
6th International Junior
Science Olympiad (IJSO)
Forensic Science
Dr. Kwok Cheong CHUNG
Department of Biology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Forensic Science Fields
• Forensic Science Techniques
• DNA Forensics
– Blood-typing and DNA Analysis
– Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
– Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
– Mitochondrial DNA
– Short Tandem Repeats (STR)
– Automated DNA Sequencing
Notes to Teachers
• Learning objectives
– To let students know the various fields in forensic science
(0.5 hr)
– To let students know the techniques used in forensic
sciences (1 hr)
– To let students know the techniques in DNA Forensics: (2
• Blood-typing and DNA Analysis
• Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP)
• Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
• Mitochondrial DNA
• Short Tandem Repeats (STR)
• Automated DNA Sequencing
• Time allocation: 3.5 hrs
Learning Outcomes
After studying this topic students will be able to:
• know the various fields in forensic science
• know the techniques used in forensic sciences
• know the techniques in DNA Forensics:
– Blood-typing and DNA Analysis
– Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP)
– Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
– Mitochondrial DNA
– Short Tandem Repeats (STR)
– Automated DNA Sequencing
Forensic Science Techniques - Biology
• Cell theory
• Serology – blood composition & blood types
• Dental forensics (forensic ondotology) - bite marks &
human identification
• Human body systems
– Circulatory system
– Health and illness
– Misc. body fluids, tissues & hairs
– Autopsy
• Finger prints (dactylography), lip prints
• Animals and habitats – Insects (forensic entomology)
• Genetics and DNA
– DNA fingerprinting analysis
– DNA sequencing
Forensic Science Techniques - Chemistry
• Elements, compounds, and mixtures
– Toxicology
– Drugs and poisons
– Polymers
– Analysis of ink (chromatography)
– Drug analysis
• Chemical reactions
– Arson/Explosive analysis
• Thermochemistry
– Arson 縱火
– Identification of unknown metals
Forensic Science Techniques- Physics
• Forces and motion
– Accident investigation
(velocity, acceleration, vectors)
• Behavior of fluids
– Blood-spatter analysis
• Light and image formation: forensic photography
• Electrical circuits - arson investigation
• Thermodynamics
– Arson
– Metal identification
– Temperature and heat
– Structural forensics
• Projectile motion: ballistics
Misc. Forensic Science Techniques
• Prints
– Shoeprints
– Toolmarks and glove prints
• Soil analysis
• Hard drive imaging
– Creating a duplicate of hard drive contents
allowing analysis of data that has been
Challenges of Forensic Data Mapping
• Recognition of usefulness of crime
scene material
• Compatibility between case data,
databases and mapping
• Communication between crime
analysts and forensic scientists
• Legal Issues, information access
and sharing
DNA Forensics
• DNA is the chemical substance which makes up
our chromosomes and controls all inheritable
traits (eye, hair and skin color)
• DNA is different for every individual except
identical twins
• DNA is found in all cells with a nucleus (muscle
cells, white blood cells, soft tissue cells, bone
cells, hair root cells and spermatozoa)
• Half of a individual’s DNA/chromosomes come
from the father & the other half from the mother
• DNA is a double-stranded molecule made of four
different building blocks
• An individual’s DNA remains the same throughout
• In specific regions on a DNA strand each person 11
has a unique sequence of DNA or genetic code
Two Types of DNA Used
• Nucleic DNA
– In nucleus of cells
– Individual specific
• Mitochondrial DNA
– Found in
– From maternal side
– Not as specific –
shows maternal side
Nuclear DNA
3.2 billion bp
Autosomes chromosomes
DNA is made of nucleotides (A, C,
G, & T) that are anti-parallel
Replication/Transcription Direction
Coding strand
DNA Molecular Structure & Make-up
Some Genetics Terms
• Recombinant DNA - DNA molecules which are formed as a
result of incorporating DNA from two or more sources into a
single molecule
• Restriction enzymes - chemicals that cut DNA into
fragments that can later be incorporated into another DNA
strand; ~150 different kinds
• Polymer – long-chained molecule (e.g. DNA)
• Polymerase - enzyme that is used to assemble new strands
of DNA to the original/parent strand
Some Genetics Terms
• A probe is a specific single strand DNA or RNA fragment
which can bind with the sample DNA or RNA for detection
ATCCGATCG-------• Source of probe - synthesized, cloning genomic DNA or
cDNA, as well as RNA
• A probe must be labeled before hybridization
– radioactive : αorγ32P
– nonradioactive : biotin, digoxigenin, fluorescent dye
Blood-typing and DNA Analysis
• 1901: Human blood groups
identified by Karl Landsteiner
– Major problem of ABO blood
typing: blood protein markers
are not found in semen
• 1909: Chromosomes discovered
to carry hereditary information
• 1980: David Botstein and others
used RFLP to construct a human
gene map
• 1984: Kary Mullis invented PCR
methods, DNA fingerprinting was
developed by Jeffries
• 1987: First time DNA evidence
was used to convict a person in
the US (The Pitchfork Case)
Blood-typing and DNA Analysis
• 1987: 1987 FBI with NIH began
collaborative research to establish DNA
identification techniques
• 1988: FBI set up their own laboratory
– Established detailed laboratory protocols
– Performed validation studies
DNA Identification - Uses
• Investigations of criminal cases involving victims
– Assault 攻擊
– Kidnapping
– Robbery
– Rape
– Murder
• Catastrophe victims
• Paternity / family relationships
• Identify endangered and protected species
• Detect bacteria/organisms that may pollute the air, water,
food, and soil
• Match organ donors with recipients
• Determine pedigree for seed / livestock breeds
• Authenticate consumables such as caviar and wine
• Restriction Fragment Length
– Fragment lengths of repeating bases result
from using restriction enzymes
• 1st method used in forensic science
RFLP Process
Need large amount of DNA
DNA is treated with restriction enzyme
Cut DNA is then separated using electrophoresis
DNA bands transferred to Nylon Membrane
(Southern blotting)
Radioactive DNA probe is added to membrane
X-ray film placed next to membrane for a couple
of days
X-ray DNA film fragments then measured
samples along with control
RFLP strands used are typically thousands of
bases long
RFLP Process
PCR DNA Typing Technique
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Now being used more than RFLP
Requires only small amount of DNA
Produces large amount of DNA
Can be used to aid other techniques
Uses electrophoresis
Best on strands no longer than a couple of
hundred bases long
PCR Process
• Heat DNA template to ~94°C
– DNA becomes denatured
• Annealing
– Add primers (short strands of DNA) to separated
– Primers combine or hybridize by lowering temp
• Extension
DNA polymerase (directs rebuilding of DNA strand)
Mixture of free nucleotides
pH buffer, salt, Mg2+
Heat to ~55-72 °C
• Repeat process 25-30 times
– > 1 billion copies to be made (32 cycles)
Simple Overview of PCR Amplification
Schematic Representation of PCR
• Rate of PCR
Short Tandem Repeats (STR)
Use DNA sections with repeat bases (2-7)
Uses capillary electrophoresis
Visualized as peaks on a graph
– Better discrimination than RFLP
– Faster result time
– Low mutation rates
– Only ~1 nanogram needed
How STRs Appear as a Result of Analysis
Databases of Forensic Data
• National Forensic Databases (US)
– Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
– Automated Fingerprint Identification System
– PDQ (paint)
– National DNA Index System (NDIS)
– National Integrated Ballistics Information
Network (NIBIN)
– National Law Enforcement
Telecommunications Systems (NLETS)
– National Crime Information Center (NCIC )
– Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
• Combined DNA Index
System in USA
– National DNA I.D.
– All profiles stored in
CODIS are generated
using STR analysis
– Has three levels
• Local
• State
• Federal
FBI uses 13 different DNA loci
1:53,581,500,000,000,000,000 probability
Example of using STR Analysis in Forensics
49 murders in Seattle area 1982-1984
Bodies discarded in woods
Task force investigated for years
In 2001 DNA breakthrough led to further investigation
including microscopic analysis of artifacts recovered
with bodies
• Green paint spheres found on artifacts
– High end spray paint
– Linked bodies to each other
– Linked bodies to a common location / source - a
single truck painting plant
– PCR-based STR analysis was used to convict the
Mitochondrial DNA in Forensics
• Mitochondria
– Organelles which are responsible
for cellular respiration (ATP
– Have a double membrane, cristae
(folds), a matrix, and their own
– Mitochondria of the sperm cell do
not enter the egg at fertilization
• Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) codes
for proteins and enzymes used by the
• Nuclear DNA also codes for enzymes
used in the mitochondria
Nuclear DNA vs. Mitochondrial DNA
• Nuclear DNA
• Mitochondrial DNA
– found in nucleus of the cell
– found in mitochondria of the cell
– double helix
– circular
– bounded by a nuclear
– free of a nuclear envelope
– each mitochondria may have
– 2 sets of 23 chromosomes
several copies of the single
mtDNA molecule
– DNA packed into chromatin
– DNA is not packed into
– used with evidence such as
saliva, semen, blood
– used with evidence such as hair,
– maternal and paternal
bones, teeth, and body fluid
– can “discriminate between
– maternal only
individuals of the same
maternal lineage”
– cannot “discriminate between
individuals of the same
maternal lineage”
Forensic mtDNA Analysis
Steps to obtain a mtDNA sequence
from a sample:
Primary Visual Analysis
Sample Preparation
DNA extraction
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
5. Postamplification Quantification of
the DNA
6. Automated DNA Sequencing
7. Data Analysis
Postamplification Purification and
• Purification is performed • Quantification is performed by
by using filtration
using capillary electrophoresis (CE),
devices that remove the
which compares the amount of
excess reagents used in
DNA in the PCR product to a
the PCR from the
known DNA standard to determine
the concentration of the DNA in the
PCR-amplified sample
Automated DNA Sequencing
• Dideoxy Terminator (Sanger’s)
–similar to PCR amplification
–terminator bases tagged with a
fluorescent dye are added in
addition to free nucleotides
–terminator bases with the OH
group replaced with H group in
the sugar moiety
–normal bases compete with
the terminator bases for
incorporation into the growing
DNA strand, resulting in a
collection of DNA products that
differ in size by one base and
have a fluorescent labeled
base at the end position
Automated DNA Sequencing
Results of automated DNA
sequence analysis using
fluorescent dyes
References for Further Studies
• Forensic science
– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_science
• A Free And Comprehensive Guide To The World Of
Forensic Science
– http://www.all-about-forensic-science.com/
• Polymerase chain reaction
– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymerase_chain_reaction
• Principle of the PCR
– http://users.ugent.be/~avierstr/principles/pcr.html
• PCR: The polymerase chain reaction
– http://www.horizonpress.com/pcr/
• Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
– http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/genome/probe/doc/TechRF