Supplementary Table 1: Randomized, blinded clinical trials for treatment of subarachnoid haemorrhage (not directed at aneurysm repair or preventing rebleeding) Reference Treatment Study design Total number of patients Study end points Follow up period Results Mendelow et al. (1982)34 Acetylsalicylic acid RCT, doubleblind, placebo 53 Neurological deficits, death 6 months Allen et al. (1983)2 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 116 21 days Rosenwasser et al. (1983)49 Volume expansion and vasodilators versus diuretics RCT, unblinded 30 Neurological deficit from angiographic vasospasm, severity of deficit at 21 days Clinical vasospasm, death Saito et al. (1983)50 Nizofenone RCT, unblinded 90 Not stated Ono et al. (1984)43 Ticlopidine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 133 Neil-Dwyer et al. (1985)40 Propranolol +/- phentolamine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 224 Angiographic vasospasm, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, clinical outcome Excellent (normal life, no or mild neurological deficit), good (with neurological deficits but live without help), poor (vegetative or dead) Return to work or capable of working without appreciable neurological deficit (good result) or appreciable deficits and No effect of acetylsalicylic acid on neurological deficits or outcome Significantly fewer deficits from angiographic vasospasm with nimodipine Volume expansion plus vasodilator therapy had significantly lower mortality and clinical vasospasm No overall effect on clinical outcome, other effects not clear Not stated 3 months No difference in angiographic or clinical vasospasm, significantly more excellent and good outcomes with ticlopidine 28 days Significantly better outcome if treated with propranolol +/phentolamine incapable of returning to work (poor result) Shaw et al. (1985)54 Dipyridamole RCT, unblinded, placebo 677 Neurologist assessment 3 months Ohta et al. (1986)42 Nizofenone RCT, doubleblind, placebo 208 Clinical outcome on 9-point scale 1 month Philippon et al. (1986)46 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 70 Angiographic vasospasm, deficit due to vasospasm Not stated Neil-Dwyer et al. (1987)39 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 75 3 months Messeter et al. (1987)35 Nimodipine RCT, unblinded 20 Jan et al. (1988)24 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 188 Cerebral blood flow, blood pressure, clinical outcome (good, poor, dead) Cerebral blood flow, delayed neurological deficit, clinical outcome (good, fair, dead) Deficit due to angiographic vasospasm, GOS score Mee et al. (1988)33 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 75 3 months Hashi et al. (1988)22 Hydrocortisone RCT, doubleblind, placebo 140 Cerebral blood flow, death, clinical outcome (good [normal life with no or only cranial nerve deficit] or poor) Clinical outcome No effect on outcome or neurological deterioration attributed to delayed ischaemia Significantly better outcome if treated with nizofenone No difference in angiographic or clinical vasospasm, no overall difference in outcome Decreased mortality with nimodipine Not stated No significant effect on any end point Discharge Nimodipine reduced deficits due to angiographic vasospasm, and improved clinical outcome No difference in cerebral blood flow, significantly lower mortality with nimodipine 30 days No significant effect on outcome Petruk et al. (1988)45 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 154 Angiographic vasospasm, deficit due to vasospasm, GOS score 3 months Pickard et al. (1989)47 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 554 Delayed cerebral infarction, GOS score 3 months Suzuki et al. (1989)59 OKY-046 RCT, doubleblind, placebo 256 3 months Hasan et al. (1989)21 Fludrocortisone RCT, doubleblind, placebo 91 Ohman et al. (1991)41 Nimodipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 213 Angiographic vasospasm, low density areas on CT, clinical outcome on a 9point scale Delayed cerebral infarction, GOS score Deficit due to angiographic vasospasm, cerebral infarction, clinical outcome (independent, dependent, dead) Papo et al. (1991)44 Monosialoganglioside RCT, doubleblind, placebo 119 Change from baseline Glasgow Coma Scale score 21 days Tokiyoshi et al. (1991)60 OKY-046 RCT, placebo 24 Symptomatic vasospasm, GOS score 1 month Shibuya et al. (1992)56 AT-877 RCT, doubleblind, placebo 267 Angiographic vasospasm, delayed cerebral ischaemia, GOS score 1 month 3 months 1–3 years Nimodipine reduced deficits due to angiographic vasospasm, and improved clinical outcome Nimodipine reduced cerebral infarction and improved clinical outcome OKY-046 reduced angiographic vasospasm and lowdensity areas, no effect on clinical outcome No effect on delayed cerebral ischaemia or clinical outcome No difference in overall outcome, nimodipine reduced chances of death from delayed ischaemia and decreased cerebral infarction Patients treated with drug had better Glasgow Coma Scale scores at 21 days OKY-046 reduced neurological deficits from symptomatic vasospasm, no effect on clinical outcome AT877 reduced angiographic vasospasm, lowdensity areas associated with vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischaemia, no effect on clinical outcome European CGRP SAH group (1992)1 Haley et al. (1993)16,17 Calcitonin gene related peptide RCT, single-blind, placebo 117 GOS score 3 months No significant effect on clinical outcome Nicardipine RCT, doubleblind, placebo 906 3 months Han et al. (1993)19 Nimodipine RCT, placebo 322 Nicardipine reduced symptomatic vasospasm, no difference in cerebral infarction, clinical outcome or NIHSS score No significant effect on any end point Findlay et al. (1995)11 Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator RCT, doubleblind, placebo 100 Haley et al. (1995)14 Tirilazad RCT, doubleblind, placebo 245 Asano et al. (1996)3 (+/-)-N,N'-propylenedinicotinamide (AVS, nicaraven) RCT, doubleblind, placebo 162 GOS score, death and disability due to vasospasm, delayed cerebral ischaemia, cerebral infarction, NIHSS score Mortality, GOS score, delayed ischaemic deficits Angiographic vasospasm, delayed neurological worsening, GOS score Neurological worsening due to vasospasm, GOS score, NIHSS score Delayed ischaemic neurological deficit due to vasospasm, GOS score Kassell et al. (1996)25 Tirilazad RCT, doubleblind, placebo 1,015 Neurological worsening due to vasospasm, cerebral infarction, GOS score, NIHSS score 3 months 3–6 months 3 months 3 months 3 months No significant effect on angiographic vasospasm, delayed neurological worsening or clinical outcome No difference in neurological worsening or clinical outcome Nicaraven significantly reduced delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, reduced mortality, no effect on clinical outcome No overall effect on symptomatic vasospasm or clinical outcome, significantly reduced mortality with tirilazad, 6 mg/kg/day Haley et al. (1997)15 Tirilazad RCT, doubleblind, placebo 897 Saito et al. (1998)51 Ebselen RCT, doubleblind, placebo 286 Lanzino et al. (1999)27 Tirilazad RCT, doubleblind, placebo Lanzino et al. (1999)26 Tirilazad Hop et al. (2000)23 Mortality, GOS score, cerebral infarction, neurological worsening due to vasospasm GOS score, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit due to vasospasm, low-density areas on CT 3 months No significant effect of tirilazad on any end point 3 months 817 Mortality, GOS score, cerebral infarction, neurological worsening due to vasospasm 3 months RCT, doubleblind, placebo 823 3 months Aspirin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 50 Shaw et al. (2000)55 TAK-044 RCT, doubleblind, placebo 420 Lennihan et al. (2000)28 Hypervolaemia RCT, single-blind, placebo 82 Mortality, GOS score, cerebral infarction, neurological worsening due to vasospasm mRS score, quality of life, postoperative clinical deterioration, delayed cerebral ischaemia, new hypodensity on CT, haemorrhage Delayed ischaemic events, cerebral infarction, GOS score Cerebral blood flow, blood volume, symptomatic vasospasm, physiological variables, GOS No effect on lowdensity areas, clinical outcome or delayed ischaemic neurological deficits in intention-to-treat analysis Tirilazad reduced neurological worsening due to vasospasm and cerebral infarction, no effect on clinical outcome Tirilazad reduced mortality in poorgrade patients, no overall effect on outcome or other end points No overall effect on any end point 4 months 3 months No significant effect on any end point 1 year No significant effect on cerebral blood flow, blood volume, symptomatic vasospasm or GOS score score Egge et al. (2001)9 Haemodynamic therapy RCT, unblinded 32 Veyna et al. (2002)67 Magnesium RCT, single-blind, placebo 40 Hamada et al. (2003)18 Urokinase RCT, blinded 110 Siironen et al. (2003)57 Enoxaparin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 170 Wurm et al. (2004)71 Enoxaparin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 117 Physiological variables, Scandinavian Neurological Stroke Scale score, transcranial Doppler ultrasound, CT, single-photon emission CT, neuropsychologica l testing, GOS score GOS score, transcranial Doppler ultrasound, symptomatic vasospasm Symptomatic cerebral vasospasm, angiographic vasospasm, GOS score GOS score, mRS score, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, complications, bleeding, hydrocephalus Cerebral vasospasm, delayed ischaemic deficit, cerebral infarction, GOS score 1 year No significant effect on any end point 3 months No significant effect on any end point 6 months Urokinase reduced symptomatic vasospasm and improved clinical outcome 3 months No effect on clinical outcome 1 year Enoxaparin significantly reduced delayed ischaemic deficit, cerebral infarction, hydrocephalus and improved clinical outcome Reinert et al. (2004)48 Nitroglycerin RCT, single-blind 17 Lynch et al. (2005)29 Simvastatin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 39 Vajkoczy et al. (2005)63 Clazosentan RCT, doubleblind, placebo 32 Van den Bergh et al. (2005)65 Magnesium RCT, doubleblind, placebo 283 SchmidElsaesser et al. (2006)52 Magnesium RCT, single-blind 113 Van den Bergh et al. (2006)64 Aspirin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 161 Wong et al. (2006)69 Magnesium RCT, doubleblind, placebo 60 Transcranial Doppler ultrasound, cerebral blood flow, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit Clinical vasospasm in combination with transcranial Doppler ultrasound or angiography Safety, angiographic vasospasm, NIHSS score, GOS score Not stated Nitroglycerin reduced some transcranial Doppler flow velocities and increased cerebral blood flow Not stated Simvastatin reduced transcranial Doppler flow velocities and clinical vasospasm 14 days Delayed cerebral infarction, mRS score Clinical vasospasm, cerebral infarction, transcranial Doppler flow velocities, angiographic vasospasm, biochemical markers, GOS score Delayed cerebral infarction, mRS score GOS score, Barthel Index score, NIHSS score, clinical vasospasm 3 months Clazosentan reduced incidence and severity of angiographic vasospasm, no effect on clinical outcome No effect on delayed cerebral infarction or clinical outcome No significant effect on any end point 1 year 3 months 6 months No effect on delayed cerebral infarction or clinical outcome Magnesium decreased duration of transcranial Doppler flow velocity elevations, no significant effect on clinical outcome Barth et al. (2007)4 Nicardipine RCT, single blind 32 Angiographic vasospasm, cerebral infarction, mRS score, NIHSS score 1 year Tseng et al. (2007)61 Pravastatin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 80 Transcranial Doppler flow velocities, autoregulation, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, mRS score, short form 36 6 months Springborg et al. (2007)58 Erythropoietin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 54 6 months Chou et al. (2008)7 Simvastatin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 39 Macdonald et al. (2008)32 Clazosentan RCT, doubleblind, placebo 413 GOS score, transcranial Doppler flow velocities, symptomatic vasospasm, cerebral metabolism, biochemical markers Death, drug morbidity, transcranial Doppler flow velocities, angiographic or clinical vasospasm, cerebral infarction, mRS score Angiographic vasospasm, mortality, cerebral infarction, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit due to vasospasm, Nicardipine pellets reduced angiographic vasospasm, cerebral infarction and mortality and improved outcome on mRS and NIHSS Pravastatin reduced transcranial Doppler flow velocities, duration of vasospasm and impaired autoregulation, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, poor outcome and mortality No significant effect on any end point Discharge No significant effect on any endpoint 3 months Clazosentan reduced incidence and severity of angiographic vasospasm, no effect on clinical outcome rescue therapy, GOS score Muroi et al. (2008)37 Magnesium RCT, single-blind, placebo 58 Zwienenberg-Lee et al. (2008)73 Prophylactic balloon angioplasty RCT, single-blind 170 Hanggi et al. (2009)20 Multimodal therapy RCT 20 Munakata et al. (2009)36 Edaravone RCT, single-blind 91 Tseng et al. (2009)62 Erythropoietin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 80 Vergouwen et al. (2009)66 Simvastatin RCT, doubleblind, placebo 32 Delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, cerebral infarction, GOS score GOS score, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, transcranial Doppler flow velocities 1 year No significant effect on any end point 3 months Delayed neurological deficit, transcranial Doppler flow velocities, CT perfusion, CT angiography, clinical outcome Delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, cerebral infarction, GOS score Incidence, duration and severity of transcranial Doppler flow velocity change, autoregulation, delayed ischaemic deficit, GOS score, NIHSS score Not stated Prophylactic balloon angioplasty reduced the need for therapeutic angioplasty but no effect on other end points Translumbar lavage with urokinase and nimodipine, head shaking, stopped early due to two patients with paraparesis Biological effects, transcranial Doppler flow velocities, delayed cerebral ischaemia, GOS 6 months 3 months Edaravone reduced cerebral infarction but no overall effect on clinical outcome 6 months Erythropoietin associated with lower severity of vasospasm, reduced cerebral infarction, duration of impaired autoregulation and delayed ischaemic deficit, and no difference in clinical outcome Simvastatin lowered some serum lipids but had no significant effect on other end points score Gomi, et al. (2010)13 Methylprednisolone RCT, doubleblind, placebo 95 Westermaier et al. (2010)68 Magnesium RCT, single-blind, placebo 110 Naidech et al. (2010)38 Transfusion RCT, single-blind 44 Wong et al. (2010)70 Magnesium RCT, doubleblind, placebo 327 Yamamoto et al. (2010)72 Tisokinase RCT, single-blind 60 Macdonald et al. (2011)30 Clazosentan RCT, doubleblind, placebo 1,157 Clinical deterioration associated with angiographic vasospasm or transcranial Doppler flow velocity elevation, mRS score, GOS score Delayed ischaemic infarction, transcranial Doppler flow velocities, angiographic vasospasm, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit, GOS score mRS score, NIHSS score, cerebral infarction 1 year Methylprednisolone had no effect on symptomatic vasospasm but improved clinical outcome 6 months Extended GOS score, mRS score, Barthel Index score, clinical vasospasm Symptomatic vasospasm, lowdensity areas on CT, GOS score, mRS score 6 months Magnesium decreased delayed ischemic infarction and transcranial Doppler/angiographi c vasospasm, no effect on delayed ischaemic neurological deficit or clinical outcome No significant difference in transfusion thresholds of 10 or 11.5 g/dl No significant effect on any end point Composite of mortality, vasospasm-related cerebral infarct, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit or rescue therapy, 3 months 6 months 3 months Tisokinase may improve outcome if administered intermittently, may reduce low density areas No significant effect on any end point extended GOS score Dorhout-Mees et al. (2012)8 Macdonald et al. (2012)31 Magnesium Bradford et al. (2013)5 RCT, doubleblind, placebo RCT, doubleblind, placebo 1,204 mRS score 3 months 571 Composite of mortality, vasospasm-related cerebral infarct, delayed ischaemic neurological deficit or rescue therapy, extended GOS score 3 months Magnesium RCT, doubleblind, placebo 162 3 months Bulters et al. (2013)6 Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation RCT, single-blind 71 Incidence and severity of angiographic vasospasm, clinical outcome GOS score, short form 36, physiological parameters, cerebral blood flow Etminan et al. (2013)10 Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and head shaking RCT, single-blind 60 GOS score, clot clearance, delayed cerebral infarction, hydrocephalus 3 months Garg et al. (2013)12 Simvastatin RCT, doubleblinded, placebo 38 6 months No significant effect on any end point Senbokuya et al. (2013)53 Cilostazol RCT, open-label, no placebo 109 Clinical cerebral vasospasm, GOS score, mRS score, Barthel Index score Symptomatic vasospasm, angiographic vasospasm, cerebral infarction, mRS score 6 months Cilostazol reduced symptomatic vasospasm, angiographic vasospasm, and cerebral infarction Clazosentan 6 months No significant effect on any end point One dose of clazosentan reduced composite outcome of mortality, vasospasm-related cerebral infarct, delayed ischaemic deficit or rescue therapy, but no overall effect on clinical outcome No significant effect on any end point No significant effect on clinical outcome or cerebral blood flow, intra-aortic balloon lowered cardiac output and increased systemic vascular resistance No significant effect on any end point but had no effect on clinical outcome Abbreviations: GOS, Glasgow Outcome Scale; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, NIH Stroke Scale; RCT, randomized controlled trial. 1. 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