STMA High School

STMA High School Classroom Driver Education
Winter 2014 Registration Information
For students who will be 15 by April 15, 2014
Registration begins immediately. Registrations are accepted until the class is full.
Maximum enrollment: 30 students
FEE: $350.00 Make checks payable to STMA Community Education (the fee includes 30 hours of classroom
instruction and 6 hours of behind the wheel training)
(Cancellation Policy: to receive a refund (minus a $5.00 cancellation fee), you must notify the Community Education
Office at least 5 business days prior to the start of the class.)
** After you receive your driving permit, please email Connie Peters at or call her at 497-1704 to let her
know you are ready for Behind the Wheel.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Classroom Driver Education Registration – Class #249W1
Students Full Legal Name______________________________________________________________
Date of Birth_______________ Which school do you attend?_________________________ Grade ____
Home Phone__________________________ Parent’s Work/Cell________________________________
Parent’s Email Address_________________________________________________________________
No___ Will the student be receiving a farmer's permit?
No___ Has the student ever had a convulsive disorder, "black out", stroke or paralysis?
No___ Is the student a diabetic taking insulin for control?
No___ Does the student wear glasses?
No___ Does the student wear contact lenses?
No___ Are there any other medical conditions that we need to be aware of?
If yes, please explain______________________________________________________
My child has my permission to participate in this Driver’s Education course.________________________
Parent Signature
Register on-line at, or to
pay by check, return form and fee to the Community Education Office.
We are located in the Community Education Center, 60 Central Ave. W. in St. Michael.
You may put your registration in the Community Education Drop Box located outside
Door “A” of the Community Education Center.
Make checks payable to Community Education. For more information call 497-6550, ext. 1.
Our next session will be offered in spring 2014.
STMA Classroom Driver's Education Classroom Winter 2014 Schedule
Class #249W1
(Classroom Instructor is Mr. Schmeling)
Jan. 6
3:30 – 6:30PM
Jan. 8
3:30 – 6:00PM
Jan. 13
3:30 – 6:30PM
Jan. 15
3:30 – 6:00PM
Jan. 22
3:30 – 6:00PM
Jan. 23
3:30 – 6:30PM
Jan. 29
3:30 – 6:00PM
Feb. 3
6:00 – 9:00PM MANDATORY PARENT & STUDENT CLASS @ Middle School West
Feb. 5
Feb. 10
Feb. 12
Feb. 13
Lecture Hall (park in back of school and enter through Door “O”)
3:30 – 6:00PM
3:30 – 6:30PM
3:30 – 6:00PM
3:30 – 7:30PM
Classes will be held in the High School, Room 1684 (health room). Students will stay after school for class.
Students must be promptly picked up at completion of the class by Door ‘C’ of the high school (this is the Activity
Center entrance).
1. Students must be in school by 10:15 a.m. in order to attend classroom driver education class on that day. Suspended/truant students may
not attend classroom instruction.
2. PERFECT ATTENDANCE IS EXPECTED! A student, with PRIOR APPROVAL from the instructor, can miss one class, except Jan. 6 and
Feb. 3, but it must be made up Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m.
3. Students with two or three tardies will make-up one hour on Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m. Students with four or five tardies will make-up two hours
on Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m.
4. Students must be in attendance for 30 hours of classroom instruction (State Law for students under 18 years of age). Must be
completed/passed on or before the last day of class.
5. There is only one 4 hour make-up session. Students needing more than 4 hours of make-up time will be WITHDRAWN & must re-register
and REPEAT ALL thirty hours of the classroom instruction.
6. Students who are absent will be expected to have the next class's assignment done upon returning to the next class as well as the
assignment due on the day of your absence.
7. Students must bring class materials (textbook, workbook, manual, black pen, and highlighter) to each class session in order to be admitted
into the room.
8. Students must average 70% or higher on assignments and tests (indicates they have successfully completed course) and must be paid in
full to receive their BLUE CARD.
9. Students with assignments (or parts of) not done when corrected with the class will be scored as incorrect. Students will LOSE 75% on
test(s) from day(s) without instructor's PRIOR APPROVAL for excused absence.
10. Students should not bring electronic devices such as: MP 3 players, CD players or cell phones. They will not be able to use them during class.
Also head caps, food or drink will not be allowed in the room. Computers/monitors are not to be used in this room.
11. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for students with a chemical violation or unlawful action during classroom instruction. They will be
dropped from classroom instruction without a refund.
12. The telephone in the classroom should be used only to make an emergency call to their parent.
13. Please help keep the room and hallways clean.
14. Students must demonstrate a positive and serious attitude for this rigorous classroom instruction. The need for disciplinary action could
result in expulsion from the program.
15. Students must meet all requirements to pass the classroom instruction.
16. Students who are 15 years of age or older by the end of the class will receive their blue card at the completion of this class. If the student
does not turn 15 until after the completion of this class, the blue card will be kept in the Community Education office. The student may pick up
their blue card on or after their 15th birthday in the Community Education office. The blue card enables the student to take their permit test.
17. If at least one parent is unable to attend the mandatory parent & student meeting, the student's blue card will be held until a future parent &
student meeting is attended at STMA.
After you’ve passed your permit test, email Connie Peters at, or
call her at 497-1704 to let her know you are ready for Behind the Wheel.