{14 Client Name} Ay Date: Date Placement required: DHS Client No: CSO Client No: Approval for Placement Decision to refer for placement approved by: Name: Position: Worker Name Office Direct Phone No Mobile Phone No Email Team Leader Name Office Direct Phone No Mobile Phone No Email DHS PLACEMENT REFERRAL FORM For a child or young person to be looked after by a placement agency 1.0 Child/Young Person Name Also known as Date of Birth/ Age Gender 1.1 Is the child/young person Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander? Was the Aboriginal Child Specialist Advice and Support Service (ACSASS) involved in the decision to place this child at this time? Name of ACSASS Worker Location: Telephone: Mobile: Email 1.2 Does the child/young person identify with any other ethnicity, culture or religion? If yes, please specify: If yes, please also consider Dietary Requirements under Health section. 1.3 What is the child/young person’s first language or preferred means of communication? Sign language (if applicable): First language: Other Languages: 1.4 If spoken English is not the client’s first language, how well does the child/young person speak English? 1.5 Current Primary Carer: Name Relationship to child/young person 1.6 Child/Young Person’s Current Address: 1.7 Has this child/young person ever been placed in care before? Refer to 9.0 Placement History for details. 1 {14 Client Name} 1.8 Current Protective Involvement: Intake date Current Phase Substantiated? Abuse(s): Alleged or Substantiated 1.9 Current Legal Status & Disclosure of Placement Date Application/Hearing/Order Order Expiry Date { Application issue Date} {Order Commencement Date} Insert current applications {Application type} orders {Order type}, hearings {Hearing type} {Order Expiry} Placement disclosed Yes / No Order Conditions: 1.10 What placement type will best meet the needs of this child/young person? Refer to 10.0 Summary of important requirements for this placement. 1.11 Is the child/young person part of a sibling group needing placement? Names of siblings of this child/young person Name Also Known As DHS Client No DOB & Age Gender Is there any reason why this sibling group should not be placed together? Please state the reason and indicate the preferred placement arrangements? 2.0 BEST INTERESTS PLANNING & PLACEMENT PURPOSE 2.1 Why is this child/young person being placed now? 2.2 Overall best interests planning direction 2 {14 Client Name} FREE TEXT 2.3 What is the purpose for placement? 2.4 For how long is an out of home care placement likely to be needed? 2.5 Is there an up to date written Statutory Best Interests Plan? 3.0 CHILD/YOUNG PERSON’S CARE & ROUTINES What other significant information is needed about the child/young person’s routine in order to give satisfactory immediate care? 3.1 Communication 3.2 Meal times 3.3 Bedtimes 3.4 Leisure 3.5 Selfcare 4.0 HEALTH 4.1 Medicare number 4.2 Health Care Card number 4.3 Health Alerts Alert Management/Treatment 4.4 Health Conditions and Disabilities 3 {14 Client Name} Condition Age Identified Year Ceased 4.5 Details of conditions {88 Details of conditions} Treatment Please specify current treatment including medications and how they are administered (eg frequency & type [oral, syringe]). 4.6 Are there any outstanding medical or dental appointments? Name Address Telephone Type of appointment Date of Appointment and time 4.7 Are there any outstanding conditions likely to require medical or dental appointments within 2 weeks of placement? Condition 4.8 Does the child/young person have specific dietary requirements? Please include dietary needs/restrictions for health or religious reasons (refer to 1.2) or through their own choice e.g. young person might choose to be vegetarian. 4.9 Does the child/young person currently use any aids or appliances? Aid/Appliance Description Year Commenced 4.10 Does the child/young person wet the bed? 4 5.0 EMOTIONAL and BEHAVIOURAL DEVELOPMENT {14 Client Name} 5.1 Does the child/young person display any behaviour(s) that has been of a concern to his or her parents or other carers now or in the past? 5.2 Please describe these behaviours, including triggers and frequency. 5.3 How are these behaviours managed? 6.0 EDUCATION 6. 1 What is the current child care/preschool/school attended? Name: Type of School: Address: Phone: Name: Type of School: Address: Phone: 1 6.2 What is the current level/grade the child/young person is completing? 6.3 Current Education /Child Care/Pre-school Contact Name Role 6.4 Attendance Please outline details of days/sessions attended OR reasons not currently attending. {115 Details of attendance} 6.7 Has the childcare centre/preschool/school been advised that the child/young person is being placed in out of home care? 1 Only IF >1 record meets criteria, repeat labels and print all records (Fields 112 – 116 only) 5 {14 Client Name} 7.0 FAMILY and SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 7.1 Family & Social Network Please add details of other significant people in the network not in the list below. Name Client Age/DOB Gender Relationship to child/ End Date Address & Phone No. 7.2 Contact and Access Arrangements A. People who have access arrangements with the child/young person Name Relationship Contact Allowed Contact Type Police Check Frequency B. People who have been prohibited access to the child/young person Name Relationship Address 7.3 Current Court Orders & conditions associated with contact and access Court Order Start Relevant Conditions 7.4 What immediate arrangements have been made for contact? Name Date Day Place Time Frequency 7.5 Does the child/young person want anyone else to know where they are? If so who? If so, has this person been contacted yet? 8.0 PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT 8.4 Other Professionals Involved Name Agency, Address & Phone No. Role Start End Start End Additional Professionals not listed in above table Name 9.0 Agency, Address & Phone No. Role PLACEMENT HISTORY Placement Type Address Start End Reason Placement Started 6 {14 Client Name} 10.0 SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PLACEMENT What are the most critical requirements for the care of this child/young person? 7