Completing The Placement Assessment Report Use of the Completed Assessment Document –– Agency and Field Educator The final assessment document is the joint property of the student and the University. It does not belong to the agency. The field educator may keep a copy of the assessment document. This is for his or her personal records only, and must be kept confidential and not used for any other purpose. Students are involved in a developmental learning process and should be encouraged to learn in a safe environment. Their written assessments should therefore not be seen as a permanent record in any agency. In particular, they cannot be used as a reference. Students may ask for a separate reference from their field educator at the end of their placement. Before the Student Finishes Placement the Following Assessment Documents Must be Completed We suggest that you tick () the boxes to ensure that you have returned all the relevant assessment documents. 1. Assessment Summary Sheet (Completed jointly by student and supervisor and signed by both parties) 2. Assessment Document Student’s Copy Supervisor’s Copy Joint Copy Assessment Summary Sheet (Must be Completed) Please tick () the appropriate box BSW 3rd Year BSW 4th Year MSW Applied 1st Year MSW Applied 2nd Year Student: ............................................................................................................. Field Educator: ................................................................................................ Agency: ............................................................................................................. Contact Address: ............................................................................................. ............................................................................. Phone: .............................. Dates of Placement:......................................................................................... Number of Days Completed: ........................................................................ Number of sick/bereavement days taken: ................................................. SUGGESTED GRADE FOR PLACEMENT: PASS INCOMPLETE FAIL Please provide a brief description of placement activities and client group: 1. The student’s present areas of competence and special strengths are: 2. The student’s present needs for further development. Where possible, establish specific learning goals to operationalise these needs: 3. For students on their first placement do you have any suggestions as to what type of placement/agency/supervision might be appropriate for the next fieldwork placement? For students on their final placement please make comments here about student’s needs for ongoing personal, professional and career development. SUMMARY: Please comment on the overall functioning of the student and summarise the development which has taken place on this placement. Include comments on the relationship between Field Educator and student. This summary is the joint work of Field Educator and Student. Please sign to indicate that both parties have read this report. Please indicate any areas of disagreement. .................................................... [Supervisor] .......................................... [Student] ......................................... [Date] Assessment Document Instructions –– A. B. The student is expected to have achieved the learning outcomes as highlighted in his or her contract. Please make comments on student progress and competency according to each of the specified outcomes. We have provided you with some questions for consideration in relation to each of the learning outcomes. Student and supervisor can write and submit separate reports or a joint report. Standard –– We expect a third year BSW or MSW Applied first year student to be assessed as a student/apprentice with a basic competency level. Would the supervisor, agency feel comfortable in approving this student to continue in the fourth year of the BSW degree? We expect a fourth year BSW or second year MSW Applied student to be assessed as a beginning practitioner. Would the supervisor, agency feel comfortable in employing this person as a social and community worker? If not, why not? Contents of Report –– Please include an introduction which outlines the sources of information used in writing this report (i.e. observation of work, supervision, case reports, discussion with peers etc.). 1. The student social worker adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers and utilises appropriate processes to influence and reinforce competent practice. (Areas to consider: can the student identify ethical issues and articulate how these are to be resolved, consistent with the social and community work code? How does the student demonstrate a commitment to their individual ongoing professional development and continuing professional education? Can the student discuss and critique his or her own personal perspective and agency standards and guidelines?). 2. The student social worker demonstrates a commitment to practising social work in accordance with the Bicultural Code of Practice and an understanding of the Principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi. (Areas to consider: does the student demonstrate an understanding of the Tangata Whenua-Tauiwi nature of Aotearoa and how these values/beliefs affect the student’s own cultural context and the agency’s practice? Can the student identify the agency’s response to Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi?How does the student demonstrate knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi and a commitment to its implementation? Can the student articulate their own personal, family and community history and how this affects their practice? Can the student identify different models of practice within a particular cultural context? Can the student evaluate the agency’s commitment to anti-racist practice?) 3. The student social worker establishes an appropriate, collaborative and empowering working relationship with clients. This relationship takes into account individual, social and cultural differences. (Areas to consider: How does the student demonstrate commitment to non-discriminatory practice and recognise the impact of such things as gender, age, class, race, sexual orientation, disability on individuals, family/whanau, groups and communities? Does the student have a knowledge of factors which contribute to the formation of a sound therapeutic relationship and demonstrate some in his or her practice?) 4. In working with clients, the student social worker engages in reflective practice and the appropriate use of self. (Areas to consider: does the student understand how his or her own values, life experiences and personalities influence their perception of themselves and others? Can the student identify individual strengths and individual weaknesses which will require further work? How does the student demonstrate an effective use of stress management strategies? Can the student articulate and integrate the theories and models which are informing their practice?) 5. The student social worker has a developing knowledge of social work methods, social policies, social services, resources and opportunities, and acts to ensure access for clients. (Areas to consider: How does the student demonstrate social/community work skills in engaging, information gathering, assessment, intervention, monitoring and closure with individuals, groups, families/whanau and communities? Can the student discuss the resources in both the agency and the community and recognise gaps in existing resources and possible strategies for change?) 6. The student social worker effectively uses systems of accountability, including supervision. (Areas to consider: Did the student define their own learning goals for the placement and take responsibility for their own learning? How does the student use supervision effectively (i.e. planning, attendance, participation) and for professional, educational, administrative and personal purposes? Can the student describe and define the social/community work role in their placement agency? How has the student managed time, used resources and completed administrative or written work? How has the student used criticism of self/others? Has the student participated sufficiently and appropriately in staff meetings, discussions and training sessions? Can the student work independently and use initiative, but know when to consult appropriately?) 7. The student social worker constantly works to make social work organisations and systems responsive to the needs of those who use them. (Areas to consider: Can the student critically analyse organisational structures and government policy and its impact on clients and social service delivery?) 8. Overall assessment and concluding comments. 9. At the end of the report please include the names and signatures of the person/people ( e.g. supervisor copy, student copy, or joint copy) who have completed the report and the date. e.g. This document is the work of : .................................................... Name .......................................... Date: .................................. Name ………………………………… ………………………….. Date:………………… Signature Signature Please print off the completed report and return to course co-ordinator at Massey via the student at the end of placement.