End of placement report form

MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration)
End of Placement Report Form
 Year 1: Summer block
 Year 2: Spring mini-block
Instructions for completing the placement report form
1. The block coordinator should arrange a meeting with all colleagues involved in the placement.
2. Use evidence collected from the whole placement for discussion around each learning
3. Please note a student from ANY YEAR can achieve a 1st class mark if they match the marking
criteria at this level.
4. Consider the amount of time the student has spent with each clinical educator and allocate
different weighting accordingly to their opinion when deciding marks.
5. Use evidence to decide which category the student best fits for each learning outcome in the
marking criteria.
6. If the student does not clearly fit into one category then decide if they are at the top of one or
the bottom of the other and negotiate the mark accordingly.
7. The student may ask why you have put them in a specific category so document your
reasoning for this with specific examples in the comments section.
8. Check everyone thinks that the student’s overall mark reflects their performance on
9. A mark below 40% is a fail.
10. Complete the student’s profile.
11. Please complete the general comments section at the end of the form. This is helpful for the
student’s future development and learning. Please include any comments/feedback from
clients/carers about the student as this can be useful learning for them.
Please print a copy of the report for your own records when submitting via email, in addition to
saving the document. If posting a printed report, please print two copies of the completed report
form before you send one to the placement administrator in case the original gets lost in transit.
End of placement report - instructions
Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
Student’s name:
University, and year of study:
Manchester Metropolitan University; MSc Year 1
Placement start and finish date:
Location(s) attended:
Clinical educators:
Student placement coordinator:
Block coordinator:
Not Applicable
Main client group(s) on this
Children and young people
Aetiology (if any):
Number of sessions attended:
Number of sessions absent:
End of placement report - Page 1
Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
N.B. The following sections must be completed by referring to the marking criteria, below.
1. Observation and assessment | Click here for the marking criteria
Clinical educator(s) mark and comments
Mark out of 10 =
Student reflection, evaluation and action plan
2. Planning and intervention | Click here for the marking criteria
Clinical educator(s) mark and comments
Mark out of 20 =
Student reflection, evaluation and action plan
3. Active learning and evaluation | Click here for the marking criteria
Clinical educator(s) mark and comments
Mark out of 20 =
Student reflection, evaluation and action plan
4. Application of theoretical knowledge | Click here for the marking criteria
Clinical educator(s) mark and comments
Mark out of 20 =
Student reflection, evaluation and action plan
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
5. Interpersonal skills | Click here for the marking criteria
Clinical educator(s) mark and comments
Mark out of 10 =
Student reflection, evaluation and action plan
6. Professional attributes, skills and awareness | Click here for the marking criteria
Clinical educator(s) mark and comments
Mark out of 20 =
Student reflection, evaluation and action plan
General Comments
Please include areas of strengths and areas for development. Please include any comments from
clients/carers/parents about the student that are helpful for the student’s reflection and
Overall mark:
Completed on:
By clinical educator(s):
Student present:
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
Student’s Profile
Tick the student mark for each section to show areas of strength and areas for development
and intervention
Active learning &
of theory
attributes, skills
and awareness
End of placement report - Page 4
Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
Submitting the completed end of placement report
On completion please email this form as an attachment. Please print a copy for your records.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Rob Knox, Placement Administrator:
Alternatively, print two copies, retain a copy for your records and post the second copy to:
Manchester Metropolitan University
SLT Placements
Room G 0.8, Birley Building,
53 Bonsall Street
Manchester M15 6GX
Tel: 0161 247 2583
MSc Marking Criteria
1. Observation and Assessment
1st / 70-100%
7 - 10 out of 10
developed and
2;1 / 60-69%
6 – 6.5 out of 10
(Minimal errors
Minimal support
Consistently able to select, administer and score appropriate assessments
and make hypotheses that lead to excellent management goals.
Consistently able to carry out initial assessments with accurate
evaluations independently and conclusions based on excellent theoretical
Excellent interpretation and clinical reasoning.
Shows an excellent understanding of how to measure efficacy of
Exceptional standard of clinical skills; Reflecting on clinical skills acquired
year 1; adapting quickly to new client groups
Able to formulate accurate observations excellently. The student is able to
record, analyse and interpret full range of communication/swallowing
features with virtually no errors.
Mostly able to select, administer and score appropriate assessments and
make hypotheses that lead to sound management goals.
Mostly able to carry out initial assessments independently with accuracy
formulate conclusions based on good theoretical rationale.
Good interpretation and clinical reasoning.
Shows a good understanding of how to measure efficacy of intervention
Good standard of clinical skills; Reflecting on clinical skills acquired in year
1; Adapting well to new client groups
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
2;2 / 50-59%
5 – 5.5 out of 10
(Fairly accurate
with some
Mostly able to formulate accurate observations. The student is able to
record, analyse and interpret full range of communication/swallowing
features with occasional errors.
Sometimes able to select, administer and score appropriate assessments
and make hypotheses that lead to some appropriate management goals.
Able to carry out initial assessments and formulate conclusions based on
theoretical rationale with support
Reasonable interpretation and clinical reasoning.
Shows some understanding of how to measure efficacy of intervention
Fail / 35– 49%
3.5 – 4.9 out of
(Finds it difficult
even with
support )
Clear fail / 0 –
0 – 3.4 out of 10
(Not competent
even with
Reasonable standard of clinical skills; Reflecting on clinical skills acquired
year 1; Adapting fairly well to new client groups
Sometimes able to formulate accurate observations. The student is able
to record, analyse and interpret full range of communication/swallowing
features with some errors.
Not able to carry out an initial assessment independently
Hypotheses incorrect even with support
Clinical reasoning not relevant or appropriate without extensive support
Has little concept of how to measure efficacy of intervention
Inadequate clinical growth despite significant amount of support.
Student not able to assume independent responsibility for clinical work.
Inaccurate and inconsistent observations.
Assessment skills are not at a basic level of competence.
Not able to productively complete an initial assessment; unsafe even with
extensive support
Clinical reasoning inaccurate and hypotheses not appropriate
No awareness of measuring efficacy of intervention
No growth in clinical skills; constant significant support needed.
Little or no accurate observations of sessions or own performance.
2. Planning and intervention
1st / 70-100%
14-20 out of 20
developed and
Consistently and independently uses a range of highly appropriate therapy
techniques and materials effectively targeting service user needs.
Generates well-structured and highly relevant sessions that meet specific
needs of the client and are carried out independently.
Excellent and appropriate flexibility in delivery of session plans responsive
to client need; in control throughout.
Excellent ability to record and measure outcomes during the session and
to measure the efficacy of treatment.
Excellent ability to evaluate and implement broader issues of client
management (e.g. produce management plans in the context of
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
multidisciplinary provision)
Excellent ability to formulate appropriate and highly relevant suggestions
future management or discharge
Consistently demonstrates highly realistic problem-solving abilities
Excellent development of clinical skills showing maturity of thought and
Student has adapted rapidly where client group is new to them.
2;1 / 60-69%
12-13.5 out of 20
(Minimal errors
Minimal support
2;2 / 50-59%
10-11.5 out of 20
(Fairly accurate
with some
Independently makes highly skilled and accurate deductions from the case
history, assessment findings, theory and client’s needs, which lead to clear
and appropriate hypotheses and management goals.
Formulates highly appropriate long-term and short-term treatment goals
forming the basis for highly relevant session plans
Uses a range of good therapy techniques and materials effectively
targeting service user needs
Generates therapy sessions that are good and meet specific needs of the
Demonstrates a good amount of flexibility in delivery of session plans and
is responsive to client need
Good and accurate ability to record and measure outcomes during the
session and evaluate the efficacy of treatment.
Good ability to reflect upon and implement broader issues of client
management (e.g. produce management plans in the context of
multidisciplinary provision)
Good ability to formulate appropriate and very relevant suggestions for
future management or discharge
Demonstrates good realistic problem-solving abilities
Good development of clinical skills showing some insight and
With some independence, student is able to make good, accurate
deductions from the case history, assessment findings, theory and client’s
needs, which
lead to good hypotheses and management goals.
Formulates good long-term and short-term treatment goals forming the
basis for good session plans.
Uses a range of adequate therapy techniques and materials effectively
targeting service user needs.
Generates therapy sessions that are adequate and meet the needs of the
Demonstrates a reasonable amount of flexibility in delivery of session
plans and is often responsive to client need
Reasonable able to adequately record and measure outcomes during the
session and demonstrates some ability to evaluate the efficacy of
Reasonable ability to reflect upon and implement some of the broader
issues of client management
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
Reasonable ability to formulate some appropriate suggestions for future
management or discharge
Demonstrates some reasonable problem-solving abilities
Fail / 35– 49%
7-9.8out of 20
(Finds difficult
even with
Clear fail / 0 –
0-6.8 out of 20
(Not competent
even with
Some development of clinical skills showing some insight and
With some independence, student is able to make accurate deductions
from the case history, assessment findings, theory and client’s needs, but
is reliant on support for less familiar presentations.
May need guidance to generate hypotheses and management goals.
Student is clinically competent with support.
Formulates reasonable long-term and short-term treatment goals forming
the basis for adequate session plans.
Uses a very limited range of therapy techniques and materials not always
effectively targeting service user needs.
With considerable support from the CE, the student is able to generate
therapy sessions that may sometimes meet the needs of the client
Demonstrates a limited amounts of flexibility in delivery of session plans
and is inconsistent in their responsive to client need
Student is limited in their ability to adequately record and measure
outcomes during the session and demonstrates limited ability to evaluate
the efficacy of treatment.
Unable to reflect upon and implement the broader issues of client
Limited ability to formulate some appropriate suggestions for future
management or discharge
Demonstrates limited ability to problem-solving
Slow growth in the development of clinical skills showing some insight and
With considerable support, student is able to make accurate deductions
from the case history, assessment findings, theory and client’s needs, but
is significantly reliant on support from their CE.
Student needs significant guidance to generate hypotheses and
management goals.
Student is limited in their ability to generate long-term and short-term
treatment goals, thus sessions plans are very limited
Highly inadequate or inappropriate therapy techniques and materials
showing no insight into service user need.
Inappropriate or no suggestions for future management.
No growth in clinical skills despite on-going support.
Plans and aims are minimal, absent or excessively wordy and show
misunderstandings, despite continued support.
Very rigid and/or inconsistent approach; sessions ineffective with no
insight or reflection on predisposing factors.
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
3. Active Learning and Evaluation
1st / 70-100%
14 - 20 out of 20
and accurate)
Excellent ability to show initiative and independence in addressing his/her
own clinical skills and learning needs.
Highly skilled and independent at collating/ bringing together information
from different sources.
Excellent ability to independently inquire about and meet the needs of
the client group.
Excellent ability to consider and incorporate the views of others.
Excellent ability to respond to and independently act upon feedback from
others on his/her clinical practice.
Demonstrates excellent insight into knowing when to seek advice for
confirmation of clinical reasoning & management plans
Excellent ability to reflect upon own learning and actively involved in the
self-learning process. Student is able to accurately evaluate self and
therapy skills and reflect upon suggestions, thus making necessary
Demonstrates excellent critical reflection skills (includes a highly
perceptive evaluation of own performance and effectiveness of therapy).
2;1 / 60-69%
12 - 13.5 out of
(Minimal errors
2;2 / 50-59%
10 - 11.5 out of
(Fairly accurate
with some
Good ability to show initiative and independence in addressing his/her
own clinical skills and learning needs.
Shows independence in collating/ bringing together information from
different sources.
A sound ability to independently inquire about and meet the needs of the
client group.
Good ability to consider and incorporate the views of others.
Good ability to respond to and act upon feedback from others on his/her
clinical practice.
Demonstrates good insight into knowing when to seek advice for
confirmation of clinical reasoning & management plans
A good ability to reflect upon own learning and actively involved in the
self-learning process. Student is usually able to accurately evaluate self
and therapy skills and reflect upon suggestions
Demonstrates good critical reflection skills (includes an accurate
perceptive evaluation of own performance and effectiveness of therapy).
Reasonable ability to show initiative and independence in addressing
his/her own clinical skills and learning needs.
With support, student is able to collate/ bring together information from
different sources.
A reasonable ability to inquire about and meet the needs of the clientgroup, may need some support.
Reasonable ability to consider and incorporate the views of others, but
may need support.
Reasonable ability to respond to and act upon feedback from others on
his/her clinical practice with support
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
Fail / 40 – 49%
7 - 9.8 out of 20
(Finds difficult
with support)
Clear Fail /
0 – 34%
0 – 7.8 out
of 20
(Not competent
even with
Demonstrates some insight into knowing when to seek advice for
confirmation of clinical reasoning & management plans
A reasonable ability to reflect upon own learning and actively involved in
the self-learning process, but may be inconsistent. Student is sometimes
able to accurately evaluate self and therapy skills and reflect upon
Demonstrates a basic critical reflection skills (includes an appropriate and
perceptive evaluation of own performance and effectiveness of therapy
with support).
Lack of commitment or initiative. Demonstrates poor critical reflection
skills (includes evaluation of own performance and effectiveness of
Evaluation of self and therapy skills is inaccurate and inconsistent.
Shows a lack of initiative and independence in addressing his/her own
clinical skills and learning needs.
CE may need to structure student's thinking quite considerably.
Responds inappropriately and generally fails to act on feedback from
others on his/her clinical practice.
Has little concept of when to seek advice for confirmation of clinical
reasoning and management plans.
Lack of commitment to self-learning process; unable to adapt following
advice, despite significant amount of support. Feedback given in year 1
has not been acted on.
Discussions almost entirely dependent on direction of CE.
Absence of critical reflection skills as a foundation for ongoing
professional development (includes evaluation of own performance and
effectiveness of therapy).
Shows no initiative and independence in addressing his/her own clinical
skills and learning needs.
Little or no accurate evaluation of sessions or own performance. Feedback
given in year 1 has not been addressed / accepted or acted on.
Responds inappropriately and fails to act on feedback from others on
his/her clinical practice.
Shows no awareness of when to seek advice for confirmation of clinical
reasoning and management plans.
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
4. Application of Theoretical Knowledge
1st / 70-100%
14 - 20 out of 20
developed &
2;1 / 60-69%
12 - 13.5 out of
(Minimal errors
& Minimal
2;2 / 50-59%
10 - 11.5 out of
(Fairly accurate
with some
Fail/ 35 – 49%
7- 9.8 out of 20
(Finds it difficult
even with
Clear Fail / 30 –
6 - 7.5 out of 20
(Not competent
even with
Excellent understanding of a range of communication/swallowing disorders
Able to independently generate, implement and evaluate intervention using
the support of an appropriate theoretical rationale.
Excellent understanding of understanding of a wide range of
communication disorders in differing client groups
Excellent ability to critically evaluate theory and understand its application
to clinical management
Good understanding of a range of communication/swallowing disorders
Good ability to generate, implement and evaluate intervention using the
support of an appropriate theoretical rationale with minimal support
Good understanding of understanding of a wide range of communication
disorders in differing client groups
Good ability to critically evaluate theory and its understand its application
to clinical management
Reasonable understanding of a range of communication/swallowing
Adequate discussions, showing basic understanding of key issues.
With some support from the CE, the student is able to able to plan,
carry out and evaluate intervention, but may not always use an appropriate
theoretical rationale
Reasonable understanding of understanding of a wide range of
communication disorders in differing client groups
Shows ability to use some theoretical knowledge when discussing and
planning therapy, but may require support from the CE to do so
Limited understanding of a range of communication/
swallowing disorders
With CE support, the student is able to able to plan, carry out and
evaluate intervention, but is not able to use an appropriate theoretical
rationale and has limited understanding of the relationship of theory
to clinical practice
Theoretical knowledge is inadequate and student has failed to apply
appropriate theoretical rationale to clinical practice
Discussions and decisions may indicate significant theoretical
knowledge errors
Discussions and decisions are led by the CE and indicate that the student
has extremely limited theoretical knowledge.
The student is unable to able to plan, carry out and evaluate
intervention, and is not able to use an appropriate theoretical rationale
Discussions and decisions show frequent misconceptions in relation to
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
Shows no evidence of theoretical knowledge.
5. Interpersonal Skills
1st / 70-100%
7 - 10 out of 10
developed and
2;1 / 60-69%
6 – 6.9 out of 10
(Minimal errors
Minimal support
2;2 / 50-59%
5 – 5.9 out of 10
(Fairly accurate
with some
Fail / 35 – 49%
3.5 – 4.9 out of
(Finds difficult
even with
Provides excellent accurate and constructive feedback and support to
Facilitates excellent exchange of relevant, well-judged and useful
information with carers
Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the influence of their own
feelings, knowledge, beliefs and experience, and the potential for
prejudicial judgements
Excellent interpersonal skills with clients/carers and professionals.
Excellent rapport established with client and carers and recognises
emotional presentation of client/carers and responds with sensitivity.
Excellent insight into own interpersonal skills and easily able to adapt
them to meet the needs of the situation
Provides good constructive feedback and support to clients
Facilitates good exchange of relevant, well-judged information with carers
Demonstrates a good understanding of the influence of their own
feelings, knowledge, beliefs and experience, and the potential for
prejudicial judgements
Good interpersonal skills with clients/carers and professionals.
Good rapport established with client and carers and usually recognises
emotional presentation of client/carers and responds with sensitivity.
Good insight into own interpersonal skills and usually able to adapt them
to meet the needs of the situation
Provides reasonable level constructive feedback and support to clients,
with support
Facilitates reasonable exchange of relevant, well-judged information with
Basic understanding of the influence of their own feelings, knowledge,
beliefs and experience, and the potential for prejudicial judgements
Reasonable interpersonal skills with clients/carers and professionals.
Satisfactory rapport established with client and carers and basic
awareness of emotional presentation of client/carer & appropriate
response to this.
Basic insight into own interpersonal skills and how to adapt them to meet
the needs of the situation
Doesn't facilitate effective information exchange with carer. There may be
Inappropriate insight into own interpersonal skills and how to adapt them
to meet the needs of the situation
Little or no understanding of the influence of their own feelings,
knowledge, beliefs and experience, and the potential for prejudicial
Adequate interpersonal skills not developed. They are not always
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
appropriate for client/professional relationships.
Inappropriate or inconsistent interaction skills.
Rapport sometimes but not always established.
Rigid and unresponsive approach.
Clear fail / 0 –
No attempt to feedback to client.
0 – 3.5 out of 10
(Not competent
even with
Unable to demonstrate insight into own interpersonal skills and how to
adapt them to meet the needs of the situation
Rapport with clients is poorly established if at all; interaction skills
inadequate or inappropriate.
Very rigid and/or inconsistent approach.
Doesn't facilitate effective information exchange with carer
Unable to show understanding of the influence of their own feelings,
knowledge, beliefs and experience, and the potential for prejudicial
6. Professional Attributes, Skills and Awareness
1st / 70-100%
14 - 20 out of 20
and accurate)
2;1 / 60-69%
12 - 13.5 out of
(Minimal errors
2;2 / 50-59%
Excellent ability to able to deal competently and independently with
broader issues of client / case management
Shows excellent initiative and takes full responsibility for administration
duties, record keeping and report writing.
Excellent interpersonal skills with other professionals, recognising and
respecting their roles.
Excellent use of appropriate technical and professional language,
recognising the context.
Engages fully in discussions in entirely professional and mature manner.
Excellent understanding of extended role, responsibilities and boundaries
of an SLT.
Excellent level of professionalism in manner, behaviour and interaction
with others ensures wellbeing and safety of all parties
Good ability to able to deal competently and independently with broader
issues of client/case management with minimal support
Shows good initiative and takes responsibility for administration duties,
record keeping and report writing.
Good interpersonal skills with other professionals, recognising and
respecting their roles.
Good use of appropriate technical and professional language, recognising
the context.
Engages in discussions in a very professional and mature manner.
Good understanding of extended role, responsibilities and boundaries of
an SLT.
Good level of professionalism in manner, behaviour and interaction with
others ensures well-being and safety of all parties
Reasonable ability to able to deal competently with broader issues of
client/case management with some support
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Speech and language therapy clinical placement: End of placement report
MSc Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration): Marking criteria
10 - 11.5 out of
(Fairly accurate
with some
Shows some initiative and takes some responsibility for administration
duties, record keeping and report writing.
Reasonable interpersonal skills with other professionals, recognising and
respecting their roles.
Reasonable use of appropriate technical and professional language, may
require some support
Engages in discussions in a professional and mature manner.
Has acquired an adequate level of professional and clinical competence.
Fail / 40 – 49%
8 - 9.8 out of 20
(Finds difficult
with support)
Reasonable understanding of extended role, responsibilities and
boundaries of an SLT.
Adequate level of professionalism in manner, behaviour and interaction
with others
Limited or inappropriate understanding of broader issues of
client / case management
No attempt to carry out administrative duties independently or without
Record keeping or report writing may be inadequate even with support
Does not follow Trust policies and procedures
Unable to work effectively with other professionals, manner may be
inappropriate or unprofessional.
Little or no use of technical and professional language.
Cannot participate appropriately in discussion
Clear Fail /
0 – 34%
0 – 6.8 out
of 20
(Not competent
even with
No awareness of organisational structures and funding issues impacting
on SLT services
Student has not reached the level of professional or clinical competence
for client group concerned, and is not able to assume independent
responsibility for clinical work.
No understanding of appropriate client / case management
Manner is unprofessional.
No understanding of context for delivery of SLT services
Safety of participants is jeopardised; CE may have to intervene
in sessions
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