Syllabus for state exam : Maxillofacial Surgery

Dental Medicine
Syllabus for state exam : Maxillofacial Surgery
1. Intraoral radiography
(periapical radiography, bitewing radiography, occlusal radiography;
indications, techniques, normal image, pathological image).
2. Extraoral radiography
(skull projections – occipitomental (Waters), postero-anterior (PA), lateral, submento-vertex
(full axial); mandibular lateral oblique projections – body, ramus; dental panoramic tomography;
indications, techniques, normal image, pathological image).
3. Anaesthetic solutions
(composition, pharmacodynamics, solution properties and requirements for local anaesthesia).
4. Anaesthesia of the upper teeth
(sites of injections, technique of injections, spread of analgesia).
5. Anaesthesia of the lower teeth
(sites of injections, technique of injections, spread of analgesia).
6. Complications of dental anaesthesia and their treatment
(failure of dental anaesthesia - reasons and how to get the failure under control ; local and general
complications and how to get the complications under control).
7. Indications and contraindications for the extraction of teeth
(indications in pedodontics, parodontology, conservative dentistry, prosthetic dentistry,
orthodontics, oral surgery; local and systemic contraindications and how to prepare the patient for
8. Mechanical principles of extraction of the teeth and indications for preextraction
(use of a lever; use of forceps – correct insertion, movements, expansion of the socket, etc.;
indications for preextraction radiographs; requirements of a preextraction radiograph; interpretation of the
possible complications).
9. Intra-alveolar extraction (dental forceps, elevators)
(forceps: upper and lower teeth - position of the operator; height of the dental chair; position of the head of
the patient; selection and correct insertion of the dental forceps; correct movements with forceps; common
errors in forceps extraction; extractions of individual teeth; extraction of deciduous teeth
elevators: types of elevators; correct holding of elevators; insertion and working with elevators).
10. Trans-alveolar extraction
(indications; technique of transalveolar extraction – flaps, bone removal, tooth or root removal,
socket toilet, suturing, after-care, removal of sutures).
11. Extraction of teeth and roots under general anaesthesia
(indications; preoperative considerations; extraction technique; recovery of the patient).
12. Complications of teeth extraction
(local and general complications and their management).
13. Apicoectomy
(indications; contraindications; technique of operation; apicoectomy with root canal filling and
with retrograde filling).
14. Intentional replantation of tooth
(indications and contraindications; technique of replantation; tooth and socket treatment; splinting;
15. Mandibular abscesses
(spaces; abscesses - causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis; treatment).
16. Maxillary abscesses
(spaces; abscesses - causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis; treatment).
17. Osteitis, osteomyelitis and osteoradionecrosis of the jaws
(osteitis: characteristic, causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis; treatment
osteomyelitis: acute and chronic osteomyelitis, osteomyelitis of the upper and lower jaws,
osteomyelitis in adults and children - causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and differential
diagnosis; treatment
osteoradionecrosis: characteristic, causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis; treatment).
18. Oroantral communication and maxillary sinusitis
(oroantral communication: characteristic, causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis;
maxillary sinusitis: acute and chronic sinusitis - characteristic, causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and
differential diagnosis; treatment).
19. Displacement of a tooth or root into the maxillary sinus. Foreign body in the maxillary
sinus. Fractured tuberosity
(displacement of a tooth or root into the maxillary sinus and foreign body in the maxillary sinus: causes,
clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment
fractured tuberosity - causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment).
20. Diseases of the temporomandibular joint
(nontraumatic diseases – inflammatory and noninflammatory, developmental disturbances, arthritis,
arthrosis - causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment).
21. Diseases of the major salivary glands
(acute and chronic sialoadenitis, swellings, neoplasms - causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment).
22. Odontogenic infection and its control. Antibiotics in oral surgery
(composition of the infection - organisms; principles of antibiotic therapy; antibiotic preparations;
when the antibiotic therapy is indicated – diseases and situations; prophylactic antibiotic therapy).
23. Odontogenic cysts
(characteristic; cyst enlargement; types of odontogenic cysts – causes, clinical signs, diagnosis and
differential diagnosis; treatment).
24. Nonodontogenic cysts of the orofacial region
(intrabony and soft tissues cysts; characteristic; types of odontogenic cysts – causes, clinical signs,
diagnosis and differential diagnosis; treatment).
25. Common principles of the treatment of the cysts of the orofacial region
(marsupialization; enucleation – with packing, with primary closure, with bone grafting;
26. Benign tumours of oral cavity and jaws
(characteristic; benign tumours of the soft tissues; benign tumours of the jaws – causes, clinical signs,
diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment).
27. Malignant tumours of oral cavity and jaws
(characteristic; malignant tumours of the soft tissues; malignant tumours of the jaws – causes, clinical signs,
diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment).
28. Treatment of cancers of the oral cavity. Management of the radiotherapy or
chemotherapy patient
(treatment of cancers of the oral cavity; surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy - common principles;
management of the radiotherapy or chemotherapy patient – how to prepare the patient during and after the
radiotherapy and chemotherapy for exctractions and surgical procedures, when and how to do extractions
and surgical procedures).
29. Classification of head and neck cancers
(TNM classification, clinical stage groupings).
30. Basic principles of treatment of maxillofacial injuries. First aid
(first aid – resuscitation; breathing, circulation and haemorrhage control; temporary imobilization of
principles of treatment – tetanus prophylaxis, reduction, fixation, imobilization, infection control).
31. Maxillofacial injuries – extraoral and intraoral local examination
(common clinical signs and symptoms of maxillofacial injuries – deformity, abnormal mobility,
malocclusion, trismus, neurologic signs, pain, ophthalmologic signs, unconsciousness, shock).
32. Soft tissues injuries
(contusion, abrasion, lacerated wounds, combined soft tissue and bone injuries; recent and older wounds –
principles of treatment).
33. Injuries of the teeth and alveolar process
(injuries of the teeth (crowns and roots) and alveolar process - classification, clinical signs, diagnosis,
34. Fractures of the body of the mandible
(causes, classification, clinical signs, diagnosis, principles of the treatment – reduction, fixation,
35. Injuries of the condylar and coronoid processes
(causes, classification, clinical signs, diagnosis, principles of the treatment - reduction, fixation,
36. Fractures of the zygomatic complex and orbit
(causes, classification, clinical signs, diagnosis, principles of the treatment - reduction, fixation,
37. Fractures of the middle third of the facial skeleton
(causes, classification, clinical signs, diagnosis, principles of the treatment - reduction, fixation,
38. Preprosthetic surgery
(bony and soft tissues irregularities of denture bearing areas;
alveolar process soft tissues changes – fibrous ridges, frenal and fibrous bands, prominent attachments of
muscles, denture-induced hyperplasia – clinical features, tretament procedures.
alveolar process bony irregularities – bony prominences and exostosis, enlarged maxillary tuberosity,
torus palatinus, torus mandibularis, prominent genial tubercle – clinical features, treatment procedures;
vestibuloplasty; lowering of the floor of the mouth; bony ridge augmentation – principles of surgical
39. Dental implants
(materials and types of dental implants; osteointegration; patient selection – indications, local and general
contraindications; anatomic prerequisities for implants; age limitations; sinus lift procedure – principles;
implant placement – principles; complications).
40. Dentofacial deformities
(receding chin, mandibular retrusion and protrusion, maxillary retrusion and protrusion, open bite, cross
bite – causes, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment possibilities – principles of surgical procedures).
41. Lymphoid lesions
(lymph nodes groups; lymphatic swellings of the neck – reactive lesions, cysts, tumours – etiology,
clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment).
42. Orofacial clefts
(etiologic factors; sites of clefts; clinical features - associated problems of the patients; treatment
43. Bone disorders affecting the jaws
(fibrous dysplasia, hyperparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy, Paget´s disease, acromegaly, osteopetrosis,
cleidocranial dysostosis – etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment
44. Diseases of the blood. Management of haemorrhage in oral surgery
(local causes of hemorrhage and their management; haemorrhagic diseases: coagulation defects –
haemophilia, hypoprothrombinaemia; capillaries anomalies - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Von Willebrand´s
disease, Osler-Weber-Rendu disease; leukaemia; anticoagulant drugs – management of the patients before
extractions and surgery and after-care).
45. Sensory disturbances of face and jaws
(impaired sensation, neuritis, idiopathic and secondary neuralgias – etiology, clinical features, diagnosis,
46. Motor disturbances of face and jaws
(paralysis and trismus - etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment).
47. Management of the medically compromised patient
(patients with cardiovascular diseases – angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart diseases,
cardiac prosthetic devices, cardiac pacemakers, hypertension; patients with haemorrhagic disorders –
haemophilia, trombocytopenia, leukemia; pregnant women; diabetes mellitus; liver disorders; thyroid
dysfunction; patients with immunosuppressants - management of the patients before extractions and
surgery and after-care ).
48. Principles of differential diagnosis and biopsy
(history and clinical examination; signs for differential diagnosis – character of the lesion, growth, colour,
surface, consistency, presence of pain, mobility, location, size, number of lesions, boundaries, fluctuation,
pulsation, tenderness, x-ray features, etc.
biopsy – indications; characteristics of malignancy; oral cytology, aspiration biopsy, incisional and
excisional biopsy – technique).