Teaching and Learning Overview – P5/6 Level Second Term: 3 Learning Contexts: Robert Burns Literacy and English: We will be learning to select ideas and relevant information to organise into a poem; we will be learning to select suitable vocabulary for a poem. We will be exploring the elements of Scots poetry and using what we have learned to create our own Scottish poem. In reading, we are learning to share our thoughts, recognise the writer’s message and relate it to my own experiences through literacy circles. Numeracy and Maths: We are continuing to learn to apply our times tables to different types of questions. We are learning methods of multiplying two digit numbers. We will be starting to look at mental and written subtraction. We will be learning about movement and direction. Health and Wellbeing: In PE, we will be covering the theme of creative dance. We will be learning to explore and choose movements to create and present dance, developing our skills and techniques. We will be using a variety of themes and music as stimuli. Topic: We will be learning to discuss the significance of Robert Burns and identify his poetry. We will be learning to recognise the features of the Scottish language. Homework: Homework has slightly changed this block to accommodate the Literacy circles activity on a Thursday. Spelling homework will be given out on a Monday as usual and to be returned on Thursday. Reading homework will be given out on the Thursday for the following Thursday and maths homework will be given out where and when it is seen to be needed. How you can support: The children have individual times table targets that they can be practising at home then recording their achievement in their PLP in school. I am always looking to hear about out of school achievement that can be celebrated during Monday Meeting and recorded in the pupils PLP Teaching and Learning Overview – P5/6 Level Second Term: 3 Learning Contexts: Robert Burns Literacy and English: We will be learning to select ideas and relevant information to organise into a poem; we will be learning to select suitable vocabulary for a poem. We will be exploring the elements of Scots poetry and using what we have learned to create our own Scottish poem. In reading, we are learning to share our thoughts, recognise the writer’s message and relate it to my own experiences through literacy circles. Numeracy and Maths: We are continuing to learn to apply our times tables to different types of questions. We are learning methods of multiplying two digit numbers. We will be starting to look at mental and written subtraction. We will be learning about movement and direction. Health and Wellbeing: In PE, we will be covering the theme of creative dance. We will be learning to explore and choose movements to create and present dance, developing our skills and techniques. We will be using a variety of themes and music as stimuli. Topic: We will be learning to discuss the significance of Robert Burns and identify his poetry. We will be learning to recognise the features of the Scottish language. P6 will be learning to communicate and present our learning though a topic assembly. Homework: Homework has slightly changed this block to accommodate the Literacy circles activity on a Thursday. Spelling homework will be given out on a Monday as usual and to be returned on Thursday. Reading homework will be given out on the Thursday for the following Thursday and maths homework will be given out where and when it is seen to be needed. How you can support: The children have individual times table targets that they can be practising at home then recording their achievement in their PLP in school. I am always looking to hear about out of school achievement that can be celebrated during Monday Meeting and recorded in the pupils PLP.