MSc2 Extended Case Placement 30.01.06 to 10.03.06 MSc2 Extended Case Placement Information for Clinical Educators and Students Semester 2 2005-06 Aims 1. To provide students with the experience of conducting research in speech and language pathology in the clinical setting. 2. To develop an in-depth understanding of applying theory to an individual case. Objectives Students will: 1. design an appropriate research study to be used within treatment of an individual case 2. collect and analyse data 3. write an extended case report which includes a survey of relevant literature and an efficacy study. If an efficacy study proves to be impractical, students should submit an efficacy design. During the first 6 weeks of semester 2 the student is to carry out a research study. The written case report will be similar to those submitted in Year 1. The report will contain: (a) a review of relevant literature (b) a detailed description and in-depth discussion of the nature of the client’s communication disorder (c) an in-depth discussion of the management of the client’s disorder with reference to the literature (d) clear indication of other professionals involved with the client and the student’s involvement with them. The case report is to be no more than 10,000 words in length Responsibilities within placement See Appendix A for further Guidelines on ensuring Good Liaison between Clinical Educators and Students (a) STUDENT 1. The student will contact the Clinical Educator (CE) prior to the beginning of the placement and discuss (a) Named Supervisor from University and contact details (b) The selected client (c) Agreed days / times for liaison meetings with CE and client contact (d) Service policies / pathways of care within Service / Trust. 2. The student will provide copies of session plans / rationale / reports to CE and discuss all decision with CE before implementing / suggesting to client and carers. Carolyn Letts / Julie Bradford 1 MSc2 Extended Case Placement 30.01.06 to 10.03.06 3. Client case notes should be written up following service and RCSLT guidelines. 4. The student will ensure that client is seen from a holistic view point and approach to client care embraces inter-professional focus: (a) Liaison should occur with any other professionals involved with the case (b) The student should discuss with CE any professionals whom they consider should be involved in the case and refer on as appropriate. This information should be included and outlined within the submitted Case Report. 5. There must be rationale provided for all assessments carried out – this includes formal assessments, observations and informal/base-line measures. 6. There should be a clear and realistic balance between assessment and treatment. If a complex case requires a great deal of assessment, then “diagnostic therapy” would be encouraged and/or assessments in parallel to an intervention programme 7. At the end of placement, the student must ensure the following are in place: (a) recommendations for future intervention (see 3 above) (b) on-going therapy plan or programme (c) clinical report submitted to Service observing usual protocol. 8. The individual Trust / Clinic service delivery policies and pathways of care must be adhered to with respect to therapy recommendations and subsequent care. 9. Confidentiality of the client will be strictly observed. (b) CLINICAL EDUCATOR (CE) 1. The CE has overall responsibility for client. 2. The CE will designate a suitable client to the student and provide access to available information concerning this client (other professionals, case notes, reports). 3. When selecting a client, the CE will consider availability of client over the placement period. (e.g. family arrangements / educational commitments). 4. CE and student will outline clear channels / dates / times for liaison to occur regarding client care at the beginning of the placement. 5. CE will discuss pathways of care and service policies with the student (including case note completion, future recommendations, statistical data/ records required). (c) UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR 1. Support CE and student with respect to theoretical and design issues. 2. Liaise as appropriately with student and CE and to ensure common goals. Information Collection 1. Complete case history information (type of information collection will vary depending upon the nature of the communication disorder) (a) medical history Carolyn Letts / Julie Bradford 2 MSc2 Extended Case Placement 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 30.01.06 to 10.03.06 (b) history of the presenting communication disorder (c) social information/family relationships (d) birth history (e) developmental history (f) educational history results of relevant medical/allied health investigations (e.g. laryngoscopy, CT, audiogram) Previous speech and language investigation results Previous management of the speech and language disorder Document, in detail, the content of the sessions in which the student is involved with the client. Consider ways of measuring improvement Status at the beginning of the student’s intervention Assessment and/or therapy goals and rationale Inter-professional approach to intervention Status in the final session. Recommendations and rationale for future management/treatment Presentation of Written Report A suggested structure for the case report is as follows:1. Title page 2. Abstract 3. Table of Contents (including lists of tables, figures and appendices) 4. Literature Review 5. Method (including subject, materials, procedures, intended analyses) 6. Results (including tables, figures, statistics) 7. Discussion (specific statement of findings related to literature review) 8. Conclusions (setting out general statement of findings, how study could have been improved and suggestions for the future) 9. References 10. Appendices Note: Method and Results may be merged if you find this more appropriate For copies of last year’s reports see Allison Reid / Kate Moore. References All references in the text should be listed in the reference list. The style exemplified below may be used, but whatever the style is selected the referencing conventions must be consistent. Carr, B.M. (1969) Ear effect variables and order of report in dichotic listening. Cortex, 5, 63-68. Ganz, L. (1975) Temporal factors in visual perception. In Carterette, E.C. and Friedman M.P. (Eds), Handbook of Perception. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Levinson, S.C. (1983) Pragmatics. Cambridge: CUP Lewis, M. (1963) Personal Communication. Ricksm D.M. (1972) The beginning of vocal communication in infants and autistic children. Unpublished Doctorate of Medicine thesis, University of London. Carolyn Letts / Julie Bradford 3 MSc2 Extended Case Placement 30.01.06 to 10.03.06 Ventura, J. (1978) Criteria and practice effects in facial mitaconstruct. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, La Fonto, August. Zekulin, I (1930) Quoted in James, E.C. (1945) Artifacts in Behavioural Research. New York: Academic Press. Pp35-36. References cited in the text should be as follows: James (1980) claimed that …….. According to Smith (1973), “where conflict between data between modalities occurs, interpretation in terms of one of the modalities may dominate” (p13). Spatial imagery cannot develop without sight (Serden, 1932). Jefferson (1984: cited by Atkinson, 1986) argued that ….. Carolyn Letts / Julie Bradford 4 MSc2 Extended Case Placement 30.01.06 to 10.03.06 Appendix A Guidelines for ensuring good liaison between Clinical Educators, students and the University To ensure that students, clinical educators and clients get the most from these placements, we suggest the following guidelines to maximise communication and clarity of expectations. 1. Contact the Speech and Language Therapist as soon as possible to discuss possible case(s) available for this placement. 2. Arrange meetings: introduction - prior to the 6 weeks intervention update if required - during the 6 weeks intervention feedback - following the 6 weeks intervention 3. Agenda items to include in meetings: Expectations - of the student / of the placement / of the therapist Departmental standards (statistics / outcome measures / deadlines for reports, etc.) Concerns / queries Case notes Sessions - number, timing, location Other professionals involved - meetings / access to reports etc. 4. Provide detailed plans and written information to clinician (and / or case notes) as appropriate: formal and informal assessments contacts with other professionals session plans 5. On completion of placement Detailed report to be sent to all concerned within 2 weeks of final session Case notes to be completed Recommendations & Outcome measures to be completed Carolyn Letts / Julie Bradford 5