Antibibiotic Prophylaxis in Gastrointetinal Endoscopy 1

BSG Guidelines in Gastroenterology 2007
MC Allison, JAT Sandoe, R Tighe, IA Simpson, RJ Hall, TSJ Elliott
1.1 Infective endocarditis is an extremely rare complication following endoscopy.
Because its sequelae can be devastating, it is recommended that antibiotics are given
before endoscopy in certain circumstances even though there is no good evidence that
antibiotics can prevent this complication.
1.2 Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for all endoscopic procedures in patients at
high cardiac risk for endocarditis. Evidence Grade III, Recommendation Grade B.
1.3 Antibiotic prophylaxis should also be given to patients at moderate risk of
endocarditis, or those with a history of recent vascular grafting or stenting, undergoing a
procedure with a high risk of bacteraemia. Procedures with high risk of bacteraemia are
oesophageal dilatation, variceal injection, and thermal procedures such as laser or argon
beam ablation of a tumour. Oesophageal stenting and interventional procedures done
under endoscopic ultrasound guidance are included in this category even though studies
on associated bacteraemia are lacking. Evidence Grade IV, Recommendation Grade C.
1.4 The recommended regime for adults is a single slow intravenous injection of
amoxicillin (1g for adults), followed by a single slow intravenous injection of gentamicin
(1.5mg/kg). The post-procedure dose of amoxicillin has been abandoned. Teicoplanin
should be given instead of amoxicillin if there is a history of penicillin allergy. Evidence
Grade IV, Recommendation Grade C.
1.5 Antibiotic prophylaxis is also recommended in circumstances where
immunosuppression and/or neutropenia might cause symptomatic bacteraemia to
become a potentially life-threatening event. Evidence Grade IV, Recommendation Grade C.
1.6 Microbiological advice based on any recent positive cultures should be taken into
account when deciding on antibiotic prophylaxis regimens. Evidence Grade IV,
Recommendation Grade C.
1.7 Patients having a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) should normally
receive a single dose of intravenous cefuroxime or co-amoxiclav during the hour before
the procedure. Evidence Grade Ia, Recommendation Grade A.
1.8 Those already receiving broad spectrum antibiotics do not require additional
prophylaxis for PEG unless endocarditis cover is indicated. Evidence Grade III,
Recommendation Grade B. The choice of antibiotic for patients having PEG with a history
of serious penicillin sensitivity has not been established, but clindamycin can be given.
1.9 Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for all patients with pancreatic pseudocyst
undergoing ERCP. Patients with ongoing cholangitis should have already been
established on antibiotics. Routine prophylaxis for ERCP is not necessary in most other
circumstances provided that adequate biliary decompression can be achieved. Evidence
Grade III, Recommendation Grade B.
1.9 There are specific circumstances where antibiotic prophylaxis should be given
routinely to cover ERCP. These include patients with immunosuppression (e.g. following
liver transplant), and those biliary disorders, such as primary sclerosing cholangitis or
hilar cholangiocarcinoma in whom it can be anticipated that complete biliary drainage
will be difficult or impossible to achieve during one procedure. Evidence Grade III,
Recommendation Grade B.
1.10 When prophylaxis for ERCP is given, oral ciprofloxacin or parenteral gentamicin is
recommended. A combination of parenteral amoxicillin and gentamicin should normally
be used to cover patients with endocarditis risk factors and evidence of biliary
obstruction. Evidence Grade IIa, Recommendation Grade B.
1.11 The recommended antibiotic regimen for ERCP prophylaxis and persisting biliary
obstruction post-ERCP may need to be altered locally in the light of epidemiological
patterns in isolates of microorganisms resistant to these agents. Evidence Grade IV,
Recommendation Grade C.
1.12 Patients with suspected variceal bleeding, or patients with decompensataed liver
disease who develop acute gastrointestinal bleeding, should have already been established
on intravenous antibiotics before undergoing endoscopy. The choice of antibiotics will
normally be guided by regional liver unit practice. Evidence Grade Ia, Recommendation
Grade A.
1.13 Units should ensure that there is a routine method (such as a check list) for drawing
the attention of the endoscopist to the patients to whom antibiotics should be given. A
specimen pre-assessment proforma is attached.
2.1 Aim
These guidelines aim to help clinicians in deciding which patients undergoing gastrointestinal
endoscopy should receive antibiotic prophylaxis.
They apply to the prevention of infective
endocarditis in patients with cardiac risk factors, and also to patients at low risk of endocarditis
undergoing procedures that are associated with a high risk of bacteraemia.
2.2 Development
The British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) first published guidelines on the use of
prophylactic antibiotics in 1996, and these were revised by Professor Mike Bramble in 2001.
The British Cardiac Society (BCS) updated its guidelines on the prophylaxis and treatment of
infecitive endocarditis in 2004. This prompted the Endoscopy Committee of the BSG to
convene a further Working Party, which met in March 2006. This was chaired by Dr Robin
Teague, and, in addition to members of the Endoscopy Committee, incorporated representation
from the BCS and the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC). Dr Miles
Allison researched the current literature, prepared the briefing documentation, and, after the
Working Party met, set about revising the previous version of the guidelines and preparing the
first draft of the current guidelines. Further changes have been made in the light of comments
from members of the Endoscopy Committee and the Working Party.
The members of the Working Party were not unanimous in their opinions concerning the risk
of endocarditis following endoscopy. The recommendations are therefore based on a majority
consensus and are in concordance with the recently published guidelines for the prevention of
endocarditis published by BSAC (1).
The guidelines conform to the North of England evidence based guidelines development
Project. The grading of each recommendation is dependant on the category of evidence
supporting it. Recommendations based on the level of evidence are presented and graded as:
A: requires at least one randomised controlled trial of good quality addressing the topic of
recommendation (evidence categories Ia and Ib);
B: requires the availability of clinical studies without randomisation on the topic of
recommendation (evidence categories IIa, IIb and III);
C: requires evidence from expert committee reports or opinions or clinical experience of
respected authorities in the absence of directly applicable clinical studies of good quality
(evidence category IV).
2.3 Scheduled review
The content and evidence base for these guidelines should be reviewed within five years of
Bacteraemia is common following some forms of gastrointestinal endoscopic therapy, such as
dilatation or submucosal injection, and can occur with diagnostic endoscopy alone.
Fortunately complications resulting from dissemination of endogenous bacteria are uncommon,
and infective endocarditis is a very rare complication. The evidence to support the view that
antibiotic prophylaxis can reduce the incidence of infective complications is somewhat limited.
The area that has attracted the most controversy in recent years has been the use of antibiotic
prophylaxis in the prevention of infective endocarditis. The recommendations by the American
Heart Association (2: but see Footnote 14 below) have guided the advice of the national bodies
representing endoscopic practice (3,4), including the BSG (5).
The traditional
recommendation has been that patients at high risk of endocarditis, such as those with a
prosthetic (i.e. tissue or artificial metal) valve and/or a past history of endocarditis should
receive antibiotics for all endoscopic procedures. More recently the European Society of
Cardiology has recommended antibiotic prophylaxis to cover therapeutic endoscopy in patients
with acquired valvular heart disease (moderate endocarditis risk) (6) and the British Cardiac
Society has gone even further, advising antibiotic prophylaxis for patients at moderate risk of
endocarditis undergoing any endoscopic procedure (7).
The fact that current guidance is conflicting has been recognised by the British Society for
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, which at the time of writing has produced the most recent
guidelines (1). The Endoscopy Committee of the BSG recognised the need for consensus on
this issue, and to this end convened a Working Party in the spring of 2006. The membership,
comprised physicians with a special interest in gastroenterology, gastroenterologists,
cardiologists and microbiologists.
The gastroenterologists and microbiologists from this
Working Party also took the opportunity to review the evidence underpinning the use of
antibiotic prophylaxis in other areas of endoscopic practice, in particular Endoscopic
Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
4.1. The aims of antimicrobial prophylaxis in gastrointestinal endoscopy are to prevent:
Infective endocarditis.
Symptomatic bacteraemia.
Colonisation of vascular grafts and endovascular stents, orthopaedic and other
non- cardiac prosthetic implants.
Pancreatico-biliary infection following ERCP.
Wound infection and peritonitis following percutaneous procedures.
4.2. The potential benefits of antibiotic prophylaxis should be weighed up against:
The potential contribution to the selection of resistant bacteria, such as MRSA
The knowledge that antibiotics may fail to prevent infective endocarditis or other infective
The small risk of adverse events, including anaphylaxis
The practical difficulties and costs of antibiotic administration, especially in patients
who are allergic to penicillin
4.3 Endocarditis risk following endoscopy
Prospective studies to determine the value of antibiotic prophylaxis of endocarditis during
gastrointestinal endoscopy are not available. Such research is unlikely to be done for two
reasons. Firstly there is a natural reluctance to include patients at high risk of endocarditis into
a placebo group, and secondly endocarditis complicating endoscopy is extremely rare, so
prospective studies would need to recruit very large numbers of subjects. Thus, although
recommendations can be based on an understanding of the pathology of infective endocarditis,
they are of necessity pragmatic.
4.4. Identification of at-risk patients
Units should ensure that there is a routine method (such as a check list) for drawing the
attention of the endoscopist to the patients to whom antibiotics should be given. The conditions
which render the patient at high risk of developing endocarditis are listed later.
5.1. Evidence for bacteraemia in gastrointestinal endoscopy
The existence of bacteraemia during upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy has been well
established in numerous series over decades (Table 1). These studies were reviewed in the
previous edition of these guidelines (5) and more recently by Nelson (8). Some published
papers overestimate the rates of potentially significant bacteraemia because microorganisms
which are frequent contaminants (with little or no pathogenic potential) have been included.
Other series, particularly some of the older studies, give misleadingly low rates because of
deficiencies in culture techniques, especially those for anaerobic bacteria.
immunosuppressed patients (in whom intravascular destruction of bacteria is minimised)
reported a high rate of clinically significant bacteraemia (9/47, 19%) (9).
Bacteraemia during ERCP is considered to result mainly from contrast injection and
manipulation around endogenous bacteria in bile and/or pancreatic tissue of patients with preexisting pathology such as biliary obstruction or pseudocyst. Bacteraemia during ERCP is
infrequent among patients without evidence of biliary or pancreatic ductal obstruction (8).
5.2. Clinical importance of bacteraemia
Recent evidence confirms that everyday activities such as chewing or tooth brushing produce a
bacteraemia of dental flora (10,11). The incidence of bacteraemia during endoscopy has been
extensively studied but the incidence of symptomatic bacteraemia is less well understood. In
the great majority of cases endoscopy-related bacteraemia is not associated with any
recognisable symptoms.
Thus, in most instances, there would seem to be little reason to attempt to reduce the rate of
endoscopy associated asymptomatic bacteraemia in the absence of delayed clinical sequelae.
The most serious potential sequelae of bacteraemia include infective endocarditis, meningitis,
cerebral abscess, and infected ascites (bacterial peritonitis) in patients with cirrhosis (8). These
complications, whilst rare, are more likely to follow procedures associated with the highest risk
of bacteraemia, namely oesophageal dilatation or injection sclerotherapy of varices.
5.3 Prevention of bacteraemia
One study has assessed prospectively (but in an open study design) the efficacy
of antibiotic treatment in reducing bacteraemia rates during endoscopy (12). Alternate
patients aged 60 years and over undergoing gastroscopy were given antibiotics. Blood
cultures were negative in all 130 patients receiving antibiotics but positive in 13/132
controls (9.8%, p<0.001). However, the microorganisms isolated could all have been skin
contaminants, and neither the patients who received antibiotics nor the controls experienced
any symptoms likely to have been associated with bacteraemia.
6.1. Background and literature survey
Over recent decades the numbers of gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures have been carried
out worldwide has risen exponentially. It is therefore reassuring that there is no evidence of
any concomitant increase in the incidence of endocarditis. Reports of endocarditis associated
with endoscopic procedures have occurred less than once per year (Table 2) and it is not clear
even in this small number of cases whether the association was always causal. On the other
hand not all cases of infective endocarditis following endoscopy are reported, and the
association may not always be recognised.
A UK collaborative survey of 582 patients with infective endocarditis identified three patients
in whom there was a history of recent gastroscopy (13). The significance of these findings has
been questioned because there was no control group. The other case reports linking infective
endocarditis to recent endoscopic procedures (14-30) are summarised in Table 2. Some
important points arise from these cases:
High risk patients such as those with tissue or mechanical prosthetic valves are included
There is an example of failure of antibiotic prophylaxis (17)
There are examples of patients with no prior history of cardiac disease (16,23)
Other clinical factors may have influenced the endocarditis risk (18,19)
Marked variation in time interval between endoscopy and onset of symptoms
6.2. Does antibiotic prophylaxis prevent endocarditis?
There is only limited evidence that antibiotic administration during dental or surgical
procedures reduces the risk of endocarditis (31). Failures of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent
endocarditis are well recognised (32), and include an example of failure of prophylaxis
during a gastrointestinal endoscopic procedure (17). In the rabbit model, antibiotic prophylaxis
has been shown to reduce the risk of infection in damaged valves following high bacterial
challenge (33). A retrospective case control study of patients at risk suggested that antibiotic
prophylaxis might be effective in preventing endocarditis in dental practice (34), but a recent
Cochrane review has come out against the routine use of prophylactic penicillin for invasive
dental procedures (35).
Many patients with cardiac pathology are unaware that they have any abnormality. Thus
ascertainment of at-risk patients will always be incomplete. One member of our Working Party
believes that “the presence of moderate or high risk cardiac conditions should be excluded by a
careful history and physical examination before performing any invasive investigation
including endoscopy” (36). There are real practical difficulties inherent in putting such advice
into practice:
6.2.1. Many patients referred for endoscopy could harbour previously unknown valvular
disease. Over half of males aged over 65 years have systolic murmurs (37). It has been
suggested that one in six patients attending for diagnostic endoscopy has a clinically
detectable valvular lesion (38).
6.2.2. Not all patients with documented acquired valvular disease will carry an antibiotic card
or be aware of the findings from previous echocardiography.
6.2.3. Tens of thousands of patients per year in the UK undergo direct access endoscopy
under the care of a nurse endoscopist.
6.2.4. Even if guidelines are established, many patients may be given the wrong antibiotic or
none at all.
6.3. Risk factors for endocarditis
The risk of endocarditis varies according to the nature of the underlying cardiac condition. For
the large majority of patients there is worldwide consensus on the classification of endocarditis
risk (2, 39-41). Nonetheless there are some differences of opinion in this area. European
cardiology working parties have classified complex and/or cyanotic congenital heart disease
within the high risk bracket (6,7). One of these groups also regards mitral valve prolapse to be
a high risk cardiac lesion in circumstances where there is marked valve thickening and/or
regurgitation (7). Given the recent advice to dentists by the British Society for Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy (1) that routine antibiotic prophylaxis should be restricted to those with a
history of previous endocarditis, prosthetic heart valves and surgically constructed intrathoracic vascular conduits, the majority of the BSG Working Group agree that the high risk
group should comprise the above three conditions (Table 3). This is in keeping with American
guidelines, which encompass also the rare scenario of endoscopy in patients with complex
cyanotic congenital heart disease (e.g. single ventricle states, transposition of the great arteries,
tetralogy of Fallot ) (2,4).
The risk of endocarditis is probably influenced by the incidence (Table 2) and intensity of
bacteraemia associated with the endoscopic procedure and on the potential virulence of the
micro-organism(s). Indeed bacteria vary greatly in their propensity to infect damaged heart
6.4. Recommendations for endocarditis prophylaxis during endoscopy (Tables 4 and 5)
Previously healthy patients not known to have cardiac lesions who undergo procedures
associated with a low incidence of bacteraemia have an extremely low risk of endocarditis.
Antibiotic prophylaxis is therefore not justified in these circumstances.
Patients with cardiac lesions associated with a high risk of endocarditis should be given
antibiotic prophylaxis for all endoscopic procedures.
Those with a moderate risk of
endocarditis who undergo gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures with a known high risk of
bacteraemia (42-48) have an increased risk of endocarditis and should also receive antibiotic
prophylaxis. It is recognised that the American Heart Association, over a year after the
meeting of our Working Party and at the time of submission of the guidelines herein, have
concluded that there is no evidence to support the administration of antibiotics with the sole
aim of preventing endocarditis after gastrointestinal and genitourinary procedures (see
Footnote 14 below).
Recommendations for endocarditis prophylaxis are set out according to cardiac and procedureassociated risk factors in Table 4. Recommendations on the type of antibiotics, doses and
timing of administration are given in Table 5. Teicoplanin has replaced vancomycin in patients
who are allergic to penicllin. There are two reasons for this: firstly teicoplanin is easier and
quicker to administer, and secondly there is some evidence that teicoplanin has a longer
duration of action following a single dose (49).
7.1 Bacteraemia is well recognised during ERCP (45-48). Pancreato-biliary infection occurs
after 0.4-0.8% of endoscopic biliary procedures. These episodes must always be taken
seriously because fatality may occur in 8-20% of such cases (50).
7.2 It was initially believed that the failure of early studies of antibiotic prophylaxis to show
benefit was because the case mix included both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Infection is rare after diagnostic ERCP in the absence of stones or pancreatic or biliary
obstruction. In patients with obstructed bile ducts with features of previous infection, or
pancreatic pseudocyst, the available data suggests a reduction in clinically significant infective
complications when prophylactic antibiotics are used (47,51,52). On closer scrutiny of these
papers, however, the examples of procedure-related cholangitis were almost all in patients for
whom adequate biliary drainage had not been achieved during ERCP. The contention that
relief of obstruction is more important than antibiotic prophylaxis is reinforced by the finding
that the chief predictor of infective complications after therapeutic ERCP is incomplete bile
duct drainage (53).
Although not all authorities are in agreement (54-57), the case has been made for prophylactic
administration of antibiotics for patients likely to undergo a therapeutic procedure in the
context of ongoing biliary obstruction and/or infection and/or pancreatic pseudocyst (58,59).
There is also a suggestion that antibiotic prophylaxis is cost-effective in these circumstances
(58). This begs the question as to what constitutes “biliary obstruction”. Patients presenting
with bacterial cholangitis should already be established on antibiotics at the time of ERCP.
Patients with jaundice secondary to obstructing common duct stones or strictures may not
necessarily require antibiotics provided that the obstruction can be properly relieved at ERCP
(54). Similarly non-jaundiced patients with common duct stones may not need antibiotic cover
provided that the stones can be removed or drainage can be secured by means of stenting (with
or without biliary sphincterotomy). These arguments have led Subhani and colleagues to
propose that antibiotics can be administered immediately after ERCP if it has not been possible
to decompress the biliary tree (56). This approach has not been tested in clinical practice and
deserves further study.
Other factors that are important in reducing the risk of infection include (i) the optimal
cleansing and disinfection of the endoscope; (ii) the employment of single use accessories
down the working channel of the duodenoscope; and (iii) the use of sterile contrast medium
and careful control of the volume of contrast used. Some experts advocate that the endoscopist
should aspirate bile from the biliary tree in order to attenuate the rise in intrabiliary pressure
following contrast injection. Some authorities add antibiotics to the contrast media prior to
injection. Neither of these two strategies, however, has been shown to reduce the risk of
bacteraemia or cholangitis.
The choice of antibiotic depends on the clinical context. Common causative micro-organisms
in ascending cholangitis are Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp.,
enterococci, coagulase negative staphylococci and Bacteroides spp, but many infections are
polymicrobial (56).
Our recommendations are summarised in Table 5. There are several scenarios to consider:
7.2.1 Patients with cardiac pathology at moderate or high risk of endocarditis. Those with
moderate endocarditis risk should receive endocarditis prophylaxis if biliary
obstruction and/or pancreatic pseudocyst are suspected. All patients at high risk of
endocarditis should receive prophylaxis as discussed in Section 4, and Tables 4 and 5.
Patients with ongoing pancreatic or biliary sepsis.
The choice of antibiotic
prophylaxis is best guided by the results of recent microbiological cultures. These
patients will normally already be receiving appropriate antibiotics, and the need for
additional cover should be discussed with a clinical microbiologist.
7.2.3. Patients with first ERCP for biliary obstruction, no clinical evidence of infection and
low endocarditis risk.
In these circumstances it is reasonable for the endoscopist to
elect not to give antibiotics pre-procedure provided that their administration is ensured
as soon as possible post-procedure if adequate decompression of the biliary tree has not
been achieved. The course of antibiotics should continue whilst arrangements are being
made to relieve biliary obstruction as soon as possible (either by repeat ERCP or by
some other means) and should last at least until this endpoint has been achieved.
The choice of antibiotics has been debated and reviewed in depth (56-58) and the role
of specific antibiotics is discussed in Section 12. Most authorities recommend either
oral ciprofloxacin taken 90 minutes before the procedure, or intravenous gentamicin at
the time of sedation. Both ciprofloxacin and gentamicin have gaps in the cover they
provide. Both have generally good activity against Gram-negative aerobic bacteria but
are much less active against many Gram-positive species, including enterococci.
Increasing ciprofloxacin resistance among coliforms (Enterobacteriaceae) has also been
reported (60). Therefore the choice between ciprofloxacin and gentamicin may be
influenced by local epidemiology in microbial resistance.
Oral ciprofloxacin is less expensive than the intravenous formulation and results in
satisfactory blood concentrations. Although gentamicin does not penetrate into bile very
well, and has limited activity against enterococci, it probably has broader Gram-negative
activity than ciprofloxacin. Neither regimen provides particularly good cover for an
obstructed biliary system where enterococci are implicated in up to 40% of infections
Therefore the combination of amoxicillin with continued treatment with the
antibiotic chosen for prophylaxis should be considered in a patient who became febrile
7.2.4 Patients with a history of prior biliary manipulations: Bile within the biliary tree is
normally sterile.
ERCP with sphincterotomy and/or stenting disrupts the normal
ampullary barrier to the gut, and is associated with long term bacterobilia (61,62). It is
therefore logical to infer that patients needing repeat biliary intervention at ERCP are at
increased risk of bacteraemia and cholangitis.
In a large prospective series (as yet
unpublished) cholangitis complicating ERCP was more likely to occur in patients with a
history of prior ERCP (with sphincterotomy and/or stenting) (P Cotton: personal
communication). Patients who have been receiving continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
for the prevention of recurrent symptomatic bacteraemia following biliary stenting may
have acquired resistant bacterial flora, and should be given a different antibiotic to cover
further biliary endoscopic procedures such as stent changes. Because of the lack of an
evidence base, we believe that the decision as to whether to use prophylactic antibiotics
in immunocompetent patients undergoing repeat ERCP rests with the endoscopist, the
local clinical microbiologist and the clinical team caring for the patient. When ERCP is
performed in patients who have previously received full treatment courses of one
antibiotic, consideration should be given to the use of an alternative antibiotic (or
combination of antibiotics) to cover the procedure. For example, if a patient has been
exposed to prolonged and/or frequent ciprofloxacin, a combination of amoxicillin and
gentamicin, or monotherapy with a wider spectrum penicillin such as piperacillin with
tazobactam, could be given.
7.2.5 Other settings in which prophylaxis for ERCP should be given include (i)
immunosuppressed patients including those undergoing biliary intervention post liver
transplant, and those with neutropenia; (ii) patients with known Caroli’s disease or
primary sclerosing cholangitis, not only because bacterial cholangitis is common
following biliary manipulation (63) but also because complete relief of biliary
obstruction is unlikely to be achieved at ERCP; (iii) patients with Bismuth type III or
type IV cholangiocarcinoma, for whom it may likewise be difficult or impossible to
secure drainage of all liver segments; (iv) patients with pancreatic pseudocysts; and (v)
those with a history of recent vascular graft insertion.
8.1 It has been suggested that some delayed infections of orthopaedic, neurosurgical and
other prostheses may be due to haematogenous spread of bacteria following endoscopy or
surgery. If so, the incidence of such infections might be reduced by more widespread use of
antibiotic prophylaxis in both dentistry and endoscopy. As bacteraemia occurs during activities
as trivial and as frequent as tooth brushing (10,11), there appears to be minimal benefit from
such treatment. Lifelong antibiotic prophylaxis for all patients with orthopaedic, neurosurgical
and other implanted prosthetic materials would be more logical but adverse effects would
almost certainly outweigh any potential benefit.
8.2 We are in agreement with the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons in their
view that the risk following colonic and rectal endoscopy is low for patients with orthopaedic
prostheses, central nervous system vascular shunts, penile prostheses, intra ocular lenses,
pacemakers and local tissue augmentation materials (64). We do not recommend the use
of prophylactic antibiotics in this setting.
8.3 Expert opinion has suggested that patients who have undergone vascular grafting and/or
endovascular stenting within the preceding 3 months should be treated in the same manner as
patients at moderate endocarditis risk. Selective antibiotic prophylaxis should be administered
to cover the endoscopic procedures commonly associated with bacteraemia (Table 4).
Early evaluations of single-dose intravenous cephalosporins failed to demonstrate efficacy in
the prevention of peristomal infections (65,66). The last ten years have witnessed a wealth of
controlled trials in this area. The evidence from these is consistent and indicates that antibiotic
prophylaxis is effective at reducing wound infection rates using a single dose of an appropriate
antibiotic (67-74).
A meta-analysis also comes out in favour of antibiotic prophylaxis,
suggesting a number needed to treat of 5.7 to prevent one peristomal infection (75). A second
or third generation cephalosporin or co-amoxiclav given intravenously are both effective, and
there is also some evidence that antibiotic prophylaxis is cost-effective (76). Many patients
who claim to be allergic to penicillin will have previously received a cephalosporin without
incident, and, cefuroxime can be used in this setting. Cefuroxime can be given safely to most
patients who have a history of penicillin allergy (77), but should be avoided in people who
have a clear history of anaphylaxis with penicillin and/or cephalosporins.
In such
circumstances an infusion of clindamycin (300mg in adults) will cover staphylococci and most
streptococci excluding enterococci.
Three areas of uncertainty remain on this topic. Firstly many patients undergoing PEG are
already receiving courses of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and there is some evidence that wound
infections are less common in this group (65, 67, 73). Such patients may not need further
prophylaxis, and the use of additional antibiotics could predispose to methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonisation.
Secondly, the most common end-point in
clinical trials of antibiotic prophylaxis is the development of peristomal wound infections,
many of which are of doubtful clinical importance. Notwithstanding this caveat, there is some
evidence that single-dose intravenous antibiotic may help in preventing more serious infections
such as aspiration pneumonia (68, 71, 74). Thirdly, a significant proportion of peristomal
infections are MRSA-related, particularly in patients with nasopharyngeal colonisation (78.79).
It has recently been suggested that MRSA decolonisation using oral and nasally delivered
preparations might reduce the risk of MRSA-related peristomal infection in such patients (80).
The possible role of prophylaxis with vancomycin in patients with MRSA colonisation
requiring PEG remains to be determined.
Bacterial infections occur within 48 hours of admission in about 20% of patients with cirrhosis with
upper gastrointestinal bleeding (81). Variceal sclerotherapy in the emergency setting commonly
causes bacteraemia (43). Prognosis in terms of rebleeding, failure to control bleeding, and in-hospital
outcome is worsened in patients with associated bacterial infection. (82,83). In a meta-analysis of
five controlled trials of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with variceal bleeding, their use was
associated with significantly improved short term survival (84). A Cochrane review also suggests
that patients with cirrhosis and upper gastrointestinal bleeding should receive antibiotic prophylaxis
(85). Patients with suspected variceal bleeding should already have been commenced on antibiotics
before endoscopy. There is limited evidence to suggest superiority of any particular regimen in this
setting (86) but a combination of cefuroxime and metronidazole, or co-amoxiclav alone, are
reasonable choices.
Intravenous ceftriaxone has been shown to reduce infection risk more
effectively than oral norfloxacin in one study (87). Third or fourth-generation cephalosporins (or coamoxyclav) should be employed in patients with co-existing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (88).
Although bacteraemia following endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with fine needle aspiration (FNA) is
uncommon (89-91), infective complications can occur following aspiration of pancreatic cystic
lesions (92-96). It is therefore recommended that endocarditis prophylaxis is given to patients at
moderate or high cardiac risk undergoing EUS-guided therapeutic endoscopy. Patients at low risk
may require antibiotic cover for therapy, especially if there is a possibility of pre-existing infection
within a cyst or cavity being treated. Endoscopic ultrasound guided FNA does not require antibiotic
prophylaxis unless the patient is at high endocarditis risk (97).
12.1 Ampicillin and amoxicillin
Gram-positive bacteria, especially streptococci and enterococci, cause most infective
endocarditis. Because of the possibility sequelae from enterococcal bacteraemia, particularly
after instrumentation of the lower gastrointestinal tract, ampicillin or amoxicillin
are preferred to penicillin for prophylaxis. All three are effective in killing most oral
12.2 Aminoglycosides
The use of an aminoglycoside such as gentamicin increases the bactericidal power of
ampicillin or amoxicillin against streptococci and enterococci. Although the use of one or two
doses only of gentamicin confers negligible risk of nephro-or ototoxicity, care must be taken in
patients with a history of pre-existing renal impairment and/or a history of gentamicin
Gentamicin is also active against most aerobic coliforms (and most
Pseudomonas sp.) and is also suitable for use in neutropaenic patients.
12.3 Ciprofloxacin
Ciprofloxacin has good antimicrobial activity against aerobic gram-negative bacteria but is
much less active against many gram-positive species, including enterococci. It is therefore not
suitable for prevention of endocarditis but is widely used for the prevention of gram-negative
sepsis after ERCP (98-101). Oral ciprofloxacin is considerably cheaper than the intravenous
preparation and results in adequate blood concentrations.
12.4 Glycopeptides
Glycopeptides such as vancomycin or teicoplanin, with a very broad spectrum of activity
against gram-positive bacteria, have a role when the patient has been exposed in the recent past
to penicillin, ampicillin or amoxicillin, and in patients who are allergic to penicillins.
However, though still uncommon in the UK, vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) are
being encountered with increasing frequency in some hospitals. Teicoplanin is recommended
in preference to vancomycin for two reasons; firstly it is simpler and quicker to administer, and
secondly more sustained blood levels occur following a single dose (49).
12.5 Other beta lactam agents
The incidence of enterococcal infections is increasing rapidly in some countries at present,
often associated with heavy use of cephalosporins. Cephalosporins have no activity against
enterococci and are therefore inappropriate for endocarditis prophylaxis. As they have an
overall broad spectrum of activity (particularly against coliforms) and are present in bowel
contents, extensive use of cephalosporins has been associated with outbreaks of
Clostridium difficile enterocolitis. Ureidopenicillins, for example piperacillin, are also broad
spectrum agents but with limited activity against most strains of staphylococci. Like
cephalosporins, they may provoke Clostridium difficile enterocolitis.
12.6 Immunocompromised patients
Neutropenia predisposes to septicaemia after endoscopy (9), though the magnitude of the
increased risk is not clear. Patients with severe neutropenia (<0.5 x109 /litre) who are febrile
should have already been established on empirical antibiotic therapy according to local
haematology protocols. Afebrile patients with a neutrophil count below 0.5 x109 /litre should
be offered antibiotic prophylaxis for those gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures which are
known to be associated with a high risk of bacteraemia (Table 1). Gram-negative aerobic (and
less frequently anaerobic) bacteria including Escherichia coli are the most likely pathogens in
these conditions and the choice of prophylactic antibiotics should reflect the local sensitivities
of organisms.
There are no data to establish whether patients with a normal neutrophil count but who are
transplantation) are at an increased risk of infective complications following endoscopy. Until
such time as data become available we do not recommend antibiotic prophylaxis routinely for
this group. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended in patients with HIV infection.
13.1. Endocarditis is an illness that can be associated with devastating and/or life-threatening
While the evidence favouring antibiotic prophylaxis is limited, there is
increasing consensus among cardiology, microbiology and gastroenterology specialty groups
that the spectrum of cover should be extended to encompass patients at moderate cardiac risk
undergoing therapeutic procedures associated with a high risk of bacteraemia. In order to
better understand the true risk of post-procedure endocarditis it would be useful if specialist
societies could gather a database of endocarditis following endoscopy.
13.2. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: There is good evidence favouring antibiotic
prophylaxis in the prevention of PEG-associated wound infection, but there is uncertainty
regarding its value in the prevention of more serious infections such as peritonitis or aspiration
pneumonia. MRSA, and its importance in such wound infections, is worthy of further study.
The report that the risk may be reduced by local measures, such as oral disinfection, requires
13.3. ERCP: The strategy of selective administration of prophylactic antibiotics to patients
with biliary obstruction (according to the criteria set out in 7.2.4 and 7.2.5), with immediate
antibiotic commencement in patients for whom suboptimal drainage is achieved, deserves
prospective evaluation. There should be better understanding of the frequency with which
quinolone-resistant gram negative bacteria complicate therapeutic ERCP.
resistance is becoming increasingly common, and for patients undergoing ERCP would be
expected to be more of a problem in patients with a history of prior biliary manipulations, such
as sphincterotomy and/or stent insertion for stones, primary sclerosing cholangitis or malignant
There is a need to perform multicentre studies of cholangitis and bacteraemia
following repeat ERCP in patients with a history of prior therapeutic ERCP.
13.4. Immunosuppressed patients. Antibiotic prophylaxis for therapeutic endoscopy is
recommended for patients with neutropaenia, advanced haematological malignancy and
a history of liver transplantation.
It remains unclear whether patients on
immunosuppressive agents are at increased risk of infective complications following
therapeutic endoscopy, and prophylaxis is not recommended for such patients. It is
likely that a large multicentre collaboration would be required in order to address this
At the time of our completing the final draft of these guidelines, the American Heart
Association published their 2007 advice that antibiotics need not be administered to patients
solely for the indication of preventing endocarditis following gastrointestinal or genitourinary
procedures (102). For the time being we continue to recommend endocarditis prophylaxis in
selected circumstances until further information is available.
Professor Mike Bramble was the author of the preceding version of these guidelines. Some
changes to this version were made on advice from Prof Peter Cotton. Dr Norman Simmons
and Dr David Durack commented helpfully on earlier versions of this report. The Working
Party was chaired by Robin H Teague, Torbay Hospital, and valuable advice and assistance
was given by Suzannah J Eykyn, Emeritus Professor of Microbiology, Guys and St Thomas’s
This guideline was prepared by members of the Endoscopy Committee of the British Society
of Gastroenterology, with valuable assistance from members of the British Cardiac Society and
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Miles C Allison, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport
Jonathan AT Sandoe, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Richard Tighe, Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital
Iain A Simpson, Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
Roger J Hall, Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital
Thomas SJ Elliott, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Correspondence should be sent to Chris Romaya, British Society of Gastroenterology, 3 St
Andrews Place, Regents Park, London NW1 4LB.
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Table 1: Approximate incidence of bacteraemia in immunocompetent individuals undergoing
gastrointestinal endoscopy. Comparable figures for barium enema and dental manipulation are given
for comparison.
BSG review (5)
Rectal digital examination
Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy
Barium enema
Tooth brushing
Dental extraction
Diagnostic OGD +/- biopsy
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Nelson et al (8)
ERCP (no duct occlusion)
ERCP (duct occluded)
Variceal band ligation
Oesophageal laser therapy
0-6% (Refs 89-91)
Table 2. Case reports of infective endocarditis occurring within weeks after endoscopic
Type of endoscopy
Reference Patient details
Yin et al
Known mitral regurgitation
Niv et al
Known MV prolapse
Breuer et al
Baskin et al
Wong et al
No known prior valve disease
Prosthetic valve (failure
Native valve
Diagnostic OGD +/- Pritchard et al
Logan et al
Prosthetic aortic valve replacement
Known MV prolapse
Rumfeld et al
Montalko et al
Pentimone et al
Cho et al
MV stenosis ( patient also had RIH
MV prolapse (symptoms predated
OGD in patient on steroids)
Young man; no known cardiac
Valvular heart disease
Rodriguez et al
Rigilano et al
Watanakunakorn et al
Greco et al
Giusti de Marle et al
Lower GI
Rheumatic mixed valve disease
following flexible sigmoidoscopy
MV prolapse, rigid sigmoidoscopy
Known aortic stenosis, following
sigmoidoscopy for polyp follow up
Mixed AVD, colonoscopy
Table 3. Endocarditis risk stratification according to cardiac pathology (1,2,6)
High risk
Previous endocarditis
Prosthetic heart valves (tissue or mechanical)
Surgically constructed systemic pulmonary shunts or intra-thoracic vascular conduits
Complex cyanotic congenital heart disease (see Section 6.3)).
Moderate risk
Previously diagnosed acquired valvular heart disease with echocardiographic demonstration
of substantial regurgitation
Mitral valve prolapse with mitral regurgitation and/or thickened valve leaflets
Non-cyanotic ongenital cardiac defects, e.g. patent ductus arteriosus, coarctation of aorta,
ventricular septal defect, primum atrial septal defect, bicuspid aortic valve
Other structural cardiac abnormalities, eg hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, aortic
root replacement
Low risk
All other patients
Table 4. Recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis in gastrointestinal endoscopic practice
(+ = antibiotic cover is indicated)
High risk patient Moderate
patient Low risk
valve, (e.g. mitral valve prolapse patient
previous IE, surgical with
vascular demonstration of substantial
complex leaflet
heart regurgitation: See Table 3)
disease: See Table 3)
OGD (+/- biopsy, banding)
Colonoscopy (+/- polyp)
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Oesophageal dilatation and/or
Variceal Sclerotherapy
ERCP (straightforward)
ERCP (obstructed system or
+ if unable to
Thermal procedure
(e.g. laser, heater probe, argon +
plasma coagulation)
Endoscopic ultrasound
for diagnosis/staging/FNA
Endoscopic ultrasound guided
Case by
Case basis
Colonic stenting
Table 5. Summary of recommended prophylactic antibiotic regimens for gastrointestinal
1) Endocarditis risk
All patients at high risk of
endocarditis (Table 3), plus
all patients at moderate risk
of endocarditis undergoing
certain therapeutic procedures
(Table 4)
2) Patients as (1) above who
are allergic to Penicillin
Ampicillin or
1 gram
(for those aged <5yr
give 250mg, for those
aged 5-10 years give
Single i.v. dose just
before procedure or at
time of administering
1.5mg/kg iv
400mg iv
(6mg/kg for children.
Seek specialist advice
for neonates)
Give over 2-3 minutes
i.v over half an hour
just before procedure
1.5mg/kg iv
Give over 2-3 minutes
for following
patient groups:
a) endocarditis risk
b) ongoing cholangitis or
sepsis elsewhere
c) obstructed biliary tree
and/or pancreatic pseudocyst
As above
Be guided by
recent culture
[NOTE this is only routinely
recommended for patients
with pancreatic pseudocyst,
or those for whom complete
drainage is unlikely to be
achieved at a single ERCP –
(see section 7.2.5) BUT a full
course of antibiotics becomes
mandatory if adequate biliary
procedure. For antibiotics to
cover a repeat ERCP see
transplant, and neutropaenia
clinical microbiologist
750mg orally
Not recommended in
1.5mg/kg i.v.
As (c) PLUS
1gram i.v.
Amoxicillin given as
single i.v. dose
over at least one hour
1.2g i.v.
20mg/kg i.v.
750mg i.v.
60-90 minutes before
Be guided by
local liver unit
Slow iv injection or
infusion just before
procedure. Clindamycin
300mg i.v. can be used
if past anaphylaxis with
Cefotaxime is used in
cefuroxime in patients
with SBP
St Elsewhere’s NHS Trust
Integrated Care Pathway for
Endoscopy Unit Procedures
Name: …………………………………………………………………
Hospital Number: …………………………………………………….
Date of Admission: …………………………………………………..
Consultant: …………………………………………………………...
Named Nurse: ………………………………………………………..
Flexi Sig
Care Pathway for :
Pt details
Appointment date and time:
Arrival time:
Next of Kin: Name:
Telephone No:
Manual Handling Assessment
1 person
walking stick
2 people
Other (please state)
Medical History
<7 stone
7-12 stone
12-14 stone
14-16 stone
>16 stone
History of falls
History of vertigo
Low haemoglobin
within last 48hrs
Before 48hrs
2 points per
Resident Gallery
Low Assistance
Mental State/
Fully co-
Confused, poor
Other medication
Lack of special
affecting mobility
Awareness, poor
manual handling
2 points per
No attachments
Attachments eg IV etc
(cannot clear area)
1 point per attachment
Low Risk 0 – 8
Requires assistance 0 – 1 staff members
Moderate Risk 9 – 15
Requires assistance of 1 – 2 staff members plus may
require handling aids eg handling belt, sliding sheets
High Risk 16+
Requires assistance of 2 or more staff members plus
Handling aids eg hoist, pat slide, sliding sheets etc
Patient Assessment
Discharge Arrangements:
Name of person collecting:
Type of transport:
Telephone Number:
Responsible adult at home for
12 hrs?
Please list any medications you are presently taking:
Do you have any allergies or sensitivities to any medication, food or latex?
Yes/No (if yes, what?)
Relevant Past Medical History:
Any history of diabetes:
Insulin/Tablets/Diet alone
Any history of cardiomyopathy, heart valve disease, valve replacement…………………………….
Any history of internal prosthesis, grafting or stent…………………………………………………..
Any history of unexplained neurological illness……………………………………………………….
Any history of receipt of multiple blood products (e.g. haemophilia)…………………………………
Any history of being on variant CJD at risk register…………………………………………………..
Indication for Investigation:
Nursing Admission Plan
Procedure explained
Explanation understood
Time fasted from food
Time fasted from fluids
Bowel prep, type
Result of Prep: Good/Fair/Poor
Anti-coagulant therapy
Result/date last INR/appt: ……….………..
Prophylactic antibiotics
Chance of pregnancy:
(Caps,crowns,loose teeth)
Hearing aid:
Glasses/contact lenses
Identity band/notes/x-rays
Internal prosthesis, graft or stent: Yes/No
Checked and correct: Yes/No
Moving & Handling
Assessment completed
Care Plan:
Nurse’s Signature: ………………………………. Patient’s Signature: ………………………………….
Nursing Record for: ………………………………………………
Consent obtained
Cannula site/type____________________________
Throat spray:
Sedation given:
Type/Amount ……………………………
Opiates given:
Type/Amount: …………………………..
Antibiotics given:
Other medication: Type/Amount: …………………………..
No sedation: ________________________________
Record observations as individually needed:
Peri procedure:
Oxygen given:
Tolerated well? Yes/No (if no, why)
Time into Recovery: …………………am/pm
Post Procedure Recovery
Eyes open:
To speech
To gentle stimuli
To painful stimuli
Conscious level:
Awake communicates spontaneously
Sleeping at times
Sleeping for long periods but rousable by command 2
Sleeping but arousable with intense stimuli
Awake maintaining airway
Sleeping quietly
Sleeping but breathing stertorous
Labour and irregular breathing
Oxygen status
No oxygen required
Oxygen in progress but to be
discontinued after 30 minutes
Oxygen needed for greater than 1 hour
Needs medical intervention
Adding up these scores will give you one of these categories
Light Sedation
16 - 18
14 - 16
12 – 14
Deep Sedation
5- 7
Nursing Discharge Record
Absence of pain
Absence of bleeding
Tolerating Fluids/Food
Further investigations:
OPD Follow up (Date & Time)
Advice Leaflets/Literature
Information given (verbal)
Cannula Removed
Any other comments:
Nurse Signature: ……………………………………………..
Time of Discharge: ………………………