Off Property Lunch/Internet Access form

Parental Consent Forms: Please sign and return the Off-Property Permission form, the Lunch
Time Permission form, the Internet Use & Expectation Agreement and the Media Authorization
form (separate page) to your child's N.R.G. Teacher.
STUDENT NAME: _____________________
N.R.G. CLASS: _______________
Off-Property Permission Form:
During the year our students may be taking short walks around the school property and to various
locations in the neighbourhood. These excursions are an important part of the Ontario Curriculum. In
addition, many of the outdoor education activities will originate as a natural extension of the in-school
program and as such can occur at almost any time. For these reasons a blanket permission form is
used for walking excursions only.
By signing the attached form you give your consent for your child to participate in excursions which
involve walking beyond the school property under teacher supervision and within school hours.
I give my permission for my child to participate in excursions which may involve walking beyond the
school property under teacher supervision.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Lunch Time Permission Form:
It is an expectation that all students will either eat lunch at school or go home for lunch.
Students who stay at school for lunch, must remain on school property for the entire lunch period
under the supervision of teachers and lunch attendants.
In order for us to:
a) be clear about your expectations for your child, and
b) track the whereabouts of students,
Please complete this form by checking one of the following:
_____ My child will be going home for lunch.
_____ My child will remain on school property for the entire lunch hour.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Erin Centre Middle School Internet User Agreement 2010~2011
Computer and Internet use for any purpose which is contrary to the intent of the school’s code of
behaviour is strictly prohibited. This includes all forms of violence, threats and harassment directed at
the staff, students, community or school. This rule applies to school, work and home computer and
internet use.
Computer Use and Internet Access at Erin Centre Middle School
Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honoured.
During school, teachers of students will guide them toward appropriate materials.
Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance as they exercise with information
sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio, and other potentially offensive media.
Network Standards/Etiquette
All users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette.
 Be polite
 Use appropriate language
 Be considerate of other users and limited network resources
I will respect the security of the network and not attempt to access information or system levels for which I am
not authorized.
I will not give out personal information (address, phone, or school name and location) without my
parents’/teachers’ permission.
I will tell my parents/teachers immediately if I come across any information that contains racist, sexist or other
offensive material
I will inform my parents/teachers of any invitation to get together with someone I meet “online” so that they
can contact the service provider.
I will follow my teacher’s rules as to the time that I can be online, and the appropriate sites for me to visit
I will follow these rules so that I do not abuse and ultimately lose my Computer and Internet privileges.
Computer Network User Agreement and Parental Permission Form:
I, ____________________________________, of NRG _______ (Please print your
full name) as a user of the Erin Centre Middle School Computer Network, understand
and will abide by the above conditions and rules of the Internet User Agreement. I
understand that if I do not follow this agreement, my access privileges may be removed
and disciplinary action may be taken – including legal action.
Signature of Student
As the parent or legal guardian of the student signing above, I have read and understand the Computer and
Internet Use Agreement. I understand that access is given for education purposes. I also recognize that it is
impossible for the Peel District School Board and Erin Centre Middle School to restrict access to controversial
materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. I accept full responsibility for
supervision, if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. I grant permission for my son/daughter to
access Erin Centre’s and the Peel District School Board’s Internet service.
Signature of Parent/Guardian