Protein Complex and Protein-protein Interaction 彭鲲鹏 国家人类基因组北方研究中心 Email: Protein is the final player in cell life Central dogma: the story of life DNA RNA Protein Proteins function in association with other proteins or biomolecules, but not in isolation Introduction to Proteomics the analysis of genomic complements of proteins dynamic systematic discovery-driven Goals of Proteomics to discover drug target to understand cellular processes to discover protein function to understand disease states to identify biomarker Types of Proteomics Expression Proteomics – Quantitative study of protein expression and their changes between samples that differs by some variable Functional Proteomics – To study protein-protein interaction, 3-D structures, cellular localization and PTMs in order to understand the physiological function of the whole set of proteome. Approaches Genetic: yeast two-hybrid phage display Biophysical: Mass Spectrometry SPR FRET Biochemical: Blue native PAGE Far Western Pull-down Coimmunoprecipitation TAP Crosslinking Bioinformatic: Co-occurrence Neighborhood Surface patch Blue Native PAGE separation of native proteins in complex. Coomassie Blue G: stable and negatively charge multiprotein complex. 6-aminocaproic acid: solubilize membrane protein complex instead of salts. the resolution is not so high that the prepurification is needed. Anal Biochem 1991, 199:223-231 Blue Native PAGE _ detergent CBB 6-ACA + Blue Native PAGE Sample Preparation Blue Native PAGE SDS-PAGE Solubilization with nonionic detergent (laurylmaltoside, TX-100, CHAPS, Mega 9, octylglucoside, Brij 35, etc), supplemented with 6-aminocaproic acid Separation gel: 6-13% gradient Cathode buffer contains 0.02% Coomassie blue G250 Separation of members of multiprotein complex Blue Native PAGE of chloroplast thylakoid membranes BN-PAGE of solubilized chloroplast thylakoid membranes (a) followed by SDS–PAGE in the second dimension (b). CF0F1 ATP synthase was indicated. BBRC 1999, 259:569-575 Blue Native PAGE of chloroplast thylakoid membranes lane 1: LMW marker lane 2: CF0F1 ATP synthase, purified by density gradient centrifugation lane 3: electroeluted protein from the intense band (Rf= 0.38) in BN-PAGE (a). BBRC 1999, 259:569-575 Blue Native PAGE of multiprotein complex from whole cellular lysate Dialysis permits the analysis of multiprotein complexes of whole cellular lysates by BNPAGE. MCP 3:176-182, 2004 Blue Native PAGE Identification and analysis of distinct proteasomes by WCL 2D BN/SDS-PAGE A, WCL of HEK293 cells was separated by 2D BN/SDS-PAGE (5.5–14 and 10%, respectively), and immunoblotting was performed with specific antibodies recognizing either subunits of the 20S core complex (Mcp21 and 2), or a subunit of the 19S cap of the 26S proteasome (S4 ATPase), or a subunit of the PA28 regulatory subunit (PA28). B, An identical sample was boiled in 1% SDS, resolved by 2D BN/SDSPAGE, and immunoblotted as described in A. MCP 3:176-182, 2004 Blue Native PAGE Visualization of MPCs on a 2D WCL BN/SDS gel A, WCL of HEK293 cells was prepared B, WCL of HEK293 cells was using Triton X-100 and separated by boiled with 1% SDS before 2D BN/SDS-PAGE (5.5–17 and 10%, separation and staining. respectively). MCP 3:176-182, 2004 Far Western Far Western Max: functional cloning of a Myc-binding protein MycC92 A. CKII, casein kinase II phosphorylation site; BR, basic region; HLH, helix-loophelix; LZ, leucine zipper. B. Plaques that express beta-galactosidase fusion prteins were screened for their ability to react with 125I-labeld GST-MycC92. Top left, secondary plating of five putative positive demonstrates the reactivity of two of the primary plaques, Max11 and Max14. Top right, as a negative control, GST was labeled to a similar specific activity and compared with GST-MycC92 for bidning to Max14 plaques. Bottom, binding of GSTMycC92 to Mzx14 plaques was assayed with or without affinity purified carboxyl terminal-specific anti-Myc (Ab) or peptide immunogen (peptide). Science 251:1211-7, 1991 Far Western Association of Rb with HIP1 HeLa nulear extract (~100 ug) (lane 1, 2) and HIP1 (~200 ng) purified from HeLa (lane 3, 4) were electrophoresed, blotted, and renatured in situ. Adjacent strips were cut from the filters and probed with 32P-GST-RB(379-928) (lane 1, 3) or 32P-GST-RB(379-928;706F) (lane 2, 4) Cell 70:351-364, 1992 GST Pulldown GST Pulldown Interactions of Cellular Polypeptides with the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Mouse Fas Antigen Fas: 45-kilodalton transmembrane receptor that initiates apoptosis; The biochemical mechanisms responsible for Fas action are incompletely understood; the cytoplasmic domain is clearly necessary for Fas to function as a receptor; The cytoplasmic domain does not display any known enzymatic activities but is capable of interacting with a number of proteins. JBC 271:8627-32, 1996 GST Pulldown GST-mFas fusion proteins 1 149 166 204 293 194 306 194 292 194 283 194 276 194 194 268 221 194 221 306 306 306 GST Pulldown GST-mFas-associated polypeptides from 32Slabeled HeLa, L929, and Jurkat cell lysates Preclearation: 25 ug GST/50 ul GSH-Seph. Incubation: 10 ug GST/GSTmFas-(194-306) Wash: 0.5% NP-40, 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 200 mM NaCl Elution: 50 ul 20 mM GSH in 50 mM Tris GST Pulldown GST-mFas-associated polypeptides are stable to high salt concentrations HeLa cell lysates were screened with either GST or GST-mFas(194–306) as described above except that the Sepharoseprotein complexes were washed with Lysis Buffer containing different salt concentrations (as indicated). The eluted material was subjected to 12% SDSPAGE and fluorography. GST Pulldown Association is blocked by preincubation with a polyclonal antibody against GST-mFas A. the antibody recognized the Fas intracellular domain; B. association of proteins from HeLa lysate with GST-mFas was blocked by anti-GST-mFas IgG; C. anti-GST antibody had no effect up to 100 ug of IgG. GST Pulldown Differential association with mutant forms of GST-mFas HeLa L929 292 283 276 268 221 GST Pulldown Schematic representation of the mouse Fas antigen and its binding proteins GST Pulldown Epitope tagging 1 2 3 4 6-9 5 Co-Immunoprecipitation In the intact cell, protein X is present in a complex with protein Y. This complex is preserved after cell lysis and allows protein Y to be coimmunoprecipitated with protein X (complex 1). However, the disruption of subcellular compartmentalization could allow artifactual interactions to occur between some proteins, for example, protein X and protein B (complex 2). Furthermore, the antibody that is used for the immunoprecipitation may cross-react nonspecifically with other proteins, for example, protein A (complex 3). The key to identification of protein:protein interactions by coimmunoprecipitation is to perform the proper controls so as to identify protein Y but not protein A and B. Co-Immunoprecipitation Antibody Identification The protein against which the antibody was raised should be precipitated from cell lysate. (1) Independent antibodies raised against the same protein recognize the same polypeptide; (2) Target protein should not be identified with antibodies from cell lines without target protein; Co-Immunoprecipitation False positive and control 1. Antibody control Monoclonal Ab: another MoAb against similar protein Antiserum: serum before immunization from the same animal Polyclonal Ab: purified PoAb against another protein 2. Multiple antibodies different Abs against different epitopes; the epitope may be the site for association with other proteins; 3. Cell lines depleted of target protein Control experiment should be practised in depleted cell lines 4. Inactive biological mutant 5. Interaction verification before and after cell lysis unphysiological interaction Co-Immunoprecipitation Reduction of nonspecific protein background 1. to increase ionic strength in wash buffer; 2. to reduce the amount of primary Ab; 3. to preclear cell lysate with control Ab. Co-Immunoprecipitation Binding of pVHL to Elongin B and C 1. von Hippel-Lindau disease is a hereditary cancer syndrome characterized by the development of multiple tumors; 2. VHL susceptibility gene, mutated in the majority of VHL kindreds, is a tumor suppressor; 3. to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms underlying tumor suppression by pVHL, search for cellular proteins that bound to wt pVHL, but not to tumor-derived pVHL mutants. Science 269:1444-6, 1995 Co-Immunoprecipitation Identification of VHL-associated proteins Lysates from 786-O renal carcinoma cells, transfected with the indicated pVHL constructs, were immunoprecipitated with anti-HA (A and B) or with antiVHL (C). Detection by autoradiography (A, C) or by immunoblotting (B). anti-VHL open arrows: exo pVHL closed arrows: VHL-AP pVHL(1-115): without residues frequently altered by naturally occurring VHL mutations and, unlike pVHL(wt), does not suppress tumor formation in vivo. pVHL(167W): the predicted product of a mutant VHL allele that is common in VHL families. Co-Immunoprecipitation Mapping the p14 and p18 binding site on pVHL A. 786-O cells producing HA-VHL(wt) or HAVHL(1-115) were labeled with 35S-methione, lysed, and immunoprecipitated with anti-HA. Parental 786-O cells were similarly labeled, lysed, and incubated with GSH Sepharose preloaded with GST-VHL(117-213) or GST alone. a-HA B and C. 786-O cells were labeled, lysed, and incubated with GSH Sephorase preloaded with the indicated GST-VHL fusion protein. In (C), the indicated peptides (final conc. ~0.1, 1, or 10 uM) were added to the GST-VHL fusion protein before incubation with the radiolabeled extract. The wt peptide is TLKERCLQWRSLVKP (underlined residues are sites of germ-line missense mutations). The mutant peptide is TLKERFLQWRSLVKP. Co-Immunoprecipitation the binding site for Elongin B and C in pVHL Distribution of germ-line VHL mutations. The shaded region represents the bidning site for Elongin B and C. Co-Immunoprecipitation Binding of pVHL to Elongin B and Elongin C in vivo A. ACHN (VHL +/+), CAKI-1 (VHL +/+), 786-O (VHL -/-), and 293 (VHL +/+) cells were labeled with 35Smethione, lysed, and immunoprecipitated with anti-VHL or a control antibody. The immunoprecipitaes were washed under high-salt conditions. The identification of pVHL(wt) (open arrow) was confirmed by anti-pVHL immunoblot analysis. The ~19 kD protein immediately above p18 (*) in the ACHN, CAKI-1, and 293 cell antiVHL immunoprecipitates reacts with a polyclonal antibody to VHL. B. Comparison of peptides generated by partial proteolysis of Elongin B and C, translated in vitro, with p18 and p14. TAP: tandem affinity purification TAP Sequence and structure of the TAP tag bait CBP TEV Ig BD TAP Overview of the TAP procedure TAP Schematic representation of the split TAP tag strategy TAP Schematic representation of the substraction strategy TAP Protein composition of TAPpurified U1 snRNP TAP Step-by-step analysis of the TAP strategy Proteins present in the final TAP fraction (lanes 7 and 8), or present after each of the single affinity purification steps (lanes 1–4), were analyzed. Snu71-TAP (lanes 1, 3, and 7) or wild-type extracts (lanes 2, 4, and 8) were used. Lane 5: molecular weight marker. Lane 6: an amount of TEV protease identical to the amount used to elute proteins bound to IgG beads (lanes 2, 3, 7, and 8). Right arrows indicate the U1 snRNP-specific proteins including the tagged Snu71p after TEV cleavage; the arrow on the left indicates the Snu71p protein fused to the TAP tag before TEV cleavage. TAP TAP in higher eucaryotes Questions: overexpression endogenous expression Solutions: RNA interference Knockin technique Strengths and weaknesses of commonly used affinity approaches for the retrieval of protein complexes FRET: fluorescence resonance energy transfer When will FRET occur? Donor emission Acceptor absorption 1) Spectral overlap Donor emission spectrum must significantly overlap the absorption spectrum of the acceptor (>30%) 2) Distance between the donor and acceptor is between 2 - 10 nm 3) Favorable orientation of fluorophores 2 ~ 10 nm FRET R0 = 4.9 nm E: energy transfer efficiency E = R06/(R06 + r6) R0: intermolecular distance when half of energy is transfered r: distance between fluorophores when r = 2R0, E = 1/65 FRET Imaging protein phosphorylation by FRET target GFP Fab Cy3 microinjection or incubation transfection laser Fab Cy3 target GFP activator FRET Detection of protein interaction by FRET Protein 2 FITC Protein 1 Cy3 in vitro target Fab GFP Protein 2 YFP Protein 1 CFP Cy3 phosphorylation in vivo FRET FRET reveals interleukin (IL)-1dependent aggregation of IL-1 type I receptors that correlates with receptor activation JBC 270:27562-8, 1995 FRET Abbreviation IL-1: interleukin 1 IL-1 RI: IL-1 type I receptor IL-1ra: IL-1 receptor antagnist CHO-mu1c: CHO-K1 cells stably transfected with wildtype IL-1 receptor CHO-extn: CHO-K1 cells stably transfected with cytoplasmic tail-truncated IL-1 receptor M5: noncompetitive anti-IL1 RI monoclonal antibody FITC-M5: M5 labeled with a donor probe, FITC Cy3-M5: M5 labeled with a acceptor probe, Cy3 FRET IL-1a-dependent FRET between donor FITC-M5 and acceptor Cy3-M5 bound to IL-1 RI on the surface of CHO-mu1c cells IL-1a IL-1ra control IL-1a IL-1ra A, a mixture of 5 nM FITC-M5 and 5 nM Cy3-M5 was incubated with CHO-mu1c cells (3 X 106 cells/ml) containing wild-type transfected receptors for 50 min at 22 °C. IL-1a or IL-1ra was added at a final concentration of 30 nM immediately after the time point at t = 0 min (arrow), and changes in the ratio of Cy3-M5 fluorescence to FITC-M5 fluorescence were monitored over time. Changes in this ratio were also monitored for the control sample to which no ligand was added. B, normalized fluorescence ratio for cells with added IL-1a or IL-1ra calculated from data in A. FRET IL-1a but not IL-1ra causes aggregation between IL-1 RI-labeled with FITC and Cy3 Fab fragments of M5 as detected by FRET IL-1a IL-1ra A mixture of 20 nM FITC-M5-Fab and 20 nM Cy3-M5-Fab was added to CHO-mu1c cells transfected with wildtype receptors and incubated at 22 °C for 50 min. IL-1a or IL-1ra was added to a final concentration of 10 nM immediately after the time point at 0 min. Changes in the normalized ratio of Cy3-M5 Fab fluorescence to FITCM5 Fab fluorescence were monitored over time at 22 °C. FRET IL-1-dependent energy transfer between IL-1 RI is temperature B A A mixture of 20 nM FITC-M5 Fab and 12 nM Cy3-M5 Fab was added to CHO-mu1c cells (3 X 106 cells/ml) with transfected wild-type IL-1 RI and preincubated at either 4 °C (A) or 22 °C (B) for 50 min. Immediately after the baseline data point at t = 0 min, IL-1a was added (arrow) at a final concentration of 10 nM to both samples. Changes in the normalized ratio of Cy3-M5 Fab fluorescence to FITC-M5 Fab fluorescence was monitored over time at the corresponding preincubation temperature. At t = 85 min, the temperature for sample (A) was changed from 4 to 22 °C, and the temperature for sample (B) was changed from 22 to 4 °C. Changes in the normalized fluorescence ratio continued to be monitored until t = 180 min. FRET IL-1a-dependent FRET can be detected between FITCM5 Fab and Cy3-M5 Fab bound to the cytoplasmic tail deleted mutant IL-1 RI on CHO-extn cells A B A mixture of 20 nM FITC-M5 Fab and 12 nM Cy3-M5 Fab was added to wild-type transfected receptors on CHO-mu1c cells and incubated at 22 °C for 50 min (A). A mixture of 20 nM FITC-M5 Fab and 12 nM Cy3-M5 Fab was added to CHO-extn cells (cytoplasmic tail deleted mutant IL-1 RI) and incubated at 22 °C for 50 min (B). IL-1a was added to a final concentration of 20 nM at the arrow, and changes in the normalized ratio of Cy3-M5 Fab fluorescence to FITCM5 Fab fluorescence were monitored over time at 22 °C. SPR: Surface Plasma Resonance SPR Diagram of BIAcore SPR Interactions between lectins and immobilized glycoproteins SPR Interactions between lectins and immobilized glycoproteins An overlay plot of binding curves showing the interaction between lectins and immobilized thyroglobulin. Lectin solutions (50 µg/ml in 10 mM HEPES, 0.5 mM MnCl2 , 0.5 M CaCl2 and 0.05% surfactant, pH 7.4) were injected. Bound lectin was dissociated by 100 mM HCl (15 µl, 5 µl/min). SPR Summary of the interaction of seven lectins of different nominal specificities with immobilized glycoproteins Binding of lectin to the glycoprotein is indicated by “+” and lack of binding by “-” in the above table. As control experiments, the lectins were injected over (i) an immobilized non-glycosylated protein (recombinant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase expressed in E. coli) and (ii) a blank surface which was subjected to immobilizationchemistry in absence of a protein. The lectins did not show any binding in the control experiments. SPR SPR-MS: Ligand Fishing with Biacore 3000 SPR MS Detection Identification Selective binding, recovery and identification by MALDI MS of a specific interaction partner Other important techniques in protein interaction research Mass Spectrometry Cross-linking Ultracentrifuge ChIP (Chromatin immunoprecipitation) Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry is indispensable for protein identification and will be in the center of proteomics research. High sensitivity High resolution High throughput Reference data bases Interactions Prediction server – Predictome (Boston U) – Plex (UTexas) – STRING (EMBL) – MIPS – DIP – YPD – Intact (EBI) – BIND/ Blueprint – GRID – MINT Protein complexes – MIPS – YPD From defining the proteome to understanding function Thanks!