Riverview Elementary Parent- Teacher

Veronica Parish, Principal
Dear Riverview Elementary Parents, Guardians, and Students:
Welcome back! I hope the summer months have been enjoyable for you and your
family. We’re happy to have our students returning to school and a special welcome to
the new students joining our neighborhood.
As principal of Riverview Elementary, I am looking forward to the 2013-2014 school
year. This will be a year of commitment to superior teaching and learning; and
establishing an educational foundation of excellence. I am committed to establishing a
school where each student will rise to his/her highest potential academically and
socially. Every child will be treated as a unique individual with unlimited potentials.
At Riverview Elementary School parents, teachers, adopters and community members
are valuable members of our school and are expected to fully participate in all areas of
our school. Together we will meet the challenges we face and establish a successful
learning community. In order to facilitate the functions we have published this
parent/student handbook as a resource guide for general information, board policies,
Title I documents, and school rules that we know all our community will adhere to and
work with the school to ensure a very successful school year.
Educationally yours,
Veronica Parish, Principal
All students can learn
All students can have a
challenging academic program
All students can master grade
level standards and objectives
All parents should understand
and support the academic goals of
Riverview Elementary School.
The Mission of Riverview Elementary School is
to create a K-5 school that is highly
regarded for academic excellence.
Our goal is to provide the literacy and technical
skills, as well as social confidence that will allow
students to compete in the global society.
Through the cooperative efforts administrators,
teachers, parents, students, and members of
the community, we are committed
to attaining the goals in a practical manner.
The vision of Riverview Elementary School is
to ensure a quality education for all students,
by creating productive and educated citizens.
This will include creating life-long learners by ensuring
mastery of all grade level skills and concepts.
The community, parents,
students, and teachers will work together to create
an environment that promotes academic growth,
the development of critical thinking, reasoning
skills, reading comprehension, and computing
with accuracy.
Riverview Elementary School
Our Beliefs:
 Student needs and student learning are the focus
of all decisions impacting the school.
 Attendance is necessary for a successful school experience.
 Challenging expectations and instruction with multiple assessments,
analysis, and strategies promote student success.
 Each student is a unique individual who deserves positive
relationships and respect to enhance self- esteem.
 A safe, secure, and comfortable classroom environment
is conducive to student learning.
 Literacy in content areas is essential for all students.
 Skills demonstrating proficiency in modern
technology is necessary for each student.
 Research and evaluation are valuable components
to ensure continuous learning for every student.
 Administrators, teachers, parents, and community
members share in the responsibility for student
learning, and advancing the school’s mission and vision.
Shelby County Schools Core Beliefs:
We believe that all students can achieve at high global academic standards that will prepare them
to become successful in life.
 We commit to prepare all students to achieve at high global academic standards.
 We commit to closing the achievement gap.
 We commit to be accountable for successfully implementing rigorous standards.
We believe that all students require quality resources and supports to achieve high levels of
 We commit to equitable distribution of quality resources and supports to all students.
 We commit to providing a safe and nurturing school environment for all students.
We believe that effective teachers and school leaders are essential to high student achievement.
 We commit to recruiting, hiring, training, retaining, and supporting effective teachers and
school leaders.
 We commit to create and sustain a culture of high expectations.
We believe that strong public support and community partnerships are essential for all students to
 We commit to meaningfully engaging families in the education of their children.
 We commit to working collaboratively with all community stakeholders.
We believe that our school system can be a high performing, accountable, and transparent
 We commit to being a high performing, accountable, and transparent organization.
What you need to know about the for the 2013 School Year:
School Programs & Policies
School Start Time for Riverview Elementary for 2013-2014:
8:00 to 3:00.
These programs and services for middle and high schools will be
offered in 2013-14 as they currently are in both districts. Full integration of these programs is
expected by 2014-15.
They will remain as they currently are during the 2013-14 school
year. The only exceptions would include areas with school closures or newly built schools, as well
as areas with changes approved in either district prior to the merger. The Board will revisit this
recommendation in 2014-15.
Before-/after-school programs will continue in 2013-14 as they are
currently offered in both districts.
Gifted programs will be offered in 2013-14 exactly as they are
currently offered in both districts. This includes both CLUE and APEX.
The unified district will offer a curriculum that is aligned with the
Common Core State Standards in preparation for the 2014-15 PARCC (Partnership for
Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers) assessments.
They will be provided in the unified district as they are currently
offered in SCS and MCS. SCS presently provides ESL services in neighborhood schools, and
MCS delivers ESL services through a combined model of neighborhood schools and regional
center schools.
The current Shelby County Schools grading policy will be followed in the
unified district.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
Revised: 06/30/11
The grading system for Shelby County Elementary Schools in accordance with the
Tennessee Uniform Grading System establishes the grading system for grades
kindergarten through fifth grade.
Two (2) report cards are used in grades K-5; (1) for kindergarten; (1) for grades 1-5.
Teachers should refer to the appropriate card for an explanation of the grading system for
each level.
The kindergarten report cards show progress toward the state standards. The grade level
standard is set by the state and indicates what a student should know and be able to do.
Students are evaluated based on their progress toward meeting benchmarks for each
standard. This is indicated by mastery or non-mastery for each skill. Report cards are sent
home at the end of each nine-week term.
Grades 1-5:
1. In all schools, students' conduct is graded as “E”, “G”, “S”, “N”, or “U” and is to be
reported at each grading period on the report card. Self-contained classes receive one
homeroom conduct grade. Individual subject classes each give a conduct grade.
2. The basic grading system for knowledge / subject area is expressed by the letters “A”,
“B”, “C”, “D”, and “F” with the following numerical values except for 1st grade science
and social studies which will be expressed by the letter “S” or “N”.
A ........................................................ 93-100
B ........................................................
C ........................................................
D ........................................................
F ........................................................ Below 70
Plus and minus evaluations are not to be added to letter grades.
The numerical values listed are for teacher use only.
3. Report cards are issued to parents at the end of each nine-week term.
4. In grades 1-5 Integrated Language Arts and Math, a minimum of twelve grades per
subject per nine-week term should be recorded for every student. For all other subjects in
grades 1-5, a minimum of 9 grades per nine-week term should be recorded. Fifty percent
of the required grades must be earned and recorded by the interim of the nine-week term.
(These grades could be determined by projects, oral and written assignments, etc.) Term
grades given at the end of each nine-week period will be determined by the average of
daily work, oral assignments, written assignments and tests. The teacher will assess all
student assignments and weigh the value of grades given for various assignments within
the nine-week term in computing the term grade. This procedure will enable the teacher
to allow for individual student differences in the grading process. Grades for homework
assignments should be given with care, since homework may not always be completed by
the student himself. Homework assignments are of value in affording students needed
practice, and such assignments should be made within practicable limits.
5. Semester grades for grades 1-5 are determined by an average of grades for each of the
two nine-week terms. Standardized tests should not be used as the sole measure for
passing or failing. The 5th grade Writing Assessment will be factored into the student’s
4th 9weeks grade.
NOTE: Semester examinations are not given in grades 1-5.
6. Final Grade - This grade is determined by averaging the two semester grades.
7. A student's academic grade is solely intended to reflect the student's acquired
knowledge, ability, and/or skills in the designated subject. Therefore, academic credit /
points may not be awarded or deducted for any purpose that is not directly related to the
student's academic performance. For example, academic credit / points may not be
awarded as an incentive to participate or achieve a certain goal in a school fundraising
event. Academic credit / points may not be deducted for failure to purchase certain
brands or types of school supplies. A reasonable number of academic points may be
deducted from a student's academic grade for failure to submit homework or other
assigned academic work on the date specified by the teacher.
8. Parents are to be notified within a report card period when a student is not doing
acceptable work. Parent-teacher conferences should be held for gaining parental support
in an effort to improve student performance.
9. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, for students in grades 3 - 5, scores on the
Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) shall comprise 15% of the
students’ final grade for the spring (second) semester in mathematics, reading/language
arts, science and social studies.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
Revised: 07/27/11
Promotion shall be considered on the basis of what is best for the child in terms of school success. Special
consideration for promotion and/or retention shall be given to students with special academic, social, and
emotional needs. In the case of failing work being done by the child, the parents shall be informed early so
that the school and home may cooperate in helping him/her improve.
Retention is used to help students improve their knowledge base by providing an additional year of
instruction thus addressing the frustration and failure often associated with inadequate skills mastery.
Retention will be considered on an individual basis. Assessment of the student in the context of the total
learning situation and its attendant circumstances should be used to determine what is best for the student.
If a student's ability to succeed at the next grade level is highly questionable, consideration shall be given to
conditional promotion and/or assignment to transitional classes if such classes exist.
Factors to be considered in deciding what is best for the student should include:
current skill level;
the student's age;
achievement potential;
previous potential;
evaluative data;
chances for success with more difficult material when current skills are inadequate;
number of absences;
maturity level and most importantly;
what benefits can be accomplished by retention;
previous retention.
A student in the third grade shall not be promoted to the next grade level unless the student has
shown a basic understanding of curriculum and ability to perform the skills required in the subject
of reading as demonstrated by the student's grades or standardized test results. However, such
student may be promoted if the student participates in a Shelby County Board of Education
approved research-based intervention prior to the beginning of the next school year. This provision
shall not apply to students who have IEPs pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq.
A collectively developed educational plan which suggests different strategies and materials should
be considered for every student to be retained. Central office personnel shall monitor the progress
of the retained students.
Deficiencies in several of the above areas indicate that retention shall be considered. Retention, however,
should not be used as a punitive measure or as a way to hold a student back because of parental wishes
when a student's performance does not warrant it or when the school feels retention is inappropriate.
Parents who disagree with the decision of the teacher(s) and principal regarding the promotion or retention
of a student may appeal the decision to the Superintendent or his designee. The decision of the
Superintendent or his designee shall be final.
Tennessee State Board of Education Policy No. 3.300
Tennessee State Board of Education Rule § 0520-01-03
Tennessee State Board of Education Rule § 0520-01-03-.05
Tennessee State Board of Education Rule § 0520-01-03-.05
Our 44 Optional Schools allow parents to tailor their child's
education to best suit their needs, whether focusing on fine arts, college preparatory programs or
one of several theme-based programs. Optional Applications can be submitted January 25 –
August 2013.
The unified district will be use ParentLink as its automated
messaging system. ParentLink is a similar communication service to Rapid Notice, which has
been used in Shelby County Schools. School and district messages can be sent via phone, email
and/or text. ParentLink also features apps for smartphones and tablets to track all district news
and information.
The district will use PowerSchool SMS in the unified district. SMS is
currently used in Memphis City Schools. SMS has greater capacity and functionality to handle the
unified system's approximately 140,000 students. Parents will still be able to log into a parent
portal to see grades and other student information.
The first day of the 2013-14 school year is August 5,
2013. The last day of school is May 23, 2014.
2013-14 Shelby County Schools’ Instructional Calendar
Before school begins
July 24-26, 2013
July 29, 2013
July 30, 2013
July 31, 2013
August 2, 2013
New Teacher Induction for New teachers and Learning Coaches
(AM) PD (PM) Administration
Admin (Registration Day)
(AM) PD (PM) Administration
PD-System Wide Address
First Semester
August 5
September 2
September 19
September 20
1 Day Students
Labor Day
Parent Conferences (3-6 & 4-7)
District Learning Day
October 4
October 7-11
November 11
November 27-29
December 18-19-20
December 20
End of 1st 9 weeks
Fall Break
Veteran Day
Thanksgiving Break
Semester Exams
End of 2nd Quarter
December 23-Jan. 3
Holiday Break
Out (1/2
January 6
January 7
January 20
February 13
February 14
(AM) PD (PM0 Administration
Student Return
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Parent Conferences (3-6 & 4-7)
District Learning Day
February 17
March 7
March 10-14
April 18
May 21-22
President Day
End of 3rd Quarter
Spring Break
Good Friday
Semester Exams
Out (1/2
May 23
Last Day -Students
Out (1/2
Second Semester
No PD credits (former Flex) are required this year, as all PD is embedded within this instructional calendar.
An administrative ½ day will be worked during the last week in May under the Principals’ discretion.
If necessary, predetermined inclement weather days are: May 27-30, 2014
Shelby County Schools Testing Calendar 2013-2014
As of Jan. 29, 2013
1st Semester Dates Test Participants
TBD by TDOE Constructed Response Assessment
(CRA)#1 Grades 3-8
November 7, 2013 Explore Grade 8
November 7, 2013 PLAN Grade 10
December 9, 2013 Algebra 1 & English 11 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
December 10, 2013 Algebra 2 & English 9 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
December 11, 2013 U.S. History & English 10 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
December 12, 2013 Biology Enrolled in 2nd Semester
December 13, 2013 EOC Make-up Testing Enrolled in 2nd Semester
December 9-13, 2013 Online/Paper Gateway * Students who entered 9th
grade prior to 2009-10
2nd Semester
Dates Test Participants
February 3-7, 2014 TCAP Writing Assessment Grades 5, 8, and 11
TBD by TDOE Constructed Response Assessment
(CRA) #2 Grades 3 - 8
March 4, 2014 ACT Grade 11
April 15 - 17, 2014 Stanford-10 Grades K - 2
April 22-29, 2014 TCAP Achievement Grades 3 - 8
May 5, 2014 Algebra 1 & English 11 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
May 6, 2014 Algebra 2 & English 9 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
May 7, 2014 U.S. History & English 10 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
May 8, 2014 Biology Enrolled in 2nd Semester
May 9, 2014 EOC Make-up Testing Enrolled in 2nd Semester
May 5-9, 2014 Online/Paper Gateway
* Students who entered 9th
grade prior to 2009-10
TBD by TDOE Constructed Response Assessment
(CRA) #3 Grades 3 - 8
Summer Dates Test Participants
July 8, 2014 Algebra 1 & 2 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
July 9, 2014 English 9, 10, & 11 Enrolled in 2nd Semester
July 10, 2014 Biology & U.S. History Enrolled in 2nd Semester
July 8 - 10, 2014 Online/Paper Gateway * Students who entered 9th
grade prior to 2009-10
* Gateway participants are students who entered 9th grade prior to 2009 who are
not enrolled
in the course and have not met their Gateway graduation require
A blended model of security and law enforcement officers will be
used in the unified district. There will be a security officer and/or local law enforcement officer
assigned to every middle and high school. Some elementary schools may have officers from local
municipalities. All elementary schools will have controlled access doors with video monitoring
It will be expanded across the district.
The unified district will be served partially by the current SCS bus
fleet, and remaining services will provided by Durham School Services, the current transportation
provider for MCS. The Parent Responsibility Zone (PRZ) - the zone in which parents are
responsible for a child’s transportation to/from school – is 1.5 miles for elementary school
students and 2.0 miles for middle and high school students. Students who reside beyond the PRZ
will receive district transportation service.
The overall vision of the unified Shelby County School system is to
support effective teachers and leaders in an effort to improve student outcomes and diminish the
achievement gap. Through thorough evaluation and ensuring innovative practice in professional
development, both teachers and leaders will have the tools they need to be the best in their
Staff is recommending no changes to the current student dress
code for the 2013-14 school year. If approved by the Board, current SCS and MCS schools would
follow the same uniform/dress code policy in 2013-14. The Board will vote on a proposed policy
on May 28. Any changes to the 2013-14 policy would not take effect until 2014-15.
For additional information logon to www.scsk12.org and click on the links.
Guidelines for Handling Concerns
1. Make a telephone call or an appointment before visiting the school to talk with
the teacher or principal about your concern.
2. Follow the process for handling classroom concerns and speak to the teacher
first then the principal if necessary.
3. Check in at the school office when arriving on campus and sign in using the
4. Allow a reasonable amount of time for the principal or teacher to investigate the
5. If you wish to arrange a classroom observation contact the school.
6. Address questions or concerns resulting from classroom observations in a
scheduled conference.
7. Refrain from discussing the school or teacher negatively in the presence of your
8. Work to maintain a positive attitude with the teacher or administrator during a
meeting or conference.
9. Seek to understand the school’s academic and behavior expectations.
10. Refer to the school’s Student Handbook for all questions pertaining to the rules
and regulations outlined by the school.
to Learn About Your Child’s School:
Make an appointment to visit the child’s class.
Drop in to look around and talk with administration and faculty.
Call or write the teacher.
Attend parent meetings.
Participate in home- school connection meetings.
Encourage Good Work Habits:
One important area a parent can help a child is by teaching good work habits. These
1. Completing jobs at home and school.
2. Courteously accepting constructive criticism.
3. Following directions.
4. Taking pride in good work.
5. Taking care of materials.
6. Listening carefully.
7. Using time wisely.
Tips on building self-esteem:
1. Say something encouraging or positive to your child every day.
2. Encourage your child to be involved in various activities.
3. Look for the positive in children’s behavior and praise the child.
4. Tell your children that you love them.
How to Motivate Children to Learn:
1. Encourage positive attitudes toward school.
2. Emphasize the importance of school.
3. Become involved in your child’s school work.
4. Provide an orderly space and a definite time to complete homework.
5. Assist children with homework.
6. Respond to communications from school.
7. Attend parent meetings and school activities.
8. Show your child how problem- solving relates to everyday activities.
9. Look over graded assignments and tests.
10. Surround your children with reading materials.
11. Share children reading experience.
Tips for Teaching Your Child/Children at Home
1. Tell your child stories that have been handed down over the years, also stories that you
make up yourself. Listen with interest to stories you child tells you.
2. Talk to your child often about different things, and listen to him when he talks to you.
3. Take your child with you on neighborhood shopping trips. Talk to him about things
you see using size, number, and color, size and use. In the grocery have your child help
calculate costs, and differences in product cost.
4. Give your child chores to do. Explain what he is to do and the expected outcome.
5. Use a calendar with your child to set expectations and dates when specific things will
happen, and when the child should have finished tasks.
6. Teach the child his complete name, address, telephone number, and the complete
names of his parents.
8. Set specific times for your child to complete homework, and to read independently. Do
not vary from these times: if your child tells you that he has completed his home work he
can use this time to read.
9. Set specific times your child can watch television with the programs chosen by you
and your child together.
10. Schedule regular trips to the public library with your child.
11. Show a sincere interest in your child’s schoolwork and homework.
12. Don’t compare one child’s achievements, or failures with that of another child.
13. Praise your child for his efforts.
14. Let your child know you love him for himself just as he is.
15. Communicate your hopes for the future to your child.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
The Shelby County Board of Education accepts the responsibility for establishing and
maintaining proper standards of discipline and behavior in the public schools. In order to
maintain good order and insure an environment conducive to learning, the Board considers
behavior or conduct occurring on school property or at any school sponsored activity occurring
off school property which interferes with the above to be offenses. Such offenses include but are
not limited to the following:
Disrespect or insubordination toward teachers, principals, or other school employees;
Immoral conduct, indecent language or behavior;
Sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious harassment;
Violence, the threat of violence and/or physical or verbal intimidation directed toward
other students, teachers or Shelby County Schools' employees;
Persistent disobedience or disorder;
Habitual tardiness or unexcused absenteeism, truancy;
Sale, possession, or use of alcohol, drugs, substances represented to be drugs or alcohol,
substances for huffing, or drug paraphernalia;
Smoking and or the possession of tobacco products, lighters or matches;
Possession of, access to and/or use of beepers, cellular phones, or other electronic
communication devices during school hours without written permission of the principal;
Gang activities;
Weapons or weapon look-alikes and explosives, including a knife or any potentially lethal
weapon, or Taser;
14. Possession of mace or disabling sprays;
15. Inciting, advising or counseling of others to engage in any of the acts herein enumerated;
16. Off-campus criminal behavior resulting in felony charges; when behavior poses a danger
to persons or property or disrupts the educational process;
17. Possession, use or distribution of counterfeit money on school property or at any school
sponsored activity; and
18. Inappropriate use of electronic media.
Principals and their designees shall be responsible for enforcing the rules of Student Conduct
Riverview Elementary School Basic Rules for Students:
1. Be Prepared
 Come to school on time.
 Bring what you need with you.
2. Be Respectful
 Listen to the teacher.
 Be kind to others.
 Use manners.
3. Be Productive
 Follow direction.
 Complete your tasks.
 Prepare your homework.
4. Be Safe
 Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
 Follow classroom rules.
 Follow school rules.
As a Riverview Elementary student, you have the responsibility:
 To do your part to create a positive environment at your school by
working toward academic excellence, striving for perfect attendance,
and participating in school activities.
 To respect the dignity and worth of your fellow students, teachers, and
school staff.
 To study and reach the highest level of academic achievement.
 To know and follow the rules and regulations of Memphis City Schools
 To respect the authority of teachers, school administrators, and other
authorized personnel in maintaining discipline.
 To behave in a way that does not disrupt the educational process or lead
to physical or emotional harm
Student’s responsibility on the playground:
1. Obey the playground supervisor - your teacher.
2. Show good sportsmanship.
No wrestling, Kung Fu, karate or throwing.
Do not go in the streets for anything.
Do not talk or play with outsiders.
Do not leave the playground.
Progress Report
Every student will receive a progress report each Monday. Please review the report and
sign the area for parent signature. The progress report is to be returned to the teacher on
Tuesday. Any concern you have as a parent can be addressed through a conference with
either the teacher or an administrator.
Uniform Policy will remain the same as the 2012-13 school year.
All students at Riverview Elementary must wear the uniform decided upon by the Shelby
County Board of Education. (The current uniform policy for this school year did not
The School Uniform:
 Uniform:
Burgundy or white shirts
Navy blue, black or khaki bottoms (skirts, jumpers, or pants)
A belt must be worn
No slide shoes or flip flops
 White long-sleeve or short-sleeve shirt with a collar, turtle necks included.
Riverview Elementary students may wear burgundy polo shirts.
 Pants must be straight-legged or boot-cut. Permitted styles are full-length,
cropped, and cargo pants; straight-legged Capri pants; and walking shorts
(straight-legged shorts that are at the knee)
 Pants must fit at the waist. If belts are worn, they must be fitted and put through
belt loops.
 Skirts or jumpers must be at or below the knee.
 Shirts must be tucked in unless they are a style designed to be worn over pants
or skirts.
 T-shirts may be worn under shirts or blouses. They must be solid white. All
school uniform clothes must be plain with no manufacturer’s logo, brand names,
pictures, or insignias visible.
 Shoe heels can be no higher than one and one-half inches.
 Heavy coats, heavy jackets, and raincoats are not covered by school uniform
regulations, and may not be worn during the school day.
 Clothes that are not permitted include, but are not limited to: denim jeans; pants
that are oversized or undersized; baggy pants, sagging pants, tights, or pants
made of spandex.
 Shirts must be properly zipped, buttoned, or closed and tucked in.
 Dresses, skirts and shorts must be at an appropriate length on all sides.
 Tank tops, tank dresses, halter tops, and spaghetti strap tops, or dresses cannot
be worn.
Sufficient underclothes must be worn appropriately, and must not be exposed.
Shoes must be worn at all times. House slippers, or flip flops, are not allowed.
Knee-length dresses, shorts, and skirts are allowed.
No baggy or tight fitting clothing is allowed.
NO HATS (males or females), scarves, headbands, or rollers can be worn by girls
or boys, unless the covering is a part of his or her religious culture: Confiscated
hats and headbands will not be returned.
Hats, coats, and book bags should be stored in locker before the start of the
school day.
No spandex articles of clothing; house slippers, pajamas, or other articles
displaying inappropriate language or designs will be permitted.
A pick or lift is not considered an article of clothing; it could be considered a
weapon and should be left at home.
School Day
 Students begin to enter the building for Breakfast 7:45 A.M.
1. A teacher will open the door when students are to enter the school.
 Enter the school quietly, and in a straight line.
 Make sure you are in uniform, and you are wearing it properly.
 Shirt tails are to be inside pants.
 Sit with your grade section facing the stage.
 Get in line when your grade section is called.
 Eat breakfast neatly, and quietly.
 After eating put utensils in the proper receptacle, and trash in the
trash can.
 Remain in your classrooms
Students will be admitted into the school at 7:45 every school morning. Parents the students will not be
supervised before 7:45 each morning.
Classroom procedures
1. All students will be polite to each other, and show proper respect to
school personnel.
2. The Shelby County School Code of Conduct and Riverview Elementary
rules will be followed at all times.
3. All back packs, and outer coats are to be put in a locker.
4. Individual pencil sharpeners are absolutely not permitted.
5. Do not put waste paper on the floor.
6. Students will be taken to the restroom as a class, by the teacher.
7. In an emergency the teacher can write an individual student a pass.
Students will not be in the hall without a pass written by the teacher.
8. Unless directed by the teacher students will stay in their desk, and be
engaged in class work.
9. When going to lunch, and support classes all students will walk in a
straight line.
Student Classroom Responsibilities:
1. Keep paper, and books, off the floor.
2. No personal pencil sharpeners will be allowed in the classroom.
3. Extend courtesy, and aid to those around you.
4. Always keep your Space in line.
5. Respect adults, and fellow classmates.
6. If you want something raise your hand, and wait until the teacher
recognizes you.
7. If there is a guest in the room always is on your best behavior.
8. Coats and hats are to be placed in student lockers (coats and hats are not to
be worn during the school day or kept at the student desk).
9. All students must adhere to the uniform code.
Riverview Elementary School will utilize the Responsive Classroom Approach for classroom
management. Responsive classroom is a research approach to elementary education
that leads to greater teacher effectiveness, higher student achievement, and
improved school cultural.
The primary goals of this approach are to:
Establish a calm, orderly, and safe environment for learning
Help children develop self-control and self-discipline
Teach children to be responsible, contributing members of the democratic community
Promote respectful, kind, and health teacher-student and student-student integrations
The Responsive Classroom Approach
 raise students performance,
 reduce behavior problems and
 increase teacher efficacy
Lunch Responsibilities
1. All students will go to the cafeteria with their class, accompanied by their teacher,
and remain in the cafeteria for the entire lunch period.
2. All students will go through the lunch line in an orderly manner.
3. After being served students will sit at their designated tables until told to return
their trays. Students will not walk back and forth to the serving area.
4. Practice good table manners.
5. Conversation during lunch is permitted.
6. Loud and boisterous talk is not permitted.
7. Leave the table clean.
8. Put only paper in the trash cans.
9. Do not pile trays in the window.
10. When the classroom teacher arrives to take the students back to the classroom
the students will get in an orderly line.
1. Students will get their backpacks and coats from the lockers at the teacher's
2. When the announcement is made students will line up in an orderly fashion to
pass from the classroom.
3. The teacher will monitor all students onto the campus and dismiss the class.
4. Students will not re-enter the building.
5. Students will immediately leave the campus for their home or where they have
been directed by their parent.
School Policies
 Students are expected to attend school every day. If a student is absent the student
should bring a written excuse for his/her absence when they return to school.
Parents are accountable legally for their child/ children’s attendance and can be
fined for excessive absences. The accepted excuses for absences are:
1. Illness of student.
2. Death or serious illness within the student’s immediate
3. When the student is officially representing the school in
a school sponsored activity.
4. Legal court summons (not as a result of the student’s misconduct).
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
Revised: 07/27/11
Unauthorized absence from school is considered truancy and will be treated as such.
This includes absence from any class, study hall, or activity during the school day for which the
student is scheduled. Principals may also determine whether a student is considered to be truant by
failing to attend remedial instruction occurring outside of the regular school day, including but not
limited to programs conducted during the summer and after the conclusion of the regular school
day pursuant to state law.
If a student receives five (5) or more absences during the school year without adequate excuse, the
Superintendent shall notify the parents that the student is required to attend school. If within 3
days of receiving the notice, the parent has failed to comply, the Superintendent shall notify the
District Attorney General and/or local law enforcement of this fact and legal action shall be taken
against the parent as provided by T.C.A. § 49-6-3007.
This does include five (5) year old students who have attended school for six (6) weeks.
1. The building will open at 7:45 a.m. each morning for students to enter.
Student(s) arriving before 7:45 a.m. must remain outside the building.
2. Students arriving for breakfast may enter the building at 7:45 a.m.
3. Students should be off campus by 3:15 p.m. Please be aware that the
safety of your child is at risk each time he/she is left unsupervised
before and after school. We strongly urge parents to make
arrangements for timely transportation of their child/children.
Notices requesting conferences will be sent home if students are not performing
satisfactory work. Any parent may request a conference by calling the school, writing a
note to the teacher, or contacting the guidance office.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
The increase in use of cell phones and personal communication devices by students during the school day
has become far more than a distraction in the school environment. These devices are being used by students
as a means of cheating on tests, taking inappropriate pictures and video of students and staff for sharing and
posting across the internet, threatening and/or bullying other students, and engaging in an excessive amount
of social interaction during instructional time.
Therefore, all students are banned from possessing any type of phone or personal communication
device at any time during the regular school day. For the purpose of this policy, possession means being
found in any article of clothing, purse, book bag, carry bag, or in any location on school property other than
the approved storage location as written and approved by school officials. Students who wish to carry a cell
phone with them to and from school must keep the device turned off and kept in the student's assigned
locker, automobile, or other school approved location at all times during the entire school day. School
officials may if it has reasonable suspicion to do so search any cell phone brought onto any SCBE property,
which includes but is not limited to parking areas. For the purposes of this policy the school day includes
the entire day from the school start time or bell that indicates the start of the school day until the final
dismissal time of the school day. The school is not responsible for any loss or theft of the device while on
school property.
A student found in possession of any type of cell phone or communication device during the school day
shall have the device taken from him or her and kept by the school Principal or designee until the parent is
notified and the device is personally picked up at the school by the parent. The parent may pick up the
device on the following Monday after the device is taken from the student. The school will notify the parent
regarding the specific time and location for pick up. If the device is not picked up during the designated
time on Monday, it cannot be picked up until the designated time on the following Monday.
Any subsequent violation shall result in the device being taken from the student and retained until the
parent personally picks the device up from the Principal or his/her designee on the following Monday and
the student shall be given an out-of-school suspension of two (2) days.
A third violation of this policy shall be considered willful disobedience and defiance and the student shall
receive a five (5) day out of school suspension.
Further violations will result in a long-term suspension.
If the fire bell goes off, everyone must leave the building; exit plans are posted in every
2. All doors and windows should be closed when exiting the building.
3. The parking lot driveway should stay completely clear to make room for
emergency vehicles.
5. If the Civil Defense signal sounds, everyone is to take cover indoors.
Generally, students will exit the classroom and line up facing the wall
outside of the door.
If you are outdoors, come inside immediately and report to the nearest
hallway away from outside doors and windows.
Everyone will remain in this position until the all clear is sounded
FOOD AND BEVERAGE - All food and beverages must be consumed in the cafeteria or in the
classroom during breakfast
Illness or Injury
We expect parents to make arrangements for their children in the event that they should
become ill or injured at school. Telephone, or contact with parents by other methods, is
essential. Please be sure to inform the school of any health problem.
Keep the necessary phone numbers up to date.
INSUBORDINATION – Students are insubordinate when they refuse to follow a reasonable
request, direction or instruction of an adult through disobedience, defiance, unruliness,
or noncompliance. This includes walking away when being addressed by an adult, and
refusal to work in class. Students who are insubordinate will be issued a suspension.
If under exceptional circumstances a student is required to receive medication during school hours and the
parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the school nurse or the principal's designee
will administer the medication in compliance with the regulations that follow:
Written instructions will be signed by the parent or legal guardian and will include:
a. student's name
b. name of medication
c. purpose of medication
d. time to be administered
e. dosage
f. possible side effects
g. termination date for administering the medication
h. name and phone number of student's physician.
The signed instruction form will be kept on file at the school.
All medication will be brought to school by the parent or guardian, unless other arrangements
have been approved by the school principal, but under no circumstance shall a student bring the
medication to school by himself/herself. All medication must be brought in its original container
whether it be a prescription or non-prescription medication.
The principal or the principal's designee will:
a. inform appropriate school personnel of the medication being taken.
b. keep a record of the administration of medication on designated form and will keep this
record on file at school.
c. keep medication in locked area (One exception: Students with asthma who have inhalers
at school may keep inhalers in their possession or with teacher in the classroom).
d. return unused medication to the parent only or discard appropriately. If discarded at
school, the following procedure will be followed:
medication will be disposed of in a manner so that no student will be able to get the medication
the method used, the date the medication is discarded, and the person or people involved will be
The parents of the student must assume responsibility for informing the school principal of any
change in the student's health or change in medication.
Should medications of an invasive nature (ex. intramuscular, intravenous. suppository) be required
to be given by school personnel for emergency action, proper physician orders and instructions
will be obtained and proper training will be given to appropriate personnel.
The school system retains the discretion to reject request for administration of medicine.
A copy of this procedure will be provided to parents upon their request for administration of
medication in the schools.
T.C.A. § 49-5-415
Tennessee State Board of Education Policy No. 4.208
Opening of School
No students are allowed into the building until 7:45 a.m.
Breakfast in classroom 7:50 a.m.
Students will go to their classrooms at 8:00 a.m.
Students are tardy after 8:00a.m.
Parent - teacher communication
Every teacher has planning time several days a week. The teacher will notify you of the
school hours they are available and conferences can be scheduled during these hours.
Parents are always welcome at Riverview Elementary and we encourage them to stay in
close contact with the teachers about their student’s progress. If a parent wishes to
have a conference with a teacher, the parent should contact the office to schedule an
appointment. Parents are asked to schedule conferences during the teacher’s planning
Unfortunately, parents who drop in wishing to meet with a teacher are often
disappointed because the teacher cannot stop instruction to meet with a parent.
Parents should consult the school calendar to see the dates of the scheduled
parent/teacher conferences. The date of Open House will be announced early in the
Parents who are dissatisfied with a parent conference are requested to contact an
administrator, instead of the Board of Education. The Board of Education always will
refer a parent back to the school before they take any action.
Supplies are sold from 7:50 until 8:00 A.M.
Suspensions will be issued at the discretion of the Principal, or Instructional Facilitator, and
can only be cleared following a personal conference with the parent or legal guardian of
the pupil involved. All class time missed due to a suspension is unexcused.
Shelby County Schools
To establish general guidelines on student school fees and debts.
This policy applies to all Shelby County Schools (SCS) students.
SCS is able to offer many programs due to the generous financial commitments of our parents and
guardians. Without those financial commitments, SCS would not be able to offer many programs. School
systems may request payment of school “fees”. A “fee” is defined by State law and rules promulgated by
the Tennessee Board of Education.
All school fees must be authorized by the Board. School fees, as authorized by the Board, shall be
categorized .
financial commitments, SCS would not be able to offer many programs. School systems may request
payment of school “fees”. A “fee” is defined by State law and rules promulgated by the Tennessee Board of
All school fees must be authorized by the Board. School fees, as authorized by the Board, shall be
categorized as 1) requested fees; and 2) required fees/fines/debts.
A. Requested Fees (may only be requested)
The District may request fees of students for any of the following:
Fees for activities that occur during regular school hours;
Fees for activities and supplies required to participate in all courses offered for credit or grade,
including interscholastic athletics and marching band if taken for credit in accordance with local
board policies;
Fees or tuition applicable to courses taken during the summer by a student; except that nonresident
students regularly enrolled in another school system may be required to pay fees or tuition for
such summer course;
Fees required for graduation ceremonies; and
Refundable security deposits collected by a school for use of school property for courses offered
for credit or grade, including interscholastic athletics and marching band if taken for credit.
However, if parents or guardians do not desire to pay the aforementioned fees, they may request a fee
waiver from the Principal of the school at which their child is enrolled. The “request for fee waiver” shall
be made on a form that will be provided to each parent at the time a school fee is requested.
B. Required Fees/Fines (may be required)
The District may require and collect the following fees/fines from students:
Fines imposed on all students for late-returned library books; parking or other traffic fines
imposed for abuse of parking privileges on school property; or reasonable charges for lost or
destroyed textbooks, library books, workbooks or any other property of the school;
Refundable security deposits collected by a school for use of school property for participating in
extracurricular activities;
Costs for extracurricular activities occurring outside the regular school day including sports,
optional trips, clubs or social events; and
Non-resident tuition charged of all students attending a school system other than the one serving
their place of residence.
Withholding of Student Grades for Debts Owed to the School.
Report cards, diplomas, and transcripts of students who take SCS property or students who have
incurred a debt to a school, shall be withheld until the student makes restitution in full.
SCS shall permit the student and/or the student's parent to direct any dispute of a debt, the amount
of the debt, or the application of sanctions to the Asst. Superintendent of Student Services. The
decision of the Asst. Superintendent of Student Services shall be final.
A. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed.
Legal References:
TRR/MS 0520-01-03-.03
T.C.A. 49-2-110(c)
All parents and visitors are to go to the office of the school. Visitors and parents will be
provided with an identification pass by the office.
WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTS – If a student relocates out of Riverview’s district and must
withdraw from Riverview, the proper paperwork must be completed in the office. All
paperwork must be completed and submitted before the withdrawal is deemed official.
A parent or guardian must complete the withdrawal process.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
The Shelby County Board of Education accepts the responsibility for establishing and maintaining proper
standards of discipline and behavior in the public schools. In order to maintain good order and insure an
environment conducive to learning, the Board considers behavior or conduct occurring on school property
or at any school sponsored activity occurring off school property which interferes with the above to be
offenses. Such offenses include but are not limited to the following:
1. Disrespect or insubordination toward teachers, principals, or other school employees;
2. Immoral conduct, indecent language or behavior;
3. Sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious harassment;
4. Theft;
5. Violence, the threat of violence and/or physical or verbal intimidation directed toward other
students, teachers or Shelby County Schools' employees;
6. Persistent disobedience or disorder;
7. Habitual tardiness or unexcused absenteeism, truancy;
8. Vandalism;
9. Sale, possession, or use of alcohol, drugs, substances represented to be drugs or alcohol,
substances for huffing, or drug paraphernalia;
10. Smoking and or the possession of tobacco products, lighters or matches;
11. Possession of, access to and/or use of beepers, cellular phones, or other electronic communication
devices during school hours without written permission of the principal;
12. Gang activities;
13. Weapons or weapon look-alikes and explosives, including a knife or any potentially lethal
weapon, or Taser;
14. Possession of mace or disabling sprays;
15. Inciting, advising or counseling of others to engage in any of the acts herein enumerated;
16. Off-campus criminal behavior resulting in felony charges; when behavior poses a danger to
persons or property or disrupts the educational process;
17. Possession, use or distribution of counterfeit money on school property or at any school sponsored
activity; and
18. Inappropriate use of electronic media.
Principals and their designees shall be responsible for enforcing the rules of Student Conduct.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
Every student has the right to due process guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.
The student is, in all except the most minor disciplinary cases, to be granted a hearing before the principal
with every precaution being taken to ensure that the rights of the student are protected.
Before any disciplinary action is taken, the principal or the teacher must advise the student of his or her
right to a hearing.
Students are to be reminded that in exercising their rights they must not interfere with the rights of others,
disrupt the educational process, or violate the laws of the Federal, State and local government or the
policies of the Shelby County Board of Education.
As a Riverview Elementary student, you have the right:
To a free education in a learning environment appropriate for your needs
To expect that the school you attend will be a safe place.
To attend classes in an environment that encourages and enables you to
To expect that you will not be discriminated against
To be certain that you and your belongings will not be searched or taken
away without a reason.
To be told about all school rule regulations.
As a Riverview Elementary student, you have the responsibility:
To do your part to create a positive environment at your school by working
toward academic excellence, striving for perfect attendance, and
participating in school activities.
To respect the dignity and worth of your fellow students, teachers and
school staff.
To study and reach the highest level of academic achievement you can reach.
To know and follow the rules and regulations of Memphis City Schools.
To respect the authority of teachers, school administrators and other
authorized personnel in maintaining discipline.
To behave in a way that does not disrupt
the educational process or lead to physical or emotional harm.
7 Ways You Can Help Create a Good School Climate
• Get involved in school activities.
• Get to know as many students as you can.
• Reach out to students who seem left out.
• Don’t tolerate bullying. Stand up for kids who are bullied by others.
• Treat everyone with respect.
• Obey school rules.
• Respect school property.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Positive Behavior Interventions and supports is a program fully implemented at
Riverview Elementary School. The PBIS committee is composed of administrators,
parents, teachers, and community members. The purpose of the PBSI committee is to
establish a social culture and individualized behavioral supports at Riverview Elementary
School to create an effective learning environment for all students.
PBIS Guiding Principles
 Prevention & Intervention are effective in addressing academics and behavior.
 All behavior occurs & is addressed within an environmental context.
 Data provides early indicators of risk factors.
 Evidence-based practices improve safety, decrease disruptive behavior &
establish a positive school culture.
Our PBIS School Team:
 Meets at least monthly.
 Develops & posts the School-Wide Behavioral Expectations.
 Creates lessons/“cool tools” for staff to use with students.
 Looks at all data to analyze the effectiveness of PBIS work.
 Assists the administration in developing a continuum for managing
inappropriate behaviors.
 Informs all stakeholders (including parents & community members) of PBIS
Our PBIS committee produces an action plan which is implemented to increase behavior
conducive to a learning environment.
Shelby County Board of Education
Issued Date: 08/26/10
A. Any principal, vice principal or assistant principal is authorized to suspend a pupil from
attendance at their respective school, including its sponsored activities, or from riding a school
bus, for good and sufficient reasons. Good and sufficient reasons for suspension include, but are
not limited to:
Willful and persistent violation of the rules of the school or truancy;
Immoral or disreputable conduct or vulgar or profane language;
Violence or threatened violence against the person of any personnel attending or assigned to any
public school;
Willful or malicious damage to real or personal property of the school, or the property of any
person attending or assigned to the school;
Inciting, advising or counseling of others to engage in any of the acts enumerated in subdivisions
A (1) - (4);
Marking, defacing or destroying school property;
Possession of a pistol, gun or firearm on school property;
Possession of any potentially lethal weapon, Taser, or explosive on school property or at a schoolsponsored activity;
Possession of a knife and other weapons, as defined in T.C.A. § 39-17-1301 on school property;
Assaulting a principal or teacher with vulgar, obscene or threatening language;
Unlawful use or possession of barbital or legend drugs, as defined in T.C.A. § 53-10-101;
Two (2) or more students initiating a physical attack on an individual student on school property
or at a school activity, including travel to and from school;
Making a threat, including a false report, to use a bomb, dynamite, any other deadly explosive or
destructive device, including chemical weapons, on school property or at a school sponsored
Any other conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline in any public school;
Possession, use or distribution of counterfeit money on school property or at any school sponsored
activity; and
Off-campus criminal behavior that results in the student being legally charged with a felony and
the student's continued presence in school poses a danger to persons or property or disrupts the
educational process.
Any principal, vice principal or assistant principal may suspend any pupil from attendance at a
specific class, classes or school-sponsored activity without suspending the pupil from attendance
at school pursuant to an in-school suspension policy adopted by the local board of education.
Good and sufficient reasons for in-school suspension include, but are not limited to, behavior:
a. That adversely affects the safety and well-being of other pupils.
b. That disrupts a class or school sponsored activity; or (c) Prejudicial to good order and
discipline occurring in class, during school-sponsored activities or on the school campus.
Students receiving an in-school suspension exceeding one (1) day from classes shall attend either
special classes attended only by students guilty of misconduct or be placed in an isolated area
appropriate for study. Students given in-school suspension shall be required to complete academic
Except in an emergency, no principal, vice principal or assistant principal shall suspend any
student until that student has been advised of the nature of the student's misconduct, questioned
about it and allowed to give an explanation.
a. Upon suspension of any student other than for in-school suspension of one (1) day or
less, the principal shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, notify the parent or guardian and
the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services of:
The suspension, which shall be for a period of no more than ten (10) days;
The cause for the suspension; and
The conditions for readmission, which may include, at the request of either party, a
meeting of the parent or guardian, student and principal.
If the suspension is for more than five (5) days, the principal shall develop and implement
a plan for improving the behavior, which shall be made available for review by the
Superintendent upon request.
If, at the time of the suspension, the principal, vice principal or assistant principal
determines that an offense has been committed that would justify a suspension for more
than ten (10) days, the person may suspend a student unconditionally for a specified
period of time or upon such terms and conditions as are deemed reasonable.
The principal, vice principal or assistant principal shall immediately give written or
actual notice to the parent or guardian and the student of the right to appeal the decision
to suspend for more than ten (10) days. All appeals must be filed, orally or in writing,
within five (5) days after receipt of the notice and may be filed by the parent or guardian,
the student or any person holding a teaching license who is employed by the school
system if requested by the student.
The appeal from this decision shall be to the disciplinary hearing authority appointed by
the board. The disciplinary hearing authority shall consist of at least one (1) licensed
employee of SCS, but no more than seven (7) members.
The hearing shall be held no later than ten (10) days after the beginning of the
suspension. The disciplinary hearing authority shall give written notice of the time and
place of the hearing to the parent or guardian, the student and the school official
designated in subdivision (C)(4)(a) who ordered the suspension. Notice shall also be
given to the SCS employee referred to in subdivision (C)(4)(b) who requests a hearing on
behalf of the suspended student.
After the hearing, the disciplinary hearing authority may affirm the decision of the principal, order
removal of the suspension unconditionally or upon such terms and conditions as it deems
reasonable, assign the student to an alternative program or night school or suspend the student for
a specified period of time.
A written record of the proceedings, including a summary of the facts and the reasons supporting
the decision, shall be made by the disciplinary hearing authority. The student, principal, vice
principal or assistant principal may, within five (5) days of the decision, request review by the
Superintendent. The Superintendent shall review the written record of the disciplinary hearing
authority and shall render a decision as soon as practicable. (Absent a timely appeal, the decision
shall be final.) Within five (5) days of the Superintendent's decision, the student, principal, vice
principal or assistant principal may request review by the board of education. The board of
education based upon a review of the record, may grant or deny a request for a board hearing and
may affirm or overturn the decision of the hearing authority with or without a hearing before the
board; provided, that the board may not impose a more severe penalty than that imposed by the
hearing authority without first providing an opportunity for a hearing before the board. If the board
conducts a hearing as a result of a request for review by a student, principal, vice principal or
assistant principal, then, notwithstanding any provision of the open meetings laws compiled in
Title 8, Chapter 44, or other law to the contrary, the hearing shall be closed to the public, unless
the student or student's parent or guardian requests in writing within five (5) days after receipt of
written notice of the hearing that the hearing be conducted as an open meeting. If the board
conducts a hearing as a result of a request for review by a student, principal, vice principal or
assistant principal that is closed to the public, then the board shall not conduct any business,
discuss any subject, or take a vote on any matter other than the appeal to be heard. Nothing in this
subdivision (C)(6) shall act to exclude the department of children's services from the disciplinary
hearings when the department is exercising its obligations under T.C.A. § 37-1-140. The action of
the board of education shall be final.
In the event the suspension occurs during the last ten (10) days of any term or semester, the pupil
may be permitted to take final examinations or submit required work that is necessary to complete
the course of instruction for that semester, subject to the action of the principal, or the final action
of the board of education upon any appeal from an order of a principal continuing a suspension.
Students under in-school suspension shall be recorded as constituting a part of the public school
attendance in the same manner as students who attend regular classes.
SCS shall not be required to enroll a student who is under suspension or expelled in an LEA
either in Tennessee or another state. The Superintendent shall make a recommendation to the
board of education to approve or deny the request. The recommendation shall occur only after
investigation of the facts surrounding the suspension from the former school system. If the
recommendation is to deny admission and if the board approves the Superintendent's
recommendation, the Superintendent shall, on behalf of the board, notify the commissioner of the
decision. Nothing in this subsection (F) shall affect children in state custody or their enrollment in
SCS. If SCS accepts enrollment of a student from another LEA, SCS may dismiss the student if it
is determined subsequent to enrollment that the student had been suspended or expelled by the
other LEA.
A pupil determined to have brought to school or to be in unauthorized possession on school
property of a firearm, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921, shall be expelled for a period of not less than
one (1) calendar year, except that the Superintendent may modify this expulsion on a case-by-case
basis. A student committing battery upon any teacher, principal, administrator, any other
employee of an LEA or school resource officer, or unlawfully possessing any drug including any
controlled substance, as defined in T.C.A. § 39-17-403, through T.C.A. § 39-17-415, or legend
drug, as defined by T.C.A. § 53-10-101, shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1)
calendar year, except that the Superintendent may modify this expulsion on a case-by-case basis.
For purposes of this subsection (G), “expelled” means removed from the pupil's regular school
program at the location where the violation occurred or removed from school attendance
altogether, as determined by the Superintendent. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
prohibit the assignment of such students to an alternative school.
T.C.A. § 49-6-3401
Any accident to students which occurs on the property of the Shelby County Schools or during the school
day is to be reported in writing to the Student Services Department within twenty-four (24) hours after the
accident occurs.
The report will include the person's name, date of the accident, an explanation of the accident, and care
used in treating the individual. These reports will be kept in a file in the Principal's office for one year.
Guidelines for Handling Concerns:
Parents Should:
School Will:
1. Make a telephone call or an
appointment before visiting the school
to talk with the teacher or principal
about your concern.
1. Respond in a timely manner to
parents’ phone calls and requests for
2. Respect parents’ needs and strive to
2. Follow the process for handling
classroom concerns and speak to the
teacher first then the principal if
3. Check in at the school office when
arriving on campus and sign the
school’s log book.
4. Allow a reasonable amount of time for
the principal or teacher to investigate
the matter.
5. Arrange classroom observation so that
they will not interfere with teaching
and learning.
6. Address questions or concerns
resulting from classroom observations
in a scheduled conference.
7. Refrain from discussing the school or
teacher negatively in the presence of
your child and work to maintain a
positive attitude with the teacher or
administrator during a meeting or
8. Seek to understand the school’s
academic and behavior expectations.
9. Refer to the school’s Student
Handbook for all questions pertaining
to the rules and regulations outlined
by the school.
work cooperatively with them in
providing services.
Greet parents immediately and
provide a welcoming environment
that meets children’s educational
Investigate and attempt to handle
problems quickly.
Schedule time to meet privately with
parents to discuss problems or
concerns upon request.
Listen to and take seriously the
concerns of parents. Assure parents
that steps will be taken to prevent
the problem from reoccurring.
Be considerate and provide
respectful service to parents.
Provide clean and easily understood
expectations of academic and
behavior requirements.
Share the school’s Parent – Student
Handbook with parents and answer
questions regarding school rules and
The Shelby County Board of Education encourages collaboration between schools and families due to its
belief that such collaboration is essential to support student learning.
By this Policy, the Board directs that each school adopt the following standards:
Standard 1 - Welcome all families into the school community.
Standard 2 - Communicate effectively with all families.
Standard 3 - Support student success by collaborating with families to support students' learning and
healthy development both at home and at school.
Standard 4 - Encourage families to be advocates for their own children and other children in order to ensure
that students are treated fairly and have access to learning opportunities that will support their success.
Standard 5 - Share power by ensuring that families and schools are given opportunities to share in decisions
that affect children.
Standard 6 - Ensure that families and schools collaborate with community members to connect students,
families and staff to expanded learning opportunities, community services and civil participation. At a
minimum, to ensure the aforementioned Standards are met, the Shelby County Board of Education directs
1“Families” includes Parents and Guardians.
Teachers and/or administrators, and/or school staff meet with families twice during each school
year to discuss homework, attendance, discipline, policy, and expectations.
Teachers and/or administrators invite families to Monthly PTA meetings/Parent Advisory
Meetings to discuss strategies to improve student achievement and engagement.
Teachers and/or Administrators and/or School Staff encourage families to meet with school
counselors annually to discuss students' course of study and plans for higher education.
Administrators invite families to serve on School Improvement Plan Committees.
Teachers and/or Administrators provide families with access to all student learning materials in
order for families to assist students in meeting their educational goals.
Issued Date: 08/26/10
Revised: 07/27/11
SCS Title I Parental Involvement
The Shelby County Board of Education recognizes and encourages the involvement of parents at the school
and district level. As a school district, we recognize that parents are key stakeholders and serve as partners
in the academic achievement of all students to meet or exceed No Child Left Behind proficiency standards.
The SCS parental involvement policy includes input from parents, community members, school and district
personnel. The purpose of this policy is to comply with all pertinent mandates of state and federal
regulatory standards which require that all parents have access to various levels and types of parental
involvement activities with no person excluded based on race, religion, creed, gender, socio-economic
status, physical impairment or age.
Each SCS school that is served by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act shall:
Offer opportunities for parents to provide input and participate in meaningful consultation in the
planning, design and implementation of the Title I Program.
Offer district level administrators, local school administrators and teachers formal training to
increase knowledge and skills in working with families of children receiving Title I services.
Conduct an annual meeting at flexible times with parents to discuss the school's participation in
Title I programs such as Free and Reduced Lunch, Migrant Education, SES, Public School
Choice, and other offerings.
Provide parents of participating children with explanation of district curriculum, students'
assessments and reports, and accurate explanations of their child's progress.
Provide multiple opportunities for parents to provide input for developing and revising policies
relating to parent involvement, including the use of school and district level Parent Involvement
funds, and on policies at the school level. Parents will also be asked to share suggestions for
improving target participation in student learning. Formal parent complaints concerning school
plans will be submitted to the school district when the school makes the plan available publicly.
Develop a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff and students
will share the responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by which the school
and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve high standards.
Conduct, with the involvement of parents and community members, an annual evaluation of the
content and effectiveness of the school parent involvement policy, including identification of
barriers to greater participation by parents of diverse backgrounds. Findings will be utilized to
design additional effective strategies for parental involvement.
Allow parents of students receiving Title I service to participate in deciding how Title I funds for
family engagement activities are allotted.
Provide information such as parent letters, newsletters, and website documentation concerning
programs or activities in a language that all parents understand.
Provide parents, community members, and school stakeholders a copy of this Parental
Involvement Policy in a timely manner.
Building Capacity for Parental Involvement
To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved,
parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, each SCS school that is served by
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Act and SCS as a whole
shall provide assistance to parents of children served by the school or local education agency, as
appropriate, in understanding such topics as the State's academic content standards and State
student academic achievement standards, State and local academic assessments, the requirements
of 20 U.S.C.A., § 6318, and how to monitor a child's progress and work with educations to
improve the achievement of their children:
shall provide materials and training to help parents to work with their children to improve their
children's achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster
parental involvement;
shall educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff, with the assistance of
parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to,
communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent
programs, and build ties between parents and the school;
shall, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs
and activities with Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, the Home
Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and public
preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that
encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children;
shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities
is sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a
language the parents can understand;
shall involve parents in the development of training for teachers, principals and other educators to
improve the effectiveness of such training;
shall involve parents in developing, implementing and evaluating the District-wide Parental
Involvement Plan. Strategies and activities of the District-wide Parental Involvement Plan shall be
incorporated into the Tennessee Comprehensive System-wide Planning Process;
shall encourage and support the development and experience of active PTA/PTSA organizations to
attend parent school meetings each month to discuss school accomplishments, concerns and needs;
shall offer parents opportunities to participate in training sessions addressing state academic and
content standards, state/local assessments, monitoring students' progress, literacy program
opportunities, home learning activities to strengthen their child's reading and math skills, use of
the internet to access information about their child's progress, parental rights under No Child Left
Behind, understanding child development, effective volunteer participation, parent leadership,
parent organization involvement, High School Redesign, public school choice options, community
services, pre-school/ Head Start programs, adult education programs and community education
Shared Responsibilities for Supporting Student Success for Every Child
SCS will continue to support and be responsible for successful student achievement in Title I schools by:
Jointly developing, with parents and other school stakeholders, a school- parent compact that
outlines expectations and responsibilities of all stakeholders. The compact will identify the shared
responsibility to improve student academic achievement. School-parent compact shall:
describe the school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a
supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served by Title I of the
Elementary and Secondary Act to meet the State's student academic achievement standards, and
the ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their children's learning, such as
monitoring attendance, homework completion and television watching; volunteering in their
child's classroom; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their
children and positive use of extracurricular time; and
address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis
through, at a minimum --
A. parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the
compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child's achievement;
B. frequent reports to parents on their children's progress; and
C. reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class,
and observation of classroom activities.
3. provide that parents are invited and encouraged to participate in developing the Tennessee
Comprehensive System-wide Planning Process.
Accessibility to All Families
SCS will continue to be accessible for all families being served Title I schools by:
Providing opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents
with disabilities and parents of migratory children.
Providing school environments that are welcoming, informative and providing schools reports
and/or displays in a language that parents can understand.
Providing invitations to parent meetings and/or workshops that are presented in an understandable
language. Such meetings and workshops shall be conducted at varied times and dates throughout
the school year, and notification will be sent in a timely manner.
Providing transportation, childcare and translators for parent involvement activities where
applicable and where/if funds permit.
20 U.S.C.A. § 6318
3. State Board of Education Policy No. 4.208
Studies have consistently shown that parental involvement in education of their children provides numerous
benefits. The Shelby County Board of Education supports parent involvement in each school. To facilitate
parental and community involvement each school shall have a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent
Teacher Student Association (PTSA) that is chartered by the National PTA Congress and the Tennessee
PTA Congress. The Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers, a branch of the National Congress of
Parents and Teachers, is a non-profit organization which seeks to unite the forces of home, school, and
community on behalf of children. The Board encourages school staff to join their local PTA/PTSA chapter.
School administration, faculty, and staff should encourage and foster a mutually productive relationship
with the local PTA organization with each respecting the appropriate roles of the other in the joint mission
of student achievement and student welfare.
The National PTA Congress stated mission is:
The Mission of the PTA
To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community
and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting
To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children;
To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools
The Purpose of the PTA
To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community, and place
of worship.
To raise the standards of home life.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may
cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.To develop between
educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and
youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
Riverview Elementary School
260 Joubert
Memphis, TN 38109
Veronica Parish, Principal
July 30, 2013
To: All Parents
This letter is to inform you that our school is a school wide federally funded Title I
school. At Riverview Elementary School we are dedicated to providing a quality
education for all of our students. The funds provided by Title I help to provide services
that include: academic programs, after school intervention programs, summer school
programs, additional personnel, equipment, computers, computer software,
accelerated reading books, staff development for our teachers and parents.
Please feel free to serve on our Parent - Teacher - Community Organization or Site
Based Management Committee. We look forward to your support and working with you
and your children this school year.
Veronica Parish, Principal
Riverview Elementary School
Home-School Compact-Revised 6-21-2013
The Home School Compact was developed jointly with parents, and approved by the Site Based
Management Committee. The school distributes the school-parent compact that outlines how
parents, school staff, and students will share responsibilities for improved student achievement.
The compact also outlines how the schools and parents will work together to achieve the high
content and performance standards set by the state for all students.
Parent and Family's Responsibilities
As parent, I will support my child’s learning in the following ways:
 Make sure that my child attends school regularly, is on time, and is prepared to learn,
with homework completed.
 Know what skills my child is learning in reading, math, science and social studies each
 Assist with activities at home that will continue my child's classroom learning.
 Read with my child for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
 Provide a quiet place for my child to study and read.
 Encourage my child to read for pleasure and to learn.
Ensure that my child spends at least 10 minutes per grade level per day, five days a week,
studying and completing homework at home. (Example: 4th grader - 40 minutes).
 Communicate with my child’s teacher to ensure success in academic and behavior on an
ongoing basis.
 Get a library card for my child, and encourage my child to bring reading materials from
the library into the home.
 Attend parent- teacher-student conferences and communicate with my child's teacher,
through notes and conversation, about how well our child is doing and what my can do to
Student's Responsibilities
As a student I will share the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and achieve the
State's high standards. Specifically, I will:
 Come to school on time and ready to learn.
 Pay attention to my teachers, tutors, and ask questions when I need help.
 Ask my family to read to me or with me for 30 minutes each day, five days a week (K-3).
 Read regularly for pleasure as well as to learn.
 Study at home in a quiet place at least 10 minutes per grade level per day, five days a
week (example: 4th grade = 40 minutes).
 Complete my homework on time and in a thorough and legible way.
 Behave responsibly and treat other people with respect.
Student's Signature___________________________________Date________________
School Responsibilities
Riverview Elementary School will provide an academic program that is rigorous and challenging
to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State's high standards.
Teacher's Responsibilities
As a teacher I will ensure that all students reach their full academic potentials. Therefore, I will
commit to do the following:
 Set high instructional standards for myself that promotes the development of the district's
content standards and benchmarks.
 Provide quality teaching and leadership to my students and their families.
 Communicate frequently with families about their child’s progress including weekly
progress reports on an ongoing basis.
 Assign homework regularly, and collect, evaluate, and return homework.
 Read to my class, provide time for students to read, and encourage discussion, and
writing about reading.
Participate in professional development.
I will encourage my students to behave responsibly and treat other people with respect.
Provide weekly timely progress reports to parents every Tuesday.
Encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom.
Teacher's Signature___________________________________Date_________________
Principal's Responsibilities:
I want all students to reach their full academic potential. Therefore, I will commit to do all of the
 The school will share responsibilities with parents by developing a partnership to
improve academic achievement.
 Provide parents with the opportunities to participate in parents conferences yearly to
discuss the compact as it relate to individual student achievement.
 Provide high quality curriculum and instructions for all students.
 Have high expectations for students, staff, families, and myself.
 Provide a safe learning environment.
 Communicate with families to support student learning.
 Remove barriers to improve performance on all learning levels by providing high quality
curriculum and instruction.
 Provide parents with reasonable access to staff, encourage parent volunteers, and
participation in the school, and their child’s classroom.
 Consider accessing possible resources for all extenuating circumstances shared with
appropriate staff by the parents/guardians to assist them in realizing a full commitment.
 Distribute the written School Level Family Engagement Plan yearly to all parents and the
community in the Parent Student Handbook and on the School website.
 Notify parents of the written Family Engagement Plan in an understandable uniform
format, and in a language they can understand.
 Provide meetings to explain and give assistances to parents the state standards, academic
achievement standards on each grade level, and explain state/local assessments.
 Provide Family Literacy meetings and workshops to families to work with their children
to improve academic achievement.
 Respond to students as individuals.
 The school will hold parent conferences in the fall and spring to discuss the school
compact as it relates to the academic achievement of individual students.
 The school will schedule meetings to accommodate different schedules-morning
afternoons and evenings.
Principal's Signature__________________________________Date____________
Riverview Elementary School
"No Child Left Behind Family Engagement Plan”
Riverview Elementary School jointly developed with, and approved by, and distributed to
parents a written Family Engagement Plan. In the plan, we addressed how we will involve
parents in a timely and organized way in the planning and improvement of Title I.
Riverview Elementary School encourages the involvement of parents, both as individuals and as
a group, to act as advisors and resource people in the following ways:
1. To involve parents in the development of the school wide program and parental
involvement policy. This involvement must be organized, ongoing, and timely;
2. To serve as advisors on special school programs;
3. To involve parents in the development and improvement of the Title 1 Program;
4. To express ideas and concerns by responding to surveys and other information
5. To participate in parent - teacher groups;
6. To serve on the School's Leadership Council;
7. To involve parents by building capacity to ensure the effective involvement of parents;
8. Reviewing school curriculum council meeting minutes for integration and coordination
of parent involvement activities;
9. To involve parents by serving on the School Improvement Plan team;
Title I School Wide Program:
The school will provide the coordination and technical assistance and other support necessary
to assist in planning and implementing effective Title I parent involvement programs by:
1. Inform parents of the school's participation in the Title 1 Program;
2. Advice parents of the school's obligation to them as a Title I provider;
3. Involve parents in the planning, design, implementation, evaluation, review, and
improvement of Title 1 Programs;
4. Provide parents with the results of the local annual review of the school, mandated
under the accountability provisions;
5. Provide parents with the individual student assessment results for their children,
including interpretative and descriptive reports, scores, or other information on
attainment of student performance standards;
6. Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum/assessments;
7. Provide parents with annual measurable objectives for all student progress;
8. Provide parents with the forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and
the proficiency levels students are expected to meet;
9. Provide parents with organized, ongoing, and timely consultation in relation to decisions
relating to their children;
10. Plan meetings at flexible times so that the maximum number of parents can be involved.
11. Determine what training parents think is necessary to enable them to participate fully in
their children's education, and planning for those sessions;
12. Provide professional development strategies and activities that include parents yearly
with the staff under Title I;
13. Plan meetings at flexible times so that the maximum number of parents can be involved
14. Ensure to the extent possible, that information is sent home in language and form
parents can understand;
15. Ensure to the extent possible, that information is sent home in language and form
parents can understand;
16. Educate teachers, pupil service personnel, principals, and staff on how to reach out to,
communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners;
To ensure that parents of participating children have adequate opportunity to participate in
the planning, designing, and implementing of the Title 1 Program, the school will do the
1. Convene an annual meeting to explain the program, its requirements, and parental
rights to be involved;
2. Offer a flexible number of meetings (e.g., morning, afternoon or evening) and may
provide transportation, child care, and home visits related to parental involvement;
3. Provide parents with reports and explanations of their child's progress;
4. Permit parents to observe the Title 1 Program activities;
5. Provide regular meetings with parents to formulate parental input into the program;
6. Provide parents with timely response to parents' suggestions;
7. To the extent practical, conduct a parent/teacher conference with the parents of each
child to discuss the child's progress, placement, and training methods the parents can
use to complement the child's instruction;
8. Provide parents with a copy of the LEA and the school's parental involvement policy;
9. Make parents aware of parental involvement requirements and other relevant
provisions of the program;
10. Provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents’ request;
11. Provide parent training classes to help parents build the capacity to participate in
decisions relating to the education of their children;
12. Develop a school - parent compact jointly with parents that outlines how parents,
school staff and students share the responsibility for improved student achievement
and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to
help children achieve high standards.
Revised: 6 - 21 – 2013
Riverview Elementary School
260 Joubert Avenue
Memphis, TN 38109
Veronica Parish, Principal
July 30, 2013
Dear Parent,
Your participation in your child's education is important to us. According to Title I
regulations, each school must share with parents, to ensure high student performance, by
developing a school - parent - student - teacher - principal compact. This compact must
outline how parents, staff, and students will share responsibility for promoting high
student achievement. Parents on the school's Advisory Council were involved in
designing this compact.
The purpose of this compact is to create a partnership between administration, teachers,
students, and parents. We will work together to support all students achieving to state
Each parent will receive a copy of the Riverview Elementary School Principal/Parent/
Teacher/ Student Compact enclosed in the Parent Handbook during registration July
If you have any questions, feel free to call Mary Rodgers at 901-416-7360.
Veronica Parish, Principal
I have received and signed the parent/teacher/student compact policy described in this
Parent's Signature: _______________________________________________
Student's Name: ________________________________________________
Teacher: ______________________________________________________
Riverview Elementary School
260 Joubert Ave.
Memphis TN 38109
July 31, 2013
Veronica Parish, Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Title requires that all school receiving Title I funds inform parents of the qualifications of
their child’s teacher. Title I requires every teacher who teaches a core academic subject to
be highly qualified, that is, to have a bachelor's degree, subject-matter competency in
each subject taught, and full state certification.
Our school qualifies for Title I funding under the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of
2001. This act requires that certain teachers meet new requirements that qualify them as
“highly qualified.” This letter is to verify that our school has met the goals that qualify all
teachers on our staff as highly qualified for the school year 2013-2014.
We are happy to say that at Riverview Elementary School every teacher holds a valid
teaching license, and is certified by the State of Tennessee to teach in our elementary
school. You will be notified by letter if a teacher should leave for a period of four weeks,
or longer, and a substitute teacher is employed who does not meet the required
Veronica Parish, Principal
Riverview Elementary School
260 Joubert Street
Memphis, TN 38109
July 30, 2013
All Parents
From: Veronica Parish, Principal
At Riverview Elementary School we strive to make certain that all parents know the
requirements and qualifications of the educational assistants who provide instructional
support to your child. Similar to the requirements for teachers, Title I require that Paraprofessionals who work in Title I programs and who provide instructional support meet
certain standards. They must have a high school diploma, or its equivalent; must have
completed two years of study at an institution of higher education; obtained an associate
degree; or be able to demonstrate, by passing a state or local assessment, their knowledge
of and ability to assist in instructing reading, writing and mathematics.
Veronica Parish, Principal
Riverview Elementary School
260 Joubert Street
Memphis, TN 38109
Veronica Parish, Principal
July 30, 2013
To: All Parents
From: Veronica Parish
Re: Attendance
Regular attendance is a necessity for success in education. We, the staff at Riverview
Elementary strive to encourage regular attendance by rewarding the students. Last year,
we used several motivational techniques to increase student attendance. Students with
perfect attendance were acknowledged on a permanent bulletin board and they were
acknowledged and rewarded at the nine weeks honors program. This year we will
continue motivational techniques. However, education is a co-operative enterprise
between the school and the home. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their
child/children’s attendance at school. To enable your child/ children to experience the
greatest success in school, make sure they are on time and present every day.
I am enclosing a copy of the Shelby County Schools Attendance Policy. Please carefully
read this policy as it will be closely adhered to during the 2013 – 2014 school year.
Veronica Parish, Principal
The Shelby County Board of Education believes that regular attendance is a necessary requirement of all
students and that any student with the maturity and interest should be included in some phase of the school
All students are expected to attend school on each day that school is officially in session. Only the
following reasons will be considered for excused absences:
Illness or hospitalization of student. Physician verification will be required to justify absences
after the accumulation of ten (10) days of absence during a school year. Notes must be date
specific and will be required for subsequent absences beyond ten (10) days.
Death or serious illness within the student's immediate family.
When the student is officially representing the school in a school sponsored activity.
Special and recognized religious holidays regularly observed by persons of their faith.
Legal court summons not as a result of the student's misconduct.
Extenuating circumstances over which the student has no control as approved by the principal.
If a student's parent, custodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student is a
member of the United States Armed Forces, including a member of a state National Guard or a
Reserve component called to federal active duty, the student's Principal shall give the student:
An excused absence for one (1) day when the student's parent, custodian or other person
with legal custody or control of the student is deployed;
An additional excused absence for one (1) day when the student's parent, custodian or
other person with legal custody or control of the student returns from deployment; and
Excused absences for up to ten (10) days for visitation when the student's parent,
custodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student is granted rest and
recuperation leave and is stationed out of the country.
Students receiving an excused absence under this section shall have the opportunity to make up school
work missed and shall not have their class grades adversely affected for lack of class attendance or class
school property which interferes with the above to be offenses. Such offenses include but are not limited to
the following:
Semester (90 days)