Different Ways of Coping with Scientific Knowledge in Elementary Science Classrooms Shinho Jang and Charles W. Anderson Michigan State University Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, BC, April 2004 Introduction For decades, there has been a common belief that scientific knowledge is essential for good science teaching (Carlsen, 1991; Hashweh, 1987; Schwab, 1964; Putnam & Borko, 2000; Wilson & Berne, 1999), implying that with better science knowledge, science teachers engage in effective teaching performance to make good curricular and instructional decisions. It is also noticeable that there are a variety of scientific concepts and propositions around various science subjects of which science teachers need to have command for effective teaching practice. K-12 state and national science education standards particularly provide available lists of a variety of science concepts for science teachers (e.g., see American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS], 1993; National Research Council [NRC], 1996, 2000). However, mastery of a list of the scientific knowledge has been considered problematic (Barba, 1998). On the one hand, scientific concepts are so complex and abstract that science teachers find enormous difficulty attaining scientific understanding for all of the various science topics through gaining a list of concepts and propositions (Brockmeier & Harre, 1997; Collins & Ferguson, 1993). On the other hand, teachers’ acquisition of the listed science concepts does not necessarily guarantee their effective teaching practice that accompanies students’ scientific sense making (Van Driel & Verloop, 2002; Wiske, 1998). Given the primary difficulties to develop good scientific knowledge for teaching science effectively, we need to understand what aspects of scientific knowledge would be fundamental that science teachers should look for in helping students make sense of the scientific world. In this study, therefore, we address the question: What does it mean for science teachers to have a profound understanding of fundamental science? In trying to understand what kinds of scientific knowledge would be crucial for teaching science effectively, we need to define what it means to understand science. In math education, Liping Ma (1999) has studied what she describes as “profound understanding of fundamental mathematics.” Ma suggests fundamental ways in which teachers teach mathematics for understanding. In this study, we also hope to address a substantial question about science teachers’ scientific knowledge and practice. We describe three elementary teacher candidates’ cases to investigate what approaches to sense-making strategies the teachers exhibited in three different contexts: interview, teaching practice, and students’ classroom practice. In discussing their ways of making sense of science, we also examine what types of scientific 1 knowledge and practice they used for their teaching practice to help students make sense of science. We then discuss what kinds of science knowledge and practice are fundamental in elementary science. Background To understand how students make sense of a complex science topic, Hogan and Fisherkeller (1996) particularly discussed the ways in which middle students are engaged in learning science of a particular topic of ecological matter. They suggested that middle school students’ understanding could be distinguished along two dimensions: Compatibility with expert propositions and elaboration of ideas. They were able to distinguish between students who stated scientific ideas correctly but failed to connect those ideas with examples from their own personal experience or other sources (compatible-sketchy) and students who made those connections (compatibleelaborate). They suggested that elaboration dimension indicates students’ possession of valuable scientific habits of mind and personal experiences that are crucial for active sense making in science. Hogan and Fisherkeller’s findings are also related to science teachers’ ways of making sense of science in their teaching practice. Considering the various types and ways in which science teachers develop essential scientific knowledge for their teaching practice, we often encounter many teachers who are able to correctly come up with a variety of lists of science topics and propositions without elaborating on what it means to understand a scientific idea, exhibiting compatible-sketchy understanding (Anderson, 2004; Hogan & Fisherkeller, 1996). Especially in elementary science teaching, though, we find many teachers who even display incompatible-sketchy or – elaborate understanding, demonstrating the significant differences between their understanding and expert’s ideas and propositions. However, the reality in science teaching is that there are few teachers who are able to connect those scientific ideas with specific examples, exhibiting compatible-elaborate understanding, going beyond mastery of lists of scientific topics and propositions. Given the fact that there are a lot of science topics and knowledge that science teachers have to master and which present various difficulties, it is necessary for us to define what it means to understand any science topic well enough to teach it effectively. There has been a common consensus that teachers with more science knowledge are better prepared to engage in effective teaching practice (Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, 1999; National Research Council, 1996, 2000; Kennedy, 1998). Supovitz and Turner (2000) found that teachers’ content preparation has a powerful influence on teaching practice. Their empirical study employed hierarchical linear modeling to examine the relationship between professional development focusing on enhancing teacher’s subject matter knowledge and teachers’ teaching practice. Monk (1994) found that there are positive relationships between teachers’ subject matter preparation and teaching practice that ultimately increases improvement in students’ performance. Van Driel, Beijaard, & Verloop (2001) also suggested that science teachers’ practical knowledge and content knowledge contribute to the improvement of their teaching practice. Individual teacher efforts to develop their science knowledge make a significant difference in ensuring the quality of their teaching practice. 2 Despite the findings about the effects of teacher’s scientific knowledge, we still have little information of what kinds of science knowledge would influence which aspects of science teaching practice for effective students learning. To help students make sense of science, we need to be aware of what types of science knowledge we should look for (Anderson, 2003). With respect to scientific practice, aside from some who believe scientific inquiry is the essential scientific practice, the meaning of and the kinds of scientific inquiry has tended to be vaguely defined by different people (Roth, McGinn, & Bowen, 1998). To engage the students in scientific understanding, therefore, we need to better understand what aspects of scientific practice would be fundamental for making sense of science. Schwab (1978) put the emphasis on scientific inquiry as essential teacher knowledge. Schwab suggested that the teaching of scientific inquiry be a priority in science education, and that teachers teach students both to conduct investigations in inquiry and to view science itself as a process of inquiry. Schwab stresses syntactical structure as important teacher knowledge in science teaching, meaning rules of evidence and proof that guide inquiry in a discipline – the ways of establishing new knowledge and determining the validity of claims (Kennedy, 1990; Schwab, 1978; Shulman, 1986). If we try to engage in scientific inquiry to learn and teach science, though, we need more information and further explanation of what particular scientific knowledge is fundamental for enacting scientific practice. For instance, we think that Schwab’s notion of inquiry needs to be clarified. In spite of his framework on inquiry, his notion of inquiry did not seem to be clearly addressed, since he did not provide us with further detailed explanation of what particular knowledge is necessary for scientific practice in implementing the scientific inquiry. Further, there is little research addressing what specific aspects of scientific inquiry are important for successfully implementing scientific practice based upon various aspects of science knowledge. Without an awareness of the fundamental nature of science knowledge and practice, we believe that teachers frequently end up encountering the difficulties that inhibit successful teaching practice for students’ scientific understanding. Thus, we need more information of what kinds of scientific knowledge and practice we need look for in effective science teaching. Our definition includes three dimensions, which form the basis for our research questions. They are described in the Theoretical Framework, below. Theoretical Framework To discuss what constitutes important science knowledge and practice, it is important to understand the nature of scientists’ science first. Whereas school science frequently focuses on book knowledge, such as discrete facts, definitions, diagrams and sequences of events, and problem-solving skills, scientists’ science has different qualities and features of knowledge and practice in the sense that they work on making sense of the material world (Sharma & Anderson, 2003). Paying attention to the features of scientists’ science is valuable and important to school science because it helps us understand how scientific knowledge and practice are actually constructed and developed. 3 Anderson (2003) suggests the substantial features of effective scientific practice, which entails three major parts: science knowledge and practice, sense-making strategies, and scientific habits of mind. 1. Science Knowledge and Scientific Practice. Science knowledge consists of a substantial number of three types of knowledge claims: experiences, patterns, and models. It is essential to distinguish these types of knowledge. Experiences refer to observations created through interactions with the objects, systems, and phenomena of the material world. Scientific data are recorded experiences that meet criteria for accuracy and reproducibility. Patterns in experience refer to data displays such as charts and graphs; also verbal or mathematical expressions of patterns in experience such as generalizations and scientific laws. Theories and models refer to systematic explanations of patterns in experience or data that apply to all data in a domain and can be tested against new data. Scientific practices consist of application and inquiry. Application means using scientific models to describe, explain, and predict experiences in their domains, and to design systems or strategies for controlling objects, systems, and phenomena in the material world. Inquiry means using arguments from evidence to find patterns in experience and create explanatory models. 2. Sense-making strategies. Different sense-making strategies are used when we attempt to understand scientific world. Procedural display refers to producing correct answers by following memorized procedures. Practical reasoning (craft knowledge) refers to achieving practical results by reasoning that is actionoriented, person- and context-bound, tacit, integrated, and based on beliefs. Narrative reasoning is used to make sense of the world in terms of linked, linear sequences of events. This strategy is used to engage narrative explanations of systems and phenomena in the material world. Model-based reasoning refers to developing and using explicit models or theories that account for phenomena within a domain of applicability. This strategy is used to make sense of the scientific world. 3. Scientific habits of mind: curiosity and rigor. Engagement in scientific practice involves curiosity about their natural environments and rigor in their reasoning to make sense of the material world. Methods Context of the study The data presented in this paper come from the experiences of three elementary teacher candidates in their internship year in Michigan State University’s 5-year teacher preparation program. They took part in the full-year internship after completing their bachelor’s degrees. During the internship, they worked in a mentor teacher’s classroom 4 days a week and took a sequence of four MSU master’s-level courses focused on teaching subject matter and professional issues. They volunteered to participate in our study exploring their knowledge and practice. 4 Data Collection For the study, we collected data on six elementary teacher candidates in the final two years of a five-year teacher preparation program (their senior and intern years). The candidates had a range of backgrounds and science knowledge. The data include content knowledge interviews focusing on topics that they were teaching during their internships. The six content topics covered in the interviews were simple machines, sounds, electricity and magnetism, condensation/evaporation, land pollution, and contraction/expansion. For this paper, we report data on only three teacher candidates, since the three represent other candidates fairly well. The data was collected during the spring of 2003, as we observed and interviewed the three candidates. To investigate their practice, we observed their teaching and made field notes about the candidates’ science classroom teaching. We also collected assignments completed by all of the candidates, including their journals, lesson plans/reports, autobiographies, portfolios, and activity worksheets. We interviewed them before and after their teaching practice regarding their planning, teaching, assessment, and reflection, and collected artifacts such as their lesson plans/reports and examples of student work. We videotaped their teaching and had stimulated-recall interviews after their teaching to discuss what and how the candidates taught in the class. This combination of data allowed us to investigate the elementary teacher candidates’ ways of dealing with science subject matter knowledge and developing their teaching practice. Informants Among the initial data we collected from the six candidates, we chose three candidates who represented a range of backgrounds and approaches to science teaching. Steve entered college as pre-medicine major and took many courses in general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. He also had two years of laboratory experience in the Medical Center at the University of Michigan. He taught fourth grade a Simple Machine unit. Steve wanted to help students engage in modelbased reasoning, but ended up exhibiting procedural display. Leigh had an undergraduate degree in Botany and Plant Pathology. She worked at the Plant Research Lab helping with a research project for more than 12 years. Her reason for becoming a teacher was “because I want to learn more.” She was very confident about her science knowledge in most subject areas, like biology, physics, and chemistry. She taught Expansion and Contraction unit in sixth grade in her internship year. Leigh exhibited successful practice for model-based reasoning for both herself and her students. Sandy got her undergraduate degree in literacy education. She took few science content classes in college. However, she loves teaching science and doing hands-on activities with her kids. Nevertheless, she was confident about her science content knowledge and believed that teaching elementary science had been always an easy subject for her. Sandy taught a fifth grade “Makeup of the Earth and Land Pollution” unit. She exhibited typical procedural display in her knowledge and teaching practice. 5 Data Analysis Data analysis for this study focused on answering a research question of what approaches to sense-making strategies three elementary candidates exhibited. The elementary candidates’ scientific reasoning was analyzed in three different contexts: (a) interviews, (b) their teaching practices, and (c) their students’ classroom practices (See Table 1). This made it possible for us not only to trace the relationship between their science knowledge and their teaching practices and students’ classroom learning activities, but also to clarify which characteristics of their knowledge influence which aspects of their teaching practice. First, from interviews, patterns in participants’ science knowledge and practice were examined, focusing on their scientific understanding and sense making. Second, we analyzed their classroom videos and students’ work, looking for evidence of their science knowledge and practice, sense-making strategies, and habits of mind. We also identified relationships between features of science knowledge and features of classroom practices. We looked for patterns of cause and effect between their science knowledge and teaching practice, since it is clear that some features of knowledge have a direct effect on practice. Finally, given the teachers’ content knowledge and practice, the ways that elementary students were engaged in scientific reasoning were analyzed. Our framework that includes three characteristics of understanding of fundamental science: (a) science knowledge and scientific practice, (b) sense-making strategies, and (c) habits of mind. However, in this paper we focus on findings about the sense-making strategies that the candidates or their employed in these contexts. Table 1. Data Analysis by three occasions of data collection: Interviews, teachers’ teaching practices, and students’ classroom practices Interview Teachers’ Teaching Students’ practice classroom practice Sorted the teachers’ statements <All of the data analysis on the <All of the data analysis on the Senseinto different categories, and left columns included> left columns included> making looked for qualitative patterns in While teachers responded to Looked for students’ reactions the lists of their sense-making students’ ideas and concepts in and responses to teacher’s strategies strategies. Examined whether they rely on procedural display by repeating factual definitions of the science facts, showing superficial understanding of the topics, and telling the simple story of that. Examined whether they had practical knowledge by accounting for scientific phenomena of the topics based on their personal experience in non-scientific life. Examined whether they used narrative/metaphorical reasoning by explaining the scientific phenomena as a form of story that contains the story of the general facts, telling a sequence of event without rigorous causation, and frequently using the classroom, we examined the types of their scientific reasoning when correcting the students’ ideas, suggesting ways to teach the students for scientific understanding. 6 teaching practice of the particular topics. analogies or metaphors that take a familiar and experientially real form to the teachers. Examined whether they performed model-based reasoning by developing an account that systematically relates observed characteristics of the scientific phenomena to a theoretical model. Findings In this section, we tell the stories of three prospective elementary teachers to describe what approaches to sense-making strategies the teachers exhibited in three different occasions: interview, teaching practice, and students’ classroom practice. What specific science knowledge and scientific practice they exhibited is also discussed. 1. The Case of Steve: Limited Practice for Model-Based Reasoning Steve exhibited a good understanding of the topic he taught, simple machines. His ideas about simple machines and force and motion were thorough and well organized. In the content interview, for instance, he was asked to draw a picture of how he would set up a lever with a block of wood and a long board to lift the researcher with one hand, and to explain how the system works. Steve made a picture of a lever out of the given materials and added several arrows indicating gravity and exerting force on the paper. Interviewer: Why did you set up like this? Steve: Oh, I set the fulcrum close to the person because it would make the work easier. Interviewer: Why are you including some forces in the picture? Steve: Uh, yes, because the force that I’m going to use to lift you, actually the direction of the force is being changed because of the lever. The downward force is being changed into an upward force, but the force that’s being applied over here, uh, goes over a much bigger distance than how much you are actually going to be lifted off the ground. So that’s why it makes the work easier. It’s like cutting the work into a bunch of smaller pieces and doing it over time. … Yeah, there’s gravity too. There’s gravity, but I didn’t include gravity because the amount of gravity that’s pulling downwards, it’s also pulling you down too, so it’s neutralized. (Content Interview) Steve was engaged in model-based reasoning for sense-making strategies in his personal scientific practice. When he attempted to make sense of simple machines, he developed and used a model of force and motion, and balanced force between gravity and exerting force as a key model of force and motion so as to account for scientific phenomena. Steve considered collecting and recording data to find patterns in examples and personal observations as the most important aspect of scientific practice. Steve worked back and forth flexibly between experiences, patterns, and explanations, differentiating the different types of science knowledge. I’m teaching about levers, and we’ve already done one experiment with levers, and this one, this experiment we’re actually going to record some data, do some measurements and so some recording, and what I hope that they get out of this is that they’ll learn that work is, levers make work easier because the force is being applied to a greater distance than the object is actually being moved. 7 I would say my lesson included all of those. We had an experience, and from the experience they were supposed to figure out the pattern, and then we were going to apply the pattern to a theory. … Working with the levers and measuring… Measuring the distances. The patterns, they were going to see, hopefully, ideally, they were going to see the patterns among the numbers. (Lesson Interview) Steve wanted to have students gather data to find patterns in multiple observations of the lever system. Steve’s aspiration was to help students experience a variety of examples and observations to make connections between different science knowledge--experience, patterns, and theories of the simple machine and lever system. I guess I would probably go from group to group and see if they notice any patterns that are happening as they record their data. (Pre-observation Interview) Thus, Steve designed lesson plans to help students engage in scientific inquiry. He wanted students to have experience with data and observations, find patterns in the examples, and provide reasonable scientific explanations of the simple machine. The lesson objectives specified in the lesson plan were: Our task today is to measure the distance that the load was raised and the distance that the force traveled; Students will learn that levers make work easier by applying force over a greater distance; Students will apply knowledge gained to explain why an inclined plane makes work easier (Lesson Plan) To help his class successfully accomplish the specified lesson goal, Steve designed a worksheet himself. On the worksheet, he made a blank data table in which students were to fill out the columns: Force used, distance force traveled, and distance load was raised. In particular, the task for students in the class was to measure the relative position of the load, fulcrum, and force and then to find patterns in the data on the lever system. Steve included more questions on the worksheet: When was the least amount of force used and what were the distances? When was the most amount of force used and what were the distances? Is there a pattern? (Student worksheet) In actual teaching practice, however, he had difficulty helping students learn science through inquiry. The difficulties that Steve had in carrying out his ideas and lesson plan had to do with his lack of pedagogical skills and organization of classroom activity that are also critical for effectively implementing his well-planned classroom activity and managing students. In his classroom teaching, after he passed out the equipment (such as washers, rulers, and fulcrums), he asked the students to measure the distance that the load was raised and the distance that the force traveled. Students were asked to work on the task individually. During the class, however, students kept asking questions about what they were supposed to do with the data table (Videotape). To the students, the directions on the worksheet were so unclear that they could not engage in the activity successfully. The students frequently asked Steve to help them understand the procedures of the activity itself, interpret the directions in the worksheet, and record the data collected correctly. Another difficulty had to do with Steve’s classroom management skills. Students were frequently off-task and moving around the classroom without completing the lever experiment. Many students were waiting for Steve’s help to ask questions about what they were supposed to do with the data table, and how to build the lever with the washers and ruler. While many students were waiting their turn to get Steve’s help, they did not focus on the assigned task. Instead, some students were building a tower with washers, while other students threw the washers in the air and caught them. Although 8 Steve kept soliciting students to work hard to complete the worksheet, many students left their worksheets blank. At the end of the class, instead of helping students find patterns in data, Steve ended up telling the students what kinds of rules and patterns they were supposed to find and learn. Interestingly, none of the students could answer or come up with any reasonable patterns or answer to the questions either on the worksheet or on Steve’s probe. Steve: Is there anyone who notices a pattern? I know that this is actually really complicated experiment. You had to do tons of measuring, and then we have so many variables… it is hard to notice any patterns. Steve: Any other patterns you are noticing? Students: … Steve: Did you notice any at all? No… Steve: OK. I am gonna tell you, because this is too confusing. Steve: (Drawing a lever on the board) OK. Here is a lever…and a ground. Here is a fulcrum… There are three washers on this side. How many would you think to life this lever? Students: … Steve: Three? Ten? Maybe even thirty? Forty eight? Steve: It would take a lot. Do you see how highest going up? So it takes a lot of force to lift things up high. And look at how far this side travels… (Showing the diagram and comparing both sides of the distances on the lever) (Videotape) Steve was not successful in engaging students in the model-based reasoning that he aspired to in his lesson plan. Although he planned to help the students find patterns and to explain which inclined plane would make the work easiest, he did not carry out his initial plan. Since Steve thought that his students did not complete the data table and understand the experimentation, he decided instead to give a small lecture about a lever system and simple machine at the end of class. He drew a lever on the board and explained what patterns could be seen in the experimentation and data table on the worksheet. Therefore, procedural display was the actual sense-making strategy most likely used by students in his class. After the class, Steve reflected that his classroom management skills were not effective and the worksheet was not well designed to help students understand the simple machine. I think the logistics too, the distribution of materials was distracting. … I don’t think I met the objectives that I was trying to reach. Um, I thought that the lesson was a little too difficult for the students … There were too many steps involved. In order to meet the objectives properly, the students had to take some pretty precise measurements, and then they had to be able to critically analyze the measurements, but the problem, I think, was the layout of the chart, and there was some confusion too about what uh, they were actually supposed to be doing. There were so many steps involved. For example, like many of the students didn’t know what measurement they were putting here, distance force traveled. They didn’t really understand what force used meant, even though I had it in parentheses, number of washers. … The questions at the end they didn’t quite understand either. It might have been the phrasing. It might have been that they just didn’t understand the words well enough, like maybe they didn’t have a strong enough concept of force before the lesson. (Post-lesson interview) Although Steve had a good idea and intention to help students understand science well, his loose preparation for the class and actual organization ability did not allow him to successfully accomplish the lesson objectives. As a result, the students were not able to successfully engage in the classroom activity as planned. 9 In the students’ classroom performance, students did not understand what to do with the lever experiment and how to collect data to appropriately fill out the data table on the worksheet. Due to these difficulties, Steve could not manage the class effectively to engage students in the task to find patterns in examples. As a consequence, the students were unable to achieve the lesson objectives of inquiry and application. Rather, they were simply told the factual definition of a lever system at the end of class. The students concentrated less on making sense of the lever system and finding patterns in the various data, and more on mechanical, logistical procedures of the classroom activity. The students were mostly concerned with getting the right materials, and filling out the blanks in their worksheets. They frequently asked questions about how to understand the data table itself, where to put the washers on the lever, how to use the ruler to measure the distance, etc. However, there were very few student questions related to understanding the lever system or simple machine. Many students were not thorough and rigorous in engaging in the activity. Many of them could not correctly build the lever to collect the data even with Steve’s help and fill the worksheet appropriately based on the data they collected. Many of the students could not answer Steve’s question about what patterns they found and how the lever system could work. 2. The Case of Leigh: Accomplished Model-Based Reasoning Leigh demonstrated a thorough understanding of the content she was teaching, expansion and contraction. More evidence about the nature and depth of her content understanding is available in the description of her teaching below. Leigh showed substantial understanding about experience, patterns, and explanations in the interview about the topic of expansion and contraction. She was also able to distinguish between the different types of science knowledge. When she had a conversation about whether a certain phenomenon could be a particular experience or pattern, she expressed her idea of how those knowledge claims could be distinguished from each other. Interviewer: What do you think about this phenomenon? “As we heat a gas, its volume becomes greater.” Leigh: Well, that’s a pattern. Interviewer: Why do you think that is a pattern? Leigh: Because it could be many different kinds of gases. If it was a particular gas or something, that would be an experience, right? A specific experience, but in general, if you heat a gas, it’s volume becomes greater, but we haven’t explained why that happens. So, it would be a pattern. (Content Interview) She was able to come up with personal observations and examples, and to develop patterns among the various experiences. For example, about the movement of gas and liquid molecules, Leigh was able to give multiple examples of the particular characteristics of gases, using a hair dryer and a ping-pong ball, a leaf blower and a beach ball, and boiling water and bubbles. I can give you an example of that. Earlier this week we did a demonstration where the kids saw what happened when you used a hair dryer to blow a ping-pong ball, have you ever seen this one? The ping-pong ball’s in the stream of air, and it floats in the air. It’s really cool. The kids love it, right? So, what the kids learn is that well, why does the ball stay in the air? It’s because the molecules of air are coming up out of the hair dryer, and hitting it, so yeah, it proves that there’s particles and they’re doing something. Yeah, it’s really cool. And we also did it with a leaf blower and a beach ball, so you see the leaf 10 blower, the big thing blowing leaves, and the beach ball that’s big, and it really flies up in the air and it floats. It’s really great. So we saw that, and then the next day we did a distillation. You saw me reviewing that at the beginning of the lesson. And during that lesson, the water vapor was coming through, and it was coming down the tube, and it was actually blowing down into the water, and making it bubble. (Lesson Interview) Leigh was successful at making connections among the different types of science knowledge. She was engaged in finding patterns in different examples of solids, liquids, and gases, and then developed a scientific explanation. Based on scientific explanation developed, Leigh also attempted to apply the model to real world examples to explain scientific phenomena. For sense-making strategies, therefore, Leigh engaged in model-based reasoning about the topic that she taught. She developed and used scientific models and theories about the states of matter at the molecular level. When she explained the ways that different states of matter behave, she heavily made a good use of the pattern and theory of molecular property and kinetics by presenting extensive and in-depth understanding of the property of matter. In the content interview, for instance, when she was asked to draw the air inside of the flask and explain why the balloon inflates, she made a note with the two different pictures of gas molecules in the flask, saying Liquid molecules are close together but moving freely. Gas molecules are moving quickly and farther apart. … Heat energy causes the molecules to move more quickly and farther away from each other. The gas needs more space and will either building pressure inside the flask, or escape through an opening (in this case into the balloon). (Content interview) In her classroom teaching, Leigh was actually carrying out her idea of giving students rich examples and experiences to find patterns in experiences and to develop scientific theories and models for accomplishing successful scientific practice. For instance, Leigh began the class with two demonstrations. The first demonstration was a balloon placed over the opening of a flask. The flask was heated and students observed what happened to the gas inside the balloon. The second demonstration was to see when a metal ball could fit through a metal ring at different temperatures. The purpose of the demonstration was to scaffold students’ learning with various examples to find the particular scientific pattern of expansion and contraction. They have begun to investigate what the particles, or molecules, of a substance do differently during the different states of matter: solid, liquid, or gas. Yesterday they explored what the molecules of liquid water do during the process of distillation and condensation. Today, students will predict the outcomes of investigations and gather evidence about expansion and contraction of a solid and a gas. (Lesson Plan) Based on these specific examples, Leigh wanted students to find patterns, aiming for connections between the various types of science knowledge. For instance, Leigh: (showing a balloon on the flask in a hot pot) This is still very hot. Leigh: (and also pointing a metal ball and a ring) Do you think that this demonstration (metal ball and ring) is just more example of the same thing using solid instead of just the liquid? Students: Yeah… Leigh: How come? A student: … because the molecules expand… Leigh: molecules are expanding? Students: … molecules’ particles move farther apart… Leigh: That is what we need for expansion. (Videotape) She led classroom discussions to help students make connections between those examples and patterns, and molecular kinetic theory that explicate the 11 relationship between heat energy and molecular movement. Leigh designed a worksheet for students to explain the real world examples based on the pattern and theory they developed. Leigh worked hard to help students engage in model-based reasoning. She brought up multiple real world examples that the students could use to develop scientific reasoning based on theory and models they attained. She encouraged the students to come up with other examples, so that they could pull together all of the different examples to think about the applicability of the theory to the multiple situations. I think that every day, we try to have a real life example that applies to what we’re talking about. Well, one of the questions that they had to answer had to do with wind chimes that are hanging, and we know that the air molecules are moving all the time, right? But when they’re moving with enough force, it makes the wind chimes move and ring. So that would be one. And we were talking about distillation yesterday, I gave them the example of when they’re cooking on the stove, and they lift the pot lid up, and there’s a bunch of water there, and it splatters all over... that water comes from the same process as distillation, things like that. So, we always try to, you know, and I always ask the kids, can you think of an example. Sometimes the kids come up with better examples than I think of, you know? They do. (Lesson Interview) In reaction to Leigh’s teaching performance, students were able to effectively engage in scientific practice, developing deep science knowledge through classroom activities. The students engaged in observing various examples and simultaneously worked on experiment reports while making observations of the demonstrations. After the observations, they shared their ideas in a whole group discussion. Leigh guided them to see how the balloon over the opened flask made a change in shape and how the metal ball got through the ring. And then the students had several chances to talk about how the two situations could be similar, particularly at the molecular level. Leigh led the discussion to see what common pattern/feature of the phenomena could be seen the different demonstrations. Through the discussion, the students made a connection between the two demonstrations back and forth to find that the behavior of molecules differs because of the different states of matter such as a solid and a gas (Videotape). Students were trying to explain the real world examples based on what they learned from the class. They worked on applying the pattern of expansion and contraction and the theory of molecular property to several examples around them. For instance, the students were working on answering the questions on the worksheet prepared by Leigh, including: My friend taught me a way to open stuck jar lids. If you run hot water over the lid, it gets a little looser and some times you can open it. Try to explain why this works. Most sidewalks have cracks filled with tar every few yards. These are called expansion joints. During the summer these cracks are very narrow. During the winter they are wider. Explain why this happens. At the end of the class, students were able to make scientific application to real world examples, using molecular motion to explain the expansion and contraction on those examples. 3. The Case of Sandy: Inquiry as Finding Facts in Books Sandy demonstrated difficulty developing a good content understanding of the topics she was teaching, environmental science in relation with the makeup of earth and 12 pollution. For instance, about greenhouse effect and its relationship to pollution, she mentioned the following in the content interview: I think of how they say the earth is getting warmer because we’re damaging the ozone layer, and when you think of the glaciers melting and the depletion of our water supply and then you don’t think anything positive, just one problem after another. … I keep thinking about the study that the cows are causing the greenhouse effect. Do you remember that study? That’s every time I hear the greenhouse effect, that’s what I think of is cows, but it’s um, isn’t it the damage in the ozone layer is gradually causing the earth to heat up because more of the heat from the sun is coming in or something like that. … (About a question of how it can be caused) I don’t know, because obviously you could say, I mean, you could go back to saying well, people are eating cows, and therefore we have more cows, but um, I mean, you know, I don’t know, could we say that it’s all due to us and not just a general shift in you know, the way the earth is made up? (Content Interview) Sandy thought that depletion of the ozone layer is the main cause of the greenhouse effect, which is one of the common confusions that K-12 students frequently hold in environmental science (e.g., Driver et al, 1994). She was confused about ozone layer depletion and the greenhouse effect. Sandy did not distinguish among data, patterns, and models as types of science knowledge. For instance, she was able to state definitions of greenhouse effect, plate tectonics and mantle in her own words. But, she could not suggest particular real world examples or patterns regarding those theories. Further, Sandy did not engage in the scientific practices of finding pattern in examples or explaining real world examples based on patterns or theories. Instead, she organized the facts that she knew along thematic or narrative lines. Sandy considered science one of the most difficult subjects, one in which she could not overcome her lack of knowledge and experience, exhibiting her fair amount of anxiety to deal with science content. During her content interview about the topic she taught, she often repeated, “I don’t remember”, “I don’t know”, or “I could be wrong.” In spite of her doubts and the gaps in her scientific knowledge, Sandy was able to develop a strategy for teaching science. Sandy’s aspiration for teaching science was to help students engage in scientific activity through “inquiry.” She wanted to be the kind of the teacher who teach students how to do inquiry, saying: I expect to be one that I guess can get the kids thinking about science … um … kind of in an inquiry type of way … um … not one that just gives them the answers and says know this, and have them sit there and do it. Let’s do this thing and then you tell me why this is happening. … The class (elementary science methods class) I had was great. I go back to the inquiry thing, because always before it was okay, this is what we’re going to learn, here’s how we’re going to do it, and the way I (in the class) did it was okay, let’s try this, and what have you learned kind of thing, which to me was new, because all my science had been this is what we’re going to learn, here’s how we’re going to do it, versus let’s try this and tell me what you learned. It was kind of a reverse (Interview). Sandy seemed to value “inquiry” as the important way of teaching science to students. To her, however, scientific inquiry meant mainly to find answers in books or other authoritative sources. Scientific inquiry would mean the process of trying to find an answer to a question, um, whether it is an actual hands-on experience or it might have to be looking at a book for an answer. Um, but you know, to me, I guess inquiry just means the search process of finding the answer. … (Interview). For her classroom teaching practice, Sandy relied heavily on textbook reading and a review test on the topic of pollution. She provided her own reason why she would 13 emphasize the textbook reading in her teaching, showing how she would make use of the information offered by the materials. Oh, I think the text is a good place to start out introducing the terms. Um, you know, rather than saying okay, what is a sanitary landfill? You know, they might, we might spend half an hour going in the wrong direction, um, but if they start out reading a paragraph about it, then we can have a discussion about what they just read, and then later we can write it down, you know, pull out the important things. So I think the text is good starting point, but it’s not where I would want to stop. And so that’s why, I think I after every paragraph, stopped and discussed something with them. (Pre-lesson Interview) Thus, she designed her lesson plan to teach the important scientific stories and facts directly through the textbook. After we read the text, we’re going to answer the questions, so based on their answers to the questions, I would expect them to have picked up an idea of what land pollution is. Um, also when we come back from break, we’ll review the outline, or they’ll review the outline, and you know, make sure that they, you know, found the main ideas and the subplots and the things that go along with that, um, but just basically I think of this is going to be their participation in discussion and then looking at the outline when they come back. (Pre Lesson Interview) Well, first thing they’re going to have the quiz on the makeup of the earth, and then we’re going to start, we’re going to review the outline and complete it and make sure they have the correct answers for the test, and then we’re going to start talking and reading about land pollution. (Pre Lesson Interview) Assess what students know about the makeup of the earth; introduce the ideas of land pollution – sources, disposal of various types of waste, ways to potentially reduce pollution. (Lesson Plan) While reading the textbook with students, Sandy often discussed thematically associated words, charts and stories rather than discussing particular examples of concepts. She let several students continue to read the informational text loudly. After reading the book, she explained about the particular parts of the text and added a few stories focused on the textbook information. However, she often just repeated the contents in the book, sometimes re-stated the contents, and at other times explained vocabulary, such as “biodegradable,” “sanitary landfill,” etc., that appeared in the book. For instance, the below excerpt from a video clip illustrates how Sandy used the textbook in the classroom. (After reading a paragraph about the garbage disposal in the textbook) Sandy: Ok. How much amount of the garbage produced in Rome, compared to the amount of the garbage produced in New York? Students: … Sandy: Look at the chart! Sandy: What would you say about New York’s amount per day? Students: (looking at the chart in the textbook) Sandy: … One person’s garbage in New York? … Looking at the chart. A student: … 1.8 kilogram per day Sandy: It’s a lot of garbage, isn’t it? Then, what’s Rome’s per day? Mike? Mike: … 0.7 kilogram Sandy: So what would the difference be? A student: … 1.1 Sandy: Right. That is a huge difference. That’s a lot… All right. Go ahead to read. (Videotape) Furthermore, in order to make sure that students gained the knowledge from the textbook, Sandy gave the students two pages of the tests before and after class, testing 14 students’ recollection of the textbook knowledge. The test questions included the following: Pollutants can be produced by or by a . Major cause of air pollution is How are fossil fuels formed? What are three fossil fuels? Garbage must be every few days. very quickly begin breaking down garbage, producing . (Students’ Worksheet) All of the questions consisted of answering using the factual definitions that appeared in the textbook. Sandy asked students to look terms up in the textbook and find the right answers. In order for the students to find out the right answer, they had to go over the textbook for details. After the students filled in the blanks of the questions, Sandy put transparencies showing the right answers to the test questions. She gave the students a few minutes to compare, correct and review their answers based on the transparencies (Videotape). Overall, Sandy was satisfied with her ways of teaching the lessons. Here are the reasons why she thought that she was successful in teaching elementary science. First, She thought that students had a chance to learn important scientific information and stories about the scientific world. Sandy explained that as a teacher, she did her best to review all of the important science information by having them closely look at the books and giving them a review test on factual knowledge. Thus engaging students in gaining factual knowledge and information was an important aspect of teaching science. Sandy made an instructional decision to give students many opportunities to improve their knowledge about the factual story of the scientific world. In general, I thought the lesson went well. Um, we reviewed their air pollution outline and went over some. The land pollution part, we did stop when we were reading and go over certain things so that it wasn’t just reading the book. Um, and you know, I try to personalize it, for example, when I looked at the video, I specifically said somebody’s name and how the pesticide would get into him, you know, because he wouldn’t go and just drink a pesticide or something like that. So overall, I thought the lesson went well. (Stimulated Recall Interview) Second, Sandy was satisfied because she thought that most of the students participated in the class very well. She valued how much the students kept quiet during the class and stayed on task. Um, I think the class did pretty well participating here. Um, you know, there were some people I had to call on just to draw them in, um, so that they would get back to class, but you know, and just not have the same people talking over and over again, because some of them really did have an interest in it and had a lot to say, and some people were just like I saw Shane yawning there, some people were just fading out. Um, but you know, that’s any topic, you have some people that are interested in it, but hopefully you have some people that are interested and some that aren’t. (Post Lesson Interview) Third, Sandy also believed that she accomplished inquiry-based teaching, finding the answers in the book. According to Sandy’s idea of what “inquiry” meant, she believed that students actually did engage in inquiry as she defined it. They’ve done the actual process of finding the answer, and I think it means more to them, it belongs to them more than me just telling them something, because you know, sure I could tell them anything I wanted to, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true, but if they go through the process of finding that out for themselves, then they know that either I’m right or you know, but I think they learn more when they’ve actually taken some steps to find the answers themselves. (Post Lesson Interview) 15 As a consequence of Sandy’s ways of teaching science as we looked at above, in students’ classroom activities, students could not have any chance to distinguish and connect the different types of science knowledge, and engage in scientific practice to understand the material world. Rather, the students mechanically read the book, listened to Sandy’s explanation, and worked on filling in the blanks. The students focused mostly on reading the textbook and spending most time on finding and filling out the answers using factual definitions about the topic of the makeup of the earth and pollution. The students looked in the textbook to find the right answers to the fill-in-theblank types of questions, and copied and pasted the words from the book on their worksheet. After the students answered and filled in the blanks, they compared their answers with Sandy’s expected answers written on the overhead slides for the students. Most of them corrected their answers and copied some of the answers from the slides. The classroom was very quiet and right on task reading and finding the answers to fill in the blanks on the worksheet. However, there were few discussions or arguments about the topic they were learning to explore and share important ideas with others. Similar to Sandy’s sense making strategies, students also worked on showing procedural display to find the right answer, gain the stories, and learn vocabulary from the textbook. Comparing Steve, Leigh, and Sandy In summary, given three cases of managing scientific knowledge in various ways, we found compelling contrasts in the comparison among the three cases with respect to their sense-making strategies (See Table 2). Table 2. Comparison of the Three Cases: Sense-Making Strategies Interview Steve Teachers’ Teaching Practice Model-based reasoning Students’ Learning Activities Attempted for modelGained factual based reasoning, but definitions based on ended up with procedural display procedural display from the lecture Leigh Model-based Accomplished Practiced modelreasoning teaching for modelbased reasoning based reasoning Sandy Procedural display or Engaged in "inquiry" in Learning for narrative -which students were procedural display thematically connected supposed to learn facts facts from materials Both Steve and Leigh’s science knowledge and practice seemed to be quite similar in the sense that they exhibited good science knowledge and scientific practice, demonstrating model-based reasoning. They were able to distinguish various types of science knowledge, such as experiences, patterns, and explanations, and find patterns in experiences to develop scientific explanation. On the other hand, Sandy exhibited quite a different aspect of science knowledge and scientific practice as opposed to Steve and Leigh. She was not able to understand and distinguish science knowledge, and engaged in procedural display thematically connecting facts. 16 Their teaching practice and students’ classroom learning activities turned out to quite different. In spite of his plan and ideas for model-based reasoning Steve was not successful in helping students make sense of science. His students could not engage in the classroom activity for scientific inquiry and application. Rather, the students displayed gaining factual definitions of scientific phenomena. In contrast, Leigh was successful in helping students engage in understanding science knowledge and practicing scientific inquiry and application. The students were actively involved in model-based reasoning to explain real world situations based on scientific theory and models that were developed through finding patterns in experience and developing scientific explanation. Whereas, Sandy focused mainly on delivering factual definitions and vocabulary from the textbook, believing that she engaged in inquiry-based teaching. For her, the exhibition of procedural display worked as the indicator of students’ being successful in learning school science. Discussion and Conclusion This study describes the scientific sense-making strategies that three elementary teacher candidates exhibited in their interviews, teaching practice, and students’ classroom activities. They exhibited markedly different patterns of practice in their classroom teaching, resulting in different learning for their students. As we consider possible causes for these different patterns of practice, we pay attention to the different views of science knowledge and scientific practice that the candidates brought with them to the program. The individual teacher candidates’ knowledge and practice reflected their different views of science knowledge and practice. Engaging students in scientific sense making required a combination of deep subject matter knowledge, pedagogical skills, personal experience in scientific reasoning, and understanding of students. This study particularly highlights the fact that inquiry is a difficult practice that is deeply embedded in scientific knowledge and world-views. Teachers need a “deep understanding of fundamental science.” Our framework posits three key characteristics of fundamental science: science knowledge and scientific practice, sense-making strategies, and habits of mind. In this paper we focus on one of those characteristics, sense-making strategies, and show how the strategies that teacher candidates demonstrate in interviews have profound effects on their teaching practice and their students’ learning. Thus we conclude that the ability to use model-based reasoning as a sense-making strategy is one important aspect of a deep understanding of fundamental science. We see in this study that successful science teaching practice depends on intellectual resources that candidates develop over the course of their lives, not just in science methods courses. Candidates like Leigh can use their personal knowledge and experience as a basis for effective science teaching. For candidates like Steve and Sandy, however, the process is much more difficult. These candidates certainly need our support to understand effective ways of doing and teaching fundamental elementary science. 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