Lunch protocol:

Jin-A Child Care Center
77 Jay Street, Clifton, NJ 07013
Tel: 973-279-1203, Fax: 973-279-0126
Meal protocol and Nutrition guidelines
Jin-A Child Care Center provides two nutritious snacks, but all other food needs are provided for
by the parents and sent in a labeled lunchbox.
Jin-A will always provide water for all children.
Snack and lunch must be served two hours apart (SEE DAILY SCHEDULE)
Parents are encouraged to send in a nutritious lunch including a drink – we will serve water if
needed. (See handouts and meal guidelines) Parents should send lunch in an insulated lunch box,
with an icepack, one napkin and eating utensils.
We encourage parents to send health foods meeting all the necessary food groups. See School information – food guidelines.
Lunchboxes, bottles and drinking cups must be labeled with the child’s name.
Parents may send in a toothbrush and toothpaste for children to brush teeth after lunch.
Are trained according State Licensing requirements for Food and Nutrition p.61 – 63.
Serve meals 2 hours apart
Clean and disinfect the tables before serving snacks and meals
Implement hand washing procedure
Request children to sit while eating
Manage transition by singing songs or finger play; lead prayer and children open the lunch box
Put napkin or paper towel down, if children park the food on the table
Sit and eat with the children
May warm food, if parents send it in a microwavable container, making sure it is less than 110
degrees Fahrenheit.
Encourage parents to send food in a thermos
Encourage, but never force, children to eat all the lunch, and to pack up their lunch/containers.
Encourage children to ask to be excused from the table
Remind the children to wash hands and face if soiled.
Observe how the children eat and inform the parents, as needed.
Communicate to parents if food does not meet the guidelines or if quantity is too large or is
Insufficient for child’s needs.
Send home nonperishable food.
Discharge perishable food or send it home if lunchbox has an icepack.
Encourage children to eat healthy food.
Make sure only whole milk is served
Jin-A Child Care Center
77 Jay Street, Clifton, NJ 07013
Tel: 973-279-1203, Fax: 973-279-0126
Food from parents to be shared with other children: (celebrations)
We only allow store bought cakes, whole fruit or individually packaged items to be sent in for
our class parties or festivals. All foods served must have a list of ingredients and be checked
against the list of children having allergies. Meal substitutes have to be approved by the director.
Food prepared at home will not be served. Children with severe allergies will only eat food
provided by their parent(s).
Staff will not serve children younger than four years the following foods: hot dogs (whole or
sliced into rounds), whole grapes, nuts, popcorn, raw peas and hard pretzels (thick stick), a
spoonful of peanut butter, chunks of raw carrots, meat larger than can be swallowed whole. We
do not use peanut butter in our facility. (If allergy action plan reveals a concern about food
prepared in facilities with traces of peanut butter, the administration will rule out such foods.)
Teacher’s Checklist:
Have allergy list posted in the snack preparation area and visible to staff
Check all labels (Severe Allergies require serious precaution! Check label for warnings of traces
of nuts in the manufacturing facility, any peanut oil, and other hidden problematic ingredients.
Be concerned about cross-contamination/exposure through air/touch.
Be familiar with your school’s emergency procedures. Know how to recognize
symptoms of an allergic reaction and what to do if a reaction occurs.
Be sure to notify substitute teachers and aides about students’ food allergies.
Avoid or be very careful if you plan to use food in any lessons/activities/art projects. Do not use
food as an incentive or reward.
Minimize and carefully oversee the use of food in class parties or celebrations.
Develop a plan for communicating with parents of children with allergies about issues that might
affect their child’s health
Consider food allergies when planning for field trips, and be sure to include the school nurse
and parents early in the planning process.
Check the ingredient labels on pet food, if your classroom has a pet.
Be trained to administer Epipen
Birthday celebrations : Each classroom will have one simple birthday celebration in the middle
of each month for any/all child(ren) born in that month.
We suggest that parents send in fresh fruit, individually packed items (i:e. twinkies, muffins),
juice boxes or a small commercially-baked cake. Please communicate with the teacher
concerning allergies. (no nuts or peanut butter) Any supplementary food, performers or large
group of visitors must be pre-approved by the director.
Jin-A Child Care Center
77 Jay Street, Clifton, NJ 07013
Tel: 973-279-1203, Fax: 973-279-0126
Food not permitted:
For safety and health reasons, Jin-A Child Care Center does not permit the following foods to
be served for everyday meals and snacks:
 Foods containing ingredients that another classmate is severely allergic to.
 Soda
 Candy
All classrooms must have some emergency food on hand (in case a lunch is forgotten, etc.)
We usually stock several Chef Boyardee lunch cups.
PP 5.B.07