Lecture 13

Clinical Microbiology
Lecture 13
Bio 3124
Identification of pathogens is critical
Use appropriate treatments
• Antibiotics don’t work on all bacteria
• Many bacteria are now drug-resistant
• Proper choice of antibiotics necessary
Required for proper prognosis
• Streptococcal pharyngitis might appear like a mild
• Could cause serious heart, kidney complications
Track spread of disease
• Allows faster treatment of others infected
• Allows identification of cause of infection
Clinical Microbiology, Specimens
Clinical microbiology
isolate and identify microbes from clinical specimens rapidly
Clinical specimen
human material tested to determine the presence or absence
of specific microbes
specimen should:
represent diseased area
Sufficient quantity to do a variety of diagnostic tests
collected aseptically to avoid contamination
obtained prior to administration of antimicrobial
forwarded promptly and properly to a clinical lab
Clinical Techniques
Definitive identification relies on:
Microscopy: Morphological assessment, fluorescence
microscopy for specific detection
Biochemical techniques, require growing pathogen
Immunologic tests: use of antibodies, Elisa, Agglutination
test, complement fixation, immunoprecipitation based
tests eg. radial immunodiffusion, double diffusion
Molecular techniques: PCR, QPCR, Ribotyping, RFLP
also phage typing
wet-mount, heat-fixed, or chemically fixed specimens
can be examined
choice of microscopy depends on pathogen
Morphological, Gram reaction, spore bearing
e.g., dark-field microscopy
• detection of spirochetes in skin lesions associated
with syphilis
e.g., fluorescence microscopy
stains often used
Simple stains, Gram stain and
acid fast stain (Zeil-Neelsen)
for mycobacteria
Immunofluorescence microscopy
fluorophores are exposed to UV, violet, or blue light to
make them fluoresce
coupled to antibody molecules without changing
antibody’s ability to bind a specific antigen
can be used as direct fluorescent-antibody (FA) assay
or indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) assay
Direct and indirect Immunofluorescence
infected cells
Herpes simplex infected cells
Growth and Biochemical Characteristics
Sample used to infect cells in tissue
identified by:
immunodiagnostic tests
molecular methods
replication in culture detected by:
Polio induced CPE
cytopathic effects
• morphological changes in host cells
• binding of red blood cells to surface of
infected cells (hemagglutinin producing viruses)
hPIV3 induced cell fusion
Biochemical Identification
most bacteria:
culturing in growth media
• can provide preliminary information about biochemical nature
of bacterium
additional biochemical tests used following isolation
some bacteria are not routinely cultured
rickettsias, chlamydiae, and mycoplasmas
identified with special stains, immunologic tests, or
molecular methods such as PCR
Biochemical tests
Examples of biochemical tests
Biochemical properties
represent genetic relatedness
Database of biochemical
Can be used to identify
Growing on different substrates
as sole carbon source
Biochemical signature of test
Compare with database to find
the best match
See Flowcharts (algorithms) for
ID’ing schemes
Lac- = dark blue
H. Influenza requires NAD and hemin
Lac+ = yellow
Oxidase test
N. meningitidis is has cyt C
scheme for
G+ bacteria
scheme for Gbacteria
Rapid Methods of Identification
manual biochemical systems
mechanized/automated systems:
e.g., API 20 E system
Biolog phenotypic arrays
immunologic systems
Reference book: Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology / [edited by] John G. Holt et al., Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins,
API 20E system
Checks for 20 metabolic markers and generates codes to match
known bacteria
Biolog phenotypic identification array
More than 2500 bacterial, fungi and
yeast species
Based on colorimetric detection of
Use of a redox dye coupled to ETC
95 metabolic markers
Rapid 4-16 hours
Computer based database match
Biolog Inc website
Each well contains one carbon source
growth results in color change
Bacteriophage Typing
based on specificity of phage surface
molecules for host cell receptors
Narrow host range for a collection of
phages can be used to typify the hosts
collection of strains sensitive to
certain collection of phage types
Molecular Methods
 Nucleic
acid-based detection methods
• Ribotyping
• Diagnostic PCR
• Probe hybridization (RFLP analysis)
 Analysis
of proteins: PAGE and Western
To identify bacterial genera
based on high level of 16S rRNA conservation among
PCR amplification of rRNA genes or fragments
Sequence of amplified DNA compared with those in the
National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI)
Strain is determined on the basis of sequence homology
Diagnostic PCR
Amplifies small fragment of DNA
 Allows detection of tiny numbers of bacteria
 Size of fragment can indicate species, strain
Clostridium botulinum toxin genes
 Restriction analysis can further
indicate strain
 Single nucleotide differences
affect ability to be cut by
restriction enzymes
Real-Time Quantitative PCR
Detection of slow growing viruses,
latent infections
Reverse Transcriptase makes cDNA from
RNA followed by PCR
qRT-PCR: quantitative “real-time” PCR
Quenched fluorescent probe to amplified
• Probe is degraded as amplification occurs
• Separates quencher from fluorophore
Measure appearance of fluorescence
• Faster the gain, the more template present
• Indicates more viral RNA or DNA in sample
Animation: Real-time PCR
Genomic fingerprint: RFLP analysis
RFLP (restriction fragment
length polymorphism)
• Genomic DNA restriction
• Electrophoesis
• Chemical denaturation
• Southern transfer: transfer of
ssDNA onto nylon membranes
• Probe hybridization:
short complementary DNA labelled
with 32P or tagged with an enzyme
eg Alkaline phosphatase
• Detection: chromogenic
reaction or by X-ray
- Related strains show similar RFLP patterns
Animation: Southern blot and RFLP analysis
Immunologic Techniques
detection of antigens or antibodies in specimens
especially useful when culture methods are
unavailable or impractical
use of immunological techniques has many
easy to use
rapid reaction endpoints
sensitive and specific
 visible immune complexes formed by cross-linking cells
with antibodies
 eg., Agglutination of S. thyphi by serum from infected
patient (Widal Test)
 Can be used to titre the serum antibodies for a pathogen
titer = reciprocal of highest
dilution positive for agglutination
Complement Fixation
Complement fixation: binding complement to an
antigen-antibody complex; compl. used up
 basis of diagnostic tests that determine if
antibodies to an antigen are present in patient’s
Animation: Complement fixation
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Done in two ways:
Direct: directly detecting
antigens in a sample
also called antigen capture
Pathogen specific Ab
Patient serum passed
Secondary antibody detects
binds to captured Ag
Immunosorbent Assay
Indirect: detecting
antibodies in a patients
interpreted as indirect
evidence for exposure to a
Known antigen immobilized
Primary Ab detects Ag
Enz-linked secondary Ab
detects primary Ab
Can be quantified
Animation: Direct and Indirect ELISA
Immunoblotting (Western Blot)
proteins separated by SDS-PAGE
proteins transferred to nitrocellulose sheets
protein bands visualized with enzyme-tagged antibodies
distinguish microbes
diagnostic tests
Extra slides if you like to seek for more
Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) and
fluorescence microscopy
produced by hybridoma
 recognize a single
mABs used
• technique has replaced
use of polyclonal antisera
for culture confirmation
Click to read more about hybridoma technology