Station Drive Surgery Patient Group Minutes of the Meeting of the Station Drive Patient Group 30th April 2015 7-9pm ATTENDEES: Janet Finney David Finney Rosemary Wood Sheila Death Barbara Harris Ann Hughes Gill George Janice Forsyth Betty Meredith Peter Gillard Jill Swift David Partridge Dori Ericsson John Ericsson Chris Jeffery Pat Price Daphne Phillips 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Peter Gillard opened the meeting and introduced himself both as Chair of the Patient Group, but also patient representative to the Shropshire CCG. Peter noted that this meeting was the AGM and as such we would aim to appoint Chair and representatives as agenda. Peter Introduced Dori Ericsson and Rosemary Wood Co-founders of the Cancer Support Group. 2. Cancer Support Group Dori Ericsson outlined the work of this group which had formed around a desire to consider local support and help for cancer sufferers in Ludlow and also consider utilising Helena Lane. She introduced Rosemary Wood. Rosemary discussed how the group arose from comments received from a cancer patient about the need for more local support group and the pressures of travelling to the nearest groups in Hereford or Shrewsbury. “we can make it work” had become something of a mantra which has led to a regular group meeting on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the Month at St Peters. There is a wide variety of activity and patients can dip in or out. The group has now found its feet, secured financial support and grown in self confidence. There is a website, facebook page and regular programme with fund raising events , a musical evening and other events planned. A discussion ensued around promoting the group. The surgery offered its display screen, to inform GPs and nurses and the PPG membership all agreed to support and develop awareness of the group through word of mouth. Details as website or through posters and leaflets at the surgery. 3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Peter Gillard pointed out that the Shropshire Patient Group had a new website, which was easy to access and members or any interested parties can log on and receive the regular e mail updates. This service replaces the offer of receiving updates on an e mail list. in addition there is a you tube video which shows how to register. Details of this circulated and attached. The meeting asked for an update on the building works. David Partridge explained that following the Planning Permission decision at the end of December works had commenced. The main construction was well underway with a “breakthrough date” of 230 May to move the reception area. Following this the new waiting area would be created and the 2 additional consulting rooms provided. The essence of the construction is to allow flexible future use and envisages some of the proposed changes to General Practice such as extended opening and perhaps specialised clinics such as dressing clinics which could be conducted in the ground floor consulting room with car park access for less able patients. The minutes were Agreed. No further matters arising in addition to those to be covered during the course of this meeting. 4. AGM Elections a) Peter Gillard was elected Chair. The meeting thanked him for all his work on the PPG and representing the surgery at South locality and Shropshire Patient Group meetings b) Vice Chair not elected. Peter requested any one who was prepared to consider this contact him after the meeting c) South West Shropshire Patients Group Peter attends, Janet Forsythe noted she could attend some meetings. Peter discussed the representation does not need to be at every meeting the meetings were very informal and people could attend as observers at any meeting. d) Shropshire Patient Group Peter continues to attend and is one of 3 Patient Representatives on the evaluation panel proposed for Future Fit. 5.Surgery Issues A) On Line Access is proving very popular with high levels of take up. David Partridge explained the process (simply ask at Reception and get a Log on Code etc) Patients can see their repeat medication, results and medical record. Take up was 11% for the full service and is increasing all the time B) New Build as notes above, key is flexibility and some of the future uses will not be known. Noted that the waiting room lighting will definitely be improved! C) Staffing, a new Nurse has been appointed starting 1st June to complement the nursing staff. She will bring new expertise to the Practice particularly in dressings and wound care. The intention is also to build a Hypertension (blood pressure) monitoring service which will be nurse led. Doctor recruitment as previous minutes remains a National Issue and the surgery has continued to try and attract or train new GPs D) Training Dr Leonie Bailey is a GP Registrar with the practice until July when David Mitchell will arrive in his final year as a GP Trainee. Several Medical Students and Training Doctors have been persuaded to train in General Practice E) Medicines Management, Dr Partridge discussed some of the drug cost savings the Practice had been working on and measures to reduce medicine waste. 6. Reports Peter apologised for the detail but felt it important to update the Group on local changes to Primary and Secondary Care. A) Future Fit (Urgent Care Centres and Short List) Future Fit is the Strategic Plan for how healthcare will be delivered in Shropshire over 30 Years. This has concentrated on hospitals and hospital care but a second part “Community Fit” is now looking at more local healthcare General Practice and how facilities such as MIU and existing facilities are going to be integrated altered or developed to provide care. Peter noted that the planning was not just about money, but also about resources people skills and physical resource to deliver care with increasing demands. The Shropshire Patient Group had inputted to the Future Fit discussions and in particular had asked that the facilities offered in Urgent Care Centres be appropriate to the needs of the local community with for instance potentially different description in a rural area to a facility adjacent to a major hospital. Work was ongoing locally to look at Ludlow Hospital, the facilities it offers or could offer and how it could be developed. There were issues around the skill and depth of local medical cover, the needed resources to make a UCC possible and also how this integrates with Town Council and local social care plans. Peter detailed how there was a short list in Future Fit odf options which will be scrutinised and considered by an evaluation panel and then a final preferred solution approved by the DoH would be proposed for public consultation. The current 5 options include 3 options of a new development along the A5. Two firther options include either an Emergency Centre EC at Shrewsbury RSH with a diagnostic and treatment centre at Telford or a n Emergency Centre at Telford with Diagnostic and Treatment Centre at Shrewwsbury. Peter and the Group discussed transportation, travel distances and ease of access as well as the notion that “Acute beds” would be located with the EC. Gill George noted the political debate and an open letter regarding the stance of the political candidates in the South Shropshire Parliamentary Election. B) Co-Commissioning Peter discussed the discussions at the Patient Group around Co Commissioning asking David Partridge to clarify the changes. Historically the CCG had commissioned services both hospital and community in Shropshire but GP remuneration and funding had been through NHS England. This had resulted in a National GP Contract negotiated centrally by the NHS and Doctors where remuneration was based on standard services and then additional payments for Quality, additional services etc. Under Co-Commissioning the service provision and priorities would be set more locally with implication for how GPs will be refunded and how they will work. The implication of this change will be widespread but GP Federations more combined working and altered services would be likely to follow. The CCG had indicated co-commissioning would be used to incentivise GPs to adopt more work created through Future Fit and the movement of work from hospitals into Primary Care. C) Shropshire Patient Group Much of the Discussion around the Group is included above. Full detail of activity and e mail updates and alerts can be found by logging onto the website: D) Town Council The Town Council had considered the Health Agenda and had declared support for Shrewsbury as a preferred option for the EC given the Transport and other concerns of local residents. 7.AOB There was no formal AOB. Meeting closed at 21.00 .