.
G. Must be a county delegate and attend district conference and state 4-H Roundup the year seeking office.
H. Representatives must be a 4-H member within the District they are running to represent.
I. If a current Council member wishes to run for another term, expectations of his/her current position must be
documented that they were met.
J. Additional qualifications for President and Vice President: 4-H members who have or are currently serving
in the role of State 4-H Leadership Council Secretary, Reporter or Recreation Leader are eligible to run for
the offices of President or Vice President. Additionally, current or past District Representatives to the State
4-H Leadership Council or current or past District Officers are eligible to run for President or Vice President.
A Council member may serve only one term as President.
K. See additional responsibilities for each individual Administrative Team office as outlined in the By-Laws in
Article 4, Section 2.
Duties and Responsibilities of District Representatives:
1. Willingly accepts all duties of a district representative for the term elected – 1 year term.
2. Serve as liaison within a district. Representatives will visit counties as requested to help with county programming,
“visits” and/or “appearances.”
3. Communicate on a regular basis with county youth and adult leadership teams to encourage participation in 4-H
4. District Representatives will serve as member of the Communications Committee and be responsible for submitting
quarterly District reports and materials to the Reporter for 4-H publications, social media and website. Serve as an
active participant on state and district committees (as requested by District Program Specialists) – planning, conducting
and evaluating events and activities.
5. Attend Council meetings – conference call, Centra Symposium or on site meetings.
6. Represent Oklahoma 4-H by participating in county, district and state activities and events.
7. Perform duties delegated by the President or Advisor.
8. In a timely manner complete all reporting procedures required of team members.
9. On those occasions when the State and District 4-H Program Specialists seek youth representation on programmatic
committees, Council members will be appointed to represent the State 4-H Leadership Council.
10. Council members will asked to serve as Ex-officio members of the State Boards/Associations. As an Ex-officio member
the individual will participate in meetings as a liaison for the State 4-H Leadership Council.
Filing for Office
Candidates for Administrative Team positions and District Representatives will file by June 1 of the current year. Required
documents and actions required include:
1. Application and Commitment Form
2. Photo Release and Bio form
3. One (1) letter of reference from an educator
4. Educator’s Reference Sheet
5. Must participate in web based training with their parent/guardian (educators are encouraged to
attend as well). Training is available online at Log on to and search
for “Oklahoma 4-H State Council Orientation” and must be completed successfully prior to
submitting your application materials.
PART I: Application and Commitment Form
Complete the application and commitment form and return on or before June 1, 2015 to the State 4-H office. Making
application does not automatically qualify someone as a candidate for the Council. All signatures are required on the
Commitment Form to be complete! Consider all years of 4-H project work as you complete the application, not just the
current year. Candidates for State 4-H Leadership Council must have a minimum of 300 points on the application.
Candidates who are currently serving or have previously served in a District Council or State 4-H Leadership Council
position must also get a signature from their respective advisor on their application to confirm that the duties and
responsibilities in your current or previous position were fulfilled.
PART II: One (1) Letter of Reference from County Educator
Letters are to be confidential and sealed in an envelope addressed with “applicant’s name – Educator Reference
Letter.” (For example, “Chris Clover – Educator Reference Letter)
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In the event your county does not have any Educators due to position vacancies, a club leader, an agent from
another county in your District, or the District 4-H Program Specialist may complete the letter of reference and
educator’s reference sheet for the applicant.
PART III: Educator’s Reference Sheet
This form is to be completed by an educator and attached with the Letter of Reference in a sealed envelope. This form
provides an opportunity for the educator to rank the candidate’s skills in a variety of areas.
PART IV: Candidate Orientation
Must participate in web based training with their parent/guardian (educators are encouraged to
attend as well). Training is still under construction and will be available by June 1st and run through
June 30th.
Speeches, Campaigning and Election
Candidates are expected to serve as positive role models for their peers. As such, they are expected to strictly adhere to all items
listed and inferred by the Oklahoma 4-H Code of Conduct and any other published policies or rules governing 4-H affiliated events
and activities. Candidates who allegedly violate the Oklahoma 4-H Code of Conduct and any other published policies or rules
governing 4-H affiliated events and activities will appear before a review board and if found in violation will be withdrawn from
consideration for office.
Candidates must follow the State 4-H Leadership Council By-laws regarding campaign procedures which are highlighted below
and outlined in their entirety in the By-Laws in Article 5.
 Candidates will present a speech, no longer than 3 minutes. Candidates may bring their speech to the stage on 8 ½ X 11
inch paper or smaller note cards. Candidates may use up to 5 PowerPoint slides with their speech. A template is
available or one can be created.
 Administrative Team candidates will present their speech during a Roundup assembly. District Representative
candidates will present their speech during District Rally.
 Props may be used during a speech as long as the prop can be carried on the stage by the candidate and requires no
additional time for set up .
 Costumes may be worn when presenting a speech if it relates to the content of the speech.
 Candidates for recreation leader may use a musical instrument or accompaniment CD that does not require additional set
up on stage.
 Candidates for Administrative Team positions will be required to submit his/her campaign speech (in writing) and
PowerPoint presentation to the State 4-H Office two weeks prior to the date of the election. Candidates are also
encouraged to work with their educators to develop and edit campaign speeches and PowerPoint presentations prior to
submitting to the State 4-H Office
 Any electronic form of social media campaigning is permitted by the candidate as long as there is no negative
campaigning or defamation of character reported. Any inappropriate messages are grounds for removing the candidate
from the ballot. The candidate is also responsible for the actions or messages of friend/colleague/associate campaigning
on their behalf.
 Campaign materials and literature will not be permitted at any district or state 4-H events prior to State 4-H Roundup –
including buttons, stickers, clothing, business cards, candy, trinkets, etc.
 Campaign materials will be limited to 10 posters not to exceed 22” X 28” which may be posted in the residence halls
being used to house Roundup delegates. No tear off materials, flyers or gifts may be attached to the posters. Posters
will be subject to being checked by the Election Committee and will be removed if they violate election guidelines.
 Campaigning cannot occur near a designated precinct.
 No campaign material is to be displayed inside an election area.
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 District Representative Elections - The balloting for district representatives will be conducted under the supervision of a
District Election Committee at Roundup during District Rallies. Each Roundup participant will cast a vote for 2 District
Representatives during the District Rally. If a runoff is required, voting will be conducted at a designated time during
 State 4-H Leadership Council Administrative Positions – The balloting for Administrative positions will be conducted
under the supervision of a State Election Committee at Roundup. All County Roundup delegates will complete a ballot
during County Caucus and turn in to county voting delegates and educators. The county votes will be tallied to determine
who the county voting delegates will cast votes for on an official ballot.
 Majority Vote - When there are more than two candidates for an administrative office, if one candidate does not receive a
majority (50% plus 1) of the votes cast, a runoff election shall be conducted between the two candidates that receive the
most votes.
 Tie Vote - In the event of a tie vote, the following procedures will be followed:
(a) A re-count will be conducted to confirm the tie.
(b) If a tie is confirmed the tie will be broken by following Robert’s Rules of Order.
 Write-in Candidates - No Write-in candidates will be considered.
Application Packets, Certificate of Completion of Web Based Training, Educator Reference Letter and
Educator’s Reference Sheet are due to the State 4-H Office by June 1, 2015! No Faxes will be accepted.
Mail applications to:
Steve Beck
205 State 4-H Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
Oklahoma State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local Governments cooperating. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability and is an Equal Opportunity
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State 4-H Leadership Council - Application
Complete the following information: (Print clearly)
Full Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________________ State _______________________ Zip Code _______________________________
Area code and phone number ____________________Cell phone _______________________ E-mail address _______________________________
District ___________________________________________________ County _________________________________________________________
Name to be printed on ballot and used on Website _____________________________________________________________
Certified 4-H Volunteer: Year certified_______________ I understand that if I have not already been through the certification process I must complete the
process this year. ________ Candidates Initials
State 4-H Leadership Team Position For Which You Are Filing: (Mark One)
President (must be 16 by Roundup the year filing)
Vice President (must be 16 by Roundup the year filing)
Secretary (must be 15 by Roundup the year filing)
Reporter (must be 15 by Roundup the year filing)
Recreation Leader (must be 15 by Roundup the year filing)
District Representative (must be 15 by Roundup the year filing)
Designate the District if running for District Representative
Certification of Experiences
Multiply the number in the “How Many” column by possible points to get the points earned.
Held a 4-H office, such as President, Vice-Pres., Secretary, Song Leader, Recreation Leader or
Reporter at the local or county level. (5 points per office.)
Held a 4-H office at the District or State level. (List all offices and the year held.)
(5 points per office.)
Serving as a State 4-H Ambassador. (5 points per year.)
Served as an active member of one or more local 4-H club committees. List committees:
Actively served on county committee of youth and adults, cooperatively planning and conducting
an activity or event. List committees:
Chaired a county planning committee.
Presented original 4-H presentation before a regularly scheduled Civic Group on the local or
county level. List groups:
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As a representative of 4-H, instructed 4-H members or others in one or more workshops at 4-H
camp, club meeting, day camp, or school. (Do not include school projects not directly related to 4H project work. A workshop should be a minimum of 45 minutes in length.) List workshop
topic(s) and location(s)/group(s):
9. Trained 4-H members in demonstrations, judging and/or project work.
10. Trained non-4-H members (youth and adults) in a project area.
11. Organized community service program(s) in the community, county, or state (i.e. Kids Helping
Kids, community beautification, Kicks4Kids, etc.) List examples:
12. Participated in six (6) different county events, such as the county fair, project show, fabric and
fashion/fashion revue, Share the Fun, judging events, public speaking contests, camp, etc.
(Count no more than 2 of the same kind of contest/activity/event) (5 points per event.)
List events:
Delegate to District 4-H Leadership Conference (10 points per year attended.)
Delegate to State 4-H Roundup (10 points per year attended.)
Set up educational display at District or State event.
Attended conference(s) for further developing leadership skills. List the name(s) of
17. Recruited 4-H members who maintained membership, for a minimum of two years. (5 points per
year.) List names of members:
18. Submitted a Project Record Book to State Competition. (10 points per year.)
19. Submitted a county project report form to county office. (5 points per year.)
Total Points
I have rated myself and personally filled out this application. My leadership experiences total _______ points. In addition, I
understand that this application and Commitment Form, the Educator’s Letters of Reference, and the Educator’s Reference Form
must accompany this application in a sealed envelope as a complete packet and be in the State 4-H office on or before the June
1, 2015 deadline to be considered a candidate for office. NO EXCEPTIONS! Faxed forms will not be accepted. The Letters of
Reference and Educator’s Reference Form can be e-mailed by the Educator as long as they are received on or before June 1.
Candidate’s Signature ________________________________________
Date ___________________
Approval of County Extension Educator:
We have reviewed this report and checked points the member earned and believe it to be correct.
County Extension Educator’s Signature _______________________________________ Date_____________
Approval of District/State 4-H Advisor:
For current or past District or State Council Members, the following signature must be completed to run for a position:
I, ____________________________, State or District 4-H Council advisor for this applicant, certify that he/she has fulfilled their
duties and responsibilities as a District or State Council Member.
District/State 4-H Advisor’s Signature _______________________________________ Date________________
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State Council Candidate Commitment
Each candidate, parent/guardian of the candidate, and County Extension Educator of the candidate is expected to read
and sign the commitment form. It must be filed with the Application.
“Serve” is the key word. If you are an individual who considers them self selfless - putting other people's needs, interests,
or wishes before your own-- then this is a leadership position which will provide you an opportunity for personal growth and
an opportunity to be of service to county, district and state 4-H program.
If you are serious about being of service at the county, district and state level; willing to be challenged for personal growth by demanding
leadership responsibilities; and understand that there will be personal and family sacrifices of time and finances this is the “job” for you.
As a member of the State Leadership Council, I will:
Make 4-H a top priority during my full term.
Be self-motivated, organized, and responsible for my personal actions and commitments.
Willingly accept challenges with enthusiasm, performs to a degree higher than is expected and takes action for responsibilities without being
told. Keeps a positive attitude in all that I do.
Stay informed, prepared, and supportive in the marketing and presentation of state and district service projects.
Accept all responsibilities of being a contributing and participating member of Council committees and District Committees as requested by the
District 4-H Council Advisor.
Encourage my club and county to plan and carry out leadership and community service projects in support of the State Councils goals.
Promote the value of 4-H through opportunities I initiate, as well as upon the request of county, district, and state staff.
Officially represent 4-H to the public/families, legislators, university officials, and other decision makers.
I have carefully considered and understand the sacrifice of personal time and finances required to serve as a member of the State 4-H Leadership
I have read and am willing to accept and abide by the responsibilities, both expressed and implied as outlined on the Application, as well as on this
Commitment form. I do understand that the listing is not “all inclusive” and it is my responsibility to ask for clarification prior to being elected.
State 4-H Leadership Council members are expected to serve as positive role models for their peers. As such, they are expected to strictly adhere
to all items listed and inferred by the Oklahoma 4-H Code of Conduct and any other published policies or rules governing 4-H affiliated events and
activities and the leadership council.
I further understand that if I do not satisfactorily perform my duties or conduct myself in a manner appropriate to the position, steps for resolving
Leadership Team personnel issues will be implemented and can result in my removal from office.
Candidate’s Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________
I have carefully considered and understand the sacrifice of my child’s personal time and family finances which will be required to serve as a member
of the State 4-H Leadership Council.
I have read and reviewed the responsibilities and expectations both expressed and implied as outlined on the Application and Commitment form with
my child. I do understand that the listing is not “all inclusive” and it is my child’s responsibility to ask for clarification prior to being elected.
I further understand that if my child does not satisfactorily perform his/her duties or conduct him/her self in a manner appropriate to the position,
steps for resolving Leadership Team personnel issues will be implemented and can result in his/her removal from office.
I will support the Oklahoma 4-H program and my child in fulfilling these duties and responsibilities.
Candidate’s Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________________________ Date_______________________
I will continue to support, guide, and provide education to this young person in their personal and professional development as a 4-H member and as
a certified volunteer.
This 4-H member and their family have carefully considered and understand the sacrifice of personal time and the financial commitment which will be
required to serve as a member of the State 4-H Leadership Council.
I have read and reviewed the responsibilities and expectations both expressed and implied as outlined on the Application and Commitment form with
this 4-H member. I do understand that the listing is not “all inclusive” and it is the 4-H member’s responsibility to ask for clarification prior to being
I further understand that if this 4-H member does not satisfactorily perform his/her duties or conduct him/her self in a manner appropriate to the
position, steps for resolving Leadership Team personnel issues will be implemented and can result in his/her removal from office.
I will support the Oklahoma 4-H program and this 4-H member in fulfilling these duties and responsibilities.
County Extension Educator’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Date_______________________
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I do hereby consent and agree that the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service and any of its affiliated
groups and their staff have the right to use my photograph or recorded image, or that of my property. I
understand that the image may be used in 4-H Youth Development educational or promotional materials. I
further consent that my name and identity may be revealed therein or by descriptive text or commentary, as
indicated below.
I do hereby release to the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service and its staff all rights to exhibit this
work publicly or privately, including posting it on a 4-H web site. I waive any rights, claims or interests I may
have to control the use of my identity or likeness in association to the photograph, and agree that any uses
described herein may be made without compensation or additional consideration of me.
 You may use my image or that of my minor child or property along with their name.
 You may use my image or that of my minor child or property, but not an identifying name.
I represent that I have read and understand the foregoing statement and am competent to execute this
Name:______________________________ Signature:______________________________
Phone:______________________________ Date:__________________________________
I am under 18 years of age, my parent/guardian agrees. (parental signature required)
Name of Parent/Guardian:________________________________________
Please Provide a short bio to be used on the State 4-H Website Guidelines for 4-H State Bios:
- Must be no more than 100 words and include name, age, years in 4-H, county, club, hobbies, project
area(s), and achievement(s) most proud of.
This reference sheet is to be completed by the county educator and attached to the reference letter.
Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________________ County_____________________________________
Check the appropriate space and note any comments in support of the applicant’s personal characteristic(s). Additional comments may be made on the
back of this form. The information received will be confidential and will be reviewed by the consultation committee only.
Demonstrated ability to place
commitment to group goals over
personal aspirations.
Faithfulness to duties; personal
integrity; sense of responsibility.
On time and prepared for
appointments and meetings.
Initiative; ability to inspire others to
Concentration of effort to a task;
capacity for sustained effort.
Ability to represent 4-H both in
very formal and informal settings.
Original and imaginative.
Cleanliness; dress; poise.
Effectiveness and fluency in
Effectiveness and fluency in
Ability to meet people.
Ability to listen to and accept
This program is more than an
honor; it requires both service and
Reference Sheet submitted by:
_________________________________________________ ____________________