Echo Rounds

Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Read This First
Before using this template, please read the most recent version of Guide for Authors from Use this template to create your document. Refer
to Guide for Authors for detailed guidance.
Echo Rounds are short reports that provide a focused discussion of a unique or interesting
perioperative echocardiographic image(s) (transesophageal, precordial, epicardial, or epiaortic)
from a clinical situation in which echocardiography was central to clinical management.
Submissions must provide succinct teaching points on echocardiographic views, techniques or
calculations. Teaching points must be supported by the current literature or standard reference
texts of echocardiography, preferably those most accessible to the general reader. Echo Rounds
should not be construed as “mini-Case Reports” and as such only the most relevant clinical
details should be succinctly presented.
The suggested format is to present clinical details and specific echo findings in the first one-third
of the report and didactic discussion of the echo topic(s) in the subsequent two-thirds, followed
by 2 to 5 references.
The report should be accompanied by 1-2 echocardiographic still images and video clip(s), with
legends, which will be available online. The still images should usually, but not always,
correspond to the respective video clip(s). Authors should provide appropriate labeling (e.g.,
arrows, abbreviations of anatomic structures, etc.) of figures and clips (if possible) and may elect
to consolidate consecutive time segments into 1 clip (although adequate viewing time for each
segment must be provided to clearly illustrate the primary findings being discussed in the text).
Selected reports may benefit from addition of a short table or schematic figure. Authors are
advised to examine previously published Echo Rounds (either via the Table of Contents or via
the online Echo Rounds database at or via the to
avoid submission of topics previously published in this series.
Please follow the guidelines below for submitting supplemental video files:
 The preferred video file formats are MPEG, QuickTime (MOV), and Windows Media Video
(WMV). Please preview video clips on both Windows and Macintosh platforms to be certain
they play correctly. The review process will be delayed if the Editorial Office cannot play
your video clip.
 Deliver still images from video clips in high-resolution JPEG or TIFF formats.
 Individual video clips should not exceed 10 MB. Use video-compression software to reduce
video size if necessary. Optimal video frame dimensions are 480 x 360 pixels and 640 x 480
pixels. Videos of 320 x 240 pixels have inadequate resolution for teaching. Video clips are
typically 15-25 seconds.
 Combinations of clips: If you combine several video clips, for example several TEE
echocardiographic loops, please provide adequate time for each segment, and leave a suitable
gap between the videos. Use appropriate labeling to ensure that the viewer can understand
the timing of the pathology and events. Labeling can be added with video editing programs
such as Adobe Premiere or iMovie.
 Patient Identifiers: Remove all patient identifiers from video clips and still images.
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
For echocardiographic video, please consult Rokey and Vick. “Masking Personal Health
Information on Real-time Echocardiographic Images,” J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2005:18:97078.
Echo Rounds do not include an Abstract. Their length should be 500–750 words.
Before you submit your document, please delete text typed in red.
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Checklist for Echo Rounds Submissions (include completed checklist with your submission)
� I have entered a statement at the beginning of the text that I obtained written informed patient
consent to publish this study
� I have read the “Instructions to Authors”
� I have searched for similar Echo Rounds on the Anesthesia & Analgesia home page
( and reviewed the SCA Echo Rounds Database for previously
published echo rounds that cover the same topic
� The only abbreviations in my report are those established in the literature (e.g., TEE, TTE,
� Approximately 1/3rd of the report is the case presentation, and 2/3rd of the report is the
didactic information
� The case is presented in a chronologic order
� Excluding title page, references, and figure legends, the word count is between 500 and 750
words, or I have obtained permission from the editor for an exception
� There are 2-5 references, or I have obtained permission from the editor for an exception.
� All references are easily accessible to the general readership via PubMed
� If I require references to the ASE/SCA Guidelines for Periop TEE Exam, I have obtained
permission from the editor
� There are one or two TEE clips, or I have obtained permission from the editor for additional
� TEE clips have been encoded in either .mpg, .mov, or .wmv formats. The preferred format is
.mpg (MPEG)
� The video clips have simple file names (e.g., Clip1.mpg, Clip2.mpg) including the appropriate
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
extension (e.g., .mov, .mpg). The preferred clips are .mov, .mp4 (podcast format), .wmv or .mpg
� Do not submit clips in .avi format. Convert such clips to either or .mp4, .mov, .mpg, or .wmv
using easily obtained video conversion software
� The TEE clips are a minimum of 480 x 320 in pixel dimensions. (Small clips will not be
� The clips can be played on PC and MAC computers
� All identifying information removed including name of patient, ID number, hospital name and
date of procedure.
� Individual TEE clips must not exceed 10 megs in size. TIFF (preferred) or JPEG figures are at
least 500 KB (to permit adequate resolution for printing). No more than 3 figures are to be
included. Composite figures combining no more than 2 images are allowed if necessary, but
small printed size will decrease the educational value of the figure
� All figures and video clips have succinct, precise legends
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Short Title
1. Author: Name, Degrees
Conflict of Interest: <Relationships between each author and any company or
organization with a potential or vested interest in the outcome of the study should be
disclosed. If there are no conflicts of interest simply state “None”>
Contribution: < We require author’s role to be disclosed, if the paper has more than one
author, then at least two authors must attest to the integrity of the original data and the
analysis. Contributions by each author are printed in the Journal. Please enter this author's
role in the study (e.g., Study design, Conduct of study, Data analysis, or Manuscript
2. Author: Name, Degrees
Conflict of Interest:
3. Author: Name, Degrees
Conflict of Interest:
4. Author: Name, Degrees
Conflict of Interest:
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Name of Department(s) and Institution(s)
Financial Support: <Please indicate if this work was funded by: National Institutes of Health
(NIH), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Medical Research Council (MRC), and/or
Wellcome Trust>
Corresponding Author:
Did a Section Editor solicit this submission? Name:
IRB: <If conducting human research, please include the name and contact information for the
Institutional Review Board that approved your study. This is required for all human research.>
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Echo Rounds
<Your text here – length should be 500–750 words >
Patient Consent Statement
<Your text here>
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Figures and Illustrations
Please upload your figures in separate TIF or JPG files.
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Figure Legends
<Your legends here>
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
<Your tables or schematics here>
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Online Echocardiographic Still and Video Images
<Your legends for images and website locations (URLs) here>
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Please format your references in the style of our journal (As of April 2006, the journal requires
that all authors be listed). No et al.
*Example: Dalal PG, Murray D, Cox T, McAllister J, Snider R. Sedation and anesthesia
protocols used for magnetic resonance imaging studies in infants: provider and pharmacologic
considerations. Anesth Analg 2006;103:863–8
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Before you submit your manuscript, remember to:
Add page numbers to the Word file
Double-space the whole submission, including the References section
See complete Checklist for Manuscripts below.
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Checklist for Manuscripts
Before submitting your manuscript, ensure that you have completed all of the tasks listed below.
Paste the completed checklist into your manuscript submission, immediately following the title
I have inserted the following sentence in the first paragraph of this submission: "Consent for
publication of this case has (or has not) been obtained from the patient (or family)."
Read and followed Guide for Authors (
Read and followed specifications in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to
Biomedical Journals (
Downloaded and completed Copyright Transfer Form (
Read Responsible Conduct of Research, as specified in Guide for Authors, and
Abided by Declaration of Helsinki (
Registered clinical trial, if applicable from
Presented clinical trials in accordance with the CONSORT statement from
Downloaded and completed Conflict of Interest checklist from
Double-spaced all text, including references and table/figure/video clip legends
Formatted submission for printing to “Standard US Paper” or “Letter.”
( or via the SCA Echo Rounds database ( to
avoid submission of topics previously published in this series.
lished in the literature (e.g., TEE, TTE, CABG,
OPCAB, CAD, MI, PW, and CW).
of the report the case presentation, and 2/3rd of the report didactic
title page, references, and figure legends, the word count is between 500 and 750
words, or I have obtained permission from the editor for an exception.
-5 references, or obtained the editor’s permission for an exception.
erences to the ASE/SCA Guidelines for Periop TEE Exam, I obtained
permission from the editor.
Included each required part, and began it at the top of a page, as follows:
Title—with short title and complete author and corresponding author information.
Figures, and Illustrations
No more than 3 figures are to be included. Composite figures combining no
more than 2 images are allowed if necessary, but small printed size will
decrease the educational value of the figure
Figure Legends
Online Echocardiographic Still and Video Images
additional clips.
Page 14 of 21
Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Do not submit clips in .avi format. Convert such clips to either .mp4,
.mov, .mpg or .wmv using easily obtained video conversion software
Clip1.mpg, Clip2.mpg).
video clips on both Windows and Macintosh platforms to be certain
they play correctly.
25 seconds.
-resolution JPEG or TIFF formats.
have adequate time for each segment, with suitable gaps between segments.
-editing program (Adobe Premiere or iMovie) to label images with
arrows, abbreviations of anatomic structures, etc. to ensure that the viewer can
understand the timing of the pathology and events.
video clips and still images.
References—Observe the correct style for Anesthesia & Analgesia, according to this
Dalal PG, Murray D, Cox T, McAllister J, Snider R. Sedation and anesthesia protocols used
for magnetic resonance imaging studies in infants: provider and pharmacologic
considerations. Anesth Analg 2006; 103:863-8
COI checklist for each author. Add or delete the COI pages as necessary.
Submitting Your Manuscript
1. Go to Editorial Manager at or access the same site from
either or, where you can find the link under
2. If your manuscript is accepted, fax or e-mail the Copyright Transfer Form to the Editorial
Fax: 415-777-2803
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Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Author Conflict of Interest Checklist
To facilitate disclosure, each author must answer the following questions. If you answer any
question “yes,” add explanatory information below that question. You may edit this form as
required to facilitate disclosure. Please append the completed form to your manuscript on the
initial submission. It is not required for revisions unless the COI has changed or additional
authors have been added to the paper.
The Journal encourages full disclosure. The Journal recognizes that conflict-of-interest is very
common and in some settings is unavoidable. Only in exceptional cases does the Journal
consider author conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Please see the Guide for Authors
for additional instructions.
Manuscript Title:
First Author:
Disclosing Author: __________________________________________________________
Have you or a close relative received money, gifts, or other compensation from any
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Examples include speaker fees, consulting fees, honoraria, travel, gifts, or research
Have you or a close relative been employed by an organization, institution, or business
Have you or a close relative been in a supervisory position, e.g., Officer or Director of an
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Do you or a close relative hold stocks, investments, or other financial interests (excluding
diversified mutual funds) in an organization, institution, or business that may be affected
Could the findings of this publication directly or indirectly affect your compensation?
Are there any other potential conflicts or relevant competing interests that should be
Page 16 of 21
Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Author Conflict of Interest Checklist
To facilitate disclosure, each author must answer the following questions. If you answer any
question “yes,” add explanatory information below that question. You may edit this form as
required to facilitate disclosure. Please append the completed form to your manuscript on the
initial submission. It is not required for revisions unless the COI has changed or additional
authors have been added to the paper.
The Journal encourages full disclosure. The Journal recognizes that conflict-of-interest is very
common and in some settings is unavoidable. Only in exceptional cases does the Journal
consider author conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Please see the Guide for Authors
for additional instructions.
Manuscript Title:
First Author:
Disclosing Author: __________________________________________________________
Have you or a close relative received money, gifts, or other compensation from any
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Examples include speaker fees, consulting fees, honoraria, travel, gifts, or research
Have you or a close relative been employed by an organization, institution, or business
Have you or a close relative been in a supervisory position, e.g., Officer or Director of an
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Do you or a close relative hold stocks, investments, or other financial interests (excluding
diversified mutual funds) in an organization, institution, or business that may be affected
financially by
Could the findings of this publication directly or indirectly affect your compensation?
Are there any other potential conflicts or relevant competing interests that should be
Page 17 of 21
Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Author Conflict of Interest Checklist
To facilitate disclosure, each author must answer the following questions. If you answer any
question “yes,” add explanatory information below that question. You may edit this form as
required to facilitate disclosure. Please append the completed form to your manuscript on the
initial submission. It is not required for revisions unless the COI has changed or additional
authors have been added to the paper.
The Journal encourages full disclosure. The Journal recognizes that conflict-of-interest is very
common and in some settings is unavoidable. Only in exceptional cases does the Journal
consider author conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Please see the Guide for Authors
for additional instructions.
Manuscript Title:
First Author:
Disclosing Author: __________________________________________________________
Have you or a close relative received money, gifts, or other compensation from any
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Examples include speaker fees, consulting fees, honoraria, travel, gifts, or research
Have you or a close relative been employed by an organization, institution, or business
Have you or a close relative been in a supervisory position, e.g., Officer or Director of an
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Do you or a close relative hold stocks, investments, or other financial interests (excluding
diversified mutual funds) in an organization, institution, or business that may be affected
Could the findings of this publication directly or indirectly affect your compensation?
Are there any other potential conflicts or relevant competing interests that should be
known by
Page 18 of 21
Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Author Conflict of Interest Checklist
To facilitate disclosure, each author must answer the following questions. If you answer any
question “yes,” add explanatory information below that question. You may edit this form as
required to facilitate disclosure. Please append the completed form to your manuscript on the
initial submission. It is not required for revisions unless the COI has changed or additional
authors have been added to the paper.
The Journal encourages full disclosure. The Journal recognizes that conflict-of-interest is very
common and in some settings is unavoidable. Only in exceptional cases does the Journal
consider author conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Please see the Guide for Authors
for additional instructions.
Manuscript Title:
First Author:
Disclosing Author: __________________________________________________________
Have you or a close relative received money, gifts, or other compensation from any
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Examples include speaker fees, consulting fees, honoraria, travel, gifts, or research
Have you or a close relative been employed by an organization, institution, or business
Have you or a close relative been in a supervisory position, e.g., Officer or Director of an
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Do you or a close relative hold stocks, investments, or other financial interests (excluding
diversified mutual funds) in an organization, institution, or business that may be affected
financially by your publication? Yes
Could the findings of this publication directly or indirectly affect your compensation?
Are there any other potential conflicts or relevant competing interests that should be
Page 19 of 21
Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Author Conflict of Interest Checklist
To facilitate disclosure, each author must answer the following questions. If you answer any
question “yes,” add explanatory information below that question. You may edit this form as
required to facilitate disclosure. Please append the completed form to your manuscript on the
initial submission. It is not required for revisions unless the COI has changed or additional
authors have been added to the paper.
The Journal encourages full disclosure. The Journal recognizes that conflict-of-interest is very
common and in some settings is unavoidable. Only in exceptional cases does the Journal
consider author conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Please see the Guide for Authors
for additional instructions.
Manuscript Title:
First Author:
Disclosing Author: __________________________________________________________
Have you or a close relative received money, gifts, or other compensation from any
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Examples include speaker fees, consulting fees, honoraria, travel, gifts, or research
Have you or a close relative been employed by an organization, institution, or business
that may be affected finan
Have you or a close relative been in a supervisory position, e.g., Officer or Director of an
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Do you or a close relative hold stocks, investments, or other financial interests (excluding
diversified mutual funds) in an organization, institution, or business that may be affected
Could the findings of this publication directly or indirectly affect your compensation?
Are there any other potential conflicts or relevant competing interests that should be
Page 20 of 21
Template for Echo Rounds, Anesthesia & Analgesia
Copyright © 2011 by the International Anesthesia Research Society
Author Conflict of Interest Checklist
To facilitate disclosure, each author must answer the following questions. If you answer any
question “yes,” add explanatory information below that question. You may edit this form as
required to facilitate disclosure. Please append the completed form to your manuscript on the
initial submission. It is not required for revisions unless the COI has changed or additional
authors have been added to the paper.
The Journal encourages full disclosure. The Journal recognizes that conflict-of-interest is very
common and in some settings is unavoidable. Only in exceptional cases does the Journal
consider author conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Please see the Guide for Authors
for additional instructions.
Manuscript Title:
First Author:
Disclosing Author: __________________________________________________________
Have you or a close relative received money, gifts, or other compensation from any
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Examples include speaker fees, consulting fees, honoraria, travel, gifts, or research
Have you or a close relative been employed by an organization, institution, or business
Have you or a close relative been in a supervisory position, e.g., Officer or Director of an
organization, institution, or business that may be affected financially by your publication?
Do you or a close relative hold stocks, investments, or other financial interests (excluding
diversified mutual funds) in an organization, institution, or business that may be affected
Could the findings of this publication directly or indirectly affect your compensation?
Are there any other potential conflicts or relevant competing interests that should be
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