? What is the name of the V cranial nerve? +Trigeminal nerve -Facial nerve -Oculomotor nerve -Abducent nerve ? The trigeminal nerve comprises the following fibers: +Sensory and motor -Sensory -Motor -Sympathetic ? The trigeminal nerve arises from the base of the brain: +Between the pons and middle cerebellar peduncle -From medial surface of cerebral peduncle -Between pyramid and pons -In pontocerebellar angle ? How many roots has the trigeminal nerve? +2 -3 -1 -4 ? The roots of trigeminal nerve are: +Sensory and motor -Motor -Anterior and posterior -Sensory ? How many nuclei has the trigeminal nerve? +4 -3 -6 -2 ? How many motor nuclei has the trigeminal nerve? +1 -3 -2 -4 ? How many sensory nuclei has the trigeminal nerve? +3 -1 -4 -2 ? What is the function of the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve? +Proprioceptive sensitivity -Motor -General sensitivity -Vegetative parasympathetic ? What is the function of the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve? +General sensitivity -Taste sensitivity -Proprioceptive sensitivity -Motor ? The sensory root of the trigeminal nerve consists of the fibers that arise from: +Trigeminal ganglion -Geniculate ganglion -Superior ganglion -Inferior ganglion ? The trigeminal ganglion comprises: +Sensory pseudounipolar cells -Motor cells -Vegetative parasympathetic cells -Vegetative sympathetic cells ? Where is trigeminal ganglion located? +On the floor of trigeminal impression on the apex of the petrous part of temporal bone -On the area of arcuate eminence of the petrous part of temporal bone -On the subarcuate fossa of the petrous part of temporal bone -On the jugular fossa of the petrous part of temporal bone ? What are the branches of the trigeminal nerve? +Ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve, mandibular nerve -Optic nerve, zygomatic nerve, facial nerve -Oculomotor nerve, bucбal nerve, zygomatic nerve -Infraorbital nerve, lingual nerve, frontal nerve ? The first branch of the trigeminal nerve is: +Ophthalmic nerve -Oculomotor nerve -Optic nerve -Infraorbital nerve ? How is the second branch of the trigeminal nerve called? +Maxillary nerve -Mandibular nerve -Ophthalmic nerve -Oculomotor nerve ? How is the third branch of the trigeminal nerve called? +Mandibular nerve -Maxillary nerve -Ophthalmic nerve -Facial nerve ? Where do the branches of the trigeminal nerve begin? +From trigeminal ganglion -From base of the brain -From geniculate ganglion -From optic canal ? The ophthalmic nerve proceeds to the orbit via: +Superior orbital fissure -Inferior orbital fissure -Optic canal -Entrance of orbit ? Before entering the orbit the ophthalmic nerve gives: +The tentorial nerve -Lacrimal nerve -Frontal nerve -Nasociliary nerve ? The ophthalmic nerve splits into following branches: +Frontal, lacrimal and nasociliary nerves -Infraorbital, supraorbital and zygomatic nerves -Meningeal, ganglionic and infratrochlear branches -Supraorbital, supratrochlear and infraorbital nerves ? The terminal branches of the lacrimal nerve innervate: +Skin and conjunctiva of the lateral angle of the eye -Skin and conjunctiva of the medial angle of the eye -Skin of the root of the nose -Dura mater of middle cranial fossa ? The lacrimal nerve anastomoses with the following nerve via communicating branch: +Zygomatic nerve -Nasociliary nerve -Frontal nerve -Infraorbital nerve ? The frontal nerve splits into: +Supraorbital and supratroclear nerves -Infraorbital and zygomatic nerves -Nasociliary and lacrimal nerves -Anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves ? The supraorbital nerve leaves the orbit via: +Supraorbital notch -Frontal notch -Infraorbital foramen -Foramen caecum ? The supraorbital nerve terminates within: +The skin of the forehead -Frontal belly of epicranius muscle -Orbicularis oculi muscle -Skin and conjunctiva of the upper eyelid ? The supratrochlear nerve terminates within: +Skin of the root of nose, skin and conjunctiva of the upper eyelid in the medial angle of eye -Superior oblique muscle of eye -The skin of the forehead -Skin and conjunctiva of the lower eyelid ? The nasociliary nerve branches into following nerves: +Anterior and posterior ciliary nerves, long ciliary nerves, infratrochlear nerve, sensory root of ciliary ganglion -Supraorbital and supratrochlear nerve, communicating branch with zygomatic nerve, infraorbital nerve -Superior and inferior branches, supraorbital and supratrochlear nerve -Lacrimal, frontal, abducent and trochlear nerves ? The anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves supply: +Ethmoidal cells, sphenoidal sinus, anterior portion of the nasal mucosa -Tunics of the eyeball -Skin in the medial angle of eye and root of nose -Smooth muscles of eye ? The long ciliary nerves supply: +Eyeball tunics -Smooth muscles of eye -Nasal mucosa -Skin in the medial angle of eye and root of nose ? The infratrochlear nerve supplies: +Skin and conjunctiva in the medial angle of eye -Nasal mucosa and ethmoidal cells -Eyeball tunics -Smooth muscles of eye ? The short ciliary nerves supply: +Smooth muscles of eye -Striated muscles of eye -Nasal mucosa -Skin in the medial angle of eye and root of nose ? The maxillary nerve escapes from cranial cavity via: +Foramen rotundum -Superior orbital fissure -Foramen ovale -Foramen spinosum ? What branch does the maxillary nerve give in the cranial cavity? +Meningeal branch -Posterior superior posterior alveolar branch -Anterior superior alveolar branch -Tonsillar branches ? What branches does the maxillary nerve give in the pterygopalatine fossa? +Infraorbital and zygomatic nerves, ganglionic branches -Supraorbital, supratrochlear, trochlear nerves -Nasociliar, frontal, lacrimal nerves -Abducent, throchlear and infratrochlear nerves ? The infraorbital nerve enters the orbit via: +Inferior orbital fissure -Superior orbital fissure -Optic canal -Entrance of orbit ? Within the orbit the infraorbital nerve runs along: +Infraorbital groove -Lateral wall of the orbit -Medial wall of the orbit -Superior wall of the orbit ? The infraorbital nerve emerges on the face: +On anterior surface of maxilla in area of infraorbital foramen -In area of supraorbital notch -In area of mental foramen -In area of zygomaticofacial foramen ? On leaving the infraorbital foramen, the infraorbital nerve gives following branches: +Inferior palpebral, external nasal and superior labial branches -Posterior, middle and anterior superior alveolar branches -Internal nasal branches -Superior dental and superior gingival branches ? What branches does the infraorbital nerve give within the infraorbital canal? +Posterior, middle and anterior superior alveolar branches -Superior labial branches -Superior palpebral branches -External and internal nasal branches ? The zygomatic nerve enters the orbit via: +Inferior orbital fissure -Entrance of orbit -Anterior ethmoidal foramen -Posterior ethmoidal foramen ? In the orbit the zygomatic nerve gives the following branch: +Communicating branch -Zygomaticotemporal branch -Zygomaticofacial branch -Superior alveolar branch ? Within zygomatic bone the zygomatic nerve gives following branches: +Zygomaticotemporal branch and zygomaticofacial branch -External and internal nasal branches -Superior dental branches -Superior gingival branches ? The communicating branch with zygomatic nerve carries the following fibers: +Parasympathetic postganglionic fibers to lacrimal gland -Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers to ciliary ganglion -Sensory fibers to lacrimal gland -Motor fibers to muscles of eye ? Where is pterygopalatine ganglion located? +In the pterygopalatine fossa -In the temporal fossa -In the infratemporal fossa -In the sphenoethmoidal recess ? What nerve is not branch of the pterygopalatine ganglion? +Zygomatic nerve -Posterior superior medial and lateral nasal branches -Greater and lesser palatine nerves -Inferior posterior nasal branches ? The mandibular nerve escapes from the cranial cavity via: +Foramen ovale -Foramen rotundum -Foramen lacerum -Foramen spinosum ? What branch of mandibular nerve is not motor? +Meningeal branch -Masseteric nerve -Deep temporal nerve -Medial and lateral pterygoid nerves ? The mandibular nerve supplies the following muscles: +Tensor veli palatine and tensor tympani muscles -Levator veli palatine and uvulae muscles -Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles -Buccinators and risorius muscles ? What branch of mandibular nerve has no sensory fibers? +Masseteric nerve -Meningeal and buccal branches -Auriculotemporal and lingual nerves -Inferior alveolar nerves ? What branches of mandibular nerve resive parasympathetic secretory fibers? +Auriculotemporal and lingual nerves -Meningeal and buccal branches -Masseteric and musculi tensor tympani -Inferior alveolar nerves ? The meningeal branch of mandibular nerve supplies: +Dura mater of the middle cranial fossa -Dura mater of the anterior cranial fossa -Dura mater of the posterior cranial fossa -Mucosa of cheek ? The buccal nerve supplies: +Buccal mucosa and mucosa of angle of mouth -Muscles of upper jaw and lower jaw -Buccinators muscle -Anterior part of auricle ? The auriculotemporal nerve does not supply the following region of skin: +Zygomatic and buccal regions -Anterior part of auricle -External acoustic meatus and tympanic membrane -Temporal region ? What branches of auriculotemporal nerve contain postganglionic parasympathetic secretory fibers? +Parotid branches -Anterior auricular branches -Superficial temporal branches -Tympanic membrane branches ? Where is the otic ganglion located? +Below the foramen ovale medially from the mandibular nerve -Within parotid gland -In temporal fossa -On floor of external acoustic meatus ? The lingual nerve supplies the following region of oral mucosa: +Anterior 2/3 of tongue -Posterior 1/3 of tongue -Uvula -Palatoglossal arches ? What branch of the VII cranial nerve joins with lingual nerve? +Chorda tympani nerve -Greater petrosal nerve -Stapedius nerve -Posterior auricular nerve ? The inferior alveolar nerve supplies the following muscles: +Mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric muscles -Muscles of tongue -Muscles of soft palate -Muscles of palatine arches ? The third branch of trigeminal nerve emerges on the face in the region of: +Mental foramen -Infraorbital foramen -Mandibular angle -Near anterior margin of digastric muscle ? The sensory branches of inferior alveolar nerve supply: +Teeth and gums of lower jaw -Mucosa of tongue -Buccal mucosa -Mucosa of hard and soft palate ? The terminal branch of mandibular nerve supplies: +Skin of chin and lower lip -Buccal mucosa -Teeth and gums of lower jaw -Mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric muscle