ALL5 (Elective) University of Manchester, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work and The Greater Manchester Strategic Health Authority PRACTICE PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT This section to be completed by the student Unit Title: ELECTIVE / CONSOLIDATION Placement Dates: From To Student’s Name: Programme (Course): University ID No: Intended Branch: Intake/Group: Mentor/Assessor’s Name: Placement Area (Unit/Ward) Name: Placement Area (Unit/Ward) Address: Placement Area (Unit/Ward) Tel No: Placement Code: Academic Teacher: Unit Coordinators: Julie Apps Jane Hughes Steven Prymachuk (Adult) (Child) (Mental Health) 0161 237 2288 0161 275 8708 0161 237 2575 Julie.Apps@manch Steven.Pryjmachuk@manc E-mail: Personal Teacher: E-mail: Tel No: This Practice Placement Assessment Document is summative and must be submitted on the advertised Unit submission date and a receipt gained. It may not be returned to you Students are advised to make a copy of the completed document prior to submission for your portfolio. It is the responsibility of the student to keep this document safe and to ensure that the document is made available during the placement so that the mentor/assessor can complete the appropriate parts of the form. Mentors to complete this section Evidence supplied is of a satisfactory level: Yes No Unit Team to complete this section Document complete: Yes No If No – Learning Contract Issued: Yes No Learning Contract submission date: Unit Teacher Signature: 1 Reason GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS AND MENTORS During this placement the following sections of this document MUST be completed: Placement orientation checklist (p.5) – within the first week of starting the placement. Preparation for the initial meeting with the mentor (p.6) – within two or three days of starting the placement. Record of initial meeting with mentor and the student action plan (p.7) – the initial meeting to be held during the first week of starting the placement. Interim/mid allocation review of progress (p.8) – must be timed to allow the student the opportunity to improve if necessary by the end of the placement. By the end of the placement the following sections of this document MUST be completed: Unit practice outcomes (pp.9-11) – the student must also, where appropriate, provide evidence in the Portfolio to support achievement of the specified outcomes. Identification of strengths/learning needs whilst achieving these outcomes will help students and mentors plan for the next placement (see below). End of placement review of progress and the learning needs identified by the student and mentor for the next placement (p.32). The Mentor’s statement on achievement during the placement (p.33) – whether the student has met the criteria for EMERGING PRACTITIONER and whether the student’s attendance and conduct have been satisfactory. Record of attendance and summary of learning at practice-based seminar days (p34). Record of attendance and summary of learning at “spoke” placements (p35). At the end of the placement the following should be completed: Placement evaluation (ask your Unit leader for these forms). Orientation Students should have access to an introductory pack of information that will help orientate them to new and unfamiliar surroundings. An orientation programme covering the first few days in the practice area would normally address issues relating to: personal safety; procedures in emergency situations; introduction to other members of the multi-disciplinary team; confirmation of arrangements for clinical supervision (which should be weekly wherever possible). Off Duty Whilst on placement, students are expected to work a 37.5 hour week within the normal shift times of the placement areas. Weekends can – and should be – included in the student’s shift pattern. The supernumerary status of students implies that they should closely shadow the duty rota of their mentor or another qualified nurse who is willing to actively support the student’s learning. Should a bank holiday occur during a placement period, it is up to the discretion of the placement area whether students work the bank holiday or whether the bank holiday is allocated as one of the student’s days off. During bank holiday weeks, students are still expected to work a 37.5 hour week. Students are only allowed “time off” from practice hours to attend the practice-based seminar days that fall during the placement blocks in each of the branch Units. Students and mentors will be informed of the dates of these seminar days in advance. Students are not allowed time off from practice hours to write assignments, deliver examinable work to the School or to attend tutorials. 2 Night duty In order to experience the 24-hour cycle of care, all students must undertake between 2 and 6 weeks night-duty at some point during the course (normally during branch studies). Some branch units are more suitable for night duty than others and students should, in the first instance, discuss the undertaking of night duty with their mentors. Your personal teacher will periodically check whether you have fulfilled the night duty demands; it is important, therefore, that you keep records of any night duty undertaken on the form provided. Sickness and Absence Arrangements Students are responsible for reporting their own sickness and absence to Emma Sharp, Sickness/Absence Secretary on 0161 237 2540. Students must also contact their placement area as soon as possible. Sickness and Absence must be declared in this document (see p.13). See also the Student Handbook for specific information. If you are outside the UK and sickness is likely to render your placement unfeasible, you (or someone acting on your behalf) must contact the School (your personal teacher) with the utmost urgency. ROLE OF THE MENTOR Each student will be allocated a named mentor (by the placement area) for the total duration of the placement. As some of the pre-registration allocations are lengthy it is possible that a mentor may be absent due to sickness, etc. It is desirable therefore, that students also be allocated an appropriately qualified associate mentor where possible. Off duty rota should be planned so that mentors / associate mentors have an opportunity to work with students regularly. Duties of the mentor include: ensuring that summative assessment of practice competence is appropriately completed and recorded. Undertaking ongoing observation and discussion with the student to assess his/her level of competence. Identifying the student’s strengths and shortfalls. Setting agreed objectives and proposing subsequent action. Informing the academic staff when a student fails to achieve an appropriate level of competence within the target date. Liaising with other members of the team to gather observations and perceptions of the student’s progress. Facilitating ongoing practice teaching and experience for the student. Acting as a role model for the student Ensuring that the student has an adequate orientation Carrying out an initial interview with the student (within 3 days of him/her starting the placement), an intermediate interview and a final interview. Making appropriate records at each stage. We believe that summative assessment of student’s practice can be enhanced by using a team approach where the associate mentor has an opportunity to contribute to the final judgement of student achievement. 3 Duties of the associate mentor should include: Supporting the qualified mentor in the assessment process Undertaking ongoing observation and discussion with the student to assess her/his level of competence. Provide feedback to the qualified mentor regarding observations and perceptions of the student’s progress, strengths and shortfalls. Acting as a role model for the student Facilitating practice teaching and experience for the student Assisting and supporting students in learning new skills and acquiring new attitudes All students must be assessed and have their documentation signed by a qualified mentor. Levels of Competence explained Year 1 (Weeks 1-52) Safe Practitioner The student will: Perform safely the practice skills detailed in the Unit outcomes Act with care, avoiding undue risk Act honestly and lawfully and recognise their limitations Be able to draw upon appropriate nursing knowledge, interpret it and apply it to the unit outcomes being assessed. Year 2 (Weeks 53-104) – Emerging Practitioner The student will continue to meet the criteria for SAFE practitioner, and in addition will: Actively seek to repeatedly practice the practice skills detailed in the Unit outcomes in the correct manner. Demonstrate a willingness to check their practice skills development by engaging with their mentor. Be able to draw upon nursing knowledge to explain their actions. Year 3 (Weeks 105-156) – Effective Practitioner The student will continue to meet the criteria for SAFE and EMERGING practice and in addition will: Effectively perform the practice skills detailed in the Unit outcomes. Demonstrate your understanding and application of practice skills in the clinical area. Examine critically his/her nursing knowledge in given situations and explore the alternatives 4 Placement Orientation Checklist Mentor/Assessor must complete this section within 2 – 3 days of starting the placement. Aspect Yes (Initial/Date) 1. Fire regulations, emergency procedure. 2. CPR: location of equipment, emergency telephone number, student’s role in CPR. 3. Issues surrounding confidentiality discussed. 4. Health and Safety policies. 5. Informed of Mentor/Assessor’s name. 6. Uniform policy/standards of dress discussed 7. Details of orientation programme/booklet. 8. Placement philosophy discussed. 9. Introduced to staff and environment. 10. Student to inform mentor/assessor of Academic/Personal Teacher’s name and contact details. 11. Informed of Clinical Facilitator’s name and contact details. 12. Informed of Directorate Liaison Teacher’s name and contact details (if available) 13. Sickness and absence procedures discussed. 14. Have you found your placement code? Evidence of student attending Moving and Handling training/update. (If there is no evidence available, the student MUST NOT be involved in Moving and Handling until documentary evidence is received). When all these have been achieved Mentor/Assessor signature: Date: Student signature: Date: 5 No Preparation for the initial meeting with Mentor/Assessor The student should: Complete this section within 2- 3- days of starting the placement Fill in this section before you have your initial interview with your mentor assessor If this is not your first placement, you should also use the identified strengths/ learning needs from your previous placement to help you plan. Please use the space below to identify and write down your interests or the issues you want to explore during this practice placement. You might want to wait a day or so before you meet with your mentor/assessor so you have a chance to think about the issues and your interests. You can always firm up your ideas at the initial meeting with your mentor/assessor and, indeed, at later meetings. The following questions may help you get started: What do I want to see/do? Can I build upon previously identified strengths or work on previously identified weaknesses? Where do my priorities lie (bearing in mind what stage you are in your course)? What help do I need to pursue my interests/the issues I’ve identified? What part should I play in following up my interests/the issues I’ve identified? Who should take the lead? My interests/learning needs/priorities for this placement are: 6 Development of initial Student Action Plan to identify learning needs and opportunities Mentor/Assessor should complete the student action plan: During the first 2-3 days of the placement. Action plan to be based on the Unit Learning Outcomes and Student’s identified learning needs. Student Action Plan Mentor/Assessor’s signature: …………………………………… Date: …………….. Student’s signature: ……………………………………………... Date: …..………… 7 Interim/Mid-Placement Review of Progress Mentor/Assessor should: Complete this section with the student: Provide the student with an opportunity to discuss their progress to date and areas for improvement. Please note that this review point must be timed so that, if necessary, the student has time to improve by the end of placement. Mentor/Assessor’s signature: …………………………………… Date: …………….. Student’s signature: ……………………………………………... Date: …..………… 8 CORE OUTCOMES TO BE ACHIEVED Outcome Related Domain C01 Identify learning needs related to this placement, acknowledging the importance of seeking supervision to develop safe nursing practice. C02 Demonstrate fairness and sensitivity when responding to patients/clients and others; challenge negative and discriminatory attitudes towards users of child and family services. C03 Demonstrate and apply an understanding of professional regulation, displaying an awareness of boundaries and appropriate behaviour in practice. C04 Apply an understanding of legal and ethical frameworks in practice. C05 Collaborate effectively with members of the multidisciplinary team, demonstrating understanding of the roles and contributions of others. C06 Contribute positively to the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care, demonstrating clarity and accuracy in documentation, C07 Demonstrate an awareness of the role of advocacy, user and carer groups. Personal/Professional Development Professional/Ethical Practice Professional/Ethical Practice Care Delivery Professional/Ethical Practice Professional/Ethical Practice Care Management Care Delivery Care Delivery 9 Achieved Assessor Signature Date SPECIFIC OUTCOMES TO BE ACHIEVED Outcome Related Domain EL1 Identify how your chosen specialist area fits into the overall delivery of health services Care Management EL2 Recognise and analyse the extent to which specialist services meet the needs of users and make suggestions about improvements wherever possible Analyse legislation, policy and reports relevant to your chosen specialist area Care Management Compare and contrast the specific contribution of the various health professionals involved in the provision of services in your specialist area.. Care Management EL3 EL4 Achieved Professional / Ethical Practice Care Management Professional / Ethical Practice 10 Assessor Signature Date SPECIFIC OUTCOMES TO BE ACHIEVED Outcome EL5 EL6 EL7 EL8 Related Domain Convey skill in selecting administering and interpreting a range of appropriate interventions for care provision Demonstrate skill in involving patients/users and where appropriate, carers in the assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation of interventions. Care Delivery Identify and analyse a range of evidence based interventions and their application to users of specialist services; demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between evidencebased interventions and your own practices With your clinical colleagues and mentor, demonstrate an ability to tactfully discuss – and where necessary – challenge specific interventions employed in your chosen specialist area. Care Delivery Achieved Care Management Care Delivery Care Management Professional/ Ethical Practice Care Management Professional/ Ethical Practice 11 Assessor Signature Date Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidation C01 Core Unit Outcome: Identify learning needs related to this placement, acknowledging the importance of seeking supervision to develop safe nursing practice. Domain: Type of Activity: Personal/Professional development Professional/Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 12 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative C02 Core Unit Outcome: Demonstrate fairness and sensitivity when responding to patients/clients and others; challenge negative and discriminatory attitudes towards users of child and family services. Domain: Type of Activity: Personal/Ethical Practice Care Delivery How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 13 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative C03 Core Unit Outcome: Demonstrate and apply an understanding of professional regulation, displaying an awareness of boundaries and appropriate behaviour in practice. Domain: Type of Activity: Professional/Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 14 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative C04 Core Unit Outcome: Apply an understanding of legal and ethical frameworks in practice. Domain: Type of Activity: Professional /Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 15 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative C05 Core Unit Outcome: Collaborate effectively with members of the multidisciplinary team, demonstrating understanding of the roles and contributions of others. Domain: Type of Activity: Care Management How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date : 16 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative C06 Core Unit Outcome: Contribute positively to the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care, demonstrating clarity and accuracy in documentation Domain: Type of Activity: Care Delivery How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 17 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative C07 Core Unit Outcome: Demonstrate an awareness of the role of advocacy, user and carer groups Domain: Care Delivery Type of Activity: How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 18 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL1 Specific Unit Outcome: Identify how your chosen specialist area fits into the overall delivery of health services Domain: Care Management Type of Activity: How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 19 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL2 Specific Unit Outcome: Recognise and analyse the extent to which specialist services meet the needs of users and make suggestions about improvements wherever possible. Domain: Type of Activity: Care Management Professional / Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 20 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL3 Specific Unit Outcome: Analyse legislation, policy and reports relevant to your chosen specialist area Domain: Type of Activity: Care Management Professional / Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 21 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL4 Specific Unit Outcome: Compare and contrast the specific contribution of the various health professionals involved in the provision of services in your specialist area Domain: Type of Activity: Care Management How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 22 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Name: Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidation EL5 Unit Outcome: Convey skill in selecting, administating and interpreting a range of appropriate interventions for care provision Domain: Care Delivery Care Management Type of Activity: How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 23 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL6 Specific Unit Outcome: Demonstrate skill in involving patients / users and where appropriate, carers in the assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation of interventions. Domain: Type of Activity: Care Delivery How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 24 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL7 Specific Unit Outcome: Identify and analyse a range of evidence based interventions and their application to users of specialist services; demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between evidence-based interventions and your own practices. Domain: Type of Activity: Care Delivery Care Management Professional / Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 25 Evidence of Achievements in Practice Na m e : Unit of Learning: Date: Elective / Consolidative EL8 Specific Unit Outcome: With your clinical colleagues and mentor, demonstrate an ability to tactfully discuss and where necessary – challenge specific interventions employed in your chosen specialist area. Domain: Type of Activity: Care Management Professional/Ethical Practice How have I achieved this Outcome? Discussion with Mentor / Assessor Mentor / Assessor signature: Student Signature: Date: Date: 26 UNIT: Elective / Consolidative Identified Strengths/Learning Needs The Mentor/Assessor should: Provide a summary of the student’s strengths and learning needs Strengths: Learning Needs: The Student should: Use the strengths/learning needs identified here to help you and your mentor/assessor plan the learning needs for your next placement (see overleaf). 27 END OF PLACEMENT REVIEW OF PROGRESS The mentor/assessor should: Provide a general review of the student’s progress during placement. Complete the Statement of Achievement overleaf. Review learning needs for student’s next placement. General Review of Progress on Placement Learning needs identified by the student and mentor/assessor for the next placement The student should: Use these learning needs to help you prepare for the initial meeting with mentor/assessor in your next placement (ensure you have a photocopy of this completed page to take with you on your next placement) Mentor/Assessor’s signature: …………………………………… Date: …………….. Student’s signature: ……………………………………………... Date: …..………… 28 MENTOR / ASSESSOR’S STATEMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT Elective / Consolidative – Year 2 (Year 3) : EFFECTIVE PRACTITIONER The student has achieved the Unit practice outcomes: the student can perform any practice skills specified in the Unit outcomes effectively and in the correct manner; the student demonstrates a willingness to examine critically her/his practice skills in consultation with his/her mentor and explore alternatives. The student acts honestly and lawfully and recognises his/her limitations. These Statements are complementary to the Unit Outcomes. If the student is successful in all Unit outcomes then this Statement MUST reflect that. A student can only be recorded as unsuccessful in this Statement if elements of the Unit Outcomes have NOT been achieved and evidence is insufficient. Mentor/Assessor’s Signature 1. Effective Practitioner SUCCESSFUL (S) The student has met the safe practitioner criteria detailed above. UNSUCCESFUL (U) The student has NOT met the safe practitioner criteria detailed above*. Date 2. Attendance Sickness: Total number of days …….. on number of occasions ……. Absence: Total number of days …….. on number of occasions ……. 3. Conduct SUCCESSFUL (S) The student’s personal conduct and interpersonal contact with patients/clients, carers, nursing colleagues and other allied disciplines has been appropriate. UNSUCCESFUL (U) The student’s personal conduct and interpersonal contact with patients/clients, carers, nursing colleagues and other allied disciplines has NOT been appropriate*. *Where this is the case, the mentor/assessor should, after consultation with the student’s Academic teacher, include on a separate sheet of paper, a signed and dated short report justifying this decision. 29 RECORD OF PRACTICE HOURS Name of Student:……………………………………………………………………………………….. Cohort:…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Programme (DPSM / DPSN / BNurs):………………………………………………………………... Please complete the hours worked. Otherwise, please select the correct key to indicate the reason for absence CS S PBS SP N Sickness (Certified – Both the School and the Practice Placement have been notified) Uncertified Sickness / Unauthorised Leave Practice Based Seminar Spoke Placement/Seminar Night Duty N.B Please note that DPSN students should work 37.5 hours per week. (This should not include more than 2 weekends per month and no more than one long shift per week) B/Nurse students work 35 hours per week. DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR 30 DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR DATE (w/c) HOURS SIGNED BY STUDENT SIGNED BY MENTOR I certify that the total hours worked within this placement is: 31 Hours