HAMILTON GENERAL HOSPITAL Orientation Package: GENERAL SURGERY ROTATION Updated 2014 1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2. SERVICE 3. Develop a list of your own goals and objectives at the start of your rotation. Your program should provide you will your goals and objectives prior to the start of this rotation (See One45). Review these with your staff person(s) early in your rotation Midway through your rotation, meet with your staff person(s) to evaluate your progress, areas of strengths and weaknesses so as to better achieve your goals by the end of your rotation. A mid unit evaluation will be distributed by One45 if you rotation exceeds 3 months (general surgery residents only) It is your education, your learning, your responsibility to set up these meetings prior to the end of your rotation. There are eight staff general surgeons at the Hamilton General Hospital o Dr Bowser, Dr. Baillie, Dr. Reid o Dr Sne, Dr. Faidi o Dr Kahnamoui, Dr. Sanders, Dr. Engels o ACS – faculty rotating The general surgery/trauma ward is 6S. There is a Surgical Step Down Unit on 6S. There are three surgical teams, as listed above Medical students are assigned to individual staff preceptors, but will work with you on your team. There are a variety of educational activities for residents to participate in. OR Clinic Endoscopy Rounds Trauma This team based format allows residents to see patients preoperatively, operatively, and perioperatively, allowing for good continuity of care The priority of activities is as follows: OR, Clinic, ER/Trauma, Endoscopy. o You or a member of your team must always be in the OR when your staff is operating. Multiple team members can attend the OR as long as there is room. You may even attend the other team’s OR if there is an interesting case, or lack of residents. o Always find out your staff’s schedule and what you are expected to attend. Frequent checking in with your staff shows your enthusiasm and keenness. o There will always be someone covering ER during the day, but if they become overwhelmed with consults/trauma, you may be asked to help out and may have to leave other clinical duties. Again, always check with your staff. COVERAGE Day Call There is a day call schedule. The initial month has been arranged for you. It is your professional responsibility and CANMEDS role to work with the entire group to cover day call for the month. If HGH Orientation Package Updated April 2012 there are conflicts, resolve them amongst yourselves so that there is always someone available for coverage. The subsequent months will be up to the group of residents to organize. Night Call The night call schedule will be arranged by the chief resident. Vacation Requests Any vacation requests, professsional leave requests or any planned days off MUST be discussed with the chief resident or CTU director as far in advance as possible to avoid any conflicts. Please submit a request online through your medportal account. Days off are not guaranteed and granted on a first come, first serve basis. The call schedule will be delivered two weeks prior to the start of the month. All vacation requests must be approved by the chief resident, CTU director and your Program Director. PAIRO guidelines will be observed and respected. Consults Must be completed on the day requested, even for non-urgent consults. Cases are to be discussed with the staff surgeon. All staff are to be notified in a timely fashion of all consultations. All operative cases must be reviewed by the chief resident. Admissions and Consults A history and physical exam is to be present in the chart. Notes must be dictated for all consultations, and the number must be transcribed in the chart. A copy of all dictations needs to be sent to the family MD, the referring physician and the on-call physician. Discharge Summaries The summary face sheet needs to be accurately filled out for all inpatients and post op patients. Discharge summaries must be dictated for all patients admitted and the number left on the face sheet. Post-Call If you are post call it is your responsibility to notify paging that you are signing out as well as informing them of which one of the residents will be covering for you. When you are in the OR, please notify paging before you start, check your pager between cases, and notify paging when you have finished. When you are scrubbed in the OR, your pager should be left on the desk in the OR. If your staff is on call while you are in the OR, arrange for another resident to cover ER for you. 4. ROUNDS 5. Morning rounds should be completed prior to starting in the OR. Evening rounds consist of checking in on post-operative patients, unstable or sick patients, and with the charge nurse for uncompleted tasks at the end of the day. Handover with the chief resident occurs each morning at 0730 am and at the end of the day to review each patient and completed tasks. Progress notes need to be written on active patients daily. Progress notes need to be written on ALC patients once a week. You are expected to round on your patients when you are on call on the weekend. It is optional to round on your own post-operative patients, unstable patients, ICU patients. RADIOLOGY Radiology requisition forms must be filled out for all tests ordered The radiology triage staff must be called as soon as the test becomes ordered to arrange priority booking If required urgently, then the request must be made directly to the staff radiology responsible for the test that day (eg. Talk to the staff doing CT that day) All interventional radiology requests will be made directly to the staff on call At night and over the weekend, all requests are made through the radiology resident on call Many times arranging tests requires visiting the actual radiology department and speaking to the resident/staff in person to arrange the test Results may also require visits to the actual radiology department HGH Orientation Package Updated April 2012 6. With any difficulties arranging tests, do not hesitate to call your staff/chief resident for backup All CTs (unless known to be non-contrast) and all MRIs now require creatinine level, I believe within 60 days, or if pt has had exam with dye since last creatinine level then again before test. CALL AND HANDOVER Handover is preferable in person, face to face. Page and arrange to meet the resident. You should always have a list of patients and a list of items to be looked after. In the evening: o Prior to leaving the hospital in the evening all sick patients should be signed over to the resident on call. o All patients in the step down unit are sick, and should be handed over. In the morning: o New patients and all sick patients need to be handed over to the oncoming resident as soon as they come in, before 0800h on weekdays. On weekends: o As above o Handover is at 0900h on 6S o The resident who saw the patient should arrange any diagnostic tests that need to be done. o For emergency cases, the resident who did the admission may come for the case if they want, even if they are not on call. Residents are expected to cover general surgery and be available for the trauma team when on call. Residents may send medical students to do consults after ensuring that the patient is stable. All consults done by medical students need to be reviewed by the resident on call, and the patient examined by the resident on call. There is always back up available for residents on call. Should you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, call the chief surgical resident, the ICU resident or the surgeon on call. The surgeon on call must be notified of all admitted patients, prior to discharging patients, as well if there are sick patients admitted to hospital. Should the status of a patient change overnight, the treating surgeon should be contacted, if they do not answer, leave a message with their office, and notify the staff on call. Call rooms are located in the McMaster wing; there are three sets of call rooms for the surgery team, a surgical clerk room, junior resident room and senior resident room. 7. TEACHING Teaching Rounds: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Chief Resident Rounds/M&Ms Trauma Rounds-1st Tues/Month Surgical Resident Academic Half Day Jr. Resident Rounds Trauma Fellow Rounds 1600h 1600h 0730h 1630h 1600h 6 N Teaching Room Theatre Auditorium-Basement Level JHCC-4th Floor Theatre 6N Teaching Room 6N Teaching Room Morbidity & Mortality rounds are held the first Tuesday of every month. You may be asked to present at these rounds. Please maintain a list of interesting cases that would benefit from being presented in this type of forum. HGH Orientation Package Updated April 2012 Tuesday Regional Trauma Rounds: These rounds are held every Tuesday at 1600 hours in the Theatre Auditorium at the Hamilton General Hospital. All specialties that contribute to the management of trauma patients participate in these presentations. Fellows are expected to find speakers and topics for presentation and inform the trauma office of names and dates of same. They will then advertise the sessions to our staff and to our community colleagues who view our rounds via web cast. Trauma simulation sessions take place Tuesday afternoons from 1300-1530 in the simulation lab. Thursday Trauma Rounds These rounds take place every Thursday at 1600 in the 6N teaching room and are presented by fellows, residents or other members of the team. They are for clinical clerks and students. Residents are expected to present at least once during their rotation. There is a bank of topics that need to be covered (see list on bulletin board in the trauma fellow’s’ office). It is the resident’s responsibility to teach medical students. On a daily and ongoing basis, residents should teach medical students the basics of a surgical history and physical, how to manage common surgical problems, basic anatomy, postoperative and preoperative orders and peri and postoperative care. Residents are required to give formal teaching rounds; dates should be set for all the topics on the list provided during the first week of the medical student’s rotation. 8. OR ETIQUETTE Check the OR schedule the day before. The schedule can be found at the OR desk There is also a schedule in OR booking which has the entire weeks’ schedule. Read around cases the day before so you can better follow the operation. Arrive early enough to review the chart and introduce yourself to the patient, and help position and prep the patient. At the end of a case, please stay and help transfer the patient. o Your prompt attendance, up-to-date knowledge and enthusiasm all go toward increased graded responsibility. 9. ISSUES 10. Every rotation can have problems that arise both personally and professionally. The earlier you make these issues known to your supervisors the more easily we can take care of them to still allow for a meaningful rotation. Both your chief resident and your CTU Director, Dr. Sne, are always available to discuss any conflicts that may have arisen. SCHEDULES Sne Engels HGH Orientation Package Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Academic Day AM Endo PM OPD PM OPD GHA Surg Centre Upp. James OR OR Academic Day Academic Day PM SSU PM OPD Updated April 2012 Bowser AM Endo PM Office AM Office PM Office Variable Clinic PM MUMC SSU Grimsby OR Alt with Baillie Kahnamoui Baillie Academic Day OR AM OPD PM Endo AM Acad PM OPD AM SSU PM Colorectal Screening OR PM SSU AM MUMC 4V1 AM OPD Academic Day Alt with Bowser Faidi PM OPD Academic Day AM Endo OR AM OPD AM SSU HGH Clinic in Office AM SSU MUMC OR Oct Sanders AM SSU MUMC AM OPD OR-Aug AM OPD-Aug OR May/June Acad.-Aug AM OPD May-Sept OR-Oct AM Endo Reid * Please check with staff surgeon’s office to ensure no changes to the above schedule HGH Orientation Package Updated April 2012 11. CONTACT INFORMATION Office # Sne Pager # Dictation # Secretary 44665 Cell 541-8280 513089 Rebecca Bowser 522-0262 44654 546-8610 513005 Darlene Engels 521-2100 44520 2333 13915 Jamie Kahnamoui 46320 Paging 513065 Jennifer Faidi 44736 513093 Marilyn Baillie 44237 2184 13302 Rena Reid 73188 3001 Sanders 12. Office Back-line 905-387-1367 2345 Veronica Lynette IMPORTANT NUMBERS Admitting: 46233 Ambulatory Care Clinics: 46266 Conference Room: 46604 Endoscopy Suite: 46206 Endoscopy Booking: 48006 Operating Room: 46277 Paging: 46311 Surgeon’s Lounge: 46341 Outpatient Dept: 46266 Diagnostic Imaging: Booking: 46256 U/S and CT Booking: 46900 Ultrasound: 46939 ER X-Ray: 46244 Verbal Report: 46906 Interventional: 46514 (call this to find out who the Radiology Interventionalist on call is) Labs: Stat Chemistry: 46132 Stat Hematology: 46189 Pathology: 46164 Microbiology: 46175 13. ORDERS AND NOTES Consult Name, Date, RFR, CC, PMHx, PSHx, Medications, Allergies, SocHx, FamHx, HPI, O/E, Labs, Imaging, Imp, Plan, Signature, Title, Pager#, Dictation# Progress Notes HGH Orientation Package Updated April 2012 Date, Title, POD#, Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan, Signature Include all vitals, urine/NGT/drain outputs, pertinent results of labs, cultures, imaging Operative Note Date, Title, PreOp Dx, PostOp Dx, Procedure, Surgeon, Anesthetist, Findings, Complications, EBL, Blood Products, Labs, Drains, Specimen, Condition, Signature Admission Orders Date, Title, Admit to, Dx, Diet, Activity, Vitals, IV, Labs, Drains/Tubes, Imaging, Cultures, Other tests, Analgesia, Anti-emetics, Anticoagulation, Antibiotics, Home Meds (List all, hold if necessary) Post-Op Orders Date, Title, Diet, Activity, Vitals, IV, Labs, Drains/Tubes, Imaging, Cultures, Other tests, Analgesia, Antiemetics, Anticoagulation, Antibiotics, Home Meds (List all, hold if necessary) Common Orders Analgesia Morphine 2-8mg IV/SC q3h prn Demerol 25-50mg IV/IM/PO q4h prn Dilaudid 2mg IV/SC q2h prn Toradol 15-30mg IV/IM/PO q6h prn Tylenol ES/#2/#3 1-2tabs PO q4h prn Percocet 5/325 1-2tabs PO q4h prn Anti-emetics Gravol 25-50mg IV/IM/PO q4h prn Ondansetron 4-8mg IV/PO q4h prn Prokinetics Maxeran (metoclopramide) 10mg IV/PO q4h prn Stemetil 10mg IV/PO q4h prn Domperidone 10mg PO q4h prn Antibiotics Ancef(cefazolin) 1g IV q8h Keflex(cefalexin) 500mg PO qid Ciprofloxacin 400mg IV q12h, 500mg PO q12h Metronidazole 500mg IV/PO q12h, q8h Ampicillin 1g IV q8h Tazocin 4.5g IV q8h Anticoagulation Heparin 5000u SC q12h TEDS Drains Foley cath to urometer NGT to low intermittent suction JP drain to Hemovac Monitor ins/outs Potassium KCl Bolus 10meq/100cc NS x1-3 boluses each over 1hour KCL Elixir 20meq/40meq PO Klyte 25meq PO Consider checking Ca, Mg, PO4, albumin if lytes abnormal. Phosphate Potassium phophate 22meq/15mmol IV bolus Phophate novartis 1-2tabs PO bid Magnesium Magnesium sulphate 2 or 5g/250cc NS or D5W IV bolus over 4-6h Magnesium Rougier Calcium Calcium gluconate 1g IV bolus over 1h Calcium chloride 1g IV bolus over 1h HGH Orientation Package Updated April 2012