6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMECHANICAL AND POWER SYSTEMS October 4-6, 2007 - Chişinău, Rep.Moldova OPTIMAL CONTROL OF THE ROCKET’S LATERAL DEVIATION IN RAPPORT WITH EQUAL SIGNAL LINE Romulus LUNGU, Dipl. Eng., Ph.D., Mihai LUNGU, Dipl. Eng. Ph.D. student Avionics Division, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Craiova, Romania, romulus_lungu@yahoo.com, lma1312@yahoo.com Abstract The paper presents a liniarized model of rocket’s vertical plain movement, in rapport with equal signal line, represented by target line direction, linear state estimator (observer) projection using a new reduced order algorithm and gain matrix of optimal command law after estimated state vector projection. The present paper’s authors have obtained the observer projection algorithm and command law projection algorithm. The results of numeric simulation including state variables and estimated state variables’ dynamics are presented. c c F V x V 1 x T g sin , c y TV c y m (2) where is the trajectory slope ( , is the pitch angle, - the incidence angle, V - flying velocity, m - the rocket’s mass, FT - the thrust force, c x and c y - aerodynamic drag and lift coefficients c y c y , TV - time constant of the flying object (rocket A ) ), Keywords: rocket, observer, algorithm, command law. TV 1. INTRODUCTION mV , V2 Sc y FT 2 (3) The subject of this paper is the optimal control of lateral deviation of a rocket in rapport with equal signal line. A model for a rocket’s movement is used and it expresses the rocket’s movement around mass center, model that is liniarized around a reference trajectory (PD – A – T direction, PD is leading point, A – rocket, T – fixed or mobile target). State vector of the dynamic model is composed of lateral deviation in rapport with equal signal line, lateral deviation angular velocity, incidence angle and angular pitch velocity. The output is lateral deviation. Using a minimum number of transducers (velocity transducer and/or incidence angle or overload factor transducer) a linear reduced order state estimator (observer) is projected, which estimates state vector’s components. Optimal command law has to cancel the deviation and relative lateral speed of the rocket in rapport with target line, and to stabilize the incidence angle and pitch angular velocity. A new algorithm for gain matrix of the optimal command law projection and a new algorithm for reduced order observer projection are used. PC simulations validate theoretical results; calculus programs based on the two algorithms and state variables variation for a set of flying parameters (10 th flight second) are also presented. S - aerodynamic reference surface of A , - air density. Expressing equation (1) in and variables, one obtains 2. ROCKET’S MOVEMENT MODEL - damp coefficient and 0 - proper frequency of the twist movement in vertical plain; g cos V (4) or in a liniarized form in rapport with reference 0 , 0 , 0 ~, ~ g T cos , TV TV V 0 V (5) ~ - perturbation. , A ’s movement around mass center in vertical plain is described by equation [1] J z m m m , (6) where J z is the inertia moment of A in rapport with horizontal axis, m and m - dynamic damp and static stabilization moment coefficients, m command moment coefficient. With and equation (1), equation (6) leads to linear equation 2 0 02 k m g cos 0 , J zV (7) , The rocket’s movement in vertical plain is described by the following equations system [1] T g cos, TV V V TV TV TV (1) 2 0 m Jz m m 1 2 , 0 , k . TV J zTV Jz Equation (6) is equivalent with the following one (8) m m k , Jz Jz 0 0 A 0 0 (9) which, taking into account equation (8) m Jz 2 0 m m a 1 a1 , 02 02 1 a 0 , (10) TV Jz J z TV TV leads to 0 V 0 TV 1 0 TV 0 a0 (11) Considering that rocket A is leaded using a three points method (co-linearity PD – A -T), target line (PD - T) being the equal signal line, lateral deviation in rapport with this is [1] y V Vf T , (12) where fT is a perturbation due target line rotation, which tends to deviate A from equal signal line and gives A a normal acceleration wT . By equation (12) derivation and taking into account equation (1), one obtains y V wT , wT Vf T VfT g cos 0 ; TV (13) wT is an equivalent perturbation (normal acceleration to equal signal line direction). For above equations coefficients calculus one may use calculus equations [2] Let’s consider the linear observer described by equations [3], [4] with zr 1, xˆn 1, rank(M ) n q, Mz Fz Gu Hy, (18) xˆ Pz Qy , z (19) M r r , F r r , detM 0 and H r p , Gr m, rank E q, Pn r , Q(n p), q p; let’s consider the observer’s error e z Nx, where d1 , d 2 , d 3 , d 4 are read from diagrams or graphic characteristics for different rockets variants. Thus, for an Oerlicon rocket at 10 th flight second d 3 20s -2 , d 4 1.2 s -1 , V 400 m / s ; it results TV 0.66 s, 0 4.669s -1, d1 1.5 s -1, d 2 40s -2 , 0.0619, k 40 s -2 , a1 0.922s -1, a0 23.1825s 2 . Choosing the state vector x T y y , the G MNB, MNE 0, (23) one obtains the error’s equation Me Fe. (24) The error xˆ x may be replaced function of e . Indeed, taking into account equations (19) and (20), one obtains xˆ x Pe (25) PN QC I . (26) if E E1 (15) 1 1 ~ x 3 x3 x 4 , TV TV x 4 a 0 x3 a1 x 4 k . E2 , E1 n p q , E2 n q q , (27) equation (23) is equivalent with equation system M 2 E1 M 1 E 2 0, M 4 E1 M 3 E 2 0. If the input is u and perturbation vector is ~ w , system (15) becomes u Tp T x Ax Bu Eu p , (22) With E of form x1 x 2 , V x3 wT , Tv (21) HC MNA FN , system formed by equations (6), (9) and (13) becomes x 2 (20) where N is a r r matrix. By equation (20) derivation and substituting x of form (16), y Cx , z of form (18) and imposing that all coefficients of x, u and u p being null, that means d1 d 4 1 , 0 d1 d 4 d 3 , , k d 2 , (14) d1 2 d1 d 4 d 3 where 0 1 . (17) 0 0 3. LINEAR OBSERVER PROJECTION a a k . 1 0 TV 0 0 0 0 0 0 , B , E 1 0 1 TV 0 k a1 1 (16) (28) Choosing M 2 0 n p n p and M 4 0 nq n p , it results M M 1 M 3 0 , M 1 E2 0, M 3 E2 0. 0 Condition (22) is equivalent wit equations system (29) M 1 A3 H 1C1 , M 1 A4 F1 H 1C 2 , (30) M 3 A3 H 2 C1 , M 3 A4 F3 H 2 C 2 ; it results H T H1 H 2 , with P12 T T , P12 P21 , P22 P22 . (38) P22 The following matrices are calculated H1 M1 A3C1 , H 2 M 3 A3C1 , P11 RK1 , P12 P21T RK 2 , P22 I nm . (31) F1 M 1 A4 M 1 A3 C1 C 2 , F3 M 3 A4 M 3 A3 C1 C 2 , F2 F4 0. (32) P1 P3 0, QT Q1 Q2 , (33) P2 Q1C1 0, Q1C2 0, (34) P4 Q2 C1 0, Q2 C 2 I ; one results (39) For the studied case (one input and one output) it results K k1 | k 21 Matrices P and Q may be obtained from condition (26), equivalent with following equations k1 _ P k 21 k 22 k 23 k 22 | k 21 k 23 , R [1], (40) k 23 _ 0 . 0 1 (41) k 22 | _ _ | 1 0 | 0 1 | 0 0 4. Matrices Q and Q are calculated 2 2 Q2 C , P4 C C1 , 0 0 1 0 values for the 10 th flight second and C , 0 0 0 1 one obtains matrices 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ,M 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 , F 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 , Q 0 P 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (35) Q1 and P2 are solution of system (33). G matrix is calculated with (21). Using the presented algorithm with parameters’ 0 0 N 1 0 P K 2 , P 11 P21 K K1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ,G , 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 , 0 1 0 0 0 0 . 0 1 0, Q (T 1 )T Q T 1. (43) 5. One solves Riccati equation in rapport with unknown P PA AT P PBR1BT P Q 0. (44) K R 1BT P (45) 7. One calculates optimal command law u Kx̂. (36) (37) ~ (42) 6. One calculates gain matrix The algorithm proposed in this paper has the following steps: 1. One makes coordinates transformation x Tx for system (16), where T is a non-singular transformation; it results matrices A T 1 AT, B T 1 B I m Q PA AT P PBK , ~ where T is chosen having form T B T , with T randomly chosen so that rank (T ) n . 2. Gain matrix K is calculated for the optimal control of system A, B so that closed loop system with matrix G A B K be stable [5]. 3. K and P are partionated [6] (46) With the presented algorithm one obtains matrices 0 0.432 0 1.665 T 0 0.125 40 0.287 1.146 0.327 83 .917 0.174 T 4.592 ;K ; 96 .105 0.186 (47) 0.037 0.725 15 .416 0.0037 0.0302 0.0047 0.0094 1 0.1314 0.0776 0.6868 0.1063 ; B T 0 ; A 10 3 0.104 0.0196 0.1512 0.0224 0 0.2196 0.539 0.1763 1.4335 0 1.19 1.189 0.0039 0.5169 0.0047 0.08 0.0039 0.021 0.1639 0.0079 Q 10 ; 0.5169 0.1639 1.5346 0.0984 0.1337 0.0079 0.0984 0.0058 1.541 0.0181 0.0005 0.014 0.0057 0.287 0.0039 4 0.014 Q 10 ; R 1; 1.541 0.287 4.598 0.0105 0 0.0181 0.0039 0.0105 9.5164 2.2361 10 .5573 0.5728 2.3607 0.7892 9.9349 ; P 0.5728 KT 80 .5432 9.5164 9.9349 263 .8207 2.0979 0.1118 0.118 4.0272 4 (48) 0.1118 0.118 . 4.0272 0.1049 equation is solved and after that gain matrix of the optimal command is calculated. Simulation program calculates state observer, gain matrix and time functions, which expresses state variables dynamics of the system and estimated state variables dynamics. References Fig.1 - Matlab /Simulink model of the rocket’s movement Using Matlab/Simulink model of the rocket’s movement from fig.1 and a simulation program, one calculates xi t and xˆi t (curves xi of blue color, x̂i of red color), represented in fig.2. Fig.2 – Time varying of xi , xˆ i The obtained results with these algorithms are superior to those obtained with algorithms from [7], [8], [9] from the point of view of precision. 4. CONCLUSIONS The paper presents an optimal command system of lateral deviation of a rocket in rapport with equal signal line. A ’s model is a liniarized model which expresses the dynamic of the main variables: lateral deviation and deviation velocity in rapport with equal signal line, incidence angle variation and pitch angular velocity. Because the lateral deviation is difficult to measure, one measures incidence angle and pitch angular velocity and estimates the full state vector using a linear state estimator (observer). 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