Anatomical considerations:
The brachial plexus consists of nerves (the ventral rami) from C
and C
join to form the
“upper trunk”;
travels alone as the
“middle trunk” and C
join as the “lower trunk” . Each trunk divides into anterior and posterior divisions to create the cords, which then subdivide further into branches that supply the muscles of the arm.
The axons inside every nerve root are used to innervate many different muscles. One muscle can be innervated from 1-5 segments
(nerve roots). Simply, the upper roots innervate the upper part of the arm, while the lower roots innervate the lower parts of the arm and hand. The brachial plexus involves roots, trunks, divisions and cords.
* Roots:
The anterior rami of the spinal nerves of C
5, 6, 7, 8
and T
form the roots of the brachial plexus. The roots emerge from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae immediately posterior to the vertebral artery, which travels in a cephalo-caudal direction through the transverse foramen. Each transverse process consists of posterior and anterior tubercles, which meet laterally to form a costo-transverse bar. The transverse foramen lies medial to the costo-transverse bar and between the posterior and anterior tubercles.
The spinal nerves which form the brachial plexus run in an inferior and anterior direction within the sulci formed by these structures. The dorsal scapular nerve arises from the C
root and passes through the middle scalene muscle to supply the rhomboid and levator scapulae muscles. The long thoracic nerve to the serratus anterior arises from the
5, 6, 7
roots and also pierces the middle scalene muscle as it passes posterior to the plexus.
* Trunks and divisions:
Trunks of the brachial plexus pass between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. The superior trunk lies closest to the surface and is formed by C
and C
roots. The suprascapular nerve and the nerve to subclavius arise from the superior trunk. The suprascapular nerve contributes sensory fibers to the shoulder joint and provides motor innervation to supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The C
root continues as the middle trunk, while C
and T
roots join to form the inferior trunk. The trunks divide into anterior and posterior divisions, separating the innervation of the ventral and dorsal halves of the upper limb.
The phrenic nerve (C
3, 4, 5
) passes between the anterior and middle scalenes and continues over the surface of the anterior scalene muscle.
Diaphragmatic twitch during interscalene brachial plexus, performed with a nerve stimulator, indicates needle placement anterior to the plexus.
The spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) runs posterior to the brachial plexus over the surface of middle and posterior scalenes. Contact of spinal accessory nerve with a nerve stimulator (stimulating twitch in trapezius) indicates placement of the needle posterior to the plexus.
* Cords and branches
The cords are named the lateral, posterior and medial cord, according to their relationship to the axillary artery. The lateral cord receives fibers from the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks; it is the origin of the lateral pectoral nerve (C
5, 6, 7
). The posterior divisions of the superior, middle and inferior trunks combine to form the posterior cord. The inferior trunk continues as the medial cord and gives off the median pectoral nerve (C
, T
), the medial brachial cutaneous nerve (T
) and the medial ante-brachial cutaneous nerve (C
, T
The upper and lower subscapular nerves (C
7, 8
and C
5, 6
) leave the posterior cord and descend behind the axillary artery to supply the subscapularis and teres major muscles, respectively. The thorcodorsal nerve to the latissimus dorsi, also known as the middle subscapular nerve
6, 7, 8
) also arises from the posterior cord.
The lateral cord divides into the lateral root of the median nerve and the musculocutaneous nerve. The posterior cord gives off the axillary nerve at the lower border of the subscapularis muscle and continues along the inferior and posterior surface of the axillary artery as the radial nerve.
The axillary nerve supplies the teres minor muscle before ending as the superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve. The medial cord contributes the medial root of the median nerve and continues as the ulnar nerve along the medial and anterior surface of the axillary artery. The medial and lateral roots join to form the median nerve which continues along the posterior and lateral surface of the axillary artery.
Fig. (1): Overview of the brachial plexus
Brachial Plexus Palsy (BPP)
Brachial plexus injuries are more common in over-weight babies, particularly where delivery is complicated by shoulder dystocia (difficult labor). A brachial plexus lesion is revealed by lack of movement in the arm; initially the arm is flaccid. After 48 hours, an upper palsy can be distinguished from a complete palsy. In upper root palsy (C
and sometimes C
), the arm is internally rotated and pronated and there is no active shoulder abduction or elbow flexion (Waiter’s tip position). In a complete palsy of upper and lower roots, the arm is flail; there may be a ptosis and a Horner’s syndrome due to damage to the stellate ganglion
(star-shaped collection of nerve cells in the sympathetic chain) adjacent to
and T
. Phrenic nerve palsy should be considered in these cases.
Most infantile injuries to the brachial plexus predominantly involve the upper trunk (C
); the classic Erb's palsy. However, many of these infants also have impairment of the C
nerve root, which postpones the poorer prognosis. Far less frequently, the entire plexus (C
5,6,7,8 and T
) or the lower trunk (C
and T
Klumpke's palsy), may be involved.
With improvement in obstetrical care, the incidence of brachial plexus injuries has decreased significantly. In countries in which obstetrical care is poor, obstetric brachial plexus palsy (OBPP) is noted more frequently. The incidence ranges globally from 0.2-4 % of livebirths. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence is generally 1-2 % worldwide, with the higher numbers in the underdeveloped countries. In the United States, the prevalence is approximately 0.2 %. Studies in France suggest an incidence of 1.09-1.19 cases per 1000 live-births.
Most neonatal BPP occurs in the birthing process. Risk factors for this type of injury (OBPP) include:
- Over weight at birth (average vertex BPP is 3.8 - 5.0 kg, average breech
BPP is 1.8 - 3.7 kg, while the average unaffected is 2.8 - 4.5 kg).
- Breech presentation.
- Maternal diabetes.
- Second stage of labor that lasts more than 60 minutes.
- Assisted delivery (e.g. use of forceps or vacuum extraction).
- Previous child with OBPP.
- Intrauterine torticollis.
- Shoulder dystocia (difficult labor).
Other less common causes of neonatal BPP include:
- Neoplasms (e.g. neuromas, rhomboid tumors).
- Intrauterine compression.
- Humeral osteomyelitis.
- Hemangioma.
- Exostosis (overgrowth of bone tissue) of the first rib.
Although the traditional mechanism of injury is lateral neck flexion, the upper rootlets (C
5, 6, 7
) are 25 % as likely to be avulsed as the lower roots (C
7, 8
and T
). The upper roots (C
5, 6
), however, are far more likely to be ruptured (88 %) because of the anatomy of the transverse processes and the degree of flexibility at that level.
Brachial plexus palsy (BPP) results from excessive lateral traction on the head away from the shoulder. This force on the brachial plexus can cause varying degrees of injury to the nerves, including rupture of the nerve roots or trunks, avulsion of the nerve roots from the spinal cord and
traction preserving the continuity of the nerve but causing excessive scarring. Injury to the brachial plexus may result from demyelination, axonal degeneration or avulsion. Clinically, this injury results in disruption of the sensory and / or motor function of the injured nerve.
Spontaneous recovery of function occurs with remyelination, with or without axonal regeneration and reinnervation of the sensory receptors, muscle endplates or both. However, in some cases of severe nerve injury and with avulsion injuries, spontaneous recovery does not occur and surgical intervention is warranted.
Severity depends upon the number of nerves involved and the degree to which each level is injured. The basic types of brachial plexus palsies include:
- Duchenne-Erb palsy; affects nerves arising from C
and C
- Upper-middle trunk BPP; involves nerve fibers from C
6, 7
- Klumpke palsy; results in deficits at levels of C
and T
, although many clinicians agree that pure C
- T
injuries do not occur in infants and may be indicative of spinal cord injury (SCI).
- Total BPP; affects nerves at all levels (C
5, 6, 7, 8
- T
When defining severity of a peripheral nerve injury, differentiation between neuropraxic, axonotemetic, and neurotemetic lesions is helpful:
* Purely neuropraxic lesions do not affect the axon itself. These lesions generally are reversible and do not leave sequelae.
* Axonotemetic lesions involve disruption of both the myelin sheath and the axon, leading to degeneration of the axon distal to the injury. The connective tissue across the lesion remains intact. These injuries improve gradually over 4 - 6 months, depending on the level of the lesion.
* Neurotemetic lesions are the most severe and destroy not only the axon and myelin but also the supporting structures across a nerve. As the proximal end of the nerve attempts to regenerate without this supportive
connective tissue, a neuroma may develop. The extent of improvement in the patient's condition depends upon the ultimate number of nerve fibers that reconnect distal to the neuroma.
Depending on the degree of nerve injury, recovery may be noted within a few days. In most cases, some degree of spontaneous recovery occurs within 1 month, although in some injuries evidence of full recovery may not appear for up to 3 months. Sunderland described a classification for nerve injuries including 5 degrees of nerve injury:
- 1 st degree injury (neuropraxia): It involves a temporary conduction block with demyelination of the nerve at the site of injury. Recovery may take up to 12 weeks.
- 2 nd degree injury (axonotemesis): It results from a more severe trauma or compression. This causes Wallarian degeneration distal to the level of injury and proximal axonal degeneration to at least at the next node of
Ranvier. Axonal regeneration occurs at a rate of 1 mm / day or 1 inch / month and can be followed with an advancing Tinel sign.
- 3 rd degree injury: It is more severe than a second-degree injury, as regeneration occurs at a rate of 1 mm / day and progress may be followed with an advancing Tinel sign. However, with the increased severity of the injury, the endo-neural tubes are not intact. The pattern of recovery is mixed and incomplete. Reinnervation occurs only if sensory fibers reach their sensory end organs and motor fibers reach their muscle targets.
- 4 th degree injury: It results in a large area of scar at the site of nerve injury, precluding any axons from advancing distal to the level of nerve injury.
- 5 th degree injury: It is a complete transection of the nerve. Similar to a fourth-degree injury, surgery is required to restore neural continuity.
Examination and diagnosis:
Diagnosis of brachial plexus injuries relies heavily upon the clinical evaluation; children are first evaluated between birth and 6 weeks of age with a physical therapist starting at 3 - 4 weeks then at 6 weeks of age. Follow-up evaluations occur at three-month intervals.
Physical findings:
The newborn infants can have many of the following findings:
- In infants with complete BPP (C
- T
), the arm is held limply at his side.
Deep tendon reflexes in the affected arm are absent and the Moro response is asymmetric with no active abduction of the ipsilateral arm. In children with total arm involvement, careful examination of the child's eye often demonstrates Horner syndrome. Children with intrinsic hand weakness, associated with BPP, generally have Horner syndrome and vice versa. Respiratory status should be evaluated since the phrenic nerve can be injured simultaneously.
- The infant with upper plexus palsy (C
5, 6, 7
) keeps the arm adducted and internally rotated with the elbow extended, forearm pronated, wrist flexed and the hand in a fist. In the first hours of life, the hand also may appear flaccid but strength soon returns.
- The infant with a nerve injury to the lower plexus (C
- T
) holds the arm supinated with the elbow bent and wrist extended.
- Sensation should be assessed closely, with the clinician noting any sensory loss in corresponding dermatomes.
- Reflexes typically absent in the affected limb and should be evaluated.
- In the newborn nursery, it is essential that the physician carefully inspect the size of the hand and arm and bulk of the pectoralis major.
These children may have a smaller limb with asymmetric palmar creases, pectoralis atrophy and / or joint contractures at the time of delivery.
The examination consists of a motor evaluation that scores both individual muscle groups (using the five-point British Research Council
Grading System) and functional muscle group activities, including abduction, external rotation, hand-to-head, hand-to-back and hand-tomouth movements as well as sensory and reflex examinations. Physicians should compare clinical assessments on subsequent visits every three months
The back should be inspected carefully, assessing muscle bulk including the trapezius, rhomboids, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and teres minor. Contracture of the pectoralis major can be assessed by palpation of the anterior axillary fold during external rotation.
Laboratory investigations:
Children who recover partial function between examinations should continue to be followed at three-month intervals. Children, who fail to improve on subsequent visits or who improve initially but then plateau at a nonfunctional level, should be evaluated initially via electromyography (EMG). This will assess the levels of injury and determine if there is evidence of early reinnervation
Children with BPP are at risk for developing complications such as progressive contractures, bony deformities, scoliosis and posterior shoulder dislocation. Children with chronic upper trunk plexopathy may develop external rotation weakness and internal rotation contractures about the shoulder. This muscle imbalance will progressively alter the glenohumeral joint.
Peripheral nerves remyelinate at a rate of 1 mm/day. Thus, if the nerve is not transected, recovery can be expected by 4-5 months in Erb’s palsy, 6-7 months for upper-middle trunk palsy and 14 months for a total
BPP. Some authors believe that infants who do not show signs of spontaneous recovery by 3-5 months are usually left with residual deficits if managed conservatively. Unfavorable functional outcome is related more often to faulty reinnervation than to lack of reinnervation. Faulty reinnervation is especially common in brachial plexus lesions, secondary to the close proximity of the nerves involved.
* Electrophysiological evaluation:
- Electromyography: Evidence of denervation is usually not seen before 1 week of age.
- Nerve conduction velocity.
* Physical evaluation:
Assessment is carried out with the infant undressed and in warm room. Any broken bone, the extent of passive and active range of motion, sensation, strength and achievement of developmental milestones should be thoroughly checked. Asymmetrical position of the upper limb is recorded as the newborn must be held in flexion. If there is scapular winging, rhomboids are involved. The diaphragm may be also involved.
The following tests are conducted:
* Muscles tone.
* Range of motion (flexibility test) for all the joint include shoulder internal rotators (subscpularis), pronators and wrist and finger flexors.
* Round measurement.
* Muscles test or functional test according to the infant’s age.
* Reflex testing according the age of the infant (e.g. Moro reflex, placing reaction, neck righting reaction and grasp reflex).
* Sensory test to detect any sensory disturbance, which interferes with the treatment progress.
* Activities of daily living (feeding, washing and grooming) with the affected extremity.
* Mallet System:
Assessment of the function of the shoulder is based on five criteria.
The ability to actively abduct the arm, the ability to externally rotate the arm, the ability to place the hand behind the neck as well as behind the back and the ability to place the hand over the mouth.
- Grade I indicates a stiff shoulder or a flail arm.
- Grade II indicates active abduction of 30° or less.
- Grade III indicates active abduction of 30° to 90°, active external rotation of 20° or less.
- Grade IV indicates active abduction of at least 90°, active external rotation of more than 20°, and place the hand behind the neck and over the thoraco-lumbar. The hand can be brought to the mouth without abduction of the arm.
- Grade V indicates a clinically normal shoulder.
Physical treatment:
- To facilitate weak muscles.
- To resume function as soon as neural regeneration has taken place.
- To train motor control.
- To maintain normal range of motion.
- To prevent soft tissue contracture and skeletal deformity.
* Facilitatory stimuli such as scratch, painful stimuli, quick stretch, brushing, brief icing and faradic stimulation.
* Functional strengthening exercises: Active use of involved extremity using a variety of developmentally appropriate activities to increase strength and coordination, beginning in gravity eliminated then advance to against gravity.
* Passive range of motion exercises for all joints of the limb.
* Stretching exercises.
* Scapular mobilization.
* Manipulative exercises.
* Hydrotherapy.
* Sensory stimulation to prevent disuse muscle atrophy by encouraging muscle growth.
* Motor training:
- It should start within the first month although there may be no activity in the denervated muscles.
- Early training aims probably to elicit activity in temporarily denervated muscles, to minimize soft tissue contraction and to set up a regular pattern of behavior in the parents.
- Training should be direct to age-related actions with particular emphasis on reaching to touch and eventually to grasping and manipulate different objects.
- Specific games can be played with the older children, aiming to improve sensory awareness of the affected limb.