Self Directed Sign Off Mentor Update for Nurses –March 2010 This self directed update has been developed to provide Sign Off Mentors (SOMs) with information and guidance about the remit and responsibilities of the role. This should be read in conjunction with the Self Directed Mentor Update (SDMU) which provides an overview of the implementation of the “Standards to support learning and assessment in practice” (NMC 2006, 2008) and the impact this has on the role of mentorship. The SDMU can be found on the Edinburgh Napier Mentor Centre, on PWA E-manager (Help and Manuals) or from your local Practice Education Facilitator (PEF) Sign Off Mentors In order to ensure public protection, the NMC needs to be assured that students have been assessed and signed off as being capable of delivering safe and effective practice at the end of their programme. Following the publication of the NMC standards to support learning and assessment in practice (2006, 2008), a Sign Off Mentor, who has met additional criteria, must make the final assessment of practice and confirm to the NMC that the required proficiencies for entry the register have been achieved. The NMC identified that a Sign Off Mentor should meet the following criteria: Be experienced mentors, identified on the local database, on the same part (or sub part) of the register and working in the same field (branch) of practice as that in which the student intends to achieve registration. Have clinical currency and capability (experienced nurse within the area of practice and clinically up to date) Have a working knowledge of current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice for the student they are assessing. Have an in-depth understanding of their accountability to the NMC for the decision they make to pass or fail a final placement student when assessing their proficiency at the end of a programme. Who needs a Sign Off Mentor? This standard applies to all learners undertaking an NMC approved programme, whose course commenced after September 2007. 2007-2009 Nurses undertaking Return to Practice Courses. Courses which are shorter than the traditional 3 years ( Shortened Programme for Graduates , 1-1 Conversion Courses) Trainee mentors undertaking the Mentorship Preparation Programme at Edinburgh Napier University are also required to have an SOM supporting their learning in practice (see Appendix 1) 2010 Pre-registration nursing students on the three year programme will require a SOM in their final (consolidation) placement from June 2010. Four year honours degree students (QMU and Edinburgh University) will require a SOM on their final placements in 2011. Protected time for the sign off mentor The SOM may be the student’s only mentor on their final placement or the student may be allocated to a mentor as well as an SOM, (needs to be decided locally). The NMC standards state that a mentor must supervise the student (directly or indirectly) for at least 40% of the student’s placement experience. In addition to this, the NMC suggest that the SOM should have one hour per week of protected time (pro rata) of the placement experience to effectively undertake the student’s assessment. Therefore in a 12 week final consolidation placement, the SOM is expected to spend about 12 hours in assessment related activity. The NMC recognise that this time may need to be greater in the earlier part of the placement and reduced as the student progresses and gains confidence and competence. How should the SOM use this time? This protected time is to enable the SOM to undertake a reliable, valid and comprehensive assessment of the student’s proficiency and suitability for entry to the register. The SOM should utilise a range of evidence to support their decision making: Review of student’s Action Plan for the placement and the previous mentor’s reports Observe episodes of care delivery, care management and practical skills Review student’s record-keeping and documentation Assess student’s ability to reflect on their own performance Assess achievement of final placement learning outcomes Observe demonstration of appropriate professional behaviours and attitudes Feedback and testimony of others who work with and supervise the student e.g. Mentor, mentoring team, MDT, other professionals, patient/client /carers etc. The final assessment of proficiency draws on evidence of assessment over a sustained period of time. The SOM should also review the Ongoing Achievement Record of all students which provides evidence of their achievement of placement learning outcomes throughout their programme. This information should be made available to the SOM to allow them to view the content of all previous mentors’ assessments. This process allows the SOM to make a judgement on the student’s suitability for entry to the register based on their progress over the entire period of their programme. At Edinburgh Napier University this information is recorded in the students Record of Attainment book (RAB) and contains all previous mentor final reports, clinical skills log collation and HAI package. Queen Margaret University: The students complete an electronic record of on-going achievement called a Practice Placement Portfolio. This e-portfolio includes completion of their Work Based Learning (WBL) Outcomes, mentor reports and self-assessments of their clinical skills and experiences from every placement. This information can be made available to subsequent mentors and the SOM by the student accessing the Queen Margaret University IT system or printing off a paper copy for inspection and review. Edinburgh University students carry their Practice Portfolio to every placement. This contains their Record of Clinical skills and their Assessment of Practice Based Performance books which includes previous final mentor reports. In order to record these hourly (pro-rata) assessment activities and inform final assessment decisions Edinburgh Napier and Queen Margaret universities have provided documentation to record the SOM’s assessment activities as part of the student’s documentation book. As with any mentoring/assessing relationship, it is essential that any concerns about the student’s progress and performance identified during the placement period, are brought to the attention of the link lecturer and PEF as soon as possible to obtain support and advice. Accountability and the SOM As a professional, you are personally accountable for all actions and omissions in your practice and you must always be able to justify your decisions. All mentors throughout the student’s programme are accountable for their assessment decisions. However, as the sign off mentor, you should ensure that you meet the NMC criteria as outlined previously to fulfill the role of Sign-Off Mentor. As a SOM you are signing the final placement documentation to state that you have assessed the student’s practice performance, reviewed a range of relevant evidence provided and are able to confirm that the learner has demonstrated to you that they meet the competencies to undertake the role of either a newly registered nurse, or have met the appropriate competencies for entry to the register in the Return to practice course. The Mentorship Preparation programme requires a SOM to allow a new mentor onto the local database of mentors This assessment, in-conjunction with the verification from the HEI that the student has achieved the academic components of their programme, enables them to enter the NMC register or local database. As well as reading this Update paper, within the Lothian and Borders area, it is required that mentors who are undertaking the role of SOM attend a face to face session to enable them to discuss any issues or concerns, explore the practical application and have the opportunity to determine support for their role. SOM preparation sessions are usually run by the PEF team and can be booked through the Empower /PWA /e-manager system and are delivered at various sites across NHS Lothian. For further information about preparation for your SOM role contact your local PEF. If requested, members of the Mentorship Steering group can also provide SOM sessions, details of which will be available on the napier mentor centre. After Sept 09, to be annotated on the database as a SOM, mentors who are identified as having suitable experience to undertake this additional role will have to undertake further preparation and practice before being annotated on the NHS Lothian’s database. However as this process is under review by the NMC at present, please contact your area PEF for an update of how this is progressing Barbara Neades. 0131 455 5315 Appendix 1 MENTORSHIP PREPARATION PROGRAMME - Overview for SOMs supporting trainee mentors The 15 week Mentor Preparation Programme meets the NMC (2008) Standards to support learning and assessment in practice. The trainee mentor should have post qualification experience of at least one year and during the programme will be asked to attend 5 Study Days covering the programme content. A Portfolio of Evidence is produced to demonstrate that the five learning outcomes have been achieved. The Sign-off mentor is expected to review the trainee mentor’s portfolio and complete the Record of Portfolio Achievement grid, to determine if they have successfully met the requirements. Programme Learning Outcomes 1. Apply knowledge of learning, teaching and assessment strategies designed to promote and facilitate learning in the practice setting for a range of students, in order to maximise their individual potential. 2. Utilise best available evidence and practice to demonstrate and evaluate strategies for supporting and assessing learning in practice. 3. Interpret evidence based practice within the clinical setting, ensuring that this is identifiable within the mentor and student’s individual practice. 4. Critically reflect on the processes involved in supporting and managing a learner who is failing to meet the NMC proficiencies for registration, developing an action plan to resolve this situation. 5. Apply appropriate educational and change management knowledge, to ensure that the learning environment is supportive and effective for students and all members of the multidisciplinary team. The trainee mentor will be asked to attend an initial orientation and matriculation study day at Edinburgh Napier and the Programme content is then delivered via WebCT and through face-to-face sessions on the programme study days. Portfolio The trainee mentor will be provided with a portfolio template which consists of guidance notes on the development of a portfolio of evidence, the specific learning outcomes of the mentorship programme together with the sections to insert documented evidence of how they have achieved these learning outcomes. The trainee mentor should gather evidence to support the achievement of the learning outcomes from a range of activities including: Activities as part of the WebCt input. Work and activities undertaken as part of the face to face workshops. Activities undertaken in the practice area with the sign off mentor. Personal reflections on practice as a mentor. The evidence that the student produces with the sign off mentor in practice should demonstrate the students’ application of the theoretical principles of mentorship with practice. Meetings with student As a sign off mentor it is recommended that you meet with the trainee mentor that you are supporting 3 times during their programme. An Academic Supervisor will also meet with the student to offer support and guidance on the portfolio who will be a member of staff from Edinburgh Napier, Queen Margaret or Edinburgh University. Submission date of the Portfolio and Assessment of Proficiency The Portfolio of Evidence and Record of Portfolio Achievement should be submitted to the Module Leader on completion of their programme If you have any questions please contact the programme leader.